31 January 2015

The Paris Hilton...

...of Canadian politics...“Please finish the following sentence: If elected, my first full day as prime minster I would…” The transcript on the paper’s website writes “Pause” before Trudeau’s response. That was exceedingly generous. I would have put “Epic pause.” It lasts around nine seconds. Which on video – as anyone with media training knows – feels like pretty much an hour. In that time Trudeau...

30 January 2015

It used to be called "grooming"

Call me old-fashioned, but isn't teaching pre-teens the "right way" to give sexual consent still a violation of the Canadian criminal code? This seems like the sort of thing you'd find in the NAMBLA charter... Never mind teenagers... apparently learning about consent starts in JK...“Starting right...

28 January 2015

What could possibly go wrong?

Didn't Justin's daddy dearest increase the deficit tenfold over his illustrious reign? Liberal finance critic Scott Brison hinted at the party’s thinking when he told Mr. Berthiaume much of the work could be done “off the government balance sheet” by tapping funds from pension plans, including the Canada Pension Plan, into which all working Canadians contribute.Feelin' lucky, punk? ********** FROM...

Toronto Homicide Squad rounding up...

...local farmers, duck hunters & target shooters as we speak...Toronto Police say they responded to a shooting call on Flemington Rd., northwest of Lawrence Ave. W. and Allen Rd., around 9 p.m. Officers arrived on the residential street and found a male suffering from fatal gunshot wounds.Not sure...


"The only reason this guy is getting anywhere is... the fact that he has a famous father. Now, I like Keith Richards as much as the next guy, but we are talking about running a country here!"Hmmm... all those weird soundbites about China and dope? What does a paternity test co...

26 January 2015

Apparently, Baracko Bama's magic jet...

...runs on unicorn farts & magic fairy dust...On Sunday, President Barack Obama released an anti-oil drilling environmental video shot aboard Air Force One–an aircraft that has a 53,611 gallon fuel capacity. On Saturday, Obama flew Air Force One over 8,000+ miles to India to discuss global warming and other issues.********** RELATED: It's a four hour stopover... ...gotta choose your destination...

Gotta have priorities... right?

Barack Obama ducked the Paris memorial and shunned the Israeli Prime Minister... but he'll always make time for a fellow traveller...And it's not just the President...U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry hailed Abdullah as “a man of wisdom and vision” and a “revered leader.”Apparently, Kerry has never...

24 January 2015

Those racist homicidal Albertans...

...are at it again...Wait a minute..."Sharif -- who was born in Iraq and moved to Canada in 1993 -- was arrested at a north Edmonton apartment Jan. 19, 2011."The thing is, in my circle of friends, what makes anyone Canadian is a sense of "shared values"... as opposed to a piece of paper generated by...

23 January 2015

Yet another aboriginal child...

...sacrificed on the altar of political correctness. The National Post, in it's journalistic wisdom, attempts to legitimise the fever dreams of a desperately ill 11 year-old child. Tragically, the outcome... exactly as predicted by the wily white man's medical experts... well... she's dead. So...

22 January 2015

21 January 2015

Spoken like a part-time drama teacher

Hang on a second. Wasn't there some other Trudeau who did find a use for Canadian soldiers? I know... let's ask Quebec.********** RELATED: What would a real leader do?OTTAWA – Prime Minister Stephen Harper made it clear that if ISIS terrorists fire at Canadian troops, “we’re going to fire back and...

20 January 2015

Where stereotypes come from

Although it's possible that being killed for your "bling" is more of a caricature...TORONTO - Mohammed and a friend — a man wearing a “tremendous amount of expensive gold jewelry” — visited the restroom where they were attacked by three men who tried to snatch the friend’s chains, homicide Det.-Sgt....

19 January 2015

Close American ally, my infidel arse

It seems falling oil prices... are the least of their problems...Saudi officials don’t like to talk about it, but experts who closely follow developments inside the kingdom say ISIS enjoys growing support among ordinary Saudis, who see the group as the true champion of embattled Sunnis in their sectarian struggles against the Shiite-led governments in Iran and elsewhere. For many Saudis, ISIS also...

17 January 2015

I guess he does inhale

Despite Justin Trudeau's much celebrated thumbs up for legal dope...[Princess of Pot] Jodie Emery's attempt to seek the nomination in the riding of Vancouver East has gone up in smoke. Liberal spokesman Olivier Duchesneau has confirmed that the party's so-called "Green Light Candidate Review Committee...

The hippopotamus before the cart

I know it's a brave new world and standards have been relaxed to accomodate, well... all sorts of things... but what sort of chucklehead, after 24 weeks of training, can't figure out radio protocol, or how to put on a bulletproof vest? The answer, apparently... is lots.“Sightings were being reported...

16 January 2015

Al Sharpton loses his mind...

...about the racist Academy Awards... “The lack of diversity in today’s Oscar nominations is appalling ... With all of the talent in Selma and other Black movies this year, it is hard to believe that we have less diversity in the nominations today than in recent history."I dunno Al. Could there possibly...

Gotta git me sum'ah that "social justice"

This is what comes of getting really high and watching "Avatar" over and over again... you secure yourself a charter membership in "the dumbest generation."Now, before the usual suspects start to post their sympathies and excuses for poor little Abu Maguire, it pays to note...From Syria and Iraq, he...

15 January 2015

14 January 2015

Law of Unintended Consequences

I'm guessing this is the exact reciprocal of what the homicidal Islamo-dummies hoped to accomplish... and that's good enough for me. ********** UPDATE: From tens of thousands to millionsCharlie Hebdo’s typical print run was 60,000, which it couldn’t always sell.********** RELATED: Who could've...

Giving back to the Community

To all the "Nonnies" who spend an inordinate amount of time conjuring up ever more threatening comments and emails...That oughta keep 'em busy for a while. ********** UPDATE: Yup, no surprises It's a little like having a parrot that says rude things every time you come in the door. All too predictable......

13 January 2015

Just another tone deaf political gaffe...

...or is the White House letting the figurative veil slip yet again?Either way, you get shown up by the likes of the Palestinian Authority... it's time to find a new playbook. Even the usual Obama cheerleaders are calling this a train wreck...President Obama’s decision not to attend yesterday’s Unity...

12 January 2015

The ugly rush to self-congratulation

"Where is this We of the Hash-tags when whole swathes of the press, and some political leaders, refuse to call acts that are plainly terroristic by their proper name? Can those who refuse to say the word “terrorism” after a terrorist act now claim they are Charlie Hebd...

10 January 2015

Dear "Queers against Israeli Apartheid"

Maybe you guys/gals (and various creative iterations of same) should get some new friends..."What are the upsides of embracing a culture that murders gays, treats women as second-class citizens, puts children in harm’s way, and rejects the entire notion of fun?"Or maybe just some new priorities? P.S....

09 January 2015

"Known Wolves" strike again

Live and don't learn... that's us...A French terror cell linked to al Qaeda reportedly shot dead two people in a kosher supermarket and seized at least seven hostages in two locations around Paris this morning.********** RELATED: What's it gonna take, folks?No, this was NOT in fact the “time to remember...

07 January 2015

Satire... the newest capital crime

All those folks who opposed the death penalty for Paul Bernardo and his ilk... how much energy will they expend on today's bloody extra-legal executions in Paris?********** THEY CAME FOR THE CARTOONISTS: That's some "Religion of Peace" you've got going there.At least four of France’s most celebrated...

It's Bowe Bergdahl all over again

A government official told me that keeping the names of the 53 quiet will give Cuba the opportunity to release them as a sovereign measure, rather than at the behest of the U.S., and that this could allow for additional releases. In other words, the Castros are sensitive boys who throw despotic tantrums when their absolute power is questioned. Asking them to keep their word is apparently a trigger....