It's time folks...In fact, it's way past time to derail this particular gravy train...“Multiple, credible, well-placed sources within the TPS, including a dispatcher?”More well placed than the chief?**********RELATED: That's the way we do ...
...there's just not enough suckass politically-correct petty bureaucracy in my life? -- 2.2 DIDGERIDOO: -- Didgeridoo players are frequently used in Welcome ceremonies to ‘call’ speakers, special guests and the audience to begin the ceremony. A didgeridoo player may also be used as a soloist in other parts of the ceremony.Professional didgeridoo players, registered with an agent, charge a standard...
While the "Occupy" protesters grab up all the headlines... brave men put their lives on the line..."Master Corporal Byron Greff of the 3rd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry was killed in the explosion around 11:30 a.m. local time."And... a little closer to ho...
Nah... let's just blame Stephen Harper.**********RELATED: Speaking of "homicide statistics""Since the pit bull ban was enacted in 2005, pit bulls have killed fewer Ontarians than former attorney general Michael Bryan...
...six hour waits in hospital ER... it's past time to start plugging cracks in the dyke...And we could start right here... -- TORONTO -- As many as 50 Hungarian Roma a day are filing refugee claims at Pearson airport, putting a strain on airport staff and medical services, according to border services...
It's not like the United States Senate has anything else on their mind right now... right?"Canadian syrup producers are licking their lips over news that a group of U.S. lawmakers have proposed a bill that would make it a felony to market a product as maple syrup when it’s not the real thing."We haven't done maple syrup here at the Halls for a number of years.I think we're about due to replenish the...
Coming soon to an "affordable housing" enclave near you...Yeah, you know... a new chapter... a kind of Anne of Green Gables thing...Some lawyers believe Mr. Khadr could be out in less than a year if he takes his case again to the Canadian cour...
Is it just possible, Peace Moonbeam... that very publicly soliciting the assistance of an accused serial killer's mummy... might not serve the cause of objective journalism, or... more to the point... actual justice?But, but, but... it feels so good... and what could possibly go wrong?Professional journalists......
Say... aren't these the malcontents... who want to break away from Canada?" -- QUEBEC -- The province has always maintained it would create a replacement registry, suggesting the cost would amount to only 'a few million dollars a year'."Yeah... wasn't that what the Federal Liberals said "once upon a time?"“Without the data and the software I would hate to think how much it would cost to replace...
...ten dollar whore...Just one in 10 of the tents at the Occupy London Stock Exchange camp which has closed St Paul’s Cathedral are occupied at night, it can be revealed. The camp forced St Paul’s to close for the first time since the Blitz and is costing local businesses thousands of pounds a day.But most of the protesters are heading home to sleep in their own beds at night. Infra red images taken...
Rob Ford should've taken a page outta the Jean Chretien playbook... grabbed this dumb bunny by her ugly, unfunny face and tossed her to the ground..."'I came out of my house and I was ambushed,' said Ford. 'It was pretty dark still and my daughter was with me, there was a black Jeep or something outside...
How many times does Dalton McGuinty have to lie right to your face... before you figure it out?On the plus side, he's using that eco-friendly 58-wheeler, huh? -- Mississauga, ON -- The arrival of a massive generator at a supposedly unplugged Mississauga power plant site Monday will only jack up...
Gun Control forces target statistically insignificant issue of "deer rifle" criminality...I've gotta say, right up front... these guys must be way smarter than yours truly... because, even after racking my dumb as dogshit rural brain... I can't figure out how going after Farmer Bob's varmint rifle was...
.."Lord of the Flies" and "Animal Farm"...I can't wait to see who comes outta this piece of cheesy, robotic street-theatre with an Escalade and a Manhattan loft...Occupy Wall Street’s Finance Committee has nearly $500,000 in the bank, and donations continue to pour in -- but its reluctance to share...
Let's stop the bleeding right here...The non-partisan information commissioner has given the CBC a grade of “F” for its secrecy — but it still violates her order for it to disclose the truth. It’s spending millions in legal expenses to hide how it’s spending billions in other expenses.Let’s privatize the CBC. If some private billionaire wants to use the CBC as a weapon, that’s his business. In the...
-- EDMONTON -- The RCMP is beefing up the firepower of officers on patrol with a weapon now used by the army and police tactical squads. Starting next year, the C8 patrol carbine -- a cut-down version of a rifle similar to an M-16 -- will be made available to front-line RCMP members.In an Oct....
Cause... -- (CBS/AP) -- "Qaddafi is gone, your turn is coming, Bashar," protesters shouted on Friday in the central city of Hama, long a hotbed of resistance to the regime.Effect...Syrian forces fired on protesters Friday, killing up to 14 peop...
..."professional journalists?"...C'mon, now... why just rely on a single referral from Mom?"Mark is a very loving and kind person," Hyacinth Moore said one day after the 27-year-old was charged with 56 gun-related offences.Where's the syrupy attestations from his various "baby-mommas?" Could it be...
"...which now joins corn ethanol in the ranks of heavily subsidized supposedly green technologies that are actually worse for the environment than current solutions."How's everything else going in Obamaland?Hmmm.... not so go...
...that'd never happen here in... wait a minute...“ -- KINGSTON, Ont. -- May the devil shit on their graves,” Mohammad Shafia told his second wife, Tooba Mohammad Yahya, 20 days after the bodies of the couple’s three teenage daughters and Mr. Shafia’s first wife were recovered from a car in the water at the locks.
In another snippet recorded by the device police had placed in a family car, Mr....
Yeah, yeah... I know how it sounds...“You’re all going to die,” a man dressed in black screamed at passengers Tuesday afternoon. “You’re all going to hell. Allahu Akbar.”FBI Special Agent Mark White, based in Dallas, said the event did not appear to be an act of terrorism. He described Shahsavari as a U.S. citizen who might have experienced an episode of mental illness.Hang on a second... I'm confused...... don't like the kind of "professional journalism" you're getting -- Just wait 24 hours...Donald Stuart, a Queen’s University law professor, said that the hearing is a worthwhile nod in the direction of openness, but will amount to little more than, "a meet-and-greet" session.Hey, Kirk... let's...
You ever wonder where stereotypes come from? Trust me, my friends... the suspense isn't the only thing that could kill you.The weight of all that metal... I'm surprised Prezidenteeh could actually lift a gun above his waist... -- TORONTO -- A Toronto rapper is charged with four counts of first-degree...
...where the little boy enthusiastically tells us about his daddy's new "solar energy" gig... well, it seems they left out a few mundane financial details...Get out your calculators, my friends...I'm thinking this isn't an equation you wanna try solving in your head..."The study also says creating 50,000...
...than Michael Bryant's car..."Where ordinary suspected criminals correctly have the right to refuse to assist the state in building a case against them, gun owners are denied that critical freedom." -- I'm tired of being a second-class citizen.(via ffof)**********BREAKING: Good news for firearms owne...
"...He's a Magic Man..."Last week, Vice President Joe Biden warned that more people would likely be raped and murdered if President Obama's jobs bill is not passed.Today, Biden reiterated his warning at an event in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.Behold Barack Obama's handpicked backup plan... a guy who makes Dan Quayle look like a theoretical physici...
A force for good..."Women are harassed and molested everywhere on buses, at metro stations, in markets ... we believe this is Asia's first phone application aimed at making women safer."...or for evil...So as the victim of a sexual assault, she was horrified when she encountered the contents of a Facebook page full of jokes about rape and violence toward wom...
Maybe the "arduous" part of this thing will be avoiding any sort of serious or meaningful dialogue...Or maybe, they just put the headline on the wrong article..."It promises to be a tightly scripted affair where MPs largely avoid touching on hot-button social, legal or political issues."Somebody correct...
...where former Conservative Premier Mike Harris kills a guy with his car on the busiest street in Toronto... and then writes a book portraying himself as the victim...“What really attracted me to this book was the unflinching description of one man’s descent into a kind of hell,” Turbide said. “He has been humbled by what happened, but more important, wants to rededicate himself to public service...
I'm sure it's nothing Peter & Lisa can't solve... with a few "creative" camera angles...Hmmm, here's a thought... let's have some more social commentary from the folks who brought you lead-painted baby toys. -- BEIJING (AP) -- China's foreign ministry said Monday the Occupy Wall Street movement...
You can choose to sit behind a desk... you can choose to skydive...Or you can choose to roll the dice at 225 mph. I think, for most of us... (Albert Einstein et al excepted)... a career is mostly background noise. Some of us just choose to crank up the volume more than others.Just this summer, a newfound...
The aunt of Christopher Rookwood — the city’s 39th and latest murder victim — is now reliving the nightmare of grieving over another family member.Rookwood’s cousin Nate Thompson was lured to a Jane-Sheppard townhouse complex and shot in the head in August 2010.At the other end of the city, Toronto Police are continuing to piece together why a 19-year-old was shot in a stairwell of an east-end apartment...
...go get a bunch of your buddies and set up blockades on the nearest highway... and, oh yeah, don't forget to bring along some guns...Make sure you get your nose outta joint if the cops have the temerity to get involved in your "business"...Shawn Atleo, national chief of the Assembly of First Nations,...
...are practically interchangeable...“The Liberal Party of Canada recognizes the profound importance of the CBC's role in our society. We will fight to ensure our national broadcaster receives the support and resources it needs to continue to do its vital job.”That's a billion taxpayer dollars per year....
Would our economic, environmental, and energy challenges best be solved by “funding a Manhattan-style project or by funding 100,000 garages across America to encourage the kind of industry and innovation that developed Silicon Valle...
Hey, Peace Moonbeam, I'm no tyrant... you wanna turn yourself into a vague approximation of a member of the opposite sex... knock yourself out. Heck, why stop there? The stars are, well... Krypton, to be precise... the limit.Just don't expect me to pay for it...Hey, Dalton... are you listening?**********FROM...
I dunno... what would Jack say?"TORONTO - At least one city councillor is fuming over plans by a consultative committee for suggesting on Tuesday that permits for body rub parlours be increased tenfold or more from the existing 25 to 'several hundreds' by early next year.""'This will make us the biggest...
“It is incumbent upon Canadian officials to investigate, arrest and prosecute former president Bush for torture when he arrives in Canada a week tomorrow,” said Alex Neve, Amnesty Canada's secretary-general.Torture, huh?Say, Alex... is there anything else you might be leaving out of your little initiative...
Door number one..."An altercation likely escalated to gunshots, said Det. Sgt. Pauline Gray. Gray would not comment on whether he was 'known to police'.""'He has a lovely family here in Toronto,' Gray added. 'They’re devastated. We’ve had a lot of contact with them and they’re very supportive.'"Door number two..."A 27-year-old gunned down in the city’s east end over the weekend — just steps away...
...another entirely to take action..."U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said in an announcement today that the plan was "conceived, sponsored and was directed from Iran" by a faction of the government and called it a "flagrant" violation of U.S. and international law."Let's see whether President McDreamy actually has "the right stuff."**********RELATED: Stacking the deck"The bundlers — Mark Gallogy,...
Shouldn't the headline actually read... "Professional journalist attends meticulously-scripted homage to knife-wielding mental patient?"So... seriously... what's the deal here? You're the owner's idiot nephew... and they saved the headline job just for you?Vex? Vex? Forsooth, I fear a touch.I don't...
...irrevocably final... -- TORONTO -- One man is dead and another is in hospital after a street race early Monday resulted in a horrific crash that left a sedan sliced in two.Hmmm... not exactly like you see in the theatre. Apparently that everlasting loyalty, blood-brothers meme... just evaporates...
-- TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- An Iranian military commander said Sunday that the protests spreading from New York's Wall Street to other U.S. cities are the beginning of an "American Spring," likening them to the uprisings that toppled Arab autocrats in the Middle East.Yes, of course, you knucklehead... it's exactly the same thing.**********RELATED: Compare & contrastConspicuously living among...
...license to thrill...Remember, it's only evil... when Bush/Cheney do it..."So scrupulous was the by-the-book Obama OLC about targeting Americans that they gave the okay to hit Awlaki before they’d even done the research into whether it was lega...