30 April 2017

For Better or Diverse

In it's never-ending campaign to celebrate anything remotely multicultural, CBC confuses "Badass" with bad liar...It's not the first time he's told this particular porky...In 2015 Saijan told the B.C. program "Conversations That Matter" that Gen. Jonathan Vance, the current chief of defence staff who...

29 April 2017

Or you could even be Prime Minister

Who needs smarts or talent, you've got all that way cool Paris Hilton "name recognition"...In her second job, as a “reporter” with NBC, she earned a whopping $600,000 a year for her hard-hitting human interest stories about folk music in the Ozarks and whether the Geico Gecko, who is not actually even real, is a well-recognized celebri...

28 April 2017

Journalism 101

Post a big picture of a gun pointing straight at the reader... and maybe people won't think about the sociopath who actually took this person's life..."Police have identified the victim as Kamar Macintosh. They add that this was a targeted attack. Investigators are searching for at least one suspect,...

Remember how your Bank Manager...

...is always telling you to get further into debt? Yeah... me neither...TORONTO - Ontario’s Liberal government plans to finance next year’s election spending spree with millions in new debt. The Liberals intend to increase borrowing 23% over previous estimates in the next three years to $96.5 billi...

27 April 2017


...the Road to Shambala...The Proud Boys call themselves Western chauvinists who “refuse to apologize for creating the modern world.” They flooded Berkeley in huge numbers earlier this month and appear to be amassing a return visit.********** RELATED: These days, Millennial fascism abounds"Students back then appreciated that universities were supposed to make them uncomfortable." "They engaged...

26 April 2017

No Bull

Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre finds himself in a unique position. Having just declared Canada’s second largest metropolis a “sanctuary city,” he now finds himself an unlikely defender of a summer rodeo against animal rights activists who are distributing a petition to ban the event. The animal rights activists, who have tried unsuccessfully for decades to shut down the world-famous Calgary Stampede,...

25 April 2017


Subverting the law of the land... and proud of it..."He was very confident that we were able to make those charges go away," Trudeau said of his father, former prime minister Pierre Trudeau. "We were able to do that because we had resources, my dad had a couple connections and we were confident that my little brother wasn't going to be saddled with a criminal record for life."And remember how Maggie...

Tijuana two-step

TEPATEPEC, Mexico (AP) — For more than 100 years, most of what gets flushed down Mexico City's toilets has resurfaced two hours to the north in the rivers and reservoirs of the rural Mezquital Valley. A massive new water treatment plant is about to change this. But rather than welcoming the prospect of cleaner water, angry farmers are demanding the government honor an 1895 presidential decree granting...

24 April 2017

Their politics... your money

Ontario will provide 4,000 residents in Hamilton, Thunder Bay and Lindsay with free income, part of the government’s plan to test whether the extra funds will help improve their job prospects and quality of life. The idea is to give the province’s working poor, unemployed and homeless residents a so-called basic income to pay for their basic needs of food and housing.********** RELATED: What's...

A Tale of Two Bills

Assume for these purposes that all of the accusations in both cases are true. For one Bill (O'Reilly), these are accusations of failed jokes, allegedly inappropriate looks, allegedly condescending remarks, and, in the most recent case that brought matters to a head, an invitation to a hotel room which was declined and not pursued further. For the other Bill (Clinton), it is accusations of rape,...

Is Justin Trudeau building another France?

After the mid-twentieth century, the French state built a vast stock — about 5 million units—of public housing, which now accounts for a sixth of the country’s households. Much of it is hideous-looking, but it’s all more or less affordable. Its purpose has changed, however. It is now used primarily for billeting not native French workers, as once was the case, but immigrants and their descendants,...

23 April 2017

You do something about it...

...or you hunker down in the cellar with a baguette, some vin ordinaire and a variety of cheeses...French daily Le Monde reported that French Interior Minister Matthias Fekl asked municipalities to make sure that officials at every polling station have a direct telephone number for security forces....

22 April 2017

"As was widely foreseen..."

"...the Liberals’ 'Legalize marijuana in as awkward, truculent, and impractical a way as possible' legislation has created a whole new industry." "I don’t mean selling weed, of course: we had that trade before. I’m referring to newspaper columns, op-eds, and interviews about how crummy this law i...

Who needs ISIS?

Toronto's own terrorists strike yet again...The victim was found without vital signs, suffering from gunshot wounds in a parking lot near Dufferin Street and Eglinton Avenue West around 9:40 p.m. He was later pronounced dead at the scene, police say. The homicide unit has been called in to investigate...

20 April 2017

That vacation destination list...

...keeps getting shorter...An attacker with an automatic weapon opened fire on police on Paris’ iconic Champs-Elysees Thursday night, killing one officer and seriously wounding two others before police shot and killed him. Two police officials, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the ongoing...

The "Bong Fun" Registry

Trudeau government engages consulting firm of Cheech & Chong to oversee bureaucratisation of Justin's dopefest...OTTAWA — The federal government is looking to establish a cannabis tracking system to collect information from licensed producers, distributors and retailers — just one of a host of changes contained in bills tabled last week that set stage for the drug’s legalization.I can see Pierre-lite...

Got your taxes filed yet?

Ever wonder what the bureaucrats do with all that money they pick from your pocket? Well, wonder no more...The amount of uncollected rent and parking owed to the Toronto Community Housing Corporation has doubled in five years from $6.9 million in 2012 to $12.8 million in 2016. The number of units with arrears outstanding has increased nearly 50% during that same time period from 6,719 to 10,032.And...

19 April 2017

Typical homegrown media deception

Fake news media working hard to get “Kelly Leitch” and “Nazi” into the same story. No point in asking anyone who was there any questions either…********** RELATED: Another Day, Another Akbar How much play will this be getting in Canadian media?Kori Ali Muhammad, 39, shouted "Allahu Akbar" as police tackled him to the ground after the shootings which were spread over four locations, Fresno, California...

18 April 2017

Toronto... another day...

...another murder...Officers were called to the area of Queen Street East and Booth Avenue at around 1:50 a.m. for a medical call. When emergency crews arrived on scene, they found a man with “apparent injuries.” He was pronounced dead a short time later.********** RELATED: Silence of the BLMsIn a video appeal released Tuesday, Homicide Det. Shannon Dawson asked members of the public for information...

Journalism 101

Funny, nobody seems that interested in the Clinton's finances..."I have never seen a liberal reporter speculate about why Obama’s college and law school records are a state secret, but I have a pretty good guess on that one, too."********** RELATED: More "News you won't see..." ...on the CBC...Arrests of illegal immigrants are reportedly up by one-third in the early weeks of the Trump administration,...

With apologies to The Matrix...

..."if you have something terribly important to say to Kim Jong-un... I suggest you say it now...""We'll be conducting more missile tests on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis," Vice-Foreign Minister Han Song-ryol told the BBC's John Sudworth. He said that an "all-out war" would result if the US took military action.What the Norks don't realise is that the world has changed. Donald Trump already...

17 April 2017

Chillax, bro...

Justin's gonna figure it all out..."Some researchers, including those at the U.S.-based National Institute on Drug Abuse, have suggested there is simply no adequate way to measure THC levels, or to determine just how drugged a person is in a roadside test."********** RELATED: Dave's not here, man..."Federal public safety minister Ralph Goodale says the plan to legalize recreational marijuana does...

16 April 2017

Yet another blatant case of...

..."The Man" keeping black folk down...But just as his career appeared destined for stardom, Toronto police named him as one of the leaders of the Young Buck Killaz, a gang allegedly involved in a terrifying downtown shootout that spiralled into a case of kidnapping and sexual tortu...

15 April 2017

Solve for X

According to diversity training materials being disseminated at publicly-funded Clemson University, expecting people from other cultures to show up on time is racist. The university spent nearly $27,000 on diversity training materials from a company called Workplace Answers.********** RELATED: The Harvard Palestine Solidarity CommitteeIf this is “reality,” why do they have to resort to hoaxing...

14 April 2017

I guess NatPo reporter Adrian Humphries...

...read my blog post from March 31st...HAMILTON, Ont. — Hamilton police raided a controversial medical marijuana grow-operation after the National Post "revealed" it was operated by a gangster who had been murdered in Toronto. On April 6, the Post "revealed" the victim of a gangland-style slaying in Toronto was "heavily involved in the medical marijuana business." Sergi not only led a province-wide...

Something you'd have never seen...

...under an Obama presidency...Detroit — A Detroit emergency room physician was charged Wednesday with mutilating the genitalia of two 7-year-old girls in what is believed to be the first case of its kind brought under federal law. ********** RELATED: No more suckass Obluster“The Department of Justice is committed to stopping female genital mutilation in this country, and will use the full power...

13 April 2017

We'll show those puny Afghanis

Canadian government under Pierre-Lite to become world's largest sanctioned "pusher"...The new law would allow adults 18 and over to possess up to 30 grams of dried cannabis or its equivalent in public, share up to 30 grams of dried marijuana with other adults and buy cannabis or cannabis oil from a provincially regulated retail...

Just a typical small town Mountie

As Canadian as fallafel...The father testified in his own defence, and presented himself as a victim, speaking for hours about his fragile state of mind. He detailed the troubles of his own childhood in war-torn Lebanon.********** RELATED: Nine months pregnant...Charges have been upgraded against a 25-year-old Pickering, Ont. man accused of killing his pregnant wife and police say further charges...

12 April 2017

Thank your lucky stars...

...most of these guys are dumb as stumps...“Yep, that’s the life. I just signed a major contract, too. LOL,” Wiwchar wrote to an unidentified pal — known as Snootse — on June 11, 2012. “For what?” asked Snootse. “Contract killing ... that’s my bizness,” replied Wiwch...

11 April 2017

A breath of fresh air...

Please do not apply if you oversleep, have court often, do not have a babysitter everyday, have to get rides to work later than our work day begins, experience flat tires every week, have to hold onto a cell phone all day, or will become an expert at your job with no need to learn or take advice after the first day." "Must be able to talk and work at the same time. Must also remember to come back...

10 April 2017

And Paul Hogan wept...

Christians in Sydney, Australia, are being advised to hide their crosses after an Arabic-speaking gang shouting “F*** Jesus!” attacked a couple on a train while transport officers looked on from a “safe space” and did nothing. Toss another Christian on the barbie, mate! ********** RELATED: Just imagine them doing this to a Muslim Never in a million years. ********** LAST WORD: Holy Shisha,...

From the folks who brought you...

...free pharmaceutical grade heroin for street junkies..."I expect employers to recognize this very clear signal that forcing someone to wear high heels at work is unacceptable," British Columbia Jobs Minister Shirley Bond said in a news release."Obviously, in today's complex, ever-changing world, someone needed to address this pervasive social ill. ********** RELATED: Thousands died at Vimy... ...CBC...

More SJW madness

The latest chapter is that Peterson’s been denied a grant that funds his research interests. The reason is unknown but the timing is suspicious, given that he’s currently public enemy No. 1 for squishy progressives in the Canadian academy.Man... unlike the millenials, I learn something every day..."If you’re invited to speak on campus and you say things that challenge leftist prejudice, there’s a...

09 April 2017

Special Rules for Special People

OTTAWA -- Liberal Health Minister Jane Philpott says Ottawa will now pay for someone to travel with indigenous women who need to leave their communities to give birth -- a change to what she called an "extremely unhelpful" policy.Let's ask Hector MacMillan what he thin...

The capricious and unknowable...

..."Will of Allah"..."At least 38 people have been killed following two suspected suicide bombings at Coptic Christian services, Egypt's state television reported."********** UPDATE: Death toll is now 47 and counting ********** RELATED: Coming soon... ...to a neighbourhood near you..."The Stockholm truck attack suspect from Uzbekistan was a rejected asylum-seeker who eluded authorities' attempts...

How does your light shine...

Wash away my troubles... ...wash away my pain... with the rain in Shambala...The University of Missouri has announced the closure of three additional undergrad residence halls due to the shortfall in student enrollment following the 2015 race protests. The closures bring the total number of closed residence halls to seven.********** RELATED: Need some detail?The prolonged protests featured professor...

08 April 2017

Would the CBC lie to you?

FROM THE COMMENTS:More flaws in agenda driven gun violence study... the study not only includes anyone up to age 25 but they also include BB guns, air soft and paintball guns in their definition of firearm.********** RELATED: The life you save... ...may be your own. ********** LAST WORD: The usual suspects...Police say 19-year-old Rushawn Anderson of Toronto turned himself in on Tuesday. No...

07 April 2017

As Pierre-Lite would say...

"Innocent until proven ISIS"..."Sweden has been attacked. Everything points to the fact that this is a terrorist attack," Prime Minister Stefan Lofven told reporters during a visit in western Sweden.Yet again, the dulcet tones of "Jesus, er... Mohammed Take the Wheel" waft across the land. ********** UPDATE: Justin... show us your tits!!!"Trudeau Liberals announce someone will be held accountable...

05 April 2017

The imminent end of Western civilization

When Ziad Ahmed was asked “What matters to you, and why?” on his Stanford University application, only one thing came to mind: #BlackLivesMatter. So for his answer, Ahmed — who is a senior at Princeton Day School in Princeton, New Jersey — wrote #BlackLivesMatter exactly 100 times. The risky decision paid off. On Friday, Ahmed received his acceptance letter from Stanfo...

04 April 2017

Professional Journalism 101

"I'm showing you the politics of 'real journalism'. 'Real journalism' is that Bloomberg had it and the New York Times had it but they wouldn't run it because they don't want to run any stories that would make Obama look bad or that will vindicate Trump. They only want to run stories that make Trump look bad so that's why they sat on it."********** RELATED: That's funny... the CBC missed that...

03 April 2017

02 April 2017

The New "Normal"

If this had been 5 years ago, you bet your ass every woman in there would’ve been like, “Ummm what are you doing in here?”, but in 2017? The mood has shifted. We had been culturally bullied into silenced. We all did. Every woman who exited a stall and immediately zeroed right in on him...said nothing. And why? B/c I and I’m sure all the others were scared of that “what if”. What if I say something...