The Canadian Taxpayers Federation reported that chief Darren Whitford of the O’Chiese First nation earned more than $265,000 in pay and expenses last year for a band numbering 896 members. Ronald Kreutzer of the Fort McMurray First Nation was paid a similar amount as head of a reserve population of 272. One band paid more than $130,000 to each of 18 council members to oversee an on-reserve population of 6,187.Bear in mind that these are tax free salaries... that $800,000 payout to Chief Ron Giesbrecht would be the net takeaway on a 1.4 million dollar cheque to a non-aboriginal taxpaying citizen.
All that misery you hear about on aboriginal territories... it sure doesn't seem to affect everyone equally. How is financial transparency & accountability a bad thing, Justin? Incidentally, how much of this money ends up in Liberal Party war chests? I'm guessing the Conservatives don't get a single penny.
RELATED: Pander? Who me?
Preacher • 43 minutes ago
That's one way to look at it.
Another is that he's willing to represent all Canadians. Something that would be a refreshing change.
LewisDodgson • 25 minutes ago
Not sure how anyone could represent both the LGBT community AND those that would have them stoned if they could, but ok....