31 May 2013

We don' need no...

...steenkin' justice system... Oh my gawd... drugs are one thing, but if I'd known he was a cold-blooded killer..."And that's not even the whole story. A city hall revolt and murder are also now part of the imbroglio gripping Toronto's local government."Wow, I can't wait to hear "the whole story." ...

Never a Community Organiser around...

...when you really need one...The biggest scandal of all, the biggest question is what was the president doing in those eight hours. He had a routine meeting at five o’clock. He never after during the eight hours when our guys have their lives in danger, he never called the Secretary of Defense, he never calls the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, he never called the CIA Director, Who does he call? Five...

30 May 2013

Ask a Journo-Canadian

Lesson 1.. how to report on a first degree murder...Okay... succinct & to the point, but wait... is there something missing here? Let's see what Canada's "national broadcaster" has to say...Funny thing, though... you click on the article and the headline appears to have been altered. C'mon guys......

What could be more Canadian than...

...government-enforced quotas... "[Liberal] Laurel Broten, Ontario’s minister responsible for women’s issues, revealed in an interview that the provincial government is working with the NBA on ways to compel professional basketball teams to set goals for boosting the number of admittedly shorter lesbian...

By hook or by Kruidbos...

...the "whitewashing" of Trayvon Martin continues...ORLANDO, Fla. -- A court employee who retrieved photos and deleted text messages from Trayvon Martin's cellphone has been placed on administrative leave after an attorney testified that prosecutors didn't properly turn over the evidence to the defense,...

Whatever actually eventually comes out...

...I'm guessing it won't be that Rob Ford smoked $585,000,000 worth of crack...But, if you're a Journo-Canadian, that don't mean a thing...TORONTO - Any claim that senior political staff in the Dalton McGuinty government innocently erased their emails “strains credulity,” Ontario information and privacy...

29 May 2013

Ask a Journo-Canadian

Yet again, the MSM is attempting to drum up sympathy for Canada's most infamous jihadi family... By all means, let the rehabilitation commence..."Khadr was finally allowed onto the range in February. In March, prison authorities asked him to work on the food line, handing out pieces of butter to other...

Would Obama's "hypothetical son" also...

...be carrying around evidence of recreational drugs and illegal firearms..."Benjamin Crump, attorney for Martin’s parents, praised the judge for not allowing jurors to hear about certain details of the slain teenager’s life."Stacking the deck? Whaddaya mean? But don't take my word for it... ask poor...

27 May 2013

Not ready for "Prime" time

The Conservative Party should hire Justin a tour bus and subsidise a cross-country speaking tour...OTTAWA -- The scandal-plagued Senate has a cheerleader in Justin Trudeau after the Liberal leader said he wouldn't abolish the chamber because it's to Quebec's gain over other provinces to keep the lights on. "We have 24 senators from Quebec and there are just six from Alberta and British Columbia....

26 May 2013

That dictatorial, racist George W...

...wait a minute..."We have tried harder than any other European country to integrate, spending billions on a welfare system that is designed to help jobless immigrants and guarantee them a good quality of life," said Marc Abramsson, leader of the National Democrats Party. "Yet we have areas where there are ethnic groups that just don't identify with Swedish society. They see the police and even the...

24 May 2013

23 May 2013

Ask an Islamic "preacher"

When I hear the word preacher, I think Billy Graham... or Martin Luther King. I can't imagine either of them condoning cold-blooded, premeditated slaughter... unlike, say... Anjem Choudary."I last saw him in 2011, he was a very nice man with impeccable character and nothing unusual about him. What he did was unusual and it's not the kind of view that I propagate and I do not condone the use of violence,...

Somewhere, Lloyd Axworthy...

...is laughing his ass off. Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird takes a stand against tinpot African dictator muscling folks here in Canada...“We have made our position on this matter to the Eritreans clear, and we expect that to be respected. The government of Eritrea should not test our resolve on this matter.”African regime replies... "kiss my ass"...Semere O. Micael, the Eritrean consul in Toronto...

22 May 2013

Sure hope the CBC...

...is chasing down Justin Trudeau for a juicy "root causes" soundbite..."These two guys were crazed. They were just animals. They dragged him from the pavement and dumped his body in the middle of the road and left his body there," he told LBC radio. He said after the "horrendous" attack, the two men,...

In other...

..."I did not have sex with that woman" news..."I have not done anything wrong," she said. "I have not broken any laws. I have not violated any IRS rules or regulations. And I have not provided false information to this or any other congressional committee." Lerner adds that she invoke her 5th Amendment...

21 May 2013

Racketeering 101

Rule number one... when expediently diming out the bad guys, try not to place yourself at the center of the criminal conspiracy...Rule two... don't wait a couple of decades to come clean...Montreal's La Presse newspaper reported that NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair told police he suspected there was money...

Don't blame me...

...I didn't vote for him... ********** UPDATE: The plot thickensThe former diplomat who spoke with PJ Media regarded the whole enterprise as totally amateurish and likened it to the Mike Nichols film Charlie Wilson's War about a clueless congressman who supplies Stingers to the Afghan guerrillas....

With Elizabeth May and Margaret Atwood...

...at the helm... how could this possibly fail? TORONTO - "A group of actors, writers and politicians is calling on Canada's government to change the name of Victoria Day to honour Canada's First Nations communities as well as the monarchy."Forget about existing Canadian history... we're turning Turtle...

20 May 2013

Bright lights, big city

Let the Victoria Day holiday body count begin...A long weekend barbecue turned bloody after a 35-year-old man was shot dead at an apartment building in the Ossington Ave.-Dundas St. W. area. Quincy Ramirez was fatally shot at least once in the chest around 7:40 p.m. on Sunday. A 67-year-old building resident, Edwin Parkinson, was arrested.This one is actually notable because it is not gang-rela...

If you build it... they will come...

...and come, and come...Palinkas also notes that under the current law and system, USCIS reports a 99.5 percent approval rating for ILLEGAL immigrants seeking legal residency inside the United States. He said that high percentage began with President Obama’s and Secretary Napolitano’s new “deferred action” policy unveiled last summer. In addition, over the past year, Palinkas said USCIS has waived...

18 May 2013

You're saying what... they're too lazy?

I dunno, sounds a little racist to me...But Obama said too much of the black community has lost that desire. One in 3 African-Americans are dropping out of high school, she said, and only 1 in 5 between the ages of 25 and 29 has a bachelor’s degree.Try imagine the media shitstorm if a Republican had tossed this one out there. ********** RELATED: Is Allah the answer?Detroit’s problems include...

17 May 2013

Canadian International Development Agency...

...your tax dollars at work...CIDA will continue to focus on saving the lives of mothers and children by delivering a comprehensive package of health services at the community level to reduce the disease burden, strengthen health systems, and improve nutrition. In support of the Scaling Up Nutrition movement, we will also accelerate efforts to combat global undernutrition, which accounts for 2.6...

If it"s true, he should go...

...but puh-leeese... let's not pretend, when this latest story broke, the Star newsroom didn't resemble the giddily celebratory Gaza Strip on the morning of September 11, 2001..."This newspaper cannot verify the video’s authenticity, it’s true. But to shirk from reporting even what was already in the public domain — to shrink from reporting on the reporting — was spectacularly lame."Of course, these...

16 May 2013

Where there's smoke... there's AAAAIIIIIEEEEE!!!...

..."IT BURNS, IT BURNS!!!"...This steady drumbeat of ugliness was enough to prompt NBC's Nightly News to kick off its broadcast with a Nixon comparison last evening, and for Jonathan Alter to pronounce the administration's crisis management efforts "disastrous."You know it's really bad when the leftwing...

15 May 2013

It's a Liberal thing

Apparently, the first half billion dollars is deductible... Dalton McGuinty would rather swallow political poison than his pride. Time and again on Tuesday morning the former premier squirmed before a legislative committee examining his government’s panicked decision to relocate the Oakville and Mississauga gas plants. He refused to say sorry. Instead, he scolded opposition members for having the...

14 May 2013

Yet another Canadian "rush to judgement"

Pop Quiz... Which Canadian politician said...“This convicted terrorist was able to use numerous and repetitive appeals and loopholes under Canada’s old, broken immigration system to remain in Canada for 25 years. Fortunately, since 2006, the government has acted to strengthen the integrity of Canada’s...

13 May 2013

First, they came for the...

...[insert name of group here]... "I don't care if you're a conservative, a liberal, a Democrat or a Republican, this should send a chill up your spine. It needs to have a full investigation."********** RELATED: Hope change and... wtf!??? Looking like 1984..."At various points over the past two years,...

Dishonorable Discharge...

...that's what you get every time Hillary Clinton opens her mouth..."Remember the Clinton presidential team’s most famous campaign ad? About how Hillary would be ready to take that 3 a.m. call? Four years later, the phone rings, and Secretary Clinton’s not there. She doesn’t call Hicks back that...

12 May 2013

10 May 2013

09 May 2013

C'mon POTUS... you've got all those ships...

...if it was good enough for Osama..."An expert in U.S. burial law said the resistance to Tsarnaev's burial is unprecedented in a country that has always found a way to put to rest its notorious killers, from Lee Harvey Oswald to Adam Lanza, who gunned down 20 children and six educators at a Newtown, Conn., elementary school last year."Let's see a little of that infamous charismatic leadership here. ********** UPDATE:...

Ask a Journo-Canadian

Hey... "young" and "surging"... let's celebrate yet another thriving ethno-community... Wait a minute... turns out this was yet another instance of the mainstream media burying the lede..."Almost half of all children living in foster care in 2011 were Aboriginal."********** RELATED: We're number two,...

08 May 2013

Hope, Change and... move along folks

Obama White House happy to blame it all on Youtube...Further examination of Benghazi is clearly political, he said, because the incident and surrounding circumstances have "been looked at exhaustively.” The continued pursuit of details of the attack is, Carney said, "part of an effort to chase after what isn't the substance here."Yessirree... "further examination"... that's always a bad thing. ********** RELATED:...

07 May 2013

Reading, writing and...

...OH... MY... GAWD...A Toronto public school teacher has been ordered to work from home after posting explicit sex-education brochures in his Grade 7 and 8 classroom. Published by the AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT), it’s entitled “Use Your Head When Giving It: Blow Job Tips” and offers advice for gay men on safe sex. The brochure includes an image of the tattooed back of a man with his pants down...

Save me a seat on "Sniffer's Row"

You just wait... he slips into his red speedo...hysterical swooners will make it rain... "If I wanted to brag about how much my company made last quarter, I sure as heck wouldn't do it wearing my lawn mowing gear." "I wonder how much Justin charges for aeration and weed control?"C'mon ladies, let's...

06 May 2013

Has anybody run the syllabus past...

...the York Regional Police Service?That agitated Professor XXXXXX, who curtly replied, "I'm not going to engage in a forensic examination of the syllabus with you, thank you for your time." Then he hung up on me. It's easy to sympathize with Professor XXXXXX'X frustration. It would be tremendously difficult to do a forensic examination of anything if you don't believe there's such a thing as a verifiable...

05 May 2013

The socialists Wynne...

...everybody else loses...The really big question coming out of the budget is what will happen to the province’s credit rating? The plan outlined last week adds a whopping $40 billion to the debt over the next two years. Let’s put that in context: Before the NDP became government in 1990, the entire...

04 May 2013

Of all people, Hillary should know...

...it's not necessarily the crime... it's the cover-up that'll kill ya...The lawyers said their clients believe their accounts of Benghazi were spurned by the Accountability Review board, the official investigative body convened by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to review the terrorist attacks, and that the two employees have faced threats and intimidation from as-yet-unnamed superiors. “There...

03 May 2013

That callous, homicidal George W...

...wait a minute...The lawyer who first drew up White House policy on lethal drone strikes has accused the Obama administration of overusing them because of its reluctance to capture prisoners that would otherwise have to be sent to Guantánamo Bay.Drone strikes, drone strikes... that sounds so familiar...The pace of drone strikes has increased to two or three a week, up roughly fourfold from the Bush...

02 May 2013

I'm looking for a word here

You know... whaddaya call it when the tools of the state start to lean on, wait a minute... seriously? A rabbi? "In an unprecedented move clamping down on free speech, Toronto police have threatened a rabbi that if he allows a speech to be given in his synagogue by a well-known anti-Islamist activist,...

Does CBC deserve a billion taxpayer bucks...

...per year? It's time somebody said nyet... “Any liabilities from a Crown corporation are passed on to taxpayers. We are the representatives of Canada’s taxpayers and we have a responsibility to ensure that those Crown corporations live within their means and that the costs are kept affordable to...

01 May 2013

Like Justin Trudeau says...

...it all comes down to those darned "root causes"... Is anybody actually surprised about this? It's not like we haven't see it before..."Does hiring people... on the basis of DNA... rather than actual experience or educational qualifications... have anything to do with the quality of today's civil...

They scorn our values...

...and spit on our laws... but somehow manage to accept our tainted cash... Tamerlan and Dzhokhar... not so inflexible after all... Say, anybody heard what the ever entrepreneurial Khadr clan have been up to lately? ********** ASK A COMMUNITY ORGANISER: That is now...“It’s not as if the FBI did...