31 December 2018

Do as I say... not as I do...

...the sheer hypocrisy of one Barry Obama...“In this new world that we live in we can’t isolate ourselves. We can’t hide behind a wall.“ Meanwhile, back in Washington DC, workers were completing work on Barack Obama’s wall around his home.The Obamas have that "common touch"..."...equally eye-catching...

30 December 2018

29 December 2018

Apparently, it's all "secret cop stuff"...

...you know... not for little people like you..."The only thing that is crystal clear in this mess is that the SIU has some ‘splaining to do, and so does the Centre for Forensic Sciences. Did someone drop the ball, and if so, which organization and why? And if not, then for the love of God, say so, and give the public some real information."In other "special rules for special people" news...Michael...

28 December 2018

Well, it worked for John Gotti

A brilliant "investment" scheme?" Why yes, and it won't be the first time China has used it: in December 2017, the Sri Lankan government lost its Hambantota port to China for a lease period of 99 years after failing to show commitment in the payment of billions of dollars in loans. The transfer, according to the New York Times, gave China control of the territory just a few hundred miles off the...

The bullet comes out here...

"...and goes really, really fast," says Toronto Police Chief...“People will obey the law if there’s a sign that says what they should be doing and if there is a method to capture if they don’t do it. The vast majority of those who lost their life were living high-risk lifestyles."You know... like this guy... On Thursday, the 20-year-old man – identified by officers as Cimran Farah, of Toronto –...

26 December 2018

Once again, Toronto shooter uses...

..."cloak of invisibility" to perpetrate ghastly crime..."A man is in critical condition after being shot late Christmas Day in Toronto’s Agincourt area at Sheppard Ave. and Kennedy Rd." There was no suspect information.********** RELATED: Diversity is our... sweet baby jebus...A male in his teens is in serious condition after being shot Thursday morning at 9:55 a.m. in the Jane St. and Finch Ave....

24 December 2018

Justin's Post National State...

...a magical land where there is no race or gender... no good or bad...“For investigative reasons, his name and information will not be released at this time,” Toronto Police Insp. Domenic Sinopoli said in a statement released Saturday. “The information will be released when appropriate.” Sinopoli...

22 December 2018


...where common sense goes to die..."Kathleen Cairns, a WBFF Baltimore journalist, tweeted a picture of a woman who was surrendering a 9mm. She hoped to use the money from the program to buy an even bigger gun."********** RELATED: It's all [culturally] relative, I guess... Baltimore is at 11 days...

21 December 2018

20 December 2018


Husbands, 29, has admitted killing Nixon Nirmalendran, 22, and Ahmed Hassan, 25, and wounding five others in the wild spray of bullets on June 2, 2012, but says he’s not criminally responsible due to a mental disorder. Now was his chance to convince the jury that after a childhood of trauma, their vicious attack left him mentally shattered.Well, I guess everybody deserves a second... sweet baby jebus..."Husbands...

Calling all "Dentists Without Borders"

Yet again, the capricious and unknowable Will of Allah...Nearly 80 percent of all households in the Afghan district of Ghoryan, located in Herat province along the Iranian border, are involved in some stage of the crystal methamphetamine-making process that is currently fueling addiction epidemics plaguing...

19 December 2018

“Guns cause crime"...

..."the way flies cause garbage”..."Bullets were flying in the city Tuesday as one man was killed and three wounded in four separate shootings within 15 hours. Police said three black males wearing dark clothing were seen fleeing in a vehicle."Homicide #94... but, cheer up, there's no more "carding." How...

18 December 2018

Denmark throws in the towel...

...you know it's past time...a href=""Denmark’s Immigration minister Inger Støjberg has told the country’s Somali migrants to return home and work on improving their own country after the Danish government ruled parts of Somalia safe. The automatic right to asylum from countries like Somalia was revoked...

17 December 2018

Prime Minister Dressup should stick...

...to dealing drugs...Here is a simple question for Canada to answer: has a single place, anywhere in the world, ever seen its murder rate decline after banning all handguns or all guns? We can’t find such a place. Every single time that guns have been banned, murder rates have gone up — often several-fold....

Somebody has to ask Justin...

...about his pet Islamophobia law..."A Pakistani court has sentenced two Christians in Punjab to death for the crime of blasphemy, following their arrest in 2015. The accusation of blasphemy often triggers a violent reaction from Islamic radicals, which often involves threats to judges, upsetting the...

16 December 2018

"The Fisher-Price Resistance Front"

Meet Canada's Anti-Islam Militia...An airsoft "gun" is basically a Daisy air rifle... except it uses tiny plastic balls instead of actual beebees. It's what you use to annoy your little brother in the tv room when mom isn't looking. Sorry, Vice... you're a bunch of imbeciles.Any police force worth...

The usual... well, you know

Toronto police scoop up four local farmers & hunt... wait a minute...Through an extensive investigation by the West Field Command Gun Violence Suppression Unit, four males, Ahmed Siyad, 27, Olad Olad, 20, Mohamud Duale, 28, and Ahmed Dirie, 26, all from Toronto were were identified and arrested. Surveillance...

15 December 2018

Testimony suggests...

...FBI open criminal investigation into Clinton Foundation...The Clinton Foundation “began acting as an agent of foreign governments ‘early in its life’ and throughout its existence. As such, the foundation should’ve registered under FARA (Foreign Agents Registration Act).” "Therefore the foundation...

14 December 2018

Gotta have priorities, right?

Because what's really "offensive" isn't the murder and maiming of totally innocent civilians...PARIS — French 24-hour news channel BFM TV has apologised for playing the song "I Shot the Sheriff" after police shot dead Cherif Chekkat, the suspect behind an attack on a Christmas market in Strasbourg that...

Noted local conservative Angus McTartan...

...shot dead in Toronto intersec... wait a minute...Police have identified a 29-year-old man who died after a shooting in Etobicoke on Wednesday. Around 6 p.m., officers got a call about a Honda Civic that had struck a tree at Islington Avenue and Dixon Road.Curiously, yet again... not a peep from...

13 December 2018

12 December 2018

Known Wolves

Live and don't learn... and die..."New information has revealed that Chérif Chekkat has 27 prior criminal convictions and yelled “Allahu Akbar” during the attack. Paris public prosecutor Remy Heitz said on Wednesday two people had been killed in the attack and one was left brain-dead. Twelve were wounded,...

11 December 2018

The smart money is definitely on...

...Sister Josephine, local disgruntled Nun...A gunman is reportedly on the run in Strasbourg after shooting two people dead and injuring at least 11 others near the the city’s celebrated Christmas market. Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said the gunman “has been identified” and was known to...

Because that's where the money is...

...what famous safecracker Willie Sutton said when asked why he targeted banks..."The commission says black people make up only 8.8 per cent of Toronto’s population, but were involved in 70 per cent of fatal police shootings between Jan. 1, 2013 and June 30, 2017."Note the the go-to spokesvictim quoted...

10 December 2018

PM Dressup's "most admired government"...

...is back in the headlines...BCE and Telus declined to tell The Globe and Mail whether U.S. national security officials have asked them to avoid Huawei equipment. Rogers said it had not been contacted.********** UPDATE: Meng makes bail...All that was missing from her bail arrangement was a wine steward and an aromatherapist.Of course, there are no more countries... no more Canadians...In an astonishing...

09 December 2018

Special rules for "Special" people

Remember... you get the government you deserve... fast AND hard..."Canada's Liberal Justice Minister is instructing federal prosecutors IN THE NORTH that they should no longer prosecute anyone for not disclosing their HIV status to a sex partner."Proposed new tourism slogan..."What happens in Nunavut......

07 December 2018

Remember back, you were a kid...

...bodies dropping everywhere?Yeah, me neither..."The man, whose name and age was not immediately released, becomes the city’s record-high 92nd murder victim of the year. That’s three more killings than Toronto’s previous record high of 89 homicides set way back in 1991."********** RELATED: More big-city...

Obviously, the optimum solution is...

...separate drinking fountains...The Demographic Inclusion Task Force “concluded that the best way to meet the needs of students of color and low income students’ needs was to create the Person of Color theme house."********** RELATED: The legacy of Nelson MandelaSOUTH Africa has set a date for when...

I wanna see what happens when...

...Prime Minister Pander wants to ban eating or possessing bacon...There are doubts that the Liberal's ban will have the desired effect, according to the senior government official with knowledge of the file. The federal government’s consultation document acknowledged any ban of handguns or assault...

06 December 2018

Just something to think about...

...while you sit for 7 hours in that hospital emergency room..."In her annual report, Ontario auditor general Bonnie Lysyk said the number of Ontario Works cases under Wynne Liberals increased by almost 25 per cent since 2009, hiking costs up more than 55 per cent to nearly $3 billion."********** RELATED:...

05 December 2018

From the folks who brought you...

...melamine in baby formula..."If we were doing something killing thousands of Chinese... we would hear from them loud and clear."About the baby formula... you think I'm kidding?"The government did not update its toll of children sickened by the milk powder, but on Wednesday it said more than 6,200...

I blame Dunkin Donuts

Keen Butler’s death was ruled a homicide “caused by respiratory insufficiency secondary to blunt-force trauma to the neck and thoracic compression, exacerbated by blunt-force trauma to the head.”********** RELATED: Nobodys fault... it's a disease...Joaquim Gomes Dos Penedos previously undiagnosed ADHD was key in a judge’s decision two weeks ago to acquit Penedos of dangerous driving causing bodily...

04 December 2018

Third World Rules

The Toronto-area city of Brampton has asked the RCMP to look at a multimillion-dollar land deal after confidential information on the transaction was passed to local Liberal MPs Navdeep Bains and Raj Grewal, sources confirmed Friday. The contentious land deal comes amid growing controversy around Grewal, who resigned a little over a week ago.********** RELATED: Those darned homicidal professors...Police...

What reeks of snake oil and...

...has more costume changes than a Cher concert?"What is clear is that with what has been redacted the Trudeau PMO wants the RCMP to be the fall guys for this." UPDATE:  Deny, deny, deny..."And we’re left with even more questions. This is a government that accused a trading partner of sabotage,...

01 December 2018