Really, really good friends help you move bodies...BAD NEWS - Ankara has been accused of letting various Syrian rebel groups – including some of those that grew into the so-called Islamic State – use south Turkey as a de facto rear base as they fought against the regime of Bashar al-Assad.
REALLY, REALLY BAD NEWS - John Holmes, Canada’s ambassador to Ankara, told The Globe and Mail that the Turkish...
30 November 2015
With an intro by SJW Chuckie Windsor

You know... the sixty-seven year-old dilettante whose mummy doesn't think he's quite ready for a "real job"..."Taking the fuel consumption of a Boeing 747 – around 16.5 miles per gallon – which the website describes as a 'happy medium between private jets and bullet trains', it is estimated around 27...
29 November 2015
Readers will say, well, surely this is the sort of nonsense politicians always pack into their memoirs. And they will be right. But it is remarkable to come face to face with someone so utterly convinced of his own idealism, or so cynical as to insist upon it, so soon after he irrefutably demonstrated his lack of it — by squandering billions of dollars for a few seats the Liberals would probably have...
28 November 2015
Toronto's Fred Victor Mission... a bold new initiative designed to give purpose and employment to some of the city's worst alcoholics, has announced they will be setting up a distillery in a warehouse adjacent to their Toronto mission and hostel facility.
Naw... just kidding. I mean that would be absolutely insane, right?
The Feminazi Files
"You have an axe to grind with 5yr old boys, maybe you shouldn't teach kindergarte...
27 November 2015
His fever dreams... your money

He claims to be a climate warrior, but rather than donate his own "dirty, carbon-stained money" to the Sierra Club or Greenpeace... Justin Trudeau has financial advisors working to increase his tainted eco-criminal funds.Remember, Justin Trudeau is a millionaire. He didn't earn this money, he inherited...
26 November 2015
From our bulging "doomed to repeat it" files

Say, Professor Obama...
Refresh my memory... how exactly did that "Pilgrim" thing work out for the folks already living in the neighborhood?
RELATED: As arrogant as Pierre...
...with none of those annoying IQ points...“I know that if I’m sitting here as Prime Minister, it has very little...
Dear PM "Imagine All the People"...
I get that aboriginal people in Canada are way more likely to be murdered, than, for example, the rest of epidermally privileged us.
What I'm curious to know is, what if the killer isn't actually that ol' racist Colonel Mustard with his Hudson's Bay blankets in the gender-specific bathroom?
According to party-poopers like StatsCan and the RCMP, there's a few other things to be considered here."The...
25 November 2015
As much as I'd like...

...a $6000 bespoke leather jacket...I think I'd actually prefer three exquisitely tooled off-the-rack rifles.
And I think I'll start right here...Currently available here in Canada in both ever popular NATO calibers. His & hers Christmas presents anyon...
24 November 2015
Is your safety and security...

...dependent on Liberals calling audibles & gadget plays?Of course, the headline is a little misleading as it says nothing about the 15,000 refugees being admitted in the eight weeks after Christmas.The government will prioritize complete families, women at risk, and members of the LGBT community....
The true cost of Wynning

"The best euphemism in the government’s cap-and-trade discussion paper is “carbon leakage.” Perhaps this sounds like some kind of accidental carbon emission. In fact, it is a sanitized term for job losses.
“Carbon leakage” is when a company relocates out of Ontario and into another jurisdiction where...
Iraq... Syria... Afghanistan?
Nope... it's beautiful multicultural Sweden...Stockholm opened what is believed to be the world's first rape clinic for men. More and more men are being subjected to homosexual rape in multicultural Sweden. 370 sex crimes against boys and men were registered in 2014, although the actual number of incidents is thought to be significantly higher.
October 7: TV4's popular investigative journalism TV...
23 November 2015
And speaking of Gawd...

...and his earthly instruments...Thanabalasingam Kanagasabpathy, a director of the Scarborough temple’s governing society said, "The temple is a public facility and anyone could come to pray," adding, "It is not my place to ask their political affiliations. World Tamil Movement people, sometimes they...
British Prime Minister David Cameron said Monday he would ask for parliamentary approval this week to begin participating in U.S.-led airstrikes on ISIS in Syria.
Cameron also offered the use of a British air base in Cyprus for anti-IS actions in Syria.**********
RELATED: I'm sure it's nothing..."The Paris public hospital authority said Sunday a "limited number" of suits were missing but wouldn't...
22 November 2015
My Melting Pot Overfloweth

Molenbeek, er... Hamtramck, USA... coming soon to a Liberal enclave near you...Ibrahim Algahim, a political activist in the Yemeni community spoke at a victory celebration... What he said at that meeting might disturb some in the community.
“Today, we showed the Polish and everybody else that we are...
Whaddaya say we ask...
...Nathan Cirillo's mother about plans to guard Syrian refugees with Canadian military reservists...“One of my fears is that they won’t have enough boots on the ground and they’re going to get killed.”
The parent also wants to know if soldiers will be properly armed with live ammunition.
“If they are armed and these kids have to defend themselves and end up shooting someone, will the defence minister...
21 November 2015
From the folks who brought you...

...the Trojan Horse...Lesbos (Greece) (AFP) - As the hunt for jihadists widens after last week's Paris attacks, authorities in Greece warn it was virtually impossible to pick out dangerous extremists among arriving migrants, without prior intelligence.
It's a seemingly detailed security check, but...
20 November 2015
Not so much "Religion of Peace"... Religion of "piece of ass"...
"Europe's first woman suicide bomber was a party animal with a string of boyfriends who had shown no interest in religion, it emerged today. A photograph has also emerged of Hasna Ait Boulahcen posing for a selfie in the bath. Her face is covered in heavy make-up...
Don't blame me... I didn't vote for 'em...Ontario now boasts the highest proportion of minimum wage workers in Canada and one of the worst rates of long-term unemployment in the country.But don't you worry... those 10,000 non-English speaking refugees will fix everything.
RELATED: Ask an "APEC Hottie"The Liberal campaign motto should have been, "Politics, As Usual!"But, but, but... isn't...
19 November 2015
Kathleen Wynne appoints special team...

...of Islamic-friendly Ambassadors to soothe 10,000 Ontario bound Syrian refugees concerns...The first get together will involve cocktails and a night of musical theatre, guaranteed to make the travel-weary newcomers feel right at ho...
18 November 2015
Parris Island Chief DI - 2030 AD

From our voluminous "calls it as I sees it" file...A 10 year-old just penned a letter to the Navy, thanking troops for their service and wishing them well.
“Thank you for your service. Me and my family are so thankful for you troops protecting us. Thank you for trying your hardest to protect our country....
Parkas, maybe a little Powerpoint?

What's our "soft-power PM" gonna "whip out" now?• "France's ambassador to Canada, Nicolas Chapuis said Sajjan assured him that Canada would remain a part of the coalition against ISIS, even as the Liberal government looks to move ahead with its campaign promise to wind down the country's participation...
Despite CTV's vapid cheerleading...
...playing soccer, or tweeting about playing soccer, does not, in any way, shape or form... fight terrorism..."LONDON -- Uniting in a symbol of defiance and respect, fans and players of the French and English soccer teams delivered a moving display of solidarity at Wembley Stadium... social media was awash with praise for the dignified way a sensitive occasion was handled."And indeed it was..."It's...
17 November 2015
Unlike Mutti Merkel, Hussein Obama...

...and Justin can take Vlad the Impaler to the bank...The very clear message to jihadis here is... "you had best be wearing your explosive vests 24/7 for the rest of your miserable fugitive lives."
'Cos if my merciless, single digit IQ heavies from certain unnamed government offices...
Dear Macleans magazine...

...instead of a cover story glorifying a self-admitted terrorist and murderer, a man who is currently suing Canadians for tens of millions of dollars... might I suggest...
What's that... just a little "too real?"
This is why you and the rest of the dead tree media are going bankrupt. The people...
16 November 2015
Fuzzy Bunny and the Jets

Vimy Ridge, Juno Beach or...The Battle of Papineau Run?
RELATED: Religion??? What Religion???The mother of Paris suicide bomber Ibrahim Abdeslam - whose two brothers are also suspects - has said her son "did not mean to kill anyone" and believes he blew himself up because of "stress".Apparently...
15 November 2015
News by the numbers
Ralph Goodale takes a page from Mad Magazine... "What, me worry?"First, a little background...The Islamic State extremist group said in a statement posted online that the attacks were launched in retaliation for France's involvement in the air campaign against ISIS militants.Now, add in a little Librano spin...After briefing with top security officials, Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale said there...
14 November 2015
The Emperor's New Clothiers

"CBC has all but shutdown their comment sections. Apparently, no one has any faith in our dear leader."
"Comments are taking over an hour to get approved."Meanwhile, on the diplomatic front, it appears as though Stephane "Mumbles" Dion is still having trouble with his English... earnestly offering...
Dear Prime Minister Care Bear...

..about that wonderful Christmas present you're preparing for Canadians...A Syrian passport has been retrieved from one of the suicide bombers who blew himself up outside the Stade de France stadium last night, according to two French police officers. It has not yet been confirmed whether the Syrian...
Paris... let's do the math

It looks like less than a dozen, correction, eight, terrorists are responsible for last nights Paris massacre. Remember that number. •••Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wants to bring 25,000 unvetted refugees into the country by Christmas. •••
Now, if just 1% of Justin's 25,000 proposed "refugees" are...
13 November 2015
Because it's 2015
“If you don’t like a costume someone is wearing, look away, or tell them you are offended. Talk to each other. Free speech and the ability to tolerate offence are the hallmarks of a free and open society,” Christakis wrote.
That was too much for some Yale undergraduates to bear. A video showed a calm Christakis being attacked by students.It seems especially fitting that these events are kicking off...
C'mon precious... you didn't actually think...
...the Liberals were gonna start doing any of that crazy stuff they promised...Since the October 19 federal election, that saw the Trudeau Liberals defeat the Harper Conservatives, Canadian fighter jets have conducted air strikes 11 times in Iraq, destroying Islamic State fighting positions and ammunition caches.
The Canadian military says CF-18s will continue to fly in support of the air campaign...
12 November 2015
To Serve and...
...hey, look... donuts...Last Friday the Colorado Springs Police Department agreed to the demands of 12 female officers who filed a civil suit claiming the fitness tests are discriminatory. All the officers were over the age of 40.
The female officers who filed suit had been moved to desk duty after failing the test.**********
RELATED: Holy bikini-babe, Batman!
Canada has a "beauty queen?" And...
So help me, er... Ralph
The left’s intentional habit of confusing secularism with de-Christianization has done little to minimize the role of faith in Canadian society; increasingly, it just means as Christians stand down, religions whose roots in Canadian culture are far shallower step up.
What results is not a Canada free of the imagined regressive or irrational influences of faith, but simply one where religious cultures...
Lies My President Told Me
At least 38 false accounts of President Obama’s life story were documented in just the Maraniss biography. Additional falsehoods have been detected in Obama’s biographies, many of them apparently designed to further a narrative of overcoming racial adversity and an underprivileged li...
11 November 2015
Justin's Vagenda starts to smell

The problem with choosing people on the basis of their plumbing is that sometimes you run smack into an immovable lump of shite...Neurologists who treat MS patients are appalled, saying her lobbying calls into question Duncan’s suitability as a neutral, dispassionate science czar. “This is the most...
Lest We forget

Do you know someone who enlisted in World War I in Canada?
•• Search the WWI CEF database ••
Do you know a Canadian killed while serving his country?
•• Search the Commonwealth War Graves database ••
My wife's grandfather, a member of the Canadian Cyclist Battalion, (pictured, in the kilt)...
Remember when...

..."sacrificing for your art"... didn't mean dismembering an 80 pound drug-addled hooker?••• "Adrian Daou was working as a dishwasher and drug dealer when he hatched a murder plot in the summer of 2010 with the hopes that killer status would launch his dream career as a hip hop star." •••Generation...
10 November 2015
If only some bureaucrat...
...had an official, nicely watermarked piece of paper filed away in triplicate somewhere...OTTAWA — The RCMP believes it has “come to a dead end” in its probe of where Parliament Hill shooter Michael Zehaf Bibeau got his gun — one of the most vexing questions about the events of Oct. 22, 2014.`Zounds, Sherlock... wouldn't this despicable act have been a job for our now-defunct 2 billion dollar long...
So, if we're already in deficit...

...doesn't that just give the Liberals a running start? -- Strangely enough, it doesn't appear so..."The new government has not yet committed to releasing a fall fiscal update."Surely the party that is promising to run up a massive financial shortfall over the forseeable future isn't gonna go with...
09 November 2015
What Toronto really needs... 25,000 more unvetted, unemployable, non-English speaking adherents of a hostile idealogy...According to police, a 50-year-old man standing on the sidewalk near Yonge and College streets was attacked and knocked to the ground by a man he didn’t know.
The assailant continued on into the mall, shoving a 70-year-old woman as he went down a flight of stairs.
When he got the bottom, he punched a...
08 November 2015
Because it's 2015

Hope you're all enjoying your "real change" anything goes world...In the pictures he is seen tenderly holding his plastic 'bride', enjoying a first dance in a ballroom and even taking part in candid shots in front of the make-up mirror.What a considerate fellow... obviously nothing to do with a political...
07 November 2015
Gotta have priorities...
...and let's face it... kids with cerebral palsy don't vote..."OHIP is refusing to pay for the costly surgery because an Ontario specialist hasn’t signed off on it."Gotta be fiscally responsible, right?
So how exactly did Ms. Wynne's Liberals managed to find an extra 70 million dollars a year for IVF to solve the "plague" of social infertility affecting Ontario lesbians.
RELATED: “Because...
04 November 2015
It's so reassuring to have someone or some thing to look up to...“There is a level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say 'we need to go green.'"So how's that workin' out, Glamour Boy?"China has been using up to 17 percent more coal a year than reported. By some estimates, that means almost a...
So what...
...if Justin dumps 25,000 undocumented refugees in Toronto... who would even notice?Toronto resident Kwasi Kobia, 18, has been charged with a total of 36 charges in connection with the case including attempted murder, uttering threats, careless use of a firearm, and unauthorized possession of a firearm.And speaking of criminals...Police charged Fathi Rashid with four counts each of sexual assault,...
03 November 2015
You voted for them... deserve to pay for it... Ontario's liberals to implement latest "tax on stupidit...
"You guys are way too sensitive..."

...says part-time comedian and full-time Supreme Ayatollah...Sure, Ali... tell us the one about the Jews who bake Muslim kids blood into their matzah. That's a scream, too...
02 November 2015
A Billion here, a trillion there...

...pretty soon, you're talkin' real money...When Mr. Obama took over in January 2009, the total national debt stood at $10.6 trillion. That means the debt will have very nearly doubled during his eight years in office, and there is much more debt ahead with the abandonment of “sequestration” spending...
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