31 May 2017


Kathy Griffin troubles me; WHO are her associates? WHO are her sponsors? Has she ever traveled to RUSSIA? Has she ever HAD CONTACT with a RUSSIAN?Hmmm... shouldn't there be a "trigger warning" attached to this photo shoot? ********** RELATED: A decapitation too far?********** UPDATE: As Sean Penn...


If middle-eastern Muslims weren't so busy slaughtering each other, us infidels would really be in trouble...A powerful bomb hidden in a sewage tanker exploded in the morning rush hour in the centre of the Afghan capital on Wednesday, police said, killing at least 80 people, wounding hundreds and damaging embassy buildings, including Canada's. Wednesday’s attack provided another clear demonstration...

AKA Taxpayer dollars

Just one more thing to think about while you're sitting waiting for a doctor for 6 hours in that crowded hospital emergency room...The whole giant rubber replica duck tour of Ontario is expected to cost about $200,000, Parrell says, 90 per cent of which will be covered by grants, most of them from the...

30 May 2017

So why the cultural appropriation?

Prof. Nicolas Fabien-Ouellet has a unique theory: Canadians can’t claim poutine as their own because at one point in their history, they initially made fun of the Quebecois who ate it. That, in turn, lead, Fabien-Ouellet, says, to widespread “poutine stigma,” which, in turn, is responsible for the mass oppression of the French-identifying Canadian minori...

Who you gonna believe?

...the Canadian Medical Association... or the know-nothing celebutard spawn of a career politician who is looking to buy the vote of every college age kid in the country? "Simply put, cannabis should not be used by young people. It is toxic to their cortical neuronal networks, with both functional and...

29 May 2017

Brought to you by the same folks...

...who just authorised another 70 million dollars for IVF for the "socially disenfranchised"...Ontario Attorney General and Ottawa Centre MPP Yasir Naqvi plans to propose legislation that would create “safe zones” around abortion clinics where protests and demonstrations would be banned.Making babies......

You've come a wrong way, Baby!

And all the black women will be sitting at the back of the theatre..."Congratulations Alamo Drafthouse!!! You're fighting sexism with sexism!" stated another man to the New York theatre. "Way to make women look equal to men and vice versa by separating them."********** RELATED: Race crimes gone wrong... ...a continuing series..."Protesters also put up signs that included language such as 'I’m...

28 May 2017

I'm from the government...

...I'm here to save you...Security service sources this week revealed that five terror plots were foiled between the Westminster attack in March, where Islamist Khalid Masood ran down a number of pedestrians and stabbed a police constable to death outside the Palace of Westminster, killing five, and the Manchester bombing. And sources in government confessed there are at least 23,000 jihadists in...

27 May 2017

26 May 2017

More stuff you'll never see...

...on Canada's national broadcaster...“I was telling Steve Doocy on the way in here, if he knew what I knew about terrorism, he’d never leave the house in the morning,” Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said on Fox Television Friday. "It’s everywhere. It’s constant. It’s nonsto...

25 May 2017

Coming soon...

...to a concert venue near you...The arithmetic is not difficult: Poland and Hungary and Slovakia do not have Islamic terrorism because they have very little Islam. France and Germany and Belgium admit more and more Islam, and thus more and more terrorism. Yet the subject of immigration has been all but entirely absent from the current UK election campaign.********** RELATED: Justin decides to...

Robbing Peter, then robbing Paul...

...then robbing...TORONTO - Premier Kathleen Wynne’s plan to cut hydro bills by 25% comes with an electrifying price tag. A review by Ontario Financial Accountability Officer Stephen LeClair says the minimum cost is $45 billion, but that number could soar to anywhere between $69 billion and $93 billion if the Fair Hydro Plan is financed with borrowed mon...

24 May 2017

Killing free speech in Canada

“I’m not trying to win the argument; I’m trying to have the argument...”Frances Widdowson, an associate professor in the department of Economics, Justice and Policy Studies at Mount Royal University in Calgary and co-author Albert Howard published a book entitled “Disrobing the Aboriginal Industry:...

23 May 2017

As opposed to that piddley-ass...

...no big deal "terrorist alert"... I can't wait for the usual media suspects to start screaming about "Islamophobia"...The UK is on a "critical terror alert" with military troops set to bolster police forces after the Prime Minster raised the threat level to its highest possible rating. Theresa May...

When will they ever learn...

...when will they ever learn?"The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) claimed responsibility for 23-year-old Salman Abedi's suicide bomb attack, which left 22 people dead, including children."********** UPDATE: The capricious and unknowable... ..."Will of Allah"...Eight-year-old Saffie Rose Roussos...

Another double murder in Hogtown...

...must be Tuesday...Toronto police are investigating a double homicide in the city’s east end. Officers were flagged down in the area of Logan Avenue and Gerrard Street East at around 11:50 p.m. and directed to a vehicle with a gravely injured man inside. Investigators, with the assistance of the...

The Dumbest Generation

In their never-ending pursuit of social justice, know-nothing college students burn the wrong witch yet again...“'Lou Reed was a difficult and sometimes unpleasant person, but transphobic he was not,' Sounes said. 'Reed was a bisexual who had close friendships, and conducted love affairs with transgender men'.” “They literally found a pro-trans song to be transphobic because it implied being trans...

22 May 2017

Just another long weekend in...

...the center of the universe...Armed with a double-barrelled sawed-off shotgun and a .40 calibre handgun, the shooters opened fire on a group of people nearby, Const. Allyson Douglas-Cook said in a statement released Saturday. “The man who was armed with the shotgun attempted to conceal it, at which...

21 May 2017


MURDERED, MISSING ABORIGINAL WOMEN IS A SCAM...The chief commissioner of the national inquiry into missing and murdered indigenous women and girls has admitted to a “poor communication strategy” in the wake of intense criticism about the inquiry’s progress. The commission is also planning to ask for an extension, now that only one hearing is scheduled to take place before the fall. RELATED: Catfished...

20 May 2017

19 May 2017

Back to the future

"To a large degree, black America still segregates itself with no end in sight. And isn’t that really the rub of the whole 'separate but equal' Harvard graduation?" "Sixty years after the so-called civil rights movement it appears that black self-segregation may actually be increasing, which is just...

At a cost of $550 million each

...in 2010 dollars...The B21 will funnel huge amounts of money to Northrop-Grumman and, in the event of a thermonuclear war... will arrive at the bubbling remains of targets several hours after the Navy’s D5 Trident II missiles get there. The aircraft relies on the assumption that, in thirteen years when it enters service, anti-stealth technology will not have reached the point of making it even...

18 May 2017

The first thing we do is...

...hang all the lawyers...Judge Lisa Porter heard from Padowitz and assistant state attorney Peter Sapak before Monday's jury selection as they debated whether Patterson's penis would be flaccid or erect if and when it is presented to the jury.********** RELATED: Next up... all the "professional" journalistsI saw this quote on CNN.com today: “The episode is the latest woe for Trump, whose administration...

The wisdom of Justin Trudeau

The town suddenly became a haven for recreational pot users, drawing in transients, panhandlers and a large number of homeless drug addicts, according to officials and business owners. Many are coming from New Mexico, Arizona and even New York. “Legalized marijuana has drawn a lot of kids here from other states and the impact has not all been good,” said Marinseck, 58, while holding a cardboard sign...

17 May 2017

Trudeau Liberals to look into vote on...

...safe sniffing cubicles in west coast pet stores...VANCOUVER -- A harm reduction group on the front line of Vancouver's overdose crisis can now include a small, furry mouse on the list of lives it has saved.********** RELATED: Citizenship by sheer random chance...Give me your tired... your sexually ambiguous, too dumb to recognise life-threatening weather, wannabe soccer players...WINNIPEG --...

16 May 2017

Truth? What's that?

A 70-year-old Swedish woman is facing up to four years in prison after being dragged into court and threatened with jail for a two year old Facebook post which is factually correct.********** RELATED: The greater goodIn 2013, Canada's hundreds of cancer charities spent $2.7 billion in total, but only 45 per cent went towards fighting cancer in multiple ways, including supporting patients, awareness,...

15 May 2017

And Winston Churchill wept...

"One of Britain’s top private schools, Highgate in north London, has a uniform policy allows female pupils to wear trousers, dark blue jackets, and ties but boys can’t choose to wear the grey pleated skirts that make up part of the girls’ uniform." "They are now bringing in 'gender-neutral uniforms' that would allow boys to wear skirt...

The capricious and unknowable...

..."Will of Allah"..."I don’t know if having 20% Muslim citizens is anywhere near the tipping point. But consider that gays represent perhaps 10% of the country, and that was enough to change laws. Consider that the United States is strongly pro-Israel while the Jewish population of the United States is under 2%." "The size of the minority seems less important than their level of motivation." "Muslims...

13 May 2017

The New Entrepreneurs

An Ontario teacher is working to clear her name and her credit score, after someone appears to have used her identity to open credit cards, take out a loan and purchase a luxury SUV.While her personal bank information was fine, the credit bureaus told her that someone had taken out numerous credit cards...

Forget about Disneyland

"The more I learn about Elon Musk’s Boring Project — a batshit idea to build a tunnel that sends cars at breakneck speeds under Los Angeles — the more I want to take a ride. The twisted genius just posted video of a test sled zooming through a test tunnel. Holy shit, it’s like going into hyperspeed, and I want to rid...

12 May 2017

Not Me, Not Mine, Not Today

A man with a concealed carry license shot an armed man who tried to stick him up late Wednesday morning on the Southwest Side, Chicago police said. Shortly after 11:30 a.m., the victim was standing outside his vehicle in the 5300 block of South Pulaski Road when two men approached and demanded his car keys, police said. Instead of handing over his keys, the victim shot one of the men in the groin...


You just ain't seen n-n-nothin' yet... Here's something that you ain't never gonna forget...The average Ontario hydro bill will soar by $195 a month by 2027 under the Liberal government’s hydro plan, according to a leaked cabinet document obtained by the Progressive Conservatives.********** RELATED: Sharing the pain... it's a Liberal thing Debt for you... debt for the grandkids...For the next 10...

11 May 2017

That vacation list keeps getting shorter

In some cases their criticisms embarrassed the ruling party which repressed them – in Kenya these radical critics developed the bad habit of getting killed in car crashes on lonely roads at night, with only the police as witnesses of their demise. Something of the same happened in Zambia: after one particular accident in which a political figure was killed while “swerving to avoid a black dog running...

Good Question

A lot has happened in the last 25 years...Armed citizens kill more crooks than do the police. Citizens shoot and kill at least twice as many criminals as police do every year (1,527 to 606). And readers of Newsweek learned that "only 2 percent of civilian shootings involved an innocent person mistakenly identified as a criminal. The 'error rate' for the police, however, was 11 percent, more than...

10 May 2017

Yes He Can

It seems like Obama has taken a page out of Leonardo DiCaprio's book of “do as I say, not as I do” and took a private jet to Milan. Not only that, he had a 14 car convoy to get into the city, which also included protection from above with a helicopter. During his post-presidency vacation, Obama spent...

09 May 2017

Take the money and run

Sen. Don Meredith says he will be moving on with his life and "will not engage" in a constitutional fight over his expulsion from the Senate.Remember, this sleazebag is picking your pocket...Senator Don Meredith will receive a $25,000 annual payout for life even if he is expelled from the Senate. That pension payout relates to his roughly six years of Senate servi...

Stand by for breaking news...

...on gravity holding shit down...CHICAGO—This city’s police officers have been warned of the increasing use by gang members of rifles able to pierce police body armor, after a spate of shootings with assault-style weapons.They've been warned? That virtually any rifle over .22 calibre will rip through a kevlar vest? Apparently, Shibani Mahtani is unaware that ordinary police body armour is only...

Non-Silence of the BLMs

Toronto cops are welcomed at the Pride Parade, so long as they keep their weapons, uniforms and vehicles away. According to Pride Toronto executive director Olivia Nuamah, LGBTQ officers and “their allies” are invited to march in the parade provided they adhere to the aforementioned rules.I wonder if that sentiment would change if some Islamic terror group decided to target the Pride parade? ********** RELATED:...

08 May 2017

Victimhood Inc. - The Reboundening

I'll see your puny Blackitude and raise you a bubbling cauldron of Aboriginality..."We apologize to anyone who we offended and hurt by our presentation."********** RELATED: Speaking of presentations...I guess a billion plus dollars in yearly taxpayer subsidies is no guarantee of quality news coverage. ********** UPDATE:...

07 May 2017

06 May 2017

Elections aren't about "Truth"...

...they're about entrenched power...********** UPDATE: France - the re-surrendering...Paris' main Mosque said on Sunday that the election of centrist Emmanuel Macron as France's next president over far-right leader Marine Le Pen was a sign of reconciliation between French religions. "It is a clear...

05 May 2017

Ontario Human Rights Commission...

...just put a bullseye on Muslims looking for rental accommodation...After almost a quarter century of being a law-abiding, hard-working member of society, he never imagined his adopted country would label him a human rights violator and order him to pay $12,000 in compensation to his Muslim tenants.********** RELATED: Down Under going under?One female teacher at Punchbowl Public School in Sydney's...

04 May 2017

03 May 2017

Fifty year old sleazebag gives up...

..."cash for life" sinecure to "get a little bit of strange"...OTTAWA — The Senate ethics committee is recommending that disgraced Sen. Don Meredith be expelled for engaging in a sexual relationship with a teenage girl — the first such recommendation in the history of the upper chamber. The Senate ethics report found Meredith, 52, had sex with the woman once before she turned 18 and twice afterward,...

02 May 2017

In·de·fen·si·ble - ˌindəˈfensəb(ə)l/

A pretend apology is no apology at all..."In other words, as many times as he said 'I’m owning my mistake,' he did nothing of the sort. And he owned up to it only when caught by a reporter squarely in the mess he’d created."********** UPDATE: Troops call it "Stolen Valour"... ...CBC calls it "an...

01 May 2017

The new snack-based economy

"As they briefly went back and forth on the price, she finally agreed to perform the act for $25 and Chicken McNuggets. How many Chicken McNuggets was not specified in the report."I smell an advertising opportunity. ********** RELATED: Thanks a bunch, Black Lives Matter!Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pughis asking for help from the FBI as the city struggles to contain a soaring murder rate. She pulled...