28 February 2015

27 February 2015

BREAKING: Toronto Police Advisory...

Don't let anyone get behind you...Toronto police are warning the public to be cautious after a shooting in the area of Morecambe Gate and Victoria Park Avenue north of Finch Ave. The man was shot in the back, paramedics said.The report seems to indicate this guy was waiting in a bus shelter and some random sociopath lit him up from behind. Keep your head on a swivel... just like Iraq. Who exactly...

Apple's new emoji palette...

..for all you Iphone users who have been struggling with race-friendly Kwanzaa text messages...Trust me, it doesn't stop there...The new emoji feature a range of skin tone options and a new “neutral” default of yellow, which is required by the Unicode specification to be “non-realistic.”Yes, there's...

26 February 2015

Remember all those people...

...who claimed to be Mi’kmaq? Here's chapter 2...Of course, there's just one small hitch...APTN also says the twins’ father, Anthony Larmond, claims his sons get their aboriginal heritage through his side of the family, although, as the report notes, he could not recall a First Nation community to...

19 February 2015

If you really think Canada is...

...becoming too repressive... you could move to Saudi Arabia...The Angus Reid poll indicates just what a political juggernaut the security bill is – widely popular in every province, every age group, and across party lines. More than four in five Canadians – 82 per cent – back the new legislation... Far from seeing it as too sweeping, they tend to want more: 36 per cent say it does not go far enough.You...

12 Billion dollars yearly on Aboriginal affairs

More money isn't the solution... it's where existing monies disappear to...“It all boils down to lack of services," Band councillor Dean Mitsuing said. "We don't get the same funding as everyone else -- maybe that could have stopped this, we don't have any services on the reserve.” Wait a minute... apparently, Dean... you do.Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada lists Makwa Sahgaiehcan...

17 February 2015

16 February 2015

The lunatic Left in 10 short words

"Doesn't have to be true, just has to be funny."College students, of course, are both little acquainted with realities of adult existence and walled off from conservative views, so they’re the perfect audience for Stewart’s shtick, which depends on assumptions that are as unquestioned as they are false.The world according to Yuk-Yu...

14 February 2015

12 February 2015

What's the big rush?

In Barack Obama's pipe-dreamy vision of a moderate Islam... there's always a happy ending...Except when there isn't.In early June, London had a “positive identification and that information was shared with Washington,” said a British source. The delay of nearly a month before the rescue bid was mounted...

In 2006, when Mark Steyn wrote

..."America Alone", he was vilified by the left. Turns out, he was spot on... And you don't have to travel to some distant backwater to confirm his arithmetic...The number of children growing up as Muslims in the UK has almost doubled in a decade in what experts have described as an “unprecedented”...

11 February 2015

So close... yet so far

Once again, the dead tree media sets about winding up the lunatic left... this time it's Islamophobic hate crimes perpetrated by the Christian far right...Only problem is... turns out the shooter is an atheist and a hard core leftie...A review of the Facebook page of the man charged in these murders,...

09 February 2015

You can fool some of the people...

...some of the time... “Does Justin Trudeau's process for selecting candidates involve, by any chance, a jug of hooch and a wheelbarrow?That'd be selecting the Conservative Party's discards...“After Ms. Adams' request of just a couple weeks ago to seek the Conservative Party nomination in a new seat,...

Remember Toronto...

...you get the kind of government you deserve...Former premier Dalton McGuinty’s chief of staff and his deputy together compiled a list of senior Liberal staffers whose computer records would be purged – all of whom were involved in discussions surrounding the controversial cancellation of two power plants, police say.No wonder Dalton fled the count...

Even the cat won't go outside

Gimme my freakin' global warming right now!!!U.S. temperature data: ‘In the business and trading world, people go to jail for such manipulations of data’We've been routinely hitting -30 degrees here at the Halls at night. The Hotpocalypse can't come soon enough for me. If only it wasn't such a sc...

06 February 2015

And then, after neutering the military...

...he can start disarming the police... “I’ve never been against Canada engaging robustly against ISIS,” Liberal leader Justin Trudeau said, but insisted it should be confined to “military missions that are non-combat.”Yeah, you give JTF2 a duffel bag full of aerosol spray cans... and they can sneak...

04 February 2015

Public service is fleeting...

...$122,000 is forever...A private member’s bill that’s expected to be up for a final vote in the House of Commons on Wednesday has been watered down to remove retroactivity, allowing Fontana, a former London mayor, Liberal MP and cabinet minister, to keep his pension.Yeah... I'm shocked. Okay, I'll say it. If the NDP manages to restore the retroactivity clause in this bill... THEY WILL GET MY VOTE. That's...

03 February 2015

02 February 2015

Meet a man who can call the Whitehouse...

...and advise his buddy, the president, anytime, day or night...So far, EVERY for-profit enterprise started by Al Sharpton and known to National Review Online has been shut down in at least one jurisdiction for failure to pay taxes, a review of public records in New York and Delaware reveals. Their financial records are copious, confusing, and sometimes outright bizarre, and together, they depict...