31 January 2021

Joe Biden's Great Reset...

...keeps marching on...The San Francisco Board of Education voted to rename 44 of the city’s schools, claiming that prominent figures from American history, such as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Paul Revere, were tied to racist incidents. The committee based their decisions on Wikipedia and other wildly inaccurate information to source its claims.STEP ONE... ERASE HISTORY: "As with most...

30 January 2021

TORONTO: Homicide #4/2021

Come for the exotic cultural nibbles... stay for the exsanguination...A man was reportedly found on the ground south of Summerhill subway station, at around 8 p.m., but police said he died at the scene. A woman was taken to hospital by paramedics in life-threatening condition. A suspect was seen taking off from the area.LATEST VICTIM IDENTIFIED:The man has been identified as 23-year-old Sirac Tesfay...

The pen is mightier & easier...

...than an actual vote...UPDATE: 42 Executive Orders in Nine Days"Voting is for little people."AND PM CARE BEAR GOES FULL GULAG ARCHIPELAGO:"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities." • VoltairePretty impressive shift for a guy who refused to stop planes coming in...

29 January 2021

Jon Stewart on GameStop

“This is bullshit,” Stewart wrote. “The Redditors aren’t cheating, they’re joining a party Wall Street insiders have been enjoying for years. Don’t shut them down…maybe sue them for copyright infringement instead!!” “We’ve learned nothing from 2008.”I worked briefly for an international Bay St banking operation in the mid-nineties.  The guys in the trading room were absolute lizards... and proud...

Zhou Bie-Den's Fossil Fuel Czar

DO AS I SAY, PEASANTS - NOT AS I DO:Honeywell Aerospace noted in a 2019 report that private jets “burn 40 times as much carbon per passenger as regular commercial flights.”AND WHAT ABOUT SAINT AL GORE:“In one peak month, September last year, Gore’s power consumption at the Nashville home reached 34...

28 January 2021

With friends like this...

...who needs ISIS?The Supreme Court of Pakistan on Thursday freed Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, the primary suspect in the abduction and on-camera beheading of journalist Daniel Pearl in 2002. The Pearl family issued a statement saying it was in “complete shock” over the decisi...

Let's all raise a spliff to...

...Prime Minister Oprah...The documents show that 40,630 15-year-olds were approved for the benefit. The government paid out $81.2 million for that group. There were 92,784 16-year-olds approved, receiving nearly $186 million, and 184,576 17-year-olds received $369 million.RULES ARE FOR LITTLE PEOPLE:"The...


After decades of Unicorns and Fairy Dust... the Toronto Red Star accidentally commits an act of journalism...Firearms report — not back. Eight weeks gone and the data has still to make it from the Centre for Forensic Science in midtown Toronto to the SIU in Mississauga. “When we get all this it’ll paint a picture where we will know with some degree of confidence who’s responsible,” assures SIU director...

27 January 2021


It's all just, "Beat me, whip me... make me write hot cheques!!!" Where are all the outraged citizens with pitchforks and torches?And Julie Payoff's gold-plated pension is the smallest part of this insanity..."Currently, the program allows former governors general to bill the government up to $206,040...


YUP... NO LUNATIC SHOWBOATING HERE..."A Michigan prosecutor sought a life sentence Tuesday for a voter who licked shut an absentee ballot envelope during the 2020 election."BIGGER FISH TO FRY, PERCHANCE?(CBS DETROIT) – Non-fatal shooting saw a 53 percent increase from the previous year totaling 1,173...

So, who's really calling the shots...

...in the Harris-Biden administration?Ric Grenell, who until recently was the acting DNI, believes that Susan Rice is dictating both domestic and foreign policy. I very much doubt that Harris is too bogged down in the Senate to have a major hand in setting White House policy. Her problem, I suspect,...

Justin Trudeau's "Post National" State

SHOW ME THE NAZIS!!!"If there really are 300 neo-Nazi groups in Canada, why can't anyone name them?""I find it odd that, to my knowledge, I’m the only journalist who’s publicly asked to see this information."Well... because shutup!"But here’s where it gets awkward. I phoned around, and no one at the...


In remarks before signing the order, Biden said the U.S. government needs to change “its whole approach” on the issue of racial equity. He added that the nation is less prosperous and secure because of the scourge of systemic racism.TIME TRAVEL WITH ME TO 1977: “I want you to know that I very much appreciate your help during this week’s Committee meeting in attempting to bring my anti-busing legislation...

CBC continues sensitive, award winning...

"No such thing as a bad boy" journalism series...OTTAWA - Mustafa Ahmed, the accused in the fatal 2016 shooting at a ByWard Market nightclub says he only fired his gun in self-defence after another drug dealer, Omar Rashid-Ghader, tried to take over his sale." "I was terrified. I was only trying to save my own life," Ahmed testified.Obviously Mustafa is a serious closer. LA TIMES GOES ONE TOKE OVER...

26 January 2021

Homicide cops round up farmers...

....hunters & skeet... wait a minute...Two men, Winward Saunders, 33, of Toronto and Neil Wilson, 31, of Brampton are in custody pending charges including attempted murder. BRAMPTON: THE NEW WILD WEST Brampton, Brampton... that sounds so familiar...Already, insurance rates in Brampton are...


THE ART OF THE DEAL - PART II:A country with a principled egalitarian left, or principled patriotic right, would possess at least some political momentum to abolish the governor generalship, which holds more than enough absurdities to offend the entire political spectrum. Instead, the only faction willing...


Two words... caste... system..."Brampton Centre MP Ramesh Sangha has been booted from the Liberal caucus for alleged comments about a number of his colleagues." The Chief Government Whip’s office went on to say that the Liberal caucus “stands firm against racism and intolerance.”COULD BE A CLUE:"Sangha, a lawyer first elected as a Liberal MP in 2015, has in the past accused his party of pandering...

25 January 2021

Shorter Sloppy Joe Biden...

Borders are for Meanies... and Monogamists!"A fierce shootout between rival cartels in Northern Mexico is linked to the discovery of 19 torched bodies a short distance from the border with Texas."DON'T STOP BELIEVIN' ♫"Nice words of warning did nothing to discourage the migrants who had set out on...

Leader of the free world has to...

...go sleepy-bye..."Probably the only person who doesn't think of this as a problem is Kamala Harris."AGE IS JUST A NUMBER... RIGHT?Biden lived through 14 presidencies before beginning his own, nearly one-third of all presidents. No previous White House occupant had lived through so many administrations...

24 January 2021


Never a social worker around when you need one...On Saturday, members of the Malton People’s Movement (MPM) took to two of the city’s busiest intersections to voice their grievance by hanging signs that read “Peel Police Are Murderers” and “#Justice4Jamal.” The world is indeed upside-down.  Used...

23 January 2021


Standby... for the greatest migration in human history...“With the stroke of a pen, President Biden made this country less safe,” said former U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan. “It’s pure politics over public safety.” “Bottom line • we’re getting ready for another illegal...


Apparently, PM Care Bear has a "different experience" of the words, "vetted thoroughly"...Payette received a severance of roughly $200,000 when she resigned from the Montreal Science Centre in 2016 following complaints about her treatment of employees. In 2017, Payette left the Canadian Olympic Committee...

TORONTO: Homicide #3/2021

Leah St Jean, 32, of Toronto was pronounced deceased on scene. On Friday, January 22, 2021, Soreeysa Abdi, 26, of Toronto, was arrested. He is charged with Second Degree Murder.Why was this guy even out on the street? Oh, wait.. he was out on bail. SIGN OF THE TIMES:"Honestly, at first, I thought...

22 January 2021


"WASHINGTON (AP) — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Friday that she will send the article of impeachment against Donald Trump to the Senate on Monday, triggering the start of the former president’s trial on a charge of “incitement of insurrection” of the deadly Capitol Jan. 6 riot."YOU'VE COME A WRONG...

Homicide cops rounding up...

...farmers, hunters and... wait a minute...The OPP confirmed on Thursday that a 65-year-old Bolton man, Giovanni Costa has been shot to death in his home while his son Michael has survived the second attempt on his life in two months. Michael Costa fled to Rome in 2011 and stayed out of Canada an undisclosed time because he believed there was a “hit on his head.”BRIGHT LIGHTS BIG CITY:Police are...

It's an Inauguration Day Miracle

I’ve been saying it for months. In fact, I documented it on October 27, 2020, for posterity: As soon as Joe Biden became president, the narrative on COVID-19 would change.Today, the World Health Organization (WHO) proved me right. Today, within an hour of Joe Biden being inaugurated and signing an executive order mandating masks on all federal property, the WHO sent out a notice to lab professionals...

The Usual, well... you know...

Leighton Hopkinson, 29, who is known to frequent the Greater Toronto Area is wanted for breaching the conditions of his statutory release. He is currently serving a three-year and five-month sentence for Possession of a Firearm.Well, he's actually flitting around Toronto unfettered and free as a bird......

21 January 2021

Biting the genitalia that feeds them

It's nothing a stint in the gulag won't cure..."Now I’m not taking a position on whether Stock is right or wrong about this. It could be that forcing 'CIS' women to shower with lesbians with penises will make the world an all-around better place in ways that will soon become clear to everyone." "But...

20 January 2021


Doug Ford just lost all the votes in this house...An Ontario mother was fined $880 after leaving her children at her in-laws' home while she went to do grocery shopping. The OPP said in a statement that she was charged "with violating the Reopening Ontario Act."Let me repeat that for you......"the REOPENING ONTARIO act."BUY CREMATORIUM STOCK TODAY: "Ontario is being asked to temporarily suspend...

Extra, extra... read all about it...

Biden will then be escorted to a secret underground bunker patrolled by attack choppers where he will give the oath of office in a dark concrete room with all the recording equipment turned off. "This is a slight break in tradition but it's necessary because Biden is just so incredibly popular and...

THE NEW NORMAL: Dead 14 year-olds

No big deal in Justin Trudeau's "Post National" Canada...VANCOUVER -- After three people were killed in gang-related shootings over a four-day period, Lower Mainland homicide investigators said the cluster of deaths is troubling and irregular, but not a new challenge for their team. "That is irregular, I have to admit," Sgt. Frank Jang of the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team said. "But we've...

19 January 2021


But don't worry... the Chinese government will be there to pick up the pieces..."The federal government has racked up so much federal debt that a taxpayer advocacy group is being forced to replace its infamous digital debt clock after it ran out of digits," said CTF Federal Director Aaron Wudrick. “It’s...


They were too busy surveilling dog-walkers & outdoor skating rinks, I guess...CSIS watched Delisle pass top-secret information to Russia for months without briefing the RCMP. The spy agency, acting on legal advice, opted to keep its investigation sealed for fear of exposing sources and methods of...


...but don't take my word for it...Former Ontario chief medical officer Dr. Richard Schabas has sent a letter to Ontario Premier Doug Ford siding with Roman Baber, the MPP who broke rank with his own government to call for an end to lockdowns. Schabas also served as Chief of Staff at York Central Hospital during the 2003 SARS crisis.More here. RELATED:   Switzerland has the right idea...

18 January 2021

Don't you just hate...

...when that happens?The president of a recently reactivated NAACP chapter in New York, Monroe County Legislator Ernest Flagler-Mitchell admitted over the weekend to sending a sexually explicit photograph of himself "intended for my wife to an individual I was working with." The image of his genitals was sent to a 19-year-old woman who alleges the lawmaker sexually harassed her.  The New York...

TORONTO: Homicide #2/2021

PEOPLE OF CHOLER: No... not a typo...On Sunday, January, 17, 2021 at 5:55 p.m., Toronto Police responded to a radio call for a shooting at 25 Duncanwoods Drive. Deceased has been identified as Tyjjuan Kidd-Bailey, 20, of Brampton.MEANWHILE BACK IN JUSTIN CENTRAL: The apple doesn't fall far...

President "On Golden Pond" set to...

...leave his warm, comfortable basement...By his second day in office, that whirling dynamo that is Joe Biden will address the Wuhan virus crisis by reopening schools and businesses, something that’s suddenly safe to do now that Orange Man Bad has been removed from office. He’s also going to do lots...

UPDATE: Homicide #1/2021

Guled Mohamad, 24, of Toronto, is wanted for Second-Degree Murder. He is believed to be armed and dangerous. If located, do not approach. Call 9-1-1 immediately.#DiversityStrongistan makes us... uh...Mr Guled Mohamad shanked (allegedly) Mr Mohamed Jeylani...

Build a wall, top it with razor wire...

...and dot it with machine gun towers... and lay landmines...Guatemala’s immigration spokesman Alejandra Mena told Reuters that there were approximately 6,500 Honduran migrants on the move. Thousands crossed the country’s southern border on Saturday with an ultimate announced destination of the United...

17 January 2021

That's 1.2 billion taxpayer dollars...

...straight down the identity politics toilet every year..."Half the people I know who work at the CBC seem to be either replacing, or being replaced by, someone who’s on some kind of mental-health leave." "No one even pretends that the place still exists to serve ordinary Canadians, so there is no...

A story you're not gonna see...

...on the CBC..."Experts observing Canadian politics underscore the fact that the development is not as simple as it looks."The National Post did take a swing at this back in the day. RELATED:  I have a question... Does the GTA Sikh community oppose a proposed minimum wage law? TIME TRAVEL...

16 January 2021


Amazon has terminated its hosting contract with Parler, claiming that language users posted to the social media platform might “incite violence.” The tech giant, however, hosts merchants on its own website selling products that many would say could incite violence, such as a t-shirt reading, “Kill All Republicans."OH, IT GETS BETTER:Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) undermined the message of “unity” from...


...it's coming for you..."Residents of the 17th district of Paris have threatened to take security matters into their own hands if the police and the government refuse to deal with growing criminality."How bad is it really?Yes, I AM going to violate Godwin’s Law:  The SS are banging on your door...

15 January 2021


Let's get this war started... I'm not getting any younger...PUNISH ALL REPUBLICANS:Harvard students are calling on the university to revoke the degrees of ANYONE who is affiliated with President Donald Trump.The petition, entitled, “Revoke their Degrees,” specifically names Harvard graduates Rep. Dan...


Police responded to the area of Midland Avenue and Eglinton Avenue East after several callers reported hearing multiple gunshots and seeing cars fleeing the area around 8 p.m. According to the SIU, police saw a vehicle of interest in the parking lot of Church’s Chicken and attempted to block it in....

Did SmallDeadAnimals get Zucked?

 Can't seem to get through to SmallDeadAnimals.Anybody?KATE UPDATE: SDA is back up... "The server that SDA is hosted on continues to be compromised by load problems, so I’m in discussion with the support people about an upgrade."That's a relief... I thought PM Care Bear was trying to save us aga...

14 January 2021

First Murder of 2021: Toronto the Good

A man is dead after a stabbing in a Scarborough building near Eglinton and Midland avenues at around 5:10 p.m. Wednesday afternoon. Police have only released a limited description of a suspect in the case so far.He is described as a black male with long dark hair. He was last seen wearing all black...

13 January 2021

"Much like professional basketball"...

..."pimping is a bit of a monoculture"Police have now charged Nathan Green, 24, of Wood Drive in Whitby, with offences including trafficking in persons by recruiting, deriving material benefit from sexual services and advertising sexual servic...


..and I said nothing..."Award-winning British comedian Ricky Gervais's beloved cat, Pickles, has somehow also ran afoul of Twitter's guidelines and managed to get his account suspended."Then they came for Trump. CAPITOL BUILDING RIOTERS REVEALED: Mr. Mostofsky is a 34 year old registered Democrat...

Justin Trudeau isn't the only one...

...who admires their "basic dictatorship"... “Americans are so fucking dumb,” said PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller, who was chatting with one of Project Veritas‘ undercover self-described guerilla journalists. “You know most people are dumb.”Beller also said that if “even if Biden wins, we...


Minnesota, huh?  So much for securing the border...According to Toronto Police Service Sgt. Rob North, Dayne Adrian Sitladeen has been wanted for first-degree murder in Toronto since May 14, 2019 in the shooting death of Blain Gerrado Grindley in Rexdale. North said it is believed that Sitladeen...

12 January 2021


No word yet from Ontario Premier Doug Ford on where to pick up your sew-on yellow KungFlu badges...“Effective Thursday, January 14, 2021 at 12:01 a.m., the government is issuing a stay-at-home order requiring everyone to remain at home." RELATED: Ask Dr. Ari Joffe...Emerging data has shown a staggering amount of so-called ‘collateral damage’ due to the lockdowns.And Winston Churchill wept...

So how does it feel to have a...

...target on your back?Five years ago, the media launched a campaign to define conservatives as “racists and white supremacists.”Five days ago, they changed the terms to “seditionists and domestic terrorists.”The first is to dehumanize the opposition; the second is to justify their repression.LET'S...

Time to revisit Capital Punishment

Why do politicians insist on warehousing brutal murderers on the public dime?“TORONTO • In pushing Mr. Hayahara into the front of the subway as it entered the station, Mr. Reszetnik meant either to cause his death, or to cause him bodily harm that he knew was likely to cause his death and was reckless...