...his Manifesto...
Is Tommy Trotsky talking about rescheduling Liberal Ruby Dhalla's old age pension gravy train?
You remember..."Allowing new Canadians to start receiving OAS after just three years, opposed to the current ten, would have cost taxpayers an estimated $700 million dollars per year."What does it tell you, that, even the immigrant communities most concerned balked at the financial...
29 August 2015
28 August 2015
Lady McBill's bid to "Benghazi" Biden
"Biden won’t be there, having declined an invitation. But his name will be on everyone’s lips in Minneapolis, especially after the latest Quinnipiac poll showed the vice president faring better than Clinton against a handful of Republicans, and with the highest favorability rating of any candidat...
27 August 2015
Where does Justin Trudeau stand...
...on transparency?Let that sink in: a member of the elected band council had no clue his chief had pocketed $800,000 of band money as part of a land deal until the FNFTA forced its exposure.**********
RELATED: Math is hard
I'm beginning to understand why Justin believes "the budget will balance itsel...
26 August 2015
Sláinte, Sylvester Flanagan...

When the Guinness starts to flow, those micks get homicid... wait a minute..."You (deleted)! You want a race war (deleted)? BRING IT THEN YOU WHITE ...(deleted)!!!" ABC quoted from the manifesto.**********
RELATED: The Race/Gender Preference Card“The fact that he kept his job was because he was an...
"You can't hide..."

"My oh my, you sure know how to arrange things. You set it up so well, so carefully"...
What actually happens when all that blood rushes from the BIG HEAD to the little one.The top two passwords in the sample were unsurprisingly “123456” and “password”.Cheating is easy.
Responsible & ethical...
24 August 2015
An entirely appropriate...

...and not unexpected response. You run the table, you get to do the happy dance.Since the signing of the nuclear deal between Iran and world powers in July, Khamenei has repeatedly spoken out against Tehran’s main negotiating partners in Washington. “The root cause of the problems returns to their...
22 August 2015
Mission Inexcusable

Something to think about the next time you're tempted to deploy the Nuremberg Defense...
"In real life it doesn't do anything except make noise and apparently emit an odor that thankfully is said to be banana-scented."How often is a toddler the smartest person in the room...
Live and don't learn...
...and don't live...The gunman was already known by French authorities, according to CNN. He was a Moroccan national, living in Spain with his parents, and had been on three European counterterrorism agencies’ watchlists.More "Known Wolves" terrorism.
RELATED: What does Justin say?
After all, he had a two hour, closed door session with that Muslim organisation the other day.
When the Liberals do it...
...it's an easily remedied misunderstanding... when a Conservative steps over the line, it's a 24/7 year long media circus.
RELATED: Better safe than sorry, right?
Rumours are the Liberals will shortly be announcing plans for a "Long Rope Registry."
Justin thinks you should be on the couch smoking dope... not making risky life choic...
21 August 2015
Nevertheless... FIRE... THEM... ALL...
...and disband the Senate. Think of the tens of millions of dollars you could immediately shift over to healthcare.
As entertaining as all this is to low information voters and political partisans, this is simply how Ottawa works. Ask Liberal Senator Mac Harb.
Or perhaps ask someone who doesn't have a dog in this fight...“If you want to feel better about Canada, try explaining the Duffy-Wright...
Somewhere, an unassuming grad student...

...must be polishing their thesis on "Harper Derangement Syndrome"...You think the prime minister has been slow to act on climate change? You object to his preference for tax restraint over big new spending programs? He’s too pro-Israel, too anti-Putin? You don’t like his voice, face, or haircut?...
20 August 2015
Mainly Because Of The Meat

You ever wonder how the Ontario Liberals, despite all their legal missteps and financial scandals continue to get re-elected?When your core demographic doesn't give a fig about right and wrong... you're untouchable.
RELATED: I'm from the government...
...I'm here to save you.E-mail addresses...
19 August 2015
"From the heart, er... brains outward"

Liberal candidate & Social Justice Warrior from Calgary Nosehills takes abortion rights to the next logical level...
Justin sure knows how to pick 'em.
RELATED: Little Mosque on the Down-Low"The Liberal party is keeping a tight lid on what transpired during the two-hour, closed-door...
17 August 2015
"Give a little bit..."
"...give a little bit of your lips to me..."
RELATED: Party like it's 1529Riyadh (AFP) - MERS coronavirus infections have soared in Saudi Arabia ahead of the hajj pilgrimage, killing three people and forcing a Riyadh hospital to close its emergency ward, officials and newspapers said Thursday.
This raises to 483 the number of deaths out of 1,118 MERS infections in Saudi Arabia, where...
$221 million lost in just one month
You ever wonder why Ontarians have the highest electricity bills in North America?Ontario received payment of those June 2015 exports at the hourly Ontario electricity price of $15.31 per megawatt hour ($29.1 million). However, the cost to produce and transmit that was $131.43/MWh which means it cost Ontario ratepayers $249.9 million.
Perhaps it’s time for Premier Wynne to realize that the losses...
15 August 2015

Obama's imaginary progeny have an idea...“Fuck the police: As an institution fundamentally rooted in white supremacy and anti-Blackness we reject the police presence in our communities, absolutely. It is our responsibility to hold each other accountable and keep each other safe.”Sure, that sounds reasonable....
14 August 2015
Kathleen Wynne, the new...
...Thief-in-Chief..."Every dollar I put against our debt, or into our savings, was a dollar that was there for my wife and kids should the worst happen."
"Every dollar I lose to the ORPP, should I fall down a flight of stairs or block a bus, is a dollar lost to them. It simply goes to the broader Ontario collective good."This is what used to be called Communism.
The Liberals and NDP want to take...
The government that Justin Trudeau...
...admires above any other...Hundreds of families have fled their homes amid fears a cocktail of deadly chemicals had been spewed into the atmosphere after two huge explosions rocked the Chinese port city of Tianjin. At least 50 people have died and 700 injured after the blasts erupted at a warehouse for hazardous materials, leaving an apocalyptic landscape of incinerated cars, crumpled shipping...
11 August 2015
Danger, danger Will Robinson...
...chipping away at the next big social injustice...As robots get more sophisticated and humanlike, more and more people will find love, happiness, and intimacy in the arms of a machine. Robot sex and love is coming, and robot-human marriage will likely not be far behind.C'mon, space cadets... are you actually telling me you didn't see this coming?
RELATED: From the comments...
10 August 2015
Think of Trump as a weathervane
Let's face it... anyone to the political right of Bert and Ernie is sick and tired of being shunned and vilified for falling out of lockstep with the politically-correct herd.“People have to get their minds wrapped around the fact that the seething fury at the leadership of the Republican Party is real, and it’s going to bubble over somehow with somebody, and right now it’s with Trump.”Donald Trump...
07 August 2015
Who is this Marco you speak of?

We do know he's not the Liberal leader's first choice...If he wasn't good enough for Justin and the other Liberal bigwigs... why should Joe or Jill Voter get behind Marco Mendici...
06 August 2015
Justin Trudeau has said publicly...

...he couldn't imagine deploying the Canadian military "under any circumstances"...
I wonder what Sgt. Danylyshyn would say about th...
05 August 2015
Nanny State Overlords... Episode #49
Instead of wasting time and energy on an actual solution to the problem... let's splash people with urine.
UPDATE: Maybe fancy high-tech paint...
...isn't really the answer?"A man was driving in the city by the bay when a street light pole crashed down on the hood of his car, missing crushing him by about a foot.
How did one of these ubiquitous poles collapse when there was no storm...
BC's surreal real estate bubble...
...pumped up by "grey money" from abroad...In 2012, the last full year measured by Global Financial Integrity, China saw $249.57 billion US in illicit money transferred abroad. According to Chinese officials, Canada is a top destination for these funds.Apparently, Justin Trudeau's Communist dictator heroes aren't as efficient as he imagin...
04 August 2015
Two shot dead, three others injured

When the bagpipes start to play... it drives the Highlanders completely... oh, wait a minute...The nightclub was hosting the official OVO Fest afterparty featuring Toronto rapper Drake. A similar incident occurred in front of Muzik last year when a 28-year-old man was shot around 4 a.m. after OVO Fest...
03 August 2015
One Dead Lion

What's the larger problem with the lunatic left... that they cherrypick their tragedies, or that they have no sense of perspective?By diverting attention from what is actually happening in the world, this cheap trick "puppies & kittens journalism" obscures the larger issues. This media manufactured...
02 August 2015
It's not like his name is Ford
Whaddaya wanna bet the Toronto Star doesn't stalk Tommy Trotsky from his own backyard?“I believe that governing is about priorities,” Mulcair said from an outdoor balcony in Gatineau, Que., overlooking the Ottawa River, the iconic Peace Tower looming in the distance.So what was Mister "Priorities" first big decision of the campaign?
You guessed it...The election call meant Mulcair dropped Sunday’s...
01 August 2015
I'm not crazy!!!

Behold... the emergent battle cry of the lunatic left..."Breasts AND penises for everyone!!! Because, like, Mike Harris, sistah man!!!"
Meanwhile, in other "check your privilege, pick up a hair shirt" news... forget about that Boko-Haram bother... PETA calls for "death penalty" for dentist who shot...
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