...right up until the part where you started getting naked...O’Brien testified he heard blood-curdling screams at his neighbours’ front door."People were screaming, ‘Stop,’ and ‘Help,’ so I went inside their house." He confronted one intruder on the upper landing, wrestled with him and as they tumbled together down the stairs, O’Brien’s black trousers fell to his ankles, court heard.He said he removed...
30 November 2011
Aren't these the same folks...

...who didn't have a problem turning Mike Tyson (with his dozens of pre-pro career arrests) into a modern day folk hero?C'mon... does anybody really doubt that fighters are simply small interchangeable parts in a huge money-making machine?"Women’s boxing will be an Olympic sport for the first time in...
I think what we really need... is a...
...24 hour archeology channel...The Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes Project aims to – in three years time – map 14 square kilometres of the Stonehenge Landscape using the latest geophysical imaging techniques, 'virtually excavating' Salisbury Plain. They'll then recreate visually the iconic prehistoric monument and its surroundings as it was in the third millennium BC.Less "Little Mosque on the Prairie"......
29 November 2011
"Stop... or I'll..."
"...yell stop again...""The act drew a sharp rebuke from London. British Prime Minister David Cameron called it 'outrageous and indefensible' and warned the Iranian government will face 'serious consequences' for 'its unacceptable failure' to protect diplomats in line with international law." "He said those measures would be considered in coming days."Maybe it's time to stop yammering and actually...
Oh my gawd... obviously they're on to us

I guess that super-secret Conservative plan... to brand & banish homosexuals to Baffin Island is gonna have to be moved up..."What matters here is the precedent being set. After the witch hunt against the CBC, who’s next? Museums, obviously. And then what?"Your Globe & Mail... never afraid...
L'audace, l'audace, toujours l'audace

No beatin' around the truffles here, h...
28 November 2011
You know what'd be really scary, Chantal...

...putting the NDP in charge of absolutely anything important...The planned ad, provided Sunday to The Globe and Mail, pictured the wrong version of that gun, one that is already restricted and will still have to be registered after Parliament votes to scrap the registry for most long guns.Now the NDP...
Heading back home...
...after yet another unsettling trip to the Devil's Armpit.Just got the post-surgical signoff on my recently repaired knee... seems all is as it should be. I'm told another 6 weeks I'll be tap-dancing my way out to the woodpile.Really lousy sleep last night... probably should have spent another night at Mrs Neo's bro's... but I really just wanna be back in my cave, surrounded by my tribe.Loaded up...
27 November 2011
So one minute... we're all being forced...

...to use food banks and sleep under bridges... and then, suddenly... nay, miraculously... Here's a question, folks... do any of you actually know... and I mean personally... any of the self-named "99 percenters" who are camped out at these gaudy victimfests? Do these incoherent, unwashed protestors...
And this is news... how?

Hmmm, gonna go out on a limb here... and hazard a guess you ain't gonna find him in his birthday suit at some sketchy Chinatown massage parlour either...BUT IT'S STILL NOT NEWS.**********FROM THE COMMENTS:"I do not have a problem with legalizing all drugs: pot, cocaine, heroin PROVIDED we completely...
26 November 2011
Calling all cars... calling all cars...
...let's start rounding up those farmers, duck hunters and skeet shooters... yet again... • TORONTO • A concierge was shot in the leg after confronting an armed man in a downtown condo.It happened at a building across from Harbourfront Centre at Queens Quay West and Lower Simcoe Street.**********RELATED: New mandatory "spork" regulation?Three men were stabbed in a fight in the entertainment district...
25 November 2011
The True North... strong...
...and almost free... • MONTREAL • The playgrounds, hallways and cafeterias of Quebec’s largest school board will soon be French-only zones as authorities move to silence other languages, even during recess.In a bid to ensure its 110,000 students master French, the Commission scolaire de Montréal has announced a new code of conduct declaring French de rigueur at all times during the school day.Just...

If only the greedy, wily, white men would allow an aboriginal system of governance to spread from sea to shining sea... "If we kept control of our lands then you would never have to pay taxes." "You would live free and be free to pursue your own way of life if we claimed this land." "We would never...
24 November 2011
A $200 RIM Playbook...
...deal or no deal?**********UPDATE: Jailbreaking the Playbook"Mr. Wade and his partners, who wished to remain anonymous, said they will soon release the patch to Dingleberry.it, where users can download it to jailbreak their own tablets.""'Now that it’s opened up, you’re going to see a lot more attacks on RIM,' Mr. Wade said. 'It may actually even boost RIM’s sales...
23 November 2011
Same Planet... Different Worlds

Scenario 1:I had mixed feelings about hunting from the start. I like the outdoors and being alone in the bush. A summer job tree planting near White River was enjoyable as much for its solitude as anything else. I liked the idea of taking up one of my father’s pastimes. I believe anyone who eats meat...
Just how long does it take... for a King Dipper wannabe... to repudiate everything Saint Jacko ever stood for? -- ANSWER -- at least 24 hours... the paperwork is incredible..."Cullen and three other candidates said they wouldn't bring it back.""A fourth big-city candidate, Thomas Mulcair of Montreal, said through a spokesman that he wasn't at this point taking a position on the issue."Yet another...
Ask a "professional" journalist
Property rights & self defence... oh, the horror..."The Harper government has re-introduced legislation that expands the circumstances under which a citizen’s arrest can be made and that also aims to simplify laws related to self-defence and defence of property."Hey, call me wacky... that sounds... especially in light of the recent David Chen fiasco... like a good thing.I guess, though... I'm...
Basking in their brilliance... it's Job #1
Until not a single McDreamy socialist ass... remains unkissed.I swear, there's no one who represents that unrepentant dumbed-down bias like the Globe's Jane Taber. What's life without a dream, huh Janie? And, hey... you get a twofer here... a celebration of Juicy Justin putting yet another one of those dumb as dogshit tea-party wannabees in their place. You go, girl... all that was missing were...
22 November 2011
That secretive, controlling Stephen Harp...

...wait a minute...Alright, Poindexter... put your hands where I can see them... and step away from the Speedo... -1611- Carter: "It seems that a few people have a very strong say, and no matter how much talking goes on beforehand, the big decisions are made at the eleventh hour by a select core...
Darn it all, Mr President... we're so sorry...

...but heck, now that you've spelled it out... maybe, just maybe... next time around... we'll measure up..."Canada must first be certified as a fit place to send a convicted terrorist, a nation not likely to permit him to attack the United States, and one that has control of its prison...
This is exactly what I heard...
...on my latest visit to the Devil's Armpit for a little day surgery...Just this week, an opinion poll showed that new arrivals believe just as strongly as home-grown Canadians that people who come to this country should adapt and integrate. The vast majority of immigrants don’t want separate schools or different treatment. They just want to be treated like everyone else.Perhaps somebody oughta share...
21 November 2011
If you took every wind turbine...
...on the face of this earth... and used that money to prop up health care... how many lives you figure you could save?When an honest history of this period in the United States is written, it will not be kind to the corporate cronyism that preyed upon public ignorance of earth science to create a crisis — global warming — to exploit and loot the Treasury.In the best wind spots on earth, over 14,000...
So there's the dumbass Occubots...

...and people who really put their lives on the line...“If I go home, most probably they will kill m...
19 November 2011
Hey, c'mon now... he jiggled the damn rope...Hamed was urging them to make a U-turn so they could return to the motel, when all of a sudden the car went into the water, he said. So he sounded the horn of the Lexus, then got a rope. "I put the rope a few times in the water ... nothing happened," Hamed said. "I moved it a little bit to see if they take it."Well, you certainly can't ask for a more...
18 November 2011
Is it just me... or is anybody else...

...still waiting on Queen Lizzie to pony up that "Highland Clearances" abuse cheq...
17 November 2011

That's funny... most folks just don't seem to be as enthusiastic about segregation as the TDSB...**********RELATED: And Martin Luther King wept... -- NEW PALTZ -- A sign reading "Colored only" was found posted over a drinking fountain in the Humanities Building Nov. 8. The sign was removed and...
So, the Liberals spend 2 billion dollars...
...on the "Farmer Bob Rifle Registry"... turns out what we really need are more frontline peace officers... -- TORONTO -- The finely-honed skills of a Canadian border guard in Vancouver have helped keep hundreds of potentially-lethal weapons from reaching the streets of Toronto.Toronto Police on Wednesday unveiled over 200 illegal weapons that were seized from a Danforth Ave.-Dawes Rd. area apartment...
Whaddaya wanna bet...

...they skip right over that embarrassing little "shiatsu" thing? -- TORONTO -- Chow says her husband of 22 years, who died Aug. 22 of an undisclosed cancer, was a tireless crusader who proved one person can make a difference.“And he always went about it in Jack’s own way, which in some ways is...
16 November 2011
Hope, Change and...
...can you help a brutha out? -- WASHINGTON DC -- The Obama administration, which gave the solar company Solyndra a half-billion-dollar loan to help create jobs, asked the company to delay announcing it would lay off workers until after the hotly contested November 2010 midterm elections that imperiled Democratic control of Congress, newly released e-mails show.But, but, but... isn't he McDre...
I swear to gawd... somebody please, please, please... tell me this is bullsh...
15 November 2011
We have the technology
Getting a bit of a surgical tuneup... blogging will be lig...
And while we're talkin' about...
...double standards.**********RELATED: Kill the CBC......do it n...
14 November 2011
That secretive, controlling Stephen Harp...

...wait a minute...They take a billion dollar taxpayer handout every year... just something to remember... the next time you hear Peter Mansworth ranting about the Prime Minister not providing full disclosure to the Canadian people.**********UPDATE: Look who blinked -- OTTAWA -- The CBC has relinquished...
I hear the Toronto Homicide Squad...
...is rounding up farmers, deer hunters and skeet shooters as we speak...Police are searching for two suspects after a man was shot in the neck outside a west-end grocery store Saturday afternoon. The shots rang out around 4:45 p.m. in front of the FreshCo on Eglinton Avenue West, near Caledonia.The victim is said to be between 25 and 30 years old. He was rushed to hospital and remains in critical...
Tonight's CTV Moonbat Moment

Geez, Sandi... that really would be news... 'cos the way I heard it, she was "THE INSTIGATOR." With apologies to Crocodile Dundee... that ain't a vict...
13 November 2011
Cynical... me?
Ever wonder how politics really wor...
That flowering of democracy...

...everybody was crowing about... I'm thinkin' there may still be a few bugs in the system...Pelland, 34, a school teacher and a soccer coach, was shot in the chest after his driver refused to stop at an illegal roadblock set up by a tribe in the village of Al-Samata.Pelland was employed by the British...
12 November 2011
Just something to ponder, next time...

...Peace Moonbeam starts cryin' about Conservative crime bills...
11 November 2011
What's a little contagion, homicide...

...or narcotic syncopy among friends? -- HALIFAX NS -- Mayor Peter Kelly issued a statement saying the demonstrators' occupation of the parks simply isn't fair to other residents."Council and the public have respected the right to peaceful protest and free assembly, but the time has come for the...
Not any "99 percent" I'm familiar with
Oh my gawd... violent, disease-ridden Tea party demonstra... wait a minute...The city closed half of City Hall Park and put a halt to all camping at the Occupy Burlington site Thursday night while police investigate a shooting in a tent that cost a 35-year-old man his life.Meanwhile, down in Atlanta, contagion continues to spread...A homeless shelter that has been housing more than 100 "Occupy Atlanta"...
Remembrance and gratitude

Do you know someone who enlisted in Canada to fight in World War I?Search the WWI CEF databaseMy wife's grandfather, a member of the Canadian Cyclist Battalion, (pictured, in the kilt) was wounded by German shelling and carried around shrapnel from WWI for the rest of his life.He was one of the lucky...
10 November 2011
"Good sense, innocence, cripplin' mankind"

..."Dead kings, many things, I can't define"...Let the beatification begin..."She lived an authentic life — her philosophy was that one should never judge others."Or, apparently... anything about herself. Ironically... a little "self-judgement" here would probably have been a lifesaver.What a waste.**********RELATED:...
09 November 2011

...WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!...Uh... wait a minute...Mr. Cassidy says the most vulnerable region is the West Coast, which has been hit with giant magnitude-9.0 quakes 13 times in the last 6,000 years, the last of them about 300 years ago.He says B.C. is in the window in which a massive tremor might strike,...
Somewhere... over the rainbow...
...Jack Layton is smiling... -- OTTAWA -- "Now the challenge is to figure out what to do next, in consultation with the whole community," he said.You mean... not just the 115 people who responded to the initial 1,400 surveys?And, c'mon... shout it out... where's Bondage Parkway and Flaming Queen Stre...
08 November 2011
Maybe the question should have been...

..."Would you take any one of these smelly, semi-professional miscreants home to have dinner with your family?""The most significant demographic that views the Occupy movement favourably is people who are between 18 and 29 years of age, the poll found.Most of those who viewed the Occupy protests unfavourably...
What about love?

It'd make at least as much sense as the rest of these things... Occupy Toronto Zoo...**********RELATED: The Christy Clark Liberals......they're flexible...Losing sight of alleged core values... the left cozies up to foreign cash cow...Spencer Chandra Herbert, the B.C. New Democratic Party tourism critic,...
Statesmanship 101

Lesson 1... fostering "Trust & Respect"...
07 November 2011
Behold the inevitable result...
...of putting national pride on the back burner...Four suspects were caught on camera vandalizing a war memorial in front of a Toronto school, the principal said Monday after the cenotaph was damaged ahead of Remembrance Day for the second straight year.Toronto District School Board officials said four young men vandalized a First World War memorial in front of Malvern Collegiate, near Gerrard Street...
I guess he gets all those hot tips...
...straight from his buddy... the Hidden Imam..."Ahmadinejad repeated that Iran does not own a nuclear bomb, but said Israel's end was inevitable." -- That wacky Mahmoud... always the life of the par...

Personally, I think she should have waited to consult with Lindsay Lohan...
06 November 2011
Whatever happened to...

"...if it only saves a single life"..."Vancouver mayor Gregor Robertson has taken a largely hands-off approach to the Occupy movement, hoping it comes to a close on its own - but he has publicly mulled over the possibility of using safety concerns as a means to call for the camp to disband."Geez, Gregor......
05 November 2011
Goodbye Farmer Bob Rifle Registry

But, but, but... you're not cracking down on farmers, hunters and those dastardly skeet shooters... how on earth you gonna solve the scourge of urban handgun crime?Just another day in paradise.You ever wonder how many front line police officers we could have hired with 2 billion taxpayer dollars?**********UPDATE:...
04 November 2011
You're worried about, what... Greece?
...pish, tosh lads... wake up and smell the geopolitical thermonuclear nightmare..."Much of the world, of course, is anxious about the security of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons, and for good reason: Pakistan is an unstable and violent country located at the epicenter of global jihadism, and it has been the foremost supplier of nuclear technology to such rogue states as Iran and North Korea.""It is perfectly...
But, of course... you say Catholicism...
...the first word that comes to mind... is flexibility..."Trudeau added that neither he nor his father saw any incongruity between enshrining the rights of gays and lesbians, for example, and the tenets of Catholicism.""He notes that he is personally very opposed to abortion, but still believes nobody can tell a woman what she should do with her body."Well, Justin... I know a guy named Ratzinger who...
Let's face it... no one really needs...
...alcohol, or tobacco, or sex toys, or comedians, or xbox, or poetry, or...The banning instinct is never slaked. Once it has succeeded in prohibiting guns, it will turn itself to offensive speech or unhealthy food.Who, exactly... gets to decide what constitutes "necessity?"But above all, it always...
03 November 2011
The Codetalkers
Oh, those dastardly "north-enders"... -- TORONTO -- A double shooting near a school in the city’s north end sent two teenagers to hospital this morning.The shooting happened around 10 a.m. near Oakdale Park Middle School, in the Jane St. and Grandravine Dr. area.Don't you worry, though... the police are following up some really solid leads...Police say they are looking for a young, tall male suspect.**********UPDATE:...
In other "Israel doesn't bluff" news
-- JERUSALEM -- An Israeli official said Wednesday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to persuade his Cabinet to authorize a military strike against Iran's suspected nuclear weapons program — a discussion that comes as Israel successfully tests a missile believed capable of carrying a nuclear warhead to Iran.The government official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he...
What's a little literary criticism...
...among friends? -- PARIS -- Charlie Hedbo's editor-in-chief, known as Charb, told France Info radio: "We no longer have a newspaper. All our equipment has been destroyed or has melted."Okay now, everybody just settle down... just remember, in a democracy, it's important that everyone be free to express... wait a minute...
02 November 2011
And don't you think... even for a second...

...that little Princess Snotring isn't ever-so-grateful... -- London, ON -- "Ken Lewenza has told London CAW officials to give the occupiers, 'whatever they need,' and to help them resist any forced evacuation from the park, Tim Carrie, president of CAW Local 27, said Wednesday."Hey, Ken... that...
"Confirmation bias"...
...I love the way it just rolls off your tong...
Yup... that's some unique cultural identity...

...you got goin' there...Quebec's Justice Minister says his province simply won't pay the costs associated with the federal government's new crime bill.Jean-Marc Fournier told a Commons committee that Quebec's criminal justice system is the envy of the world, and his government simply won't pay for...
01 November 2011
That evil, controlling George W...
...wait a minute...White House involvement in FOIA has also drastically increased under Obama. Under the Bush administration, release of records was controlled by the agency that possessed them, with little or no involvement from the White House.Agencies must now consult with Obama's counsel before releasing any records involving the White House. This not only slows down the process, but gives the...
From the fun folks who brought you...
...lead-painted baby toys...When an unsuspecting recipient opens the attachment, it installs "PoisonIvy," a Remote Access Trojan (RAT) that can take control of a machine and that is easily available over the Internet.While the hackers' behavior differed slightly in each case, they typically identified desired intellectual property, copied it and uploaded it to a remote server.The Nitro campaign is...
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