31 July 2015

30 July 2015

27 July 2015

They could've had an astronaut...

...but no, they went with the space cadet... Perhaps dumpster diving for "star" candidates does have a downside.TORONTO — Conservative defector Eve Adams failed on Sunday in her bid to run as a Liberal candidate in the looming federal election. The sitting member of Parliament, welcomed personally into the fold by Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau, was handily beaten for the party’s nomination in the...

25 July 2015

You could abolish gender entirely...

...and some folks still wouldn't be satisfied..."Let's face it... if you can't get along with the Lotus Land Liberal Party (the folks who provide government subsidised heroin to the largest aggregate junkie population in North America) will you ever be able to find inner peace? ********** RELATED:...

24 July 2015

Four years ago I asked...

"If every Canadian Senator who ever drooled between two lips... disappeared from the face of the earth tomorrow... how exactly would your life be affected?"Whatever the original founders intentions may have been (and, given the Family Compactish elasticity of conscience back then, I'm not so sure they were actually that admirable in the first place) the Canadian Senate has become a luxury retirement...

23 July 2015

22 July 2015

Wynne's slavish devotion to Daltonomics...

...continues pushing Ontario into the red...OTTAWA - Canada's federal finances are in a solid long-term position but the provincial and municipal government picture is far less rosy, the country's Parliamentary Budget Officer said on Tuesday.California, here we come. ********** RELATED: Small town ch...

21 July 2015

To put it in terms...

...today's low information social justice warriors can understand... it ain't Barack or John Kerry who's wearing the strap-on here...Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the highest authority in Iran, told supporters on Saturday that U.S. policies in the region were "180 degrees" opposed to Iran's, in a Tehran speech punctuated by chants of "Death to America" and "Death to Israel".Apparently, Secretary of State...

19 July 2015

Or you could keep it simple...

...just pay a hooker and make sure you glove up..."It was only matter of time before a mobile phone app was launched that lets people say yes to sex. The app is designed to make sure there’s no trouble between partners the morning after the night before, as they film themselves giving consent."Now,...

18 July 2015

BIG SOCIALISM: They'd like to buy...

...the world a coke...Neither Trudeau nor Mulcair were willing to address one of the thornier of current native issues: the insistence by the Mohawk community of Kahnawake, near Montreal, that non-natives who marry Mohawks be driven from the reserve.Apparently, Tommy Trotsky and the Ghost of Pierre just wanna rock like it's 1939...Mulcair simply dodged the question, twice, while Trudeau replied: “We...

16 July 2015

Rioting tonight in Erie, Pennsylvania?

No, I don't think so. The people in Erie seem to instinctively know that looting and burning the city they live in won't bring back this fine young man. I just don't understand why the national media thinks the deaths of Michael Brown and Freddie Gray are more important than the murder of Jacob Pushinsky. Inexplicably, the Superintendent of Erie's Public Schools is framing the shooter as the "victim"...

15 July 2015

Dr Hope'N'Changelove

Uh, Barack, you're not listening... that's precisely what we're so afraid of...Yes, God Willing... or Inshallah as they say down at the mosque. ********** RELATED: Keepin' it real You can tell a lot about a president by the people he pardo...

14 July 2015

Full Metal Prada

A century of Parris Island tradition goes all Semper Fifi... the end times can't be too far behind. No matter that abilities improved and scores went up... female commander gets the boot for being too tough on her marines.A Marine officer who led the service's only all-female recruit battalion was fired amid complaints of a toxic leadership environment — but her supporters say she was only trying...

13 July 2015

Victimhood Inc.

Yet again... nuclear level social fallout from the "soft bigotry of low expectations"..."Twenty-five years later, I expected to find a feel-good story of progress and success in Kanesatake. Instead I found a community struggling with poverty, lawlessness and bitterness." "Ottawa says it spent $35-million to buy 177 properties in the area. Locals claim that members of the band simply grabbed houses...

The Skynet Chronicles

"If we're lucky, they'll treat us as pets... if we're very unlucky, they'll treat us as food." For myself, I look forward to serving our benevolent mechanical overlords...People will not be the culmination of evolution. We are near the dawn of a post-human future that could be just as prolonged as the billions of years of Darwinian selection that preceded humanity’s emergence.Of course, it's not...

11 July 2015

Dear Toronto Star...

That's a pretty bold statement... especially in light of the fact that you then, professionally & journalistically, choose not to identify the cough, cough... "community" in question.A trend known as “community guns” accounts in part for the level of gun violence in the city.Of course, they're not shy about the "sky is falling" lede...The latest crime numbers from Toronto police show Ross’ death...

08 July 2015

Orwell was right

Sure, she's in trouble at the moment, but the fact is, Hillary could name Bruce, er... Caitlyn Jenner as her VP candidate, thus harnessing the apparently massive "groupthink" demographic... and run away with the presidential election. It doesn't matter that Ms Jenner is a political novice... sheeple-like...

07 July 2015

If a government bureaucrat went out...

...and banned hoodies... there would be bloody rioting in the streets of Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. So how can the RCMP, without any justification, turn this .22 calibre rifle into a prohibited weapon? Don't take my word for it. Walk up to any cop and ask them if they'd be more worried about...

04 July 2015

When you vote this fall...

...ask yourself... will Thomas Mulcair or Justin Trudeau work to place this bill back on the legislative agenda? Of course not."The Harper government introduced a bill, which passed first reading before Parliament recessed for the summer, to abolish the possibility of parole for certain heinous crimes,...

03 July 2015

It's all (culturally) relative... right?

Perhaps cops aren't the only people who should be wearing those new-fangled body cameras...As the adolescent girl underwent gynecological surgery at a western Canadian hospital, a doctor stood by to perform an unusual function. The physician was there, according to a source familiar with the incident,...

The Confederate Flag Chronicles

The first thing we do... is get rid of all those reprehensible symbols of hate... C'mon now, folks... you wouldn't put an ISIS bumpersticker on your car... would you? ********** RELATED: In other reflagging news...“We often underestimate just how strongly we respond to what other people actually...

02 July 2015

The face that launched...

...a thousand lies..."Emails from 2009 show that chief of staff Rahm Emanuel and senior adviser David Axelrod understood at the time that Clinton used a private email account and server for official business. Indeed, top officials were forced to explicitly ask Clinton aides for her e-mail address."Apparently,...

Way of the Eco Warrior

You can think with the "Big" head... or the "little" one...Celebrity activist David Suzuki told a Prince Rupert audience last night that "an increase in the human population" was one of the factors impacting "climate change." Suzuki is the father of five children.And if you're gonna have more than one family, you need a place to put them, right?It seems David Suzuki has expensive tastes for someone...