31 July 2017

Hey, Toronto... meet your future

"A 4-year-old boy was among at least 36 people shot in Chicago this weekend as violence across the city left four dead and nearly three dozen others wounded."********** RELATED: Closer to home...A man in his 20s is dead after a shooting in North York. Toronto police say he was shot near Dufferin...

30 July 2017

Another Scar-B-Q...

Come for the Hennessey... stay for the firefight...Two men are in serious condition after a shooting at a backyard party in Scarborough early Sunday. Paramedics were called to Commonwealth Ave. and Brussels Rd. just after midnight, where they found a man, 31, in serious and possibly life-threatening...

29 July 2017

Justin's new LGBTqwerty Army

The changes are expected to be technical in nature and expected to give commanding officers and units more guidance when it comes to such basics as bathrooms and showering. Veterans Affairs Canada spent nearly $20-million on medical marijuana last year.The military isn’t about social engineering, it’s about breaking stuff and killing peop...

28 July 2017

Ottawa Police have released...

...all the farmers, hunters and target shooters they rounded up the previous night...Police say Alam Gabriel Buoc, 30, is wanted on two first-degree murder charges in the deaths of 26-year-old Abdulrahman Al-Shammari and 27-year-old Dirie Olol, who both died of gunshot wounds Monday. Police later found...

The capricious and unknowable...

..."Will of Allah"...One person was killed and several were injured Friday after a man entered a supermarket in Hamburg and started stabbing people at random, German police report. Tabloid Bild reports that the man shouted “Allahu akbar” prior to the stabbing rampage. The suspect was covered in blood...

Forget about Skynet...

...there's this...The first known attempt at creating genetically modified human embryos in the United States has been carried out by a team of researchers in Portland, Oregon, MIT Technology Review has learned. The effort, led by Shoukhrat Mitalipov of Oregon Health and Science University, involved...

27 July 2017

Justin hearts terrorism

Remember the liberals selling armoured personnel carriers to the not-so freedom loving Saudis?Canada will provide $100 million in finance for a deal between Montreal-based multinational aerospace and transportation company, Bombardier Inc., and Iran’s Qeshm Free Zone Organization for purchasing 10 passenger planes, the FTZ’s chief executive, Hamidreza Momeni, has said.What could possibly go wrong...

Religion of...

...whatever the hell this is...Police raided a wedding between a 22-year-old man and a five-year-old girl - but were too late to stop it. Officers swooped on the man and others involved in the celebrations in the village of Raman Shar in Dakhan Town, Pakistan.********** RELATED: Eye for an eye... ...vagina...

26 July 2017

25 July 2017

Or... and I admit I'm just spitballin' here...

...you could keep her batshit, murderous ass in prison...BRAMPTON, Ont. - Police west of Toronto are warning parents that a woman convicted of deliberately poisoning four young children in her care has been released from prison. Peel Regional Police say Christine Allen, 36, was released Monday and will be living in the Charolais Boulevard area in Brampton, Ont. Police say Allen is at an elevated...

California Dreamin'

On July 21, the Egyptian-born American preacher Ammar Shahin delivered a Friday sermon at the Islamic Center of Davis, northern California, where he serves as Imam. In it he cited an antisemitic hadith, according to which the Muslims would fight the Jews on Judgment Day, and prayed to Allah to "liberate...

One of Afghanistan's best & brightest...

..makes you wonder how civilised the hoi-polloi can be...An Afghan diplomat, Mohammad Yama Aini is accused of beating his wife so badly that she ended up in a Queens emergency room — but he won’t be charged because he has diplomatic immunity, police sources told The Post on Sunday. At some point, Aini then drove his wife to Flushing Hospital, where she eventually told workers he had pulled her...

I'm gonna go out on a limb here...

...Clouseau... and say yes...TORONTO - A man believed to be in his 20s is dead following a shooting in Scarborough’s Malvern neighbourhood on Sunday night. The shooting came hours after two men in their 30s were shot dead and a woman seriously wounded at a birthday barbecue a few streets over. It...

24 July 2017


Remember, back, when you were a kid... being bombarded with all those stories about human trafficking? Yeah... me neither...After being held for two weeks, the 15-year-old girl managed to escape and contacted police.The Toronto Police Service began an investigation. On Wednesday, July 19, 2017, Shamar...

Because it's 2017...

...says Canada's feminist, post national Prime Minister...Some of the Conservatives’ insertions attracted controversy, including a warning that certain “barbaric cultural practices,” such as honour killings and female genital mutilation, are crimes in Canada.That sounds pretty reasonab... what the f@ckin'...

Cities... I don't think so...

..what we really need are "Sanctuary Countries"...MEXICO CITY (AP) -- Mexico's spiraling violence reached new heights with 2,234 murders in June, the country's deadliest month in at least 20 years, according to government data. For the first six months of 2017, authorities nationwide recorded 12,155 homicide investigations, or 31 percent more than the 9,300 during the same period last year. The...

22 July 2017

Get out your decoder rings...

"Calgary police say the violence is generally localized to individuals of a group that is very disorganized and lacking in the structure of traditional gangs. Communities within central and northeast Calgary have the highest shooting occurrence rates and the shootings are most likely to happen during...


The devil, of course, is in the details..."He means nobody's ever SURVIVED him pulling a weapon on them."********** BONUS JUICE NEWS:"A Nevada brothel offered O.J. Simpson his first job offer since being promised parole from the Nevada prison system." "Some of the prostitutes working at the Bunny...

21 July 2017

Celebrating a Lion of the Left

"It was nine hours before he reported the accident. In the meantime, he walked back to his motel, complained to the manager about a noisy party, took a shower, went to sleep, ordered newspapers when he woke up and spoke to a friend and two lawyers before finally calling the police."Kennedy, Kennedy... that sounds so familiar...Margaret Trudeau wrote in her memoir that she had a romance with Senator...

Kathleen Wynne's "dirty business"

Ontario taxpayers will soon be part-owners of one of the biggest coal-fired power plants in America west of the Mississippi River, making money off pollution in the U.S. Northwest that would be illegal to emit at home. What they do at Colstrip would be against the law in Ontario. In 2015, after closing the last of this province’s coal plants by government order, the Liberals passed a law outlawing...

20 July 2017

Eyewitness testimony

A jury has convicted a western Michigan woman of first-degree murder in the shooting death of her husband in a crime apparently witnessed by the man’s pet parrot. After the slaying, the pet parrot, Bud, constantly repeated “don’t f@cking shoot” in Martin Duram’s voice.Please note that the parrot was actually helpful, unlike these irredeemable little turds..."Police and prosecutors say little can...

19 July 2017


BREAKING: Sounds like Mohammed Noor... ...wasn't the only affirmative action fiasco...Mayor Hodges released a statement on the chief’s resignation: “As far as we have come, I’ve lost confidence in Police Chief Janeé Harteau’s ability to lead us further — and from the many conversations I’ve had with...

A story you're not gonna see...

...anytime soon on the CBC...Justine's loved ones said she called 911 after hearing what she thought was a sexual assault in the alley. Moments later, a responding officer, Mohamed Noor, shot and killed her from inside his squad car. WCCO also learned that when she approached the squad car, Officer...


Peter Kent: • The Trudeau government paid a terrorist murderer $10-million. • Gerald Butts: • Look... squirrel, squirrel!!! •********** RELATED: PM Selfie knows best"Media reports this week have revealed aspects of future governor general Julie Payette's past that were previously not disclosed, including a dismissed domestic assault charge and a fatal traffic accident. Prime Minister Trudeau did...

18 July 2017

Toronto Homicide Squad rounding up...

...farmers, hunters, target shooters... and soccer mums... "Four to five suspects fled in a dark-coloured sedan following the shooting, police said, though witnesses initially said the vehicle looked like a minivan. There was no immediate suspect description available."Apparently... "mum's the word." ********** RELATED:...

2017 North American Indigenous Games

Cultural appropriation alert!!!In addition to the expected, predictable archery and canoeing events... there is, apparently... imagine my surprise... golf AND rifle shooting. CBC, however... has decided to stick to broadcasting traditional indigenous pursuits so as not to offend the usual snowflakes. NO...

17 July 2017

The capricious and unknowable...

..."Will of Allah"..."Imam Sheikh Muhammad ibn Musa Al Nasr called Jews 'the worst of mankind' and expressed his hope that Muslims would slaughter them on Judgment Day. The Dar al-Arkam Mosque in Montreal has still yet to apologize for the speech and the original Arabic version of the sermon remains...

Just try spanking your kids...

...and see if the Children's Aid Society don't try to snatch them away from you, but..."In one example, a family might tell their children they are going on vacation to Australia, but instead, according to the documents, they travel to a small, remote village in Somalia for the girls to be cut."So how...

15 July 2017

Feminism... The Final Frontier

Please tell me these freaks are not procreating..."Pets cannot speak for themselves. They cannot tell you that they are being misgendered. It’s important not to make assumptions about what gender your animal is based off of its sex."I'm guessing the bills from the pet psychiatrist are the least of the...

14 July 2017

The larger philosophical questions

"Why own a gun?"********** READING THE TEA LEAVES: The new abolitionists...“The police force in this country began as a slave patrol…,” activist Jessica Disu said last year. “We need to abolish the police, period. Demilitiarize the police, disarm the police, and we need to come up with community...

13 July 2017

PM Selfie vs his own Bureaucracy

FLIP:“There is a level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say 'we need to go green.'"FLOP:"Respect for human rights in China has declined over the past two years with crackdowns on media and political...

Man the lifeboats...

...women and children first..."Nevada's governor has endorsed a statement of emergency declared for recreational marijuana regulations, after the state's tax authority declared that many stores are running out of weed."********** RELATED: Black Lives SplatterAccording to WJZ, murders occur so frequently in Baltimore that the number of murders in the city is higher than the number in Philadelphia,...

Millions for Terrorists

So, when will Justin Trudeau and Kathleen Wynne start building genderless universities, hospitals and prisons?In May, the Ontario provincial government announced plans to begin issuing gender-neutral birth certificates. Ontario also allows residents to opt for an X, rather than an M or F on their drivers’...

12 July 2017

Justin Trudeau paid the "Jizya"...

...to keep Jean Chretien and Paul Martin off the witness stand...“The Harper government refused to repatriate Mr. Khadr or otherwise resolve the matter. They could have, but they didn’t,” Goodale declared. Except Goodale omitted that in so doing, Harper was merely continuing the policy of the Jean...

Ostrich Syndrome

So we'll pretend it's not happening... that'll fix the problem...Officials from BART, the public metro system serving California's San Francisco Bay area, have come under fire for their refusal to release crime surveillance videos, claiming such tapes will promote stereotypes and "stir up racial animosity." A...

11 July 2017

Obviously, it's no big deal...

...if there's no such thing as gender anymore...CORNWALL, Ont. - An eastern Ontario city is facing a human rights complaint over its policy prohibiting women and girls 10 and older from being topless in municipal pools. The mayor says the woman who launched the gender discrimination complaint doesn't live in Cornwall or the surrounding region. The complaint also targets an eastern Ontario water...

10 July 2017

And Winston Churchill wept...

A Sheffield England-based Muslim radio station has had its license suspended after broadcasting 25 hours of sermons “encouraging and condoning” violence against non-Muslims. The material “amounted to a direct call to action to members of the Muslim community to prepare for and carry out violent action against non-Muslim people.” Iman FM’s chief executive Mohammad Mughal told the Daily Mail: “This...

Cop-killings were "justified?"

Dallas, TX – Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price voted to oppose a resolution to honor murdered police officers, blaming police officers for the assassinations. The Wednesday vote was supposed to be largely ceremonial, but gained unexpected opposition as Commissioner John Wiley Price argued that law enforcement should not be honored, according to Fox4. Price said that ‘unjust police violence’...

09 July 2017

08 July 2017

Tell that to Sgt Chris Speer...

..oh, that's right... he's dead..."The apology sparked fresh public debate about Khadr, but Trudeau says the settlement is not about the details of Khadr’s case but the fact his rights were violated."Of course... the details are about Khadr being a convicted terrorist & murder...

Magical thinking... it doesn't work

"Liberals have a mystical idea that we can pluck people from the most discordant cultures, put them in middle-class houses in the suburbs and then, magically, primitive tribesmen will be imbued with the core beliefs of our republic and civilization, developed over centuries."********** RELATED: A...

07 July 2017

In 1996, Jean Chretien...

...got Ahmed Khadr sprung from a Pakistani prison... now Justin Trudeau just made his terrorist son a multi-millionaire..."The Trudeau government has quietly paid a $10.5-million settlement to Omar Khadr in a move that circumvents legal efforts by two Americans to prevent him from receiving compensation....

I'm from the government...

...I'm here to save you...A recent test of security measures at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport revealed shocking results after the failure rate hit a worrying 95 percent. Seventeen out of 18 banned items were successfully brought through security and into the airport, federal agents said. The agents were able to sneak explosive materials, mockups of weapons, and even drugs through TSA...

06 July 2017

The new "Big Brother" house

Orwell saw it coming..."CNN said the network 'reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.' As a result, CNN is now being accused of blackmail from multiple quarters on social media, as #CNNBlackMail became the top trend in the United States."********** RELATED: Mark Steyn on #CNNBlackmail... “Wolf Blitzer has basically put a horse’s head in this guy’s b...

Just the facts...

Scientists found that straight men felt disgust when shown slideshows of gay men kissing. Researchers said this reaction was similar to the disgust straight men experienced when shown images of rotting flesh or maggots. That was even true for straight men who reported no prejudice against homosexua...

05 July 2017

Feeling safer yet?

"The court also rejected Mohamed Mahjoub's previous requests to visit gun stores, shooting clubs or internet cafes."********** RELATED: Gotta have priorities, right Justin?“I can tell you I can certainly think of more worthy causes to use more than $10-million for,” said former Conservative defence minister Julian Fantino. “Just think of what that money could do to help our veterans and their families...

Get out your Decoder Rings...

...yet another mysterious shooting in the "Northwest" end of Toronto..."A 20-year-old man and a 19-year-old pregnant woman are recovering after being shot while inside an Etobicoke apartment early Tuesday. Emergency crews were called to 2757 Kipling Ave., a highrise apartment building located south of Steeles Avenue, for a shooting at 1:22 a.m. July 4." There is a vague description of the shooter,...

04 July 2017


"How much is that woman with the golf club in the Canadian Tire going to get?"Hey, Justin... while you've got the chequebook out...On Tuesday, the RCMP laid 14 terror-related charges against Dughmosh in addition to the charges she previously faced, including four counts of attempted murder, four counts...

Nurturing those important relationships...

...it's what he does best..."No, Mr. Prime Minister. Clearly, we aren’t all Canadians. This country has an ugly history of disregarding and disenfranchising the collective spirit of the Albertan people. For too long, they have been ignored by Ottawa, despite being integral to the beautiful tapestry...

03 July 2017

Just think of it as a metaphor...

...for Librano governance..."I stood in a line for three hours to get on the Hill, where the police officer told us to line up, just to be told at the other end by another police officer that that line was closed now and go wait somewhere else for five hours. No thanks."You give away free hot dogs and...

02 July 2017

Hitting back

They use their media to assassinate real news, they use their schools to teach children that their president is another Hitler. They use their movie stars and singers and comedy shows and awards shows to repeat their narrative over and over again. Then they use their ex-president to endorse the ‘resistance,’...

01 July 2017

I'm from the government...

...I'm here to rack up frequent flyer miles..."Montreal lawyer Michèle Moreau announced her resignation as executive director of Canada’s missing and murdered indigenous women and girls inquiry on Friday."Hmmm... what could possibly be driving that decision? Is it possible there's nothing to report?"Crucially...

A legacy for your loved ones

What is Black Lives Matters not telling you?"Police have identified 27-year-old Raimzhan Tokhtabayev as the man who was fatally gunned down outside the Diamonds Cabaret strip club near Dundas Street and The West Mall at around 2:40 a.m."********** RELATED: Silence of the BLMs"Alexander Fountain, 23,...