30 November 2018

Peak Segregation...

it's a Liberal thing..."While just 7.7 per cent of all children under 14 are Indigenous, they account for 52.2 per cent of all children in foster care • astonishing numbers that demand some sort of response, Indigenous Services Minister Jane Philpott."Apparently that "response" involves separate drinking...

With all the evidence showing...

...that more guns in the hands of responsible citizens are linked to less crime, you’d think more liberals would be open-minded about the prospect. After all, it’s the left that claims to champion data-driven decisions and the scientific method.********** RELATED: Sorry, feminazis..."Trying to make...

29 November 2018

Eighty-three percent empty...

...much like their black hearts..."The belief they could fill a hockey arena is the worst kind of vanity. Had the event taken place at a smaller venue, the Clintons’ diminishing appeal would not have been quite so obvious."********** LEAVE IT TO BEAVER-HUNTER:"Bill Clinton took 26 junkets with deviant...

28 November 2018

Simply nature's way...

...of thinning the herd...OTTAWA - Health Canada says consuming human placenta could lead to bacterial or viral infections in mothers or their babies. The risk is higher if someone ingests the placenta of another person.Imagine my surprise. They'll shun a rib-eye... but scarf down human placenta. It...

27 November 2018

Diversity is our streng...

...sweet baby jebus...Wei Zhang, an alleged associate of Jin Zhang came to Canada in 1992 and became a permanent resident in 2003 despite a criminal record that included a weapons offence, an Immigration and Refugee Board case shows.********** RELATED: I'm sure it's a coincidence...Earlier this week, Trudeau defended his appearance at the fundraiser by saying he was trying to entice foreign investment...

Tougher Love

Call the tune... pay the piper...A special team called Scorpion drivers have been trained in tactical contact. The Metropolitan police said there had been a 36% reduction in thefts that involved mopeds or scooters since the tactics were adopted last year.********** UPDATE: Ya feelin' lucky, punk?"Everyone in Britain is loving the police’s latest PR move: ramming criminals as they try to escape on...

26 November 2018

From the genius who brought you...

.."the budget will balance itself"...“The GM Oshawa plant closing is proof that government bailouts never work and Canadian taxpayers always lose.” Out of the $4 billion Canada offered in loans, bailouts and stock purchases, most agree it didn’t pay off in the end. “Look how badly Trudeau’s investment...

25 November 2018

Justin's Post-National state

Black Friday Sale... slashing everything..."As soon as the employees in the store realised what was happening, they picked up three swords and threatened the robbers."Lest you imagine this was an isolated incident... and here's the rub...The RCMP recommended Dennis Galloway be prosecuted for unsafe...

$450,000 taxpayer "Safety Break!"

Remember... never a penis and a vagina shall meet... oh wait... Bruce McArthur was a gay serial killer..."Olivia Nuamah, executive director of Pride Toronto said the talks will be a "deep dive" into the experiences of safety and security of the LGBTQ community across Canada. She said the second step...

24 November 2018

I can't wait for the PM...

...to start taking guns away from farmers, hunters & target shooters..."The woman was rushed by ambulance to a trauma centre. Some news reports suggested she was shot in the abdomen. The shooter was described as a male with light black skin, six feet tall, wearing a dark green, three-quarter length jacket with a hood."********** RELATED: Well... there's a clue...An unidentified man in his...

23 November 2018

♫"Hurry Boy..."

"...she's waiting there for you..."♫Afterwards, Wallace was gobsmacked by her reaction, or lack thereof, to the carnies: “So if I noticed or didn’t, why does it have to be my deal? What, because there’s assholes in the world I don’t get to ride the Zipper?” She handled the “asshole” carnies in a very effective way. She did as she pleased, and did not give them the satisfaction of preventing her...

22 November 2018

Never seems to happen in my "hood"...

That ambiguous, unremarkable... "group of males"... they sure do get around...In the video, a group of people can be seen in a parking lot near Jane St. and Driftwood Ave. At around 3:55 a.m., three masked males with guns confront the group, demand cash and property. The 29-year-old victim falls to...

21 November 2018

Of course, if you spank your kids...

...the CAS will take them away from you..."The historic case involves minor girls from Michigan, Illinois and Minnesota, including some who cried, screamed and bled during the procedure and one who was given Valium ground in liquid Tylenol to keep her calm, court records show."It gets better... by which...

20 November 2018

Diversity is our streng...

...sweet baby jebus...Up to 3,000 foreign doctors in the UK are having background checks after it emerged a fake psychiatrist was able to practice with no qualifications for 22 years.********** RELATED: I blame Donald Trump...Facebook allowed a child bride to be sold to the highest bidder before the...

19 November 2018

Say, Chief... how about you tell us...

...a little bit more about the makeup of these violent gangs..."Gang violence is at root of record number of slayings this year, Police Chief Mark Saunders says."Just spitballin' here, but I'm gonna guess none of this years shooters, or shootees were on the University of Toronto debate team. And, curiously,...

18 November 2018


"A family whose teenage son died, honored his memory in an unusual wake: His corpse was positioned in a chair facing a television screen, a video game controller in hand and his favorite snacks next to him."********** RELATED: The 2018 tiebreaker..."A man has died following a shooting in Scarborough's...

17 November 2018

Let's suppose you don't want...

...the government to know how much dope you're smoking... what are the options...Among the many shoppers on Thursday, a fourth-year university student said he preferred to buy from this [illegal] dispensary to avoid the delivery problems that bedevil the provincial cannabis store. Also, he didn’t want...

16 November 2018

C'mon Ron... pull the other one

Apparently Toronto Police are too timid to use the "B" word...“We’re upset as everyone is in these communities to see the level of violence that’s taking place and the total disregard for innocent victims by the shooters,” Taverner said in an interview. “We need the help of the public. When they know...

15 November 2018

I'm With Her

I just wanna know what happens when she gets really, really angry..."Actress and model Emily Ratajkowski is back with another powerful political opinion, this time on the importance of wearing a “string bikini” to protest."Meanwhile, in other "not a first world problem" news..."A 12-day-old baby in India was snatched from his mother's arms and killed by a monkey in search of food, the latest attack...

14 November 2018

Ain't no flies...

...on Stefanie Marotta, Staff Reporter...Brampton man Jason Ramkishun, 23, died after he was shot and his vehicle ran off the road into a ditch in Mississauga. Police are treating the case as a homicide.As opposed to all those other freakish, accidental highway shooting deaths, I guess. ********** RELATED:...

"The reason it happened is..."

"...really quite prosaic: a recession hit in the 1970s, and the job market in academe collapsed. Fancy-pants post-structuralism was the ticket to ride for ambitious, beady-eyed young careerists on the make"...********** RELATED: What is the iGen?Those children are growing up more slowly. By the age...

13 November 2018

The end of an era

Harley’s longtime bread and butter has been Baby Boomers, those who grew up enamored with the outlaw image to the point that they were willing to spend $20,000 or more on the bikes and leather to live out that image. But the Boomers are getting older, increasingly physically unable to ride or dying...

And a cry rang out through the land...

...“Dear God, please, yes”...Or there's always the other "wonder woman"...Despite being heavily edited so she spoke for little more than 45 seconds, Michelle Obama sounded more like a millennial girl chatting on Snapchat than a former First Lady. Throughout her responses to ABC’s Robin Roberts, she...

12 November 2018

And I'm a teenage lesbian...

...trapped in an old man's body...The Ohio Islamic Coalition for Gustatory Choice offers various training programs to help "people of faith, conscience, and goodwill connect their pro-pork values with activism."********** RELATED: Atheist Clergy... it's a thingThe United Church in Canada, perhaps...

11 November 2018

Lest we forget

Do you know someone who enlisted in World War I in Canada? •• Search the WWI CEF database •• Do you know a Canadian killed while serving his country? •• Search the Commonwealth War Graves database •• My wife's grandfather, a member of the Canadian Cyclist Battalion, (pictured, in the kilt)...

10 November 2018

09 November 2018

At what point do we admit...

...this isn't about inanimate chunks of steel...This is Shakeil Wheatle’s second murder of an innocent stranger in the Lawrence Heights community. Both victims were unarmed, law-abiding men with no criminal records. Wheatle’s lawyer, Gabriel Gross-Stein, offered an apology to the Engelbrecht family...

A long-awaited service to humankind...

...demonstrating that even balding, diminutive, slightly amphibian-looking men can get laid... OTTAWA - Former Conservative MP Tony Clement says he has engaged in more than one inappropriate online exchange. In a letter to constituents posted on his website Clement says the exchanges led to multiple...

08 November 2018

Your money...

...his "feminist" pipedream..."Foreign aid from Western countries including Canada went toward building medical clinics without electricity or water, schools without children and buildings that literally melted away in the rain, a U.S. watchdog agency says."Afghanistan... there's a shocker. ********** RELATED:...

Justin Trudeau to crack down on...

...farmers, hunters... wait a minute... that's the big bust at the border where they wouldn't give a name..."The Oct. 31 arrest of 50-year-old Rima Mansour of Toronto, who is facing 27 gun trafficking charges, led officers to carry out 13 search warrants in Toronto and neighbouring Peel and Durham regions."Just...

07 November 2018


You ain't seen nothing yet...The bottom line is that the balance of power has shifted tonight, and now the Democrats decisively control one half of one branch of government, a part of the government with considerable power.I know the Democrats are all about tearing down Trump... but does anybody know...

The usual suspects

A man who was shot in Oakwood Village on Monday afternoon has now been charged in connection with the fatal shooting of Samatar Farah last year. Shaquan McLean, 24, was taken to hospital with serious injuries, and police realized he was wanted in connection with Farah’s murder.That sounds so familiar...The...

06 November 2018


Speaking to law school students at the University of Tehran, the 85-year-old Farrakhan said “America has never been a democracy,” and also led a “Death to Israel” chant at the end of his talk.********** RELATED: Do the media even care?The picture accompanying the article features a banner clearly...

05 November 2018

From the self-same folks...

...who gave Omar Khadr $10,000,000...OTTAWA — The federal government says it shortchanged hundreds of thousands of veterans and their survivors over seven years, and is preparing to compensate them a total of $165 million.********** RELATED: It's only money... rig...

And Larry Flynt wept

You've come a long way ba... wait a minute..."A diverse group of women stripped off for photographs with just a ballot covering their privates as part of a campaign to urge people to vote Democrat in the upcoming midterm elections."Here's a thought... how about a gaggle of naked women with AR15s? We...

04 November 2018

03 November 2018

Brought to you by...

...the folks who want to tear down Gab...Twitter is apologizing for the fact that "Kill all Jews" appeared as a trending topic on its platform Friday. Twitter said the phrase should not have appeared on the trending topic list and that "we’re sorry for this mistake."Hey, Twitter... how about this one?In...

02 November 2018

I can't wait for the CBC to...

...start calling them "irregular firearms owners"...Three men suffered serious gunshot wounds after gunfire erupted in East York and downtown Toronto early Thursday. A fourth man is fighting for his life after being run down by a car in North York following a gunbattle barely 12 hours earlier. As...

01 November 2018

It's only hypocritical if...

...you're a Republican...Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto (D) reacted to the Saturday synagogue attack by stressing his belief that armed security is the wrong answer to attacks on vulnerable places of worship....wait a minute..."I've been advised by (former Mayor) Tom Murphy and the police chief (Regina...

Come for the exotic cuisine...

...stay for the firefight...TORONTO - Two people are in hospital after separate shootings at opposite ends of the city early Thursday morning. No arrests have been made in connection with either shooting.In case you think this was an isolated incident...Police say shell casings and a firearm were seized and two men taken into custody. Const. David Hopkinson tells 680News that “more than 10 shots”...