Hey, CBC... how about an investigation into Toronto's 2018 record breaking murder spree. Or would that be "racism?"
"Trudeau’s CBC is being trashed by Trudeau’s Globe and Mail for plans on a series regarding Paul Bernardo. The series is intended to boost the failing ratings of the Fifth Estate.READ IT HERE: DRAMATIC TWISTS + TURNS
It would go well with its never ending series on the gay guy who killed a bunch of other gay guys in Toronto."
Another page of the document notes that Sunday at 9 p.m. is known for premium television, and that luring viewers away from services such as HBO requires "HIGH QUALITY, DRAMATIC TWISTS + TURNS.”You know... like kidnapping, raping & murdering adolescent girls.
Or... this little HBO gem.
RELATED: All you need is... #EastEndLove...
Gimme those taxpayer dollars and a bunch of crayons...
Taking the sting out of Spree Murder... with colourful, smoochy posters.