29 August 2014

28 August 2014

I remember when businesses had to...

...make it on their own...The Windsor Star reports that the Ontario government has pledged $385-million in assistance to Ford Motor Co. and the feds are considering matching the investment. The project, an expanded engine plant in Windsor, is expected to result in between 400 to 1,000 new jobs, which makes the taxpayer bill roughly $1-million per new j...


From our voluminous "just watch me" file...Gosling’s defence lawyer, Chuck Syme, insisted that his client should not go to jail because the Crown decided to drop charges on the same crimes against Bentley. “You can’t let the guy walk because he’s Jamaican and send my client, a mother of four, to jail,” Syme said outside of court.His client, by-the-by is the aforementioned Bentley's wife. Check out...

27 August 2014

Why Dalton McGuinty fled Ontario

Reason #14: He didn't want to be around when the lights went out.The report by former Ontario Teacher Pension Plan guru Jim Leech said the pension plans for Ontario Power Generation (OPG), Hydro One (H1), Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) and the Electricity Safety Authority (ESA) are unsustainable. For every $1 contributed to the plan by the employee, taxpayers and hydro ratepayers...

25 August 2014

"We don' need no steenkin' evidence"

Remember all those old movies where John Wayne or Gary Cooper stands up to the lynch mob who wants to hang the prisoner in the town lockup? Then there's Eric "Third Autopsy is the charm" Holder..."This officer has to be indicted. I'd hate to see what happens if he isn't. The rioting, the looting, man ...," said resident Larry Loveless.The narrative about Michael Brown being shot in the back has been...

22 August 2014

Another story you're not gonna see...

...on the CBC...Wednesday in Ferguson, the buzz was about a Facebook posting by local radio station 100.7 FM claiming the officer in the Aug. 9 shooting, Darren Wilson, would not be indicted because key witnesses said 18-year-old Michael Brown attacked the officer and attempted to take away his gun....

21 August 2014

Somebody refresh my memory...

...which medical school did Dr. Justin Trudeau attend? Oh yeah... that'd be the Keith Richards School of Pharmacology.They already opposed tobacco. Now the nation’s doctors say Canadians shouldn’t smoke “any plant material” whatsoever, including marijuana. Delegates at the Canadian Medical Association’s general council meeting voted Wednesday to formally oppose the smoking of any plant substance. Outgoing...

20 August 2014

19 August 2014

18 August 2014

If President Obama had another son...

Attorney General Eric Holder steps in and Trayvonates investigation...The "extraordinary circumstances" surrounding Brown's death and a request by his family prompted the Justice Department's decision to conduct a THIRD autopsy, agency spokesman Brian Fallon said in a statement.You know... 'circumstances' like forensic evidence running totally contrary to eyewitness accounts of what happened. ***** UPDATE:...

17 August 2014

Friend of Ferguson Officer...

...gives an account of the shooting from a non-looter perspective. ***** UPDATE: No, I get it. I really do. There is this mountain of rage that has risen up from the mainstream media reporting that this "gentle giant" was assassinated as he ran away from a police officer. What changes here if that is simply not true? I mean, we can trust the MSM to do the right thing... right? ***** UPPERDATE:...

16 August 2014

I'm from the government, I'm here...

...to save, er... uhmmm... Dave's not home, man...Whistler Medical Marijuana Corp. issued a voluntary recall for its White Widow strain (Lot L0004) on Friday after two customers complained about the product’s appearance, leading to testing that found the presence of mould, said Health Canada. It’s not immediately known how many of Canada’s roughly 40,000 medical marijuana users are affected by the...

15 August 2014

Of course, he's sympathetic...

...Justin Trudeau gets the big bucks because he's got the right DNA too... The Canadian Taxpayers Federation reported that chief Darren Whitford of the O’Chiese First nation earned more than $265,000 in pay and expenses last year for a band numbering 896 members. Ronald Kreutzer of the Fort McMurray...

13 August 2014

Journalism 101 - Exploiting Grief

Talk about burying the lede...During a subsequent safety lap, Ward got out of his car and stood on the track, seemingly to confront Stewart about the collision — a move that’s not uncommon in local races.What's newsworthy here is that running out onto an active racetrack in New York state is apparently a humdrum everyday occurance. Sort of like bullfighting... with speeding cars. Oh yeah... every...

12 August 2014

The Anti-Transparency Candidate

“Justin Trudeau announced that he will repeal the First Nations Financial Transparency Act and in doing so has chosen the side of those First Nation chiefs, like his star candidate Jody Wilson-Raybould, who would keep this basic financial information hidden from their communities and from Canadian taxpayers.”***** RELATED:...

08 August 2014

05 August 2014

The Humpty Chronicles

I have not been a big fan of the Canadian healthcare system, but there are daunting alternatives."My name is Steve. I'll be taking care of you tonight," he said menacingly. I just nodded and said, "OK," and sat up on the edge of the bed and put both feet on the floor in case I had to make a break for it. I wasn't sure if he was going to be "taking care of me" in the traditional "Russian mob" sense,...

02 August 2014

Move along folks...

...nothing to see here..."The total amount is more than the combined salaries of Prime Minister Stephen Harper and U.S. President Barack Obama."Of course, CTV has no problem with this guy consulting all 81 of his loyal subjects before taking any sort of a position here. I'm sure they'd extend the same courtesy to Stephen Harper if he decided to pay himself a tax free $800,000 bonus. RELATED: CBC...