30 April 2020

Even the diehard Lefties were aware

...of Sloppy Joe's, er... "proclivities"...A 2008 column in the far-left magazine CounterPunch accusing Joe Biden of “loutish sexual advances” in the U.S. Senate has become a lightning rod in the debate over Biden and his former staffer Tara Reade’s allegation of sexual assault in 1993. The article,...

Ah, Toronto... don't ever change

#DiversityStrongistanTORONTO -- "A shooting in East York at Wakunda Place and O’Connor Drive has left one male victim with serious injuries as police respond to multiple reports of gunshots in the area Wednesday night."Wakunda, Wakunda... that sounds so familiar. RELATED: Where was that again?Officials...

29 April 2020

Are Canadian borders actually that porous...

...or did Gabriel Wortman get his "assault rifle" off either of the two Mounties he bested on his deadly journey?At a press conference in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, RCMP Supt. Darren Campbell said the man who carried out the deadliest mass shooting in Canada’s history was carrying several semi-automatic handguns and two semi-automatic rifles. Asked if the shooter was carrying a “military-style assault...

Will the actual numbers...

...end up justifying all the hysteria? It sure doesn't look like it...Why are death rates falling while COVID-19 deaths continue to grow? It may be that many deaths that aren’t really COVID-19 related are counted as that anyway. The net effect is to exaggerate COVID-19 deaths, while underestimating...

The Four Most Important Words...

...you're gonna hear this week... NINE... MEALS... FROM... ANARCHY..."C&S Wholesale Grocers CEO Michael Duffy warned on “Fox & Friends First” Tuesday that shoppers will soon see more instances of meat being out of stock in grocery stores due to disruptions in the supply chain amid the coronavirus outbreak."Think about it. Three days without food and your SJW neighbours are beginning to...

28 April 2020

"She's 'enabling a sexual predator!'"

C'mon...that's practically her whole job description...Tara Reade blasts Hillary Clinton after Biden endorsement: The Hildabeast wants on the ticket so bad she can taste it. Then, six months down the road, Sloppy Joe drowns in the Rose Garden duck pond. Even insane uber-lefty Alyssa Milano can see...

Gotta get those crazy redneck...

...cowboys under contr... wait a minute...Almost two years have passed since Horst Stewin, who was visiting from Germany, was shot in the head and suffered life-altering injuries. Horst was visiting from Germany and was shot as he drove along a highway on the west side of Calgary, according to CBC News. Provincial court Judge George Gaschler gave the teen responsible for the shooting a 21-month...

"Math be racis'"

“Nearly a decade after states adopted Common Core, the empirical evidence makes it clear that these national standards have yielded underwhelming results for students."FROM THE COMMENTS:"But our children are all well versed in political correctness and climate chang...

27 April 2020

"It sucks when they miss your cancer..."

"...because they were looking at nature instead..." Meanwhile in other medical news..."Ontario’s medical regulator has revoked the licence of Toronto neurosurgeon Mohammed Shamji who murdered his wife two days after she filed for divorce."Maybe he should have asked for a second opinion before dishing...

As "Sloppy Joe" continues to cower & hide

#BelieveAllWomenExceptThisOne... "Now two more sources have come forward to corroborate certain details about Reade's claims. One of them — a former neighbor of Reade's has stated that Reade disclosed details about the alleged assault to her in the mid-1990s."ASK A DEMOCRAT:"Pelosi is just one of...

Smell the "Professional" Journalism

Next: Six-part tell-all on "gravity holding shit down"...“She was such a strong person,” her granddaughter, Helen Lee, said Sunday. “She would have made it to 112 for sure.” "If not for COVID-19."I got nuthi...

TORONTO Homicide #24/2020

Get out your magic decoder rings... one more time..."Toronto police say a 15-year-old boy has died after a shooting in the city’s north end shortly after 6 p.m. on Sunday."Ah yes, the notorious "northwest" end of Toronto. RELATED: Here's how Toronto Police report it..."On Sunday, April 26, 2020, at...

26 April 2020

I'm voting for the wealthy fornicator...

...I just don't know which one yet...While working for the then-Delaware Senator while in her mid-20s, she says he cornered her in a hallway, thrust his hands up her skirt, penetrated her vagina, and when she objected, he said something to the effect of, “Come on, I heard you like me.”It gets better...Democratic...

I'm beginning to understand...

...why the RCMP is being so cagey about releasing information on Nova Scotia shooter...Why won't the RCMP definitively state whether Gabriel Wortman had a current, valid RPAL?The killer’s father, who also described being “beaten” by his son during a vacation in Cuba, told Frank his son had a “helluva...

Wake up and smell the hysteria

The latest figures on overall death rates from all causes show no increase at all. Deaths are lower than in 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2015, slightly higher than in 2016. Any upward bias is imparted by population growth. By impeding herd immunity, particularly among students and other non-susceptible young...

News You Can Trash

CNN... the Alyssa Milano of the mainstream media world...According to one analysis, CNN waited 24 days to cover the allegations. By contrast, the outlet published nearly 700 articles about allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in the 19 days from when they became public to his confirmation in 2018. CNN did not immediately respond to a series of questions, including whether the...

25 April 2020

"If only there was a law"

Trudeau government vows to enact draconian statutes regarding use of "borrowed police firearms." And murdering cops • that'll be "super double-illegal"..."After taking Const. Heidi Stevenson's life, Wortman took the officer's police-issued sidearm and magazines," RCMP Supt. Darren Campbell said.I'm not so sure I'd trust Supt. Campbell or his media confreres to give me the time of day...Police have...

♫ Killing Me Softly With His Song ♫

"I heard he sang a good song, I heard he had a style" ♫...Dear Prime Minstrel... maybe just a little less "saving"... please and thank you..Between 15,000 and 20,000 Canadians have likely had their cardiac procedures delayed due to COVID-19, according to an estimate by the Canadian Cardiovascular Society....

Justin's "Post-National" Canada

Remember... if Theresa Tam mandated throwing Virgins into Volcanoes, you disagree at your peril...Forget about "solutions"... just play the race card. Our continuing series of 'stories you won't see at CBC'..."China has rejected calls for an independent international investigation into the origin of...

Maybe Thanos was right...

...are we too stupid to live?"Of all fatal cases in New York state, two-thirds were in patients over 70 years of age; more than 95 percent were over 50 years of age. Of 6,570 confirmed COVID-19 deaths fully investigated for underlying conditions to date, 6,520, or 99.2 percent, had an underlying illness." "In this virus, we know that medical care is not even necessary for the vast majority of people...

24 April 2020

When seconds count, the cops are...

...only thirteen and a half hours away...Police confirmed Wednesday that the suspect managed to escape from a perimeter they had set up around the rural area, but they didn’t realize he was gone until some time between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. on Sunday when his girlfriend – whom they have described as a “key...

But, but, but...

...the Prime Minstrel got to travel to his cottage..."So agreeing to give up civil liberties like playing in parks and eating in restaurants and reading in libraries and travelling to other places has become a point of Canadian civic pride." “There’s a pervading sense that the presumption of guilt...

23 April 2020

The Capricious & Unknowable...

..."Will of Allah"..."Many mosques are facing bankruptcy because they lived off the collection for Friday prayers. They will soon no longer be able to pay their rents, property loan rates, or their staff."I'm sure Saudi Arabia would be willing to ante ...

#Hillary1N1 causing horrible brainmelt

"U.S. • America suffered its highest one-day increase in cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome yesterday, adding 317,259 new cases. This brought the number of U.S. cases to roughly 59 million, while worldwide cases of the deadly disease increased to 110 million."********** FLU IS THE LEAST OF THEIR PROBLEMS:"I'm...

Not much of a surprise that it took...

...thirteen and a half hours for cops to catch up with Gabriel Wortman.Apparently the government is still unable, or unwilling to access the federal firearms licensing computer system...Chief Supt. Chris Leather said Wednesday that "we have a fairly good idea that, in Canada at least, he didn't have...

We, the Sheeple

Oh, c'mon now... when have the media and the politicians ever steered you wrong?"When people take a public position that causes massive, massive, massive economic and societal disruption, it's going to be hard to get them to acknowledge that position was wrong or even that it can be changed right now in the light of new data."This is what an outdoorsman refers to as "Kentucky windage."The city decided...

22 April 2020

Dumbing down RCMP entry standards...

...opens up a whole other can of worms...Pat Curran, SIRT’s interim director, said he could not provide much information because the investigation into the incident is in its early stages. Two RCMP officers did discharge their firearms at the scene, though he could not identify which weapons were used...

Trudeau needs to distract Canadians...

...from disastrous performance on coronavirus...Apparently, the homicidal criminals "will balance themselves." Remember 'assault style' means anything that resembles guns you see in movies. If it appeared in the same shot with Sylvester Stallone, it's gone."Authorities have yet to confirm that 'assault-style...


Just do the REICH thing...ComicBookFanatic97... "This reminds me of something. Can't quite put my finger on it." justinduane... "Mine has the Star of David on it!! And I got a free train ticket!"Need a little background?"In what might be one of the most over-the-top and draconian responses to coronavirus yet seen, Valley County, Montana is mandating that out-of-towners who lack the government-issued...

21 April 2020

Justin saves Canada Episode #95

"OTTAWA -- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says two planes from China were forced to return empty to Canada on Monday, without the protective medical equipment that they were sent there to pick up."********** RELATED: Blackie put China first..."He did it when he sent them 16 tons of our emergency supplies. He did it when he sent them funds for the very Wuhan lab that probably is the source of the...

There's an interesting coincidence

Or is it?"As I write, the best estimate of ultimate deaths from Covid-19 in the US is about 60,000, the same as the 61,000 people who died from influenza during the winter of 2017-2018. Yet we continue to suffer from a shutdown whose imposition was justified by a fallacious model prediction."The KungFlu...

The Usual, well... you know

UPDATE: TORONTO Homicide #22/2020..."Toronto Police announced Monday they had arrested Makoons Meawasige-Moore, 23, and charged him with second-degree murder."No good deed and all that..."Morgan, 79. was acting as Meawasige-Moore’s surety for outstanding arson charges."********** RELATED: Look who's not self-isolating"Four men are charged in a series of robberies at gas stations in Markham and...

20 April 2020

Metropolitan Toronto Zoo beefs up security...

...after coronavirus miracle cure revealed..."An Iranian man calling himself an Islamic prophetic medicine healer has prescribed drinking camel urine to prevent and cure COVID-19. In a video now widely shared on social media Mehdi Sabili who is also the chairman of prophetic medicine society treats...

But MPs are still getting paid... right?

I mean, they are the true heroes..."Is it not at least curious that most of our nation doesn’t convulse in anger that the government the Bloc, the NDP and the fragmentary Greens seem not only willing, but eager, to shut down, bypass, ignore or seriously amputate the functions of our national deliberative body?"********** UPDATE: What could possibly go wrong... ...if we allow our absentee political...

The MSM just finished crapping on...

..."Police Death Squads" out in Winnipeg... watch them shift gears here...Just waiting for the CBC to start whining about why they couldn't stop this guy fast enough..."Seventeen people, including one member of the RCMP and the primary suspect, are dead after a shooting rampage across rural Nova Scotia...

19 April 2020

Justin saves Canada...

...one ethnic entity at a time..."These businesses may and are already facing unique challenges such as being in rural or remote locations and having less access to capital," Indigenous Services Minister Marc Miller said.Unique challenges indeed..."A massive police raid at three different Mohawk reserves...

Post-National Broadcaster can't resist...

...a good "Police Death Squad" headline... but what actually happened here?At a news conference on Saturday, Winnipeg Police Service Chief Danny Smyth said officers responded to a gun call on Adsum Drive near Pipeline Road around 4 a.m. A resident putting out his garbage was confronted by two armed...

18 April 2020

Smell the "professional" journalism

Scare the Sheeple... April 18 Edition...“"To what extent has this been happening? We don’t know. It will probably only be quantified after the fact. Then we will start to get a sense of the hidden costs of this pandemic.”If you "don't know"... maybe you should shut your ignorant click-baity piehole. ********** RELATED: Gadzooks... we have our best people on it!"On March 29, Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett,...

Trust the Prime Minstrel...

...and his (cough, cough) experts...FLIP “Putting a mask on an asymptomatic person is not beneficial, obviously if you’re not infected.” FLOP “Wearing a non-medical mask, even if you have no symptoms, is an additional measure that you can take to protect others around you."Hang on Justin... what happened...

17 April 2020

You're enjoying this thing...

...way too much...“When someone tells me my mask has penises on it, I let them know this is how I determine they are too close, kindly back the fuck up.”Gotta have an emergency plan, right?"A man in New Haven, Conn., Louis Angel Ortiz, was arrested earlier this week after breaking into a downtown restaurant during the coronavirus pandemic and helping himself to thousands of dollars’ worth of food...

When he wants your opinion...

...by jingo, he'll give it to you...“Nor is it proper for this minority government, which has had enough struggles of its own over misinformation — on masks, on screening at airports, on our relative security from the pandemic — to decide what the rest of us can, and cannot, say or write about this...


After crashing the economy, politicians have to make sure there is indeed a disaster...New York City added nearly 4,000 people who never tested positive for the coronavirus to its death toll Tuesday, bringing coronavirus-related deaths in the city to around 10,000 people. Mayor Bill de Blasio decided...


Not silence, the slobbering sounds and moaning were heard loud and clear. Blackie put China first and pretended to put Canada second. He did it when he sent them 16 tons of our emergency supplies. He did it when he sent them funds for the very Wuhan lab that probably is the source of the Kung flu....

16 April 2020

Coming soon to a neighbourhood...

...near you...A federal source, speaking on the condition they not be named, said there's a fear that some workers in essential services, including prison guards, will refuse to come to work for safety reasons. Canadian Labour Congress president Hassan Yussuff said workers have the right to refuse...

Of course, they'll let him out...

...this is Canada...OTTAWA • "The Supreme Court of Canada is to decide today whether it will hear an appeal from a young man who killed four people and injured seven others in a mass shooting in northern Saskatchewan."A horrific premeditated murder spree, but waaaah... he's aboriginal, he's got issues. That's...

15 April 2020

Save us, Narcissus Pompador!

********** RELATED: Justin Saves Canada Episode #92FREDERICTON -- "A Canadian snowbird who drove from Florida to Prince Edward Island says he now finds himself living in his car after being turned away by officials at the Confederation Bridge because of COVID-19 restrictions."********** LAST WORD:...

TORONTO Homicide #22/2020

Toronto police are investigating the city’s 22nd homicide of the year after retired oral surgeon and philanthropist Dr. Paul Morgan was discovered dead in a North York home early Tuesday morning. A clothed adult man was found with obvious signs of trauma inside the home.But wait... there's more..."A man was shot by cops who were responding to a call for a person with a knife at a Scarborough apartment...

Not me, not mine... not today

Media approaches "peak hysteria"... are you ready for the consequences?"Canadians who sought to buy a gun but didn’t have a firearms licence are generally shocked to learn of the long complicated gun ownership process in Canada."I hear there are still some good deals out in Scarborough. Listening...

♫ "You can't hide... your lyin' eyes" ♫

I want a little peek at "Doctor" Tedros bank accounts..."China’s notorious 'wet markets,' the open-air wildlife slaughterhouses that were supposedly the mechanism for the Wuhan coronavirus jumping from animals to humans, are back in business with the approval of the World Health Organization (WHO)."Tedros,...

14 April 2020


"If you pay people too much money to not work, don’t be surprised when they decide not working is an option." "We could get rid of our unemployment problem in a heart beat if not working wasn’t so lucrative."How about offering some of those agricultural jobs to Justin's Syrians. Last I heard they were about 90 percent unemploye...

It's about clicks & eyeballs

Putting the world on hysterical deathwatch has been real good for the mainstream media..."The Silverman and Washburne paper says the resulting fatality rate is 0.1%, similar to that of flu. That is amazingly low, just a tenth of some other estimates."I knew we were hitting "peak farce" when I read an...


Jesus Feeds The Multitude And Then, Proving He Is The One True God, Provides All Those In Attendance With Jumbo Packs Of Toilet Paper and Lysol Spray ...Said One Devoted Follower, "This is indeed a miracle."********** LIKE BARBIE SAID, MATH IS HARD:"The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)...

13 April 2020

C'mon now... it's not like China...

...has ever let us down before...The U.S. government gave $3.7 million grant to the Wuhan lab at center of coronavirus leak scrutiny that was performing experiments on bats from the caves where the disease is believed to have originated. The revelation that the Wuhan Institute was experimenting on bats from the area already known to be the source of COVID-19 - and doing so with American money - has...

Doesn't amount to a hill of...

...well... you know..."Apparently, the argument escalated (with the girlfriend apparently declaring that she will never “jeopardize the beans”) and the couple stopped speaking to each other. Their story has received over 23 thousand responses."********** RELATED: If only there were some clues... wait...Now, one of the largest studies conducted of COVID-19 infection in the United States has found...

12 April 2020

Justin Saves the World...

...Episode #89...“We will not be coming back to our former normal situation; we can’t do that until we have developed a vaccine and that could take 12 to 18 months,” Trudeau said.I'm not sure how much more saving I can stomach..."OK," said everyone. "If the government says so, it's probably a good idea. Besides, what can we do? It's the government. They definitely have the best people working on it."********** RELATED:...

There's a reason they call CBC HQ...

..."The Kremlin"...********** RELATED: Watch lefty media cover up for Biden And not a blessed word over at "Your Post-National Broadcaster," but I guess they've got bigger fish to fry..."A Manitoba researcher, Steph McLachlan is using part of his $500,000 federal grant to make a public health video...

But, but, but... it makes you smarter...

...and better looking...The best thing that happened to the black market, in fact, was the legalization of recreational marijuana. Most would agree the rush to roll out legalized marijuana by the Justin Trudeau government was a cockup from the get-go. The consensus on Vancouver’s cannabis-focused...

11 April 2020

This guy just bought the equivalent of...

...two thirds of the Canadian Air Force..."Don Kirlin was one of the early pioneers of the then-fledgling, if not wholly experimental, adversary air support market."Sounds crazy, but it's true..."Canadian Forces Air Command has 77 CF-18 jets in operational use."Justin definitely doesn't want to piss this guy of...


...except this one..."Under fire for refusing to support Tara Reade, Alyssa Milano says she never thought #MeToo would "destroy innocent men."********** RELATED: Alyssa Milano decries people buying firearms... ...despite being a "two gun household." And honestly, Alyssa... if I want to hear about...