29 May 2015

Remember... just because Mike Duffy...

...may be a venal greedbot, the media is entitled to air 24/7 coverage for months, using each and every opportunity to slag the Prime Minister... but a prominent Liberal insider with a penchant for child pornography gets significantly less scrutiny...TORONTO — A man who once was deputy education minister...

27 May 2015

Plan 9 from Inner Space

I perceive myself to be younger, smarter and way more attractive than objectivity, biology, legal ocumentation or common sense would indicate. Should the government step in and legally enshrine those perceptions in law?Cos', guess what, dream babies... it matters...If you continue to believe you...

26 May 2015


Remember... if a black man says it... it can't be racist...Neighbors who spoke to WJZ didn’t want to be identified for fear of retaliation. “If you say something to these young people they’re ready to take your head off.”********** RELATED: "Big Firearms" best friend Never mind ISIS in Iraq... President...

25 May 2015

Glug, glug... it worked for Hemingway

We now travel to the Cannes film festival, much loved playground of the idle rich and pre-eminent purveyor of socialist idealogy to the hoi-polloi, to celebrate the grandfather of Global Warming...One of his key insights, described in the film, came from drinking whisky one day with colleagues. Watching ice crack in the glass made him realise he could extract ancient air bubbles from the ice samples...

22 May 2015

That secretive, tyrannical George W...

...wait a minute... The two Democrats even praised President George W. Bush, who released his free trade text in 2001. Today, President Obama, who promised to have the most transparent administration in history, is not releasing his deal. “We’re just asking for some transparency before we have this...

21 May 2015

Speaking of meat and other balls

In 1975, the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the former homogeneous Sweden into a multicultural country. Forty years later the dramatic consequences of this experiment emerge: violent crime has increased by 300%. If one looks at the number of rapes, however, the increase is even worse. In 1975, 421 rapes were reported to the police; in 2014, it was 6,620. That is an increase of 1,472%. The...

15 May 2015

You don't need a Weatherman...

...or a Royal Commission...11-year-old Robinson was last seen leaving a birthday party on May 5, six days before she was reported missing to the RCMP.Here's what I know. If my preteen son had disappeared for six hours... never mind six freakin' days... the local cops would've had to taser me to stay outta their faces. Too many protesters... not enough parenting. ********** IT TAKES A VILLAGE......

07 May 2015

It was his to lose...

...and he did...Jim Prentice said in an interview that when it came to the fiscal mess in which the province found itself, Albertans needed to “look in the mirror.” Those four simple words infuriated a public that felt Mr. Prentice was blaming them for a problem created by a succession of PC governments.The financial landscape changes as people dump oil stocks... for what... medical marijua...

06 May 2015

Yeah, Alex, I'll take...

..."stuff you only say at the Playboy Mansion... for one hundred dollars."As evidence of the systemic discrimination, the decision references remarks from Millbrook First Nation administrator Alex Cope. The decision says that Cope told Tabor on two separate occasions that “the only place for women’s...

Your moral & intellectual superiors

Perhaps the Globe & Mail's travel writer should expand her horizons by perusing the "NOW" classifieds. Never mind bare breasts in Croatia, I'm betting homegrown "She-male Amy" could get her motor running. Toronto... labile, degenerate and grimy. Just remember to double-glove and exchange your...

05 May 2015

Darwin was right...

...stupid does have consequences...She has knocked on the door of a trailer where, she said, “multiple family members live and the daughters all prostitute themselves out and everyone is doing drugs.”Don't you worry though, I'm sure somebody is manufacturing special multi-coloured ribbons, imagineering walkathons and uber-tweeting to "raise awarenes...

04 May 2015

Reading the fine green print

If you live in Ontario and have voted Liberal, you've forfeited the right to complain about your outrageous electricity bills...Ontario generates just 0.5 per cent of global carbon emissions. Even a giant 20-per-cent reduction would knock just a tenth of 1 per cent off global emissions. A minuscule gain for the globe, at a potentially enormous cost to the people of Ontario, and all Canadians.But it's...