30 September 2006

In war there are casualties

Like the 3,598 Canadian soldiers who died in the battle that finally took Vimy Ridge, this soldier paid the ultimate price.Pte. Josh Klukie, a member of the 1st Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment, which is based at CFB Petawawa near Ottawa, died Friday after triggering what may have been an improvised...

Gotta love the Liberal Party

There isn't anything they can't put a price on.Veteran Liberal MP Joe Volpe's leadership campaign has been fined $20,000 by the party for improperly recruiting members in the race to become party leader.I'm not sure signing up dead people is altogether properly covered by the benign phrase, "improperly recruiting members". Instead of Lib bigwigs disavowing Joe Volpe and his campaign team after catching...

28 September 2006

What's next, catering & laundry service?

Apparently, the only thing Dalton McGuinty isn't doing, for the protestors in Caledonia... is tucking them in at night and singing lullabies.The Liberal government is being accused of being weak by paying for hydro and water into the Caledonia housing site occupied by natives.The charge was levelled yesterday in the Ontario legislature by Conservative MPP Bob Runciman after Aboriginal Affairs Minister...

Iggy is the biggie

As I wrote previously, if Bob Rae is elected federal Liberal Leader, Stephen Harper will be dancing on his desk.Confirmation of this comes in an assessment inked by Conservative national campaign chief Doug Finley, that was subsequently leaked to the Toronto Star.Addressed to the CPG, or Campaign Planning Group, the memo assesses the Liberal leadership race from a Conservative campaign perspective...

Auditor General backs Harper

OTTAWA -- Canada's auditor general came to the defence of the Stephen Harper government's centrepiece accountability bill yesterday as it undergoes the slow scrutiny of a Liberal-dominated Senate.Sheila Fraser countered the criticism of information commissioner John Reid that the proposed Federal Accountability Act is regressive by blocking public access to draft internal audit reports and audit...

27 September 2006

Bill Graham is a whiny little girl

Bill Graham must see himself as some kind of super-ninja... lecturing Pakistan about their failings in prosecuting the War on Terror."I think that's a very legitimate point for us to make, and I don't think that's appropriate to come back and say we're moaning," Mr. Graham said.Oh, you're so right Billy, that Musharraf is really a meanie.I noticed Mr. Graham came out in full flight defending Belinda's...

Not ready for Prime Time

Paul Martin today tried to climb back up onto the porch with the big dogs, nipping & yipping about the armed forces doing more aid and reconstruction, instead of, you know... all that nasty fighting.The Prime Minister calmly lifted his leg and took care of Doggie Dithers..."The fact Mr. Martin is incapable of sticking by his decisions explains why he is no longer the prime minister of Canada,"...

Who's that girl?

It's the weekend. What's the heiress to a multibillion dollar fortune gonna do? No, I'm not talking about Paris Hilton... although there are similarities.Asked bluntly about her sex life, Stronach responded: "Let's face it. I don't sit at home and knit on Friday nights."Belinda sweetie... unless you're looking for your own tv show, that's way too much information.SIDENOTE: Domi no dummy? A reader...

26 September 2006

Why I love Harper - Part XIV

I knew this was a really significant thing when I first heard it, but TrustOnlyMulder breaks out the numbers. This 13.2 Billion paydown at a modest 4% interest rate means that our interest will drop by about a half billion a year. That means 500 Million more dollars to put towards social programs,...

25 September 2006

One smart cookie

Here's what I'm looking forward to tonight on the "Hungry Eye".On September 25 TVO launches its new flagship current affairs program, The Agenda with Steve Paikin. The show will practise what Paikin calls "long-form" journalism. Each program will tackle no more than two topics, and often no more than one. "We are going to be out there giving people what they've been telling us they want: more intelligent...

Volpe tactics are nothing new

Joe Volpe has always been a dirty fighter. And he doesn't just play hardball with the other parties.Ask Roland de Corneille, the sitting Liberal MP Volpe torpedoed in 1988.More than 4,000 people packed a hall in a Toronto airport hotel to settle one of the year's biggest local Liberal disputes. ...

Harper caught dancing jig on desk

Stephen Harper's RCMP bodyguards were startled to hear shouting and clapping emanating from the Prime Minister's office this morning. Upon entering the room, they were transfixed by the sight of the normally unflappable Stephen Harper tap dancing on top of his desk.Bob Rae has emerged as the leading candidate in the Liberal leadership race, according to a poll of party members in Ontario and Quebec...

Hey Jack, negotiate this

Jack Layton thinks we should negotiate with the Taliban.KANDAHAR, Afghanistan — Two gunmen on a motorbike killed the provincial director of Afghanistan's Ministry of Women's Affairs outside her home Monday in apparent retribution for her efforts to help educate women, officials said.Her crime against the Islamofascists?In Kandahar alone, she had opened six schools where almost 1,000 women learned...

24 September 2006

Maher Arar wants Stephen Harper to apologise

Maher Arar is the unfortunate man arrested and deported to Syria as a suspected terrorist a while back. If like me, you're thinking, boy... that seems like it happened way before Stephen Harper was elected, you'd be right.It actually happened three and a half years before Stephen Harper was elected Prime Minister, but apparently there are people who think that's not all that important.Not too surprisingly,...

Volpe initiative gathering momentum

Liberal leadership candidates are starting to panic. Volpe juggernaut "just can't be stopped", says one Lib insider."He understands that an inclusive society has to look past small differences.Differences like whether you have a heartbeat or not", he continued, "It's not just about race or religion...

Supporters rally for Volpe

Gathering in the dead center of town.SIDENOTE: Speaking of the dead. Not a single respondent chose Fry. "There were over 3,000 opportunities for people to pick her (as first, second or third choice)," said Graves. "She literally got zero. I have never seen that in over 20 years of polling."Technorati...

23 September 2006

Coyne on dual citizens

Is it time to do away with dual citizenship? Here's a statistic guaranteed to set your teeth on edge: Of the 15,000 Lebanese citizens evacuated from Beirut by Canadian Forces during last month's war -- the largest such operation this country has mounted since the Second World War, at a cost of $85-million -- some 7,000 are reported to have returned home. Home, as in Lebanon.h/t to nat newswatch...

Libs, Dippers are MIA for Karzai speech

In a blatant show of disrespect for our soldiers and for the Afghan President, many Liberal and NDP MP's boycotted Hamid Karzai's speech to Parliament.OTTAWA -- A Conservative MP has blasted the "total disrespect" shown by Liberal and NDP MPs who skipped yesterday's address in Parliament by Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai.At least 40 Grits were no-shows for the speech, in which Karzai expressed...

How many 12 year olds?

The Liberal association in Montreal's Papineau riding filed a complaint after they surveyed new members recruited by Mr. Volpe's campaign and found a significant number said that they had not paid their own membership fees, according to riding president Luc Cousineau.In some cases, the members said they had not filled out a membership form, he said in an interview. "We noted that there were people...

To be confirmed

PARIS, France (CNN) -- French President Jacques Chirac said on Saturday he would investigate the leak of confidential French defense ministry documents containing a report that al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is dead, and said that report has been in no way confirmed.The leaked information was first published in a French regional newspaper Saturday. The article said that a French foreign intelligence...

22 September 2006

Suddenly McGuinty's in control?

UPDATE: Details on MARCH for FREEDOM**************************TORONTO -- Six Nations protesters are calling on the province to stop a rally they say could spark a “volatile situation” on the former housing development aboriginals have occupied in Caledonia, Ont., since February.Sure, maybe David Peterson can work some of that old black magic that, well... accomplished bupkis. That underwhelming...

That seems pretty clear

Parliament hears directly from the Afghan President.Afghan President Hamid Karzai spoke directly to the Canadian people Friday, thanking those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in his country and assuring Canadians that their efforts have made a dramatic difference.Speaking in the House of Commons, Mr. Karzai – who was greeted with standing ovations before and after his remarks – also praised Canada...

The pitfalls of circular reasoning

How not to make an argument.There's a good bit of sloppy thinking out there on the net. Let's take an example from someone blogging current events in Canada.According to the right whingers, by calling for our withdrawel from the mission in Afghanistan Jack Layton is endangering the troops and getting more of them killed. So if this is true it must mean he’s just a patriotic Canadian who is helping...

21 September 2006

Ooooh, I guess you've got me there, fella.

Mr Anonymous is back.Now I know most people just say ignore the trolls, but this one is trying so hard. It's kind of fun seeing him take those first few baby steps, confusing childish name calling & sweeping generalisations with rational discourse... what we in the adult world sometimes call Myblahg 101.Here, I just have to share his latest zinger...I have a problem debating with right wingers...

Well that settles it

Tie Domi really is a tough guy.Mr. Domi has recently brushed aside questions about the persistent rumours he was romantically linked to Ms. Stronach. But it was confirmed yesterday that he is indeed in a relationship with the Liberal Member of Parliament.Belinda's no lightweight, she's been around the ring a few times.Ms. Stronach has been married twice and has two children from the first marriage....

20 September 2006

"Honour killing" in Ottawa

UPDATE: Suspect surrenders to police.Hasibullah Sadiqi, 20, brother of slain Khatera Sadiqi, entered the police station at 474 Elgin St. at around 8:50 a.m. and was arrested without incident.**************CJOH, the CTV affiliate in Ottawa aired a story on the late news tonight implying that a double shooting appears to be an honour killing. They had a soundbite about "honour killing" included in...

Take me out to the...

... penitentiary. OTTAWA -- The federal government is preparing three-strikes-you’re-out legislation that would make it easier to label criminals as dangerous offenders after a third serious conviction. I can't wait for the howls of outrage from the Libs & the Dippers. This is why I vote Conservative.The bill — part of the Conservative anti-crime package — will be tabled this fall, says Justice...

Remember Gilad Shalit?

He's one of the kidnapped Israeli soldiers that kickstarted the conflict in Lebanon.Lab tests have confirmed the authenticity of the letter purportedly written by kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit and sent last week to his father, Israeli officials said Wednesday.The officials also confirmed that Egypt was mediating a swap in which Israel would release hundreds of Palestinian prisoners for Shalit, who...

19 September 2006

How scary is Iranian nuclear threat?

Plenty. And the plan for dealing with it is no walk in the park either.Tactical nuclear weapons would be required to penetrate the defenses Iran has constructed around its nuclear facilities, according to Col. Shlomo Mofaz.What's really significant is that it ain't just the Great Satan Bush and the Israelis sounding the alarm. Even the usually over the top, blustering Egyptians are crapping their...

Being Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Time magazine sits down with the Madman and to no ones surprise, despite not showing us his 'Bush is Satan' tattoos, he continues to delight his fans.TIME: You recently invited President Bush to a televised debate. If he were sitting where I am sitting, what would you say, man to man?Ahmadinejad: I gave some recommendations to President Bush in my personal letter, and I hope that he will take note...

18 September 2006

Anti-terrorist fish

Here's something I could never have imagined.San Francisco, New York, Washington and other big cities are using bluegills – also known as sunfish or bream – as a sort of canary in a coal mine to safeguard their drinking water.They're so sensitive to contamination they beat the other sensors hands down.New York City has been testing its system since 2002 and is seeking to expand it. The New York...

Don't read this...

... if you want to sleep well tonight.MJ.com: Apart from Russia, where else might terrorists get nuclear materials?GA: First, Pakistan. We know that they have 50 nuclear weapons, approximately, and they’ve made material for another 50. Many people in the Pakistani military and intelligence services are very sympathetic to bin Laden. There’ve been two attempts within a second or second and a half,...

This time it's personal...

RebeccaH is pissed. I demand an apology from all of Islam for all the people who have been murdered in the name of the Religion of Peace.I say Mohammed was a violent, thieving warlord out to consolidate political power with a made-up cult, and that’s how Islam was born.There, I’ve insulted Islam and Mohammed. Come and get me, jihadi trash. Cowardly bastards.Posted by RebeccaH on 2006 09 17 at...

Why the Pope was right

William Rees-Mogg argues that no great religion should be immune from difficult questions.The Pope’s actual quotation is not just a medieval point of view. It is a common modern view; even if it seldom reaches print; it can certainly be found on the internet. “Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and then you shall find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the...

Cowardly murderers

They say they're gonna kill the Pope. They shot an elderly nun in the back. They blow up defenseless civilians. And they do it all for Allah. How much lower can these savages go?An Afghan official said the bomber targeted Canadian troops handing out candy and other gifts to children. Reports said the explosive device was attached to a bicycle.That's some religion.Speaking of cowards, here's...

17 September 2006

Still adjusting the medication

Evidently still in a delusional state, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah has indicated he's going to throw a party celebrating Hezbollah's victory over Israel. “I call on all of you to participate in this victory rally,” he said in a brief, televised speech broadcast on Hezbollah's Al-Manar TV station.Unfortunately, Nasrullah himself, who has been cowering in a bunker at a secret location for a couple of...

The fact behind the statistics

The Liberals will try to tell you that the billion dollar Farmer Bob Rifle Registry saves lives. That's just not true.Here's the real reason homicide rates in big Canadian cities aren't through the roof.One had taken a gun blast in the head, others had gaping abdomen wounds, some oozed blood from...

Kill the Pope... ongoing saga

Looks like everybody's piling on...The New York Times:He needs to offer a deep and persuasive apology, demonstrating that words can also heal.It’s unclear how many people the Times will kill if their demand isn’t met. Via Tim BlairYou know what they say... "practice makes perfect." The nun, whose identify was not released, was shot in the back four times at the entrance to the Austrian-run S.O.S....

16 September 2006

A lesson for Benny

I don't get it. I thought the Pope would have had a little more grit, but at the first squawk from the Islamoweenies, he folds like a cheap suit. Now it sounds like he's gonna have to hunker down and hide.Perhaps he should be more like Stephen Harper. If I believed any numbers I wouldn't be prime minister today. You do what's right. And then the public will decide what the numbers actually are.They're...

15 September 2006

Pakistan pissed at Pope

The Pakistani National Assembly has just condemned infamous scofflaw & troublemaker Pope Benedict XVI for allegedly telling an anti-Islamic anecdote. I say, good for them, you know you can't just let these outrages slide.ISLAMABAD — Pakistan's parliament on Friday unanimously adopted a resolution condemning Pope Benedict XVI for making what it called "derogatory" comments about Islam, and...

Sweden lurching to the right?

**********UPDATE: 18 Sep 2006 Sweden goes right.The stock market reacted positively to the centre-right win. The Stockholm stock exchange rose 1 per cent, led by companies with large state holdings such as travel group SAS, telecom operator TeliaSonera and Nordea, the Nordic region’s biggest bank.**********One in five Swedes on the dole, some analysts say. Youth unemployment as high as 25 percent....

14 September 2006

Who could have known?

Perhaps all those pictures of guns and a 10 inch bowie knife should have been a clue.  That, and well... his online journal. Now that police have identified the latest Montreal spree shooter, the MSM will be jamming the media sideshow into high gear. I can see it now... "Oprah talks...

13 September 2006

Political Correctness, first concern

Police not releasing any useful information on Montreal shooting, but the "broad strata of society" message apparently has to be put out first thing.That gunman is now dead, with police confirming they have no other suspects in what appears to have been a random incident."There is no racist connotation or no terrorist link as far as we know, we have no information that would allow us to believe that...

Who was Gamil Gharbi?

As news of another Montreal shooting incident breaks, there will be the inevitable comparisons to Gamil Gharbi...Who's that, you say? Gamil who? It's not surprising that name doesn't ring a bell... the politically correct mainstream media in Canada wouldn't touch this fact with somebody elses ten-foot...

War: Canadian style

Forget about getting military advice from those pesky Generals. Let's ask a guy who lectures university kids... what he thinks. A Montreal political scientist said if there are casualties from Quebec, Stephen Harper and his Conservatives could pay a heavy price in political support in a province already deeply opposed to the war.So, we're ok with having an army, maybe even sending them places......

12 September 2006

Thinking about thinking

Remember the nerdy guy who sat at the back of the class and knew all that weird, uncool stuff? Chances are, he's pulling some pretty big levers these days. Nearly everyone is in favor of critical thinking. This is evidence that the term is in danger of becoming meaningless. Skeptics should spearhead the effort to clarify what critical thinking is-and what it is not. The stakes are high.I mean,...

Dippers continue slide...

... into lunacy.How do you top kissing up to the Taliban? Yesterday I would have said, "No way, can't be done.""Every day we are subject to what I consider a kind of sadistic pornography. Now I know it sells papers but every day we pick up the Star or the National Post or the Globe and we see the picture...