...#metoo, #methree, #mefour..."One of Hillary Clinton’s wealthy pals paid $500,000 in an unsuccessful effort to fund women willing to accuse President Trump of sexual misconduct before the 2016 election, The New York Times reported Sunda...
31 December 2017
"Grab some magical climbing powder"

From the comments..."The real hero is the person who climbed 449m to take that pictur...
30 December 2017
Diversity [Bollards] is our Strength

Come for the celebration... stay for the war crimes...A large number of assaults and robberies targeting women at Cologne's New Year's Eve celebrations two years ago horrified Germany. Hundreds of thousands of people are expected to attend the New Year's Eve party in Berlin on Sunday and security will...
29 December 2017
Accidentally... yeah...
...let's go with that..."Man holding severed testicle in rice bowl when ambulance arrives."**********
RELATED: Evidently, drinking yourself to death...
...is not for pussies...Saunders says in the video that doctors are monitoring her condition and managing her pain, which she described as "excruciatin...
...Good..."How about Hollywood remake Thelma and Louise with Ryan Gosling and Jake Gyllenhaal? They'll have encounters with crazy, sexist, feminist women as they rob stores and run from police. Total blockbuster."...Better..."Is Hollywood going to remake Dirty Harry movies with Amy Adams? What’s next?"...Best..."Can you say Ghostbusters 2...
28 December 2017
The Big "Shiny Pony" Fix
Justin Trudeau's Liberal Party think they've identified what's wrong with Canada...Canadian citizenship applications surge after government relaxes language, residency rules. 17,500 applications filed in week after requirements revised, compared with 3,653 in an average week.If only Canada could be more like, say... Yemen. Good to know the government is on that.
Of course, those aren't the only...
We're Number One!!!
Murders in the U.S. rose nearly 9% last year, and one-third of that increase came from just a few neighborhoods in Chicago, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of the FBI’s annual 2016 publication, Crime in the United States.**********
RELATED: Who's zoomin' who?"Baltimore has hit 343 homicides in 2017, and a new record for killings per capita. The homicide rate for 2017 is now 55.8 killings...
27 December 2017
Little bit of a kerfuffle...
...over at Allan's Snackbar...MOSCOW - December 27 - /TASS/ - An explosion in a St. Petersburg entertainment center has left ten people injured, emergency services told TASS on Wednesday.
A week after Russian President Putin thanked US President Trump and the CIA for their warnings about a possible terror attack in St.Petersburg, TASS reports that an explosion in a storage locker in a busy supermarket...
Because it's 2017... right?
Orwell was right... some animals are more equal than others...A pay hike for female faculty at Wilfrid Laurier University, made in the name of all that is sacred — fairness for women — has created a brand new wage inequity.
In the small finance group at the university’s business and economics school, for instance, the two women who were hired at the same time as male colleagues and paid the same,...
26 December 2017
At least as well thought out...

...as any of Justin's other policy initiatives...VANCOUVER -- A disinterested pharmaceutical industry and the conundrum of finding a convincing placebo are just two reasons experts say "there has been little quality research into medicinal marijuana."
"It's already at market so there's really no incentive,...
25 December 2017
Ho, Ho, Ho...

...looks like the wheels just fell off the United Nations party bus..."Nikki Haley, United States Ambassador to the United Nations, announced Sunday night that the federal government has reduced its contribution to the U.N.’s annual budget by 285 million dollars."**********
RELATED: I'm sure Canada's...
24 December 2017
I'm from Hollywood... I'm here...

...to save you...‘Perhaps they should have added a line, “Sir Winston Churchill lived to be 90,” said Biographer Hugo Vickers.’**********
FROM THE COMMENTS:"Will a Freddy Mercury movie come with warnings against unprotected buggary?"**********
Apparently SOME incinerated...
23 December 2017
Another story you'll never see...

...on Canada's national broadcaster...Remember all those less fortunate souls over the holidays...PARIS (AP) — France’s government is deploying nearly 100,000 police and soldiers for the holiday season as fears of extremist attacks remain hi...
22 December 2017
Strange... went to Chapters website...

...but couldn't find the "Dancing with the Prophet Mohammed" book anywhere...**********
RELATED: What... no courses on holy Koran?Prestigious Swarthmore College will introduce a course called “Queering the Bibl...
What are Justin's Pals up to?
The Palestinian Authority and PA President Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah Party have been airing a music video promoting suicide attacks. The video featured the photos of two suicide bombers who murdered three Israelis and wounded 128.**********
RELATED: Blessed are the Peacemak...
...wait a minute...Paris (AFP) - Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas said Friday that he would "no longer accept" any peace...
21 December 2017
One dead 5 year-old child...

...we "Deplorables" call that "burying the lede"...Jamal Daniel Todman, 34, told investigators he put the gun, which is registered to his wife, in the glove box and normally locks it.Boy, that sure sounds like a responsible, upright citi... what the f@ckin' f@ck...Todman faces charges of negligent storage...
Diversity is our streng...

...sweet baby jebus...Police in the heavily-migrant populated Swedish city of Malmö backtracked after warning young women not to go out alone at night in no-go zones after a brutal rape in which some claim a 17-year-old girl had her abdomen set on fire.Because we sure wouldn't want to run the risk of...
20 December 2017
Journalism 101

Dancer & Prancer... the only true reindeer...“The all-ages book about a black, gay Santa takes on the Yuletide zealots with a warm smile,” one headline screamed. Mrs. Claus is now a mister in a new gay-themed Christmas storybook for children that has CNN and the rest of the Mainstream Media all...
Aren't we supposed to say...

..."differently abled?"...
19 December 2017
And Isaac Asimov wept

The Third International Congress in Love and Sex with Robots has been rocked by terror threats from Muslim extremists.
Organisers have been forced to move the controversial meeting of computer scientists, AI experts and robot ethicists from Goldsmiths University to a secret venue for security reasons.**********
The notorious "northwest end" of...
...Toronto the Good guzzles another three victims..."One man is in life-threatening condition after a triple shooting in Etobicoke Monday night that also injured two others. The shooting occurred at the intersection Dixon Road and Skyway Avenue just before 10:30 p.m., according to police."Maybe it's something in the water. Not too surprisingly, Canada's "national broadcaster" is a little short...
18 December 2017
President Hopey-Changey...

...and his curiously skewed agenda...But as Project Cassandra reached higher into the hierarchy of the conspiracy, Obama administration officials threw an increasingly insurmountable series of roadblocks in its way.
Obama had entered office in 2009 promising to improve relations with Iran as part of...
17 December 2017
"Imagine no religion. It's easy if you try."
RELATED: Speaking of "cultural relativity"...BEIRUT -- Lebanese authorities on Monday arrested a local Uber driver suspected of killing a British woman who worked for the U.K. Embassy in Beirut and whose body was found beside a motorway east of the city with a rope around her ne...
16 December 2017
Where "community housing" goes...

...mayhem follows...Toronto police say they received a 911 call around 12:30 a.m. for the sound of gunshots at 25 Henry Lane Terrace — a Toronto Community Housing building near Lower Jarvis St. and The Esplanade.
The man, whose identity was not immediately released, was pronounced dead on the scene....
Because... "Aboriginal"

If it was my child that got bumped off the transplant list... I'd be insane with rage...Saunders, 26, has been told she does not meet criteria set by the Trillium Gift of Life Network, the Ontario agency that manages organ transplants.You know, the "criteria" that every other non-special human being...
15 December 2017
Keep on digging, Coopy

Overall, due to countless lies and trolling, CNN is now widely regarded as a left-wing disinformation outlet. Even those who do not care for Trump, feel CNN is unreliable.Speaking of...Cooper’s inexcusable tweet is just more piece of proof that CNN has no legitimate editorial or ethical standar...
Diversity is our streng...
...sweet baby jebus...Prime Minister Stefan Lofven of Sweden has admitted his country has a problem with anti-Semitism in general and the attitudes of immigrants from the Middle East in particular.
Just three days before Mr. Lofven spoke, a group of around 20 masked men hurled firebombs at a Gothenburg synagogue, hours after an anti-Israel march in Sweden’s second largest city.**********
14 December 2017
Because it's 2017
"The Liberal government has issued a new directive to restrict Canada's electronic spy agency, the military and foreign ministry from using — or passing along — information that may have been derived from torture."In Justin's post-national state... the terrorists will apparently arrest themselves.
MEANWHILE BACK AT THE RANCH:OTTAWA — Federal Liberals followed a secretive, unethical process...
Apparently, the first three allegations...
...are deductible...“I have accepted that I can and should get dirt on my sleeves if it means witnessing the birth of a new consciousness about women. “What I will not accept is responsibility for what I have not done. I have conducted my life with a message of peace and love."
"Although I have been candid about how I have lived in books and interviews detailing my flaws, I will relentlessly fight...
More LGBTQWERTY madness
An online mob of LGBT agitators assailed a doughnut shop in Portland, Maine that teamed up with the Salvation Army to provide assistance to needy children, alleging that the charitable organization is anti-gay.**********
RELATED: Those "social justice" warriors...
...they're everywhe...
13 December 2017
This sounds less like...

...an intentional community... than an off-Broadway production of Grand Theft Auto V...Cocaine, marijuana and tens of thousands of dollars in cash were used to bribe voters in a recent Saskatchewan First Nation election. A 19-page report obtained by CBC News concluded there is "no doubt" vote-buying...
Remember, back... you were a kid...
...all those stabbed babies...
Yeah... me neither..."Const. David Hopkinson told CP24 that the four-month-old girl and the man were found by first responders in or near the lobby of the building and were suffering from stab wounds. Paramedics say the baby's injuries may be life-threatening."**********
UPDATE: Different narrative emerges...Early police reports said both a man and a baby were stabbed,...
The first thing we do is...

...hang all the lawyers... - TORONTO - Jurors deciding the fate of two men accused of murdering Laura Babcock and burning her body were never told that human remains were found in an animal incinerator belonging to one of the accused months after the Toronto woman vanished.And then we can start on the...
12 December 2017
Just something to think about...

...during that 7 hour wait to see the Emergency Room doctor...Liberal Finance Minister Bill Morneau will explain that he's already earmarked more than $1 billion toward legalization over the next five years, with a focus on areas such as public safety, policing and awareness, said the official, who...
Hot off the "National Broadcaster" presses

"Portrait of a Haitian woman", by Quebec artist François Malépart de Beaucourt, 1786. The woman portrayed in this painting was a slave owned by the artist and his wife."Sorry, CBC... this has nothing to do with me or mine. The British Empire outlawed slavery before Canada even became an actual country.
11 December 2017
Try running this one past...

...your "progressive" friends..."Those of us in the phallocratic tyranny have mostly had to twiddle our thumbs in the members-only cocktail lounge with a martini in one hand and a showgirl in the other while the little ladies slugged it out."Waiter... I'll have another, please.No One Ever Drowned in...
Those crazy, homicidal Lutherans...

...oh, wait... looks like it was actually the "religion of peace"... yet again...The suspect has been identified as Akayed Ullah, 27, who was wearing an improvised explosive device, Police Commissioner James O’Neill said. The device was affixed to his body with velcro and zipties, a second device was...
10 December 2017
All this "triggered" argle-bargle...

...is getting out of hand...Anyway, at some point, Bezan and Romanado posed for a picture with an unidentified third person.
As they did so, Bezan said, “This isn’t my idea of a threesome.”And, yes... that's all of it. No pussies got grabbed, no penises were exposed. You figure it o...
09 December 2017
The socialist myth of the...

...peaceful Palestinian... Ismail Haniyah, head of the Hamas government in Gaza...“Our position remains as it is, Palestine from the sea to the Jordan river. We will not agree to two states and not to the division of Jerusalem. I hereby call for terrorism and armed struggle."Sure... unlike what they've...
08 December 2017
That slippery lube-strewn slope

Sorry... in my perfect world... choice still matters...We've gone from "Love who you like" to "love who I say, bigot."
Apparently a woman's right to have sex with only who she wants to have sex with is trumped by gay people's rights to have sex with anyone.
RELATED: Liberalism... the cutting...
07 December 2017

...I'll say it again..."In Toronto. Owned by Torontonians. How could this be allowed to happen...
Another story you're not gonna see...

...on the CBC..."Peace process? What peace process? Does Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas mean the videos running on the official Palestinian Authority TV station telling their citizens to kill Jews?
Or perhaps the way his government encourages terrorism by paying blood money to terrorists...
06 December 2017
The Usual Lunatics

Police believe that the plan was to launch some sort of improvised explosive device at 10 Downing Street and in the ensuing chaos attack and kill Prime Minister Theresa May.
The revelation comes hours after the head of MI5, Andrew Parker, revealed that police have foiled nine terrorist plots since...
05 December 2017
Why have I never heard about...

..."Black Twitter?"...
04 December 2017
Forget about who shot him says CBC...

...let's talk racist paramedics... who allegedly had to be talked into taking Yosif Al-Hasnawi into hospital rather than applying a bandaid and sending him on his way...Witnesses including a local Muslim leader say paramedics told a dying man he was shot by a pellet gun and merely acting injured before...
One of the world's great cities...

...is under siege... and apparently they're helpless to stop it...London (AFP) - The British capital saw 454 acid attacks reported last year, up from 261 in 2015 and 166 the year before.How long before we start seeing this sort of thing in North America?The gallery will be exhibiting the IN/VISIBLE...
03 December 2017

"Stay focused, stay rich....
There's more than one way...

...to show off your big, brass balls..."About a year after being acquitted of sexual assault charges that destroyed his broadcasting career, Jian Ghomeshi is eager to get back to work."I wonder if there are any particularly pressing & timely "social issues" he might care to address.
02 December 2017

"You know how it is. You find a gun on the street, you take a few pot shots at some sea lions, and some crazy white chick walks right into your line of fire."**********
RELATED: Back in "Toronto the Good"Malique Ellis, 21, is dead following a shooting in the hallway of an apartment building at Eglinton...
The Burbs get a Big City Taste
Remember back, you were a kid... your friends were getting kidnapped off the street?
Me neither.Suspects identified as 24-year-old Trenell Ottley and 21-year-old Trevell Ottley facing charges in connection with three carjacking-style incidents and four robberies where victims were targeted in their cars. One of the two suspects has been charged in connection with the Ajax GO Station robbery, as well.
01 December 2017
As trustworthy as J. Edgar Tranny
“These new FBI documents show the FBI was more concerned about a whistleblower who told the truth about the infamous Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting than the scandalous meeting itself,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement.
"There is no documentation showing concern over the meeting itself."How government really wor...
The New Journalism
Remember... these days, in Justin's post-national state, descriptions of the folks involved are entirely unnecessary...Police say that a suspect who opened fire on a taxi in the downtown core early Friday morning was likely targeting a male customer seated inside. They say that bullets struck the drivers-side door and drivers-side window of the taxi.
The taxi sped away from the scene after the shooting...
30 November 2017
I'm from the government...

...I'm here to save you...Gaps in the security screening of Syrian refugees led to dozens being admitted to Canada without proper vetting. As a result, 39 Syrian refugees who should have undergone comprehensive security checks were not screened before arriving in Canada, although they were recorded...
29 November 2017
Great-Grampie on the road to Sodom...

I'm picturing a leathery old guy with cowboy boots and a second amendment t-shirt..."An 85-year-old male motorcyclist is dead following a crash on the QEW Erie. The Toronto-bound lanes of the highway have been closed between Netherby and Sodom roads as a collision reconstruction team investigates the...
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