31 August 2019

Twenty to life in French prison...

...beats day to day existence in savage stone-age country... think about that...Bus drivers and witnesses chased the knife-wielding suspect as he ran into the Lyon metro station and then cornered him at an outdoor lift after the attack unfolded just before 4.30pm local time on Saturday, local media...

Justin Trudeau's Liberals...

...refuse to publicly acknowledge actual "trigger-pullers" because... "racism"...Let’s consider what the Trudeau government said about banning handguns in a discussion paper released in April by Public Safety Canada titled: “A Dialogue on Handguns and Assault Weapons.”“The vast majority of owners of...

Do stupid sh!t... win stupid prizes

Well, well, well... if it isn't the consequences of my own actions..."She reportedly needs full reconstruction of her ankles, knees and face, and likely won’t walk for another three years after the fall."********** RELATED: Thinning the herd... strengthens the species..."A drunk writer fell to his death during a roof party at his Upper East Side apartment Thursday night, according to police."And...

30 August 2019

Say, whatever happened to Kim Cam...

...sweet baby jebus... cementing her place in the history books...This is far from the first time Campbell has taken aim at Trump. She made waves earlier this year after echoing Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and calling the president a “motherf**ker!”Dim Kim better be praying no one in the Mar-a-Lago area...

Infamous mental institution that keeps...

...losing track of, uh... "not criminally responsible" clients, rewriting manuals to deal with "cultural relativity"...“A lot of people don’t even know what a psychologist is in South Asia. It’s a concept that you derive from North American values,” said Ahmad, who is also of South Asian descent.What's...

They look you right in the face...

...and they lie...The latest rule issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) agency will not strip the children of U.S. citizen service members and diplomats of their American citizenship despite false claims by the establishment media and Democra...

29 August 2019

Rules are for "Little People"...

...just ask Hillary..."Today’s report is a disappointing reminder that the former FBI Director put partisanship and personal ambition over patriotism and his legal obligations to the American people."So much for "checks & balances"..."By manufacturing an investigation into the president — one that...

The Usual, well... you know

TORONTO: Come for the museums... stay for the mayhem...Mann said the suspects are known to police and were both out on bail on previous gun charges. They will now face a slew of new firearm offences, he said. “Again, we see the situation where someone who has committed an offence was released and...

You've come a wrong way, baby

There's always Plan B, I guess...The back-and-forth episode, a sort of "Biden claim whack-a-mole," came as verbal gaffes have continued to rock the candidate's campaign, prompting a top aide to call the blunders "a part of his charm."ONCE MORE INTO THE BREACH:"In the space of three minutes, Biden got...

28 August 2019

But, but, but...

...biological, caucasion males aren't allowed to be victims...There’s a tendency right now to make every single thing about Donald Trump, but if you don’t see the dotted line connecting the president to a wave of men who feel thwarted and besieged and sentenced to an endless apology tour, then you’re...

27 August 2019

The modern stone age family.

Have a yabba dabba doo time... a dabba doo time...Bangladesh's top court has ruled that women in the Muslim-majority country will no longer have to declare whether they are virgins on their marriage registration forms. Separately, the high court also ruled that grooms will now have to disclose their...

I'll say this for Dave Chappelle...

...right or wrong, he's damn near fearless..."Not only do I believe they that have a right to chose, I believe they shouldn’t have to consult anybody, except for a physician about how to exercise that right.” “And ladies,” Chappelle added, “to be fair to us, I also believe that if you decide to have the baby a man shouldn’t have to pay. That’s fair." "If you can kill this motherfucker, I can at...

Let's ask somebody who knows

While Trudeau, Tory and others have pushed for a handgun ban, Hayward maintains “the only thing that works is making these guys afraid to carry their guns.”********** RELATED: TAVIS, TAVIS... that sounds so familiar ********** LAST WORD: Only human...The number of arrests and criminal summonses...

26 August 2019

Just about crapped myself...

..."It was horrifically appetizing”...VANCOUVER – "Researchers at the A&W Centre for Theoretical Food at the University of British Columbia were found yammering incoherently after piercing the scientific veil and briefly seeing what lies beyond 'Beyond Meat'."“Everyone was screaming, brandishing...


CNN: The "Never Read a History Book" channel...Talking head Brian Stelter sort of apologises after getting taken to the "non-fiction" woodshed..."I agree that I should have interrupted after that line."No, Brian... you should stop putting crazy people on TV. JUST WAIT 'TIL RUTH BADER GINSBURG CROAKS... ...then...

Maybe Justin should have a word...

...with his BFFs in China about the Sinaloa Cartel...The Mexican government announced the major fentanyl seizure, initially reported to be approximately 25.75 tons of powdered fentanyl that originated in Shanghai China.Don't hold your breath, though...Mexico, Mexico... that sounds so familiar..."Mexican...

25 August 2019

The good news is...

...nobody got carded...Homicide #41.Homicide Det. Sgt. Terry Browne told reporters at the scene that the victim is a 46-year-old man from Toronto. Police believe there was a large party with at least 100 people in the area when the shooting happened. "What's extremely disturbing to myself and our...

Prince Charles finally off the hook...

...for all that Camilla tomfoolery... "What child sex?" says Prince Andrew... "I just like airplanes... and private tropical islands."Andrew, who is the second son of Queen Elizabeth, issued a lengthy statement saying he wanted to “clarify the facts” around his relationship with Epstein.It gets better......

24 August 2019

But, if weird, uber-tentacled aliens...

...are gonna invade earth... shouldn't Will Smith be President?I say we get the "cure for cancer" off Uncle Joe, before he forgets where he put it. UPDATE: BIDEN ORG HAS NEW CAMPAIGN SLOGAN...“Those kids in Parkland came up to see me when I was vice president,” said the former vice president, before...

Once again, Toronto shooters use...

..."cloak of invisibility" to perpetrate ghastly crime... Come for the shopping, stay for the firefight."Investigators are still trying to determine what may have led to the shooting. The only description put out by police is that they’re looking for three individuals that were in a dark vehicle." "Police...

23 August 2019

A large part of Conservatism is...

...calling things by their proper names..."The San Francisco Board of Supervisors enacted changes to its language for criminals last month, sanitizing the harsh language traditionally used to identify criminals and their crimes."Well, we sure don't want to hurt anybody's feelings."It is unclear how...

22 August 2019

Let the pre-election bribery commence...

Oh, sorry... I meant "investment"...Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, accompanied by Mayor Valérie Plante, announced today a $50,000,000 federal investment into the giant new Montreal park, the Grand Parc de l'Ouest.********** RELATED: 40 Million here, 50 million there... ...pretty soon you're talkin'...

That venal, unfeeling Donald Tr...

...wait a minute...I wonder how Barack's "estate" will stack up against St Al Gore's little Nashville pied-à-terre...Gore’s mansion, [20-room, eight-bathroom] located in the posh Belle Meade area of Nashville, consumes more electricity every month than the average American household uses in an entire...

Diversity is our streng...

...sweet baby jebus... "explosive incidents"...Statistics released by the police show that Sweden saw a total of 83 explosive incidents during the period from January to July, a number that has increased to 120 this year, Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter reports, an increase of 45 percent compared to...

4.5 million dollar, intelligence led plan...

...off to a slow painful start...The man killed in a drive-by shooting in the city's north on Wednesday night, 33-year-old Toronto resident Abdikani Ishmail, is Toronto’s 40th homicide victim of 2019. Police say the victim was driving in a white SUV on Weston Road when an another vehicle pulled up beside it and someone opened fire.Meanwhile earlier this week... lucky #39...Police say officers found...

21 August 2019

Say what you will about...

...Canada's Quisling Media... you buy them, they stay bought...********** RELATED: The government you deserve...Dion had said that he would be happy to appear before the committee to discuss his report. Despite Erskine-Smith's vote, the Liberals' majority on the committee saw to it that the motion...

Chastened Mexican Drug Cartel...

... apologises to uber-woke Toronto politician... promises to just "use their words" in future narcotics disputes..."The suspected Mob-related shooters that gunned down a Roncesvalles Ave. restaurateur last week didn’t have to use a gun if they wanted to deliver a message, Mayor John Tory insists."Problem...

20 August 2019

Wait... he superglued her...

...what the f*ckin' f*ck?!?! Let's ask a former French Secretary of State...“If the suburbs give rise to further and even more violent uprisings, we will have no way to face them: we lack the means, we lack the men. This is the reality of the French political situation.”Of course, it's not like Canadians...

Seeing is no longer believing

SAN FRANCISCO — In George Orwell’s “1984,” the classics of literature are rewritten into Newspeak, a revision and reduction of the language meant to make bad thoughts literally unthinkable. “It’s a beautiful thing, the destruction of words,” one true believer exults. Now some of the writer’s own words are getting reworked in Amazon’s vast virtual bookstore, a place where copyright laws hold remarkably...

19 August 2019

Those Leading Democrat Lights

That's a pretty ballsy assertion from a woman with some hundreds of millions of ill-gotten gains at her greasy, sulphurous fingertips. And don't get me started on this fruitcake...Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT) is calling for the end to cash bail and claiming that “hundreds...

"It’s Canada’s problem now."

Let's turn this over to the folks who gave Omar Khadr 10.5 million taxpayer dollars..."A diplomatic source said the Canadian government had ‘gone berserk’ at the decision to remove Letts’s UK citizenship because he had ‘very little to do with Canada’."Jihadi Jack... coming soon to a neighborhood near...

18 August 2019

Majority of the nation’s homeless...

...now live in California....Last year a private developer introduced "Snapcrap," which allows residents to upload a photo of an offending specimen directly to the SF311 website. This alerts the city’s new five-person “poop patrol,” which will follow up, presumably, with a smile.You know they just...

The capricious and unknowable...

..."Will of Allah"..."A bomb has exploded in a wedding hall in the Afghan capital, Kabul, killing 63 people and wounding more than 180. The latest blast comes just 10 days after a huge bomb outside a Kabul police station killed at least 14 people and injured nearly 150."They do that to each other......

17 August 2019

Aging politician living life-long lie...

...apparently suddenly decides he needs a little public affirmation... and the MSM eats it up...I once worked with a guy, whose every waking moment was dedicated to ensuring that everyone he came in contact with... each and every day... knew that he really, really liked dick. Yeah, you heard me......