26 April 2015

Fergu-stunned, yet again

There have been 63 homicides in Baltimore in 2015. Three of those victims have been identified as Caucasian. Fifty six were identified as Black and forty seven of those died by gunshot. There were four bodies that could not (presumably from decomposition) be identified. To put this in context, that's...

23 April 2015

Paging Justin Trudeau

Maybe the road to hell is actually paved with greed, narcissism and a hankering for young ladies...The Clintons’ charitable initiatives were a kind of quasi-government run by themselves, which was staffed by their own loyalists and made up the rules as it went along.I guess it's all too easy to believe all the nonsense your disciples are tossing arou...

20 April 2015

I did not have financial relations...

...with that Oligarch...Brown’s decision not to side with Clinton on the issue may stem from the Foundation’s acceptance of money from foreign nations with severe policies against women’s rights, undermining Clinton’s position as a women’s advocate. Even though Clinton said that she and her husband were “dead broke” when they left the White House, the couple has raked in more than $100 million since...

17 April 2015

As loyal CBC viewers all know....

..."hurtful words" must be avoided at all costs. "Hurtful incidents" - such as those requiring paramedics and police officers, require an extra padded layer of sensitivity. That's why it's important to always have your socialist Decoder Ring available. For example, "northwest Toronto" is ceeb-speak for the Jane-Finch welfare hellhole, er... subsidised community housing..."Police chased suspects...

16 April 2015

15 April 2015

Cheaters, unfortunately... do prosper

One man, Judge Jerry Baxter of Fulton County Superior Court decided to do something about it...A furious Atlanta judge had a message for the 10 public school teachers, principals and administrators, who — after months of testimony and years of controversy — stood before him, convicted of participating in a widespread conspiracy to inflate students’ scores on state tests. During the tests, those educators...

13 April 2015

Cherrypicking the, ahem... "News"

The phrase “suffers from Morgellons” is quite simply inaccurate, and even harmful, in that it perpetuates a delusion. Those who claim to be suffering from it are more likely suffering a psychiatric illness, experts say. If that’s the case with Mitchell, we should really be saying she “revealed in 2010...

11 April 2015

White Privilege is killing our native sisters...

...but even if it isn't...OTTAWA -- NDP aboriginal affairs critic Niki Ashton says if most murdered aboriginal women are killed by aboriginal men, that bolsters calls for a national inquiry to find out why.How many under-employed bureaucrats and publicity-hungry politicians can dance on the head of a 50 million dollar Royal Commission? The NDP aims to find out. Heads, Niki wins... tails, taxpayers...

09 April 2015

You can't trust them with loaded rifles...

...why have a military at all? The defence department contracted city police to provide armed security at the downtown cenotaph for the next seven months after the fatal shooting of unarmed sentry Cpl. Nathan Cirillo, 24, on Oct. 22.********** FROM THE COMMENTS: Gentlemen, start your engines"Having ceremonial guards is purely symbolic, expensive to boot and completely unnecessary." Mickey_Mouseolini...


He's ceding the Middle East to ISIS. He's been outfoxed on nukes by Iran. He's more popular in Cuba than he is at home. California is almost bankrupt and rationing water supplies. Detroit is starting to resemble downtown Tikrit. No wonder Americans are tooling up.From 2001 to 2007, gun production...

08 April 2015

Out of the Broom Closet and into the...

...well... you know...Heather Arlene Carr, who died after setting a fire in a local park, was participating in a pagan ritual that went wrong, according to her husband. Carr was active among Wiccan groups on social media, operating a Facebook group called Being Pagan - Out of the Broom Closet.The CBC...

07 April 2015

Holy Howlin' Huskies...

I knew that Canadian authors felt under-appreciated, but defecting to Fashion TV? That's a bold move... more so for some of us than others. The last time I saw Margaret Atwood, she was shilling for public television and I have to say it was captivating... in a "can't look away from autopsy pictures" sort of way. Ms. Atwood's flat, almost corpse-sicle "affect" and gravelly, monotonic speech...

06 April 2015

04 April 2015

02 April 2015

CTV, er, News... "Once upon a time..."

Look, we're Canadian. If you can't say anything nice... you shouldn't say anything at all...Miami police are saying little about an apparent drug deal gone bad that left a 17-year-old son of the Canadian consul dead and her 15-year-old son facing serious charges.The Miami Herald begs to differ. The Miami Police had plenty to say. Apparently this wasn't any sort of, well... "deal"... it was a straight-up...

01 April 2015

Towards a Justin... er...

...Just Society..."The Navy League’s cadet program has as its goals the development of a sense of citizenship, duty, self-discipline and respect for others."Well, we certainly can't have any of that.Wait a minute... these Navy Cadets still wear uniforms, right? I say we enforce regulations that mandate...