31 May 2012

30 May 2012

I keep waiting for the next iteration...

...a "criminal" glance..."A group of Members of Parliament and the Central YMCA have recommended in a report that "appearance-based discrimination" should possibly be considered a crime, similar to harassing someone over their race or sexual orientation."********** RELATED: I'm from the government... ...I'm...

Your money - his friends... yet again

That's why we call him McSlippery...An Ontario government lawyer warned against approving former ORNGE boss Chris Mazza’s public-private scheme for the air ambulance service, according to leaked documents. Klees said the Springman memo is proof that Liberals’ claims of a lack of oversight for ORNGE are specious because the alarm was being sounded almost eight years ago. “It gives 15 specific reasons...

29 May 2012

Pushing those Middle-East buttons...

...a truly dangerous game..."It far surpasses Stuxnet and Duqu, two worms behind cyberattacks against technology related to Iran's nuclear energy program."********** COMPASSIONATE, INTELLECTUAL LEFT REPLIES:"Neo excitedly searches to find this virus so he can infect my computer and finally locate me....

"We, the undersigned Canadians..."

"...urgently ask The Honourable John Baird, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, to allow the Minister of Public Safety, Vic Toews, to have full access to Dr. Michael Welner’s forensic psychiatric evidence on Omar Khadr." "Toews must review this evidence before he conducts the review described by the prisoner transfer law. This way, he will be able to make a fully informed decision without compromising...

28 May 2012


"From the response of the chattering lefties defending Mulcair, piques my interest even more. Remortgaging a house 11 times no matter how you try to spin it, is totally unusual and out of place. There is probably more to this story." "Is it any of our business? HELL yeah, this man wants to be PM, and I have a right to know if he can't even handle his own personal finances." Posted by: northernont...

27 May 2012

24 May 2012

McSlippery when wet

If I showed up at Queens Park & told them I had an alien chip in my head... would Dalton change the rules to pay for it's removal? Oh, well... just another day in Dalton McGuinty's socialist paradise..."The exhibit includes floor-to-ceiling photos of nude toddlers, children, teens and adults, and an array of heated, flavoured and textured condoms rolled over wooden dildos."********** RELATED:...

23 May 2012

20 May 2012

Something in the air

"I think they have made a decision to attack," said one senior Israeli figure with close ties to the leadership. "It is going to happen. The window of opportunity is before the U.S. presidential election in November. This way they will bounce the Americans into supporting them." Netanyahu, those who know him say, is determined to avoid going down in history as the man who shirked his opportunity...

19 May 2012

I really hope the MSM makes sure...

...they get another heart-rending soundbite from the Whitehouse... 'Cos I really wanna see President McDreamy break out his infamous record-setting backstroke... again..."Every time they release a photo of this guy's head, his [Trayvon Martin's] parents saying that's not Trayvon's voice on the audio,...

17 May 2012

Oh, c'mon... it's not like he...

...oh... my... gawd...A man who beheaded and cannibalized a fellow passenger on a Greyhound bus in Manitoba has won his bid to leave the grounds of the mental hospital where he is being kept. The review board says the passes will start at 30 minutes and increase incrementally to a maximum of full days. But, hey... I'm sure they'll be all over this guy for the rest of his... wait...Someone who’s been...

One man's "small"... is another man's...

...fatal penetrating trauma..."According to OHRC spokesman Afroze Edwards, police will be revising court-security procedures so devout Sikhs wearing the small ceremonial blades will be allowed to enter."Well... as long as it's just small & ceremonial, that's... wait a minute..."They must not have a kirpan longer than 7.5 inches in total."Hang on a second. I'm not even allowed to wear a hat in...

16 May 2012

I'm from the government... I'm here to...

...what the f*****' f***...The Museum of Science and Technology is hosting Sex: A Tell-All Exhibition, opening Thursday. Initially aimed at children 12 and up, organizers quickly boosted the admission age to 16 after some parents were aghast at the graphic displays. The exhibit includes floor-to-ceiling photos of nude toddlers, children, teens and adults, and an array of heated, flavoured and textured...

10 May 2012

Your money... his friends

Dalton does it again...“For months, we’ve been warning the minister about the staffing policies at ORNGE that leave bases understaffed and incapable of responding to emergency calls,” Klees said, citing investigations into 13 such incidents." "Matthews said she has asked ORNGE to “look closely” at what happened Wednesday but added she is aware there is a shortage of pilots trained to fly the helicopters.That's...

Breaking... in the GTA...

...the Greater Tehran area...Let's get right down to brass tacks here...“Islam has allowed boys to engage in sports for one specific reason and that is to always keep them healthy and strong. But why should a Muslim be healthy and strong? Firstly, it is necessary to take care of the body because it...

Bright lights, big city

I wonder if the Toronto Star will be pulling any of their crack reporters off the "Rob Ford ate another drumstick" beat to cover this one... • TORONTO • The Toronto Police homicide unit was searching a midtown park after a man’s body was found early Wednesday. Officers responding to reports of gunshots being fired at 3 a.m. found the man in Oriole Park, just west of Yonge St. at Davisville, in...

09 May 2012

Stand by for NDP waterworks in...

...three, two...It’s one of the latest tough-on crime measures Public Safety Minister Vic Toews announced Wednesday. Charging more to stay in prisons, getting rid of incentive pay tied to certain inmate work and ensuring offenders are charged for their phone calls are among the changes the minister...

Those evil, controlling Tea Parti...

...wait a minute...Now, the Chronicle of Higher Education can fire and hire whomever it pleases—for good reasons, bad reasons, or no reason at all. That’s its business; that’s its prerogative. But the publication ought to at least have the sand to admit what it’s doing. They didn’t fire Naomi Schaefer Riley because of what she wrote. They fired her because their readers didn’t like it.But don't be...

08 May 2012


What media bias? "Or maybe The Star is just holding its guns for its next major scoop. After blowing the lid off the fact that the mayor likes Kentucky Fried Chicken, and scooping the whole world on his desire to buy a bit of land next to his home, what could be next: Ford puts blue box on wrong side...

07 May 2012

06 May 2012

Another reason to vote Conservative

The Harper government is throwing its weight behind a private members' bill that would give police the power to arrest anyone hiding their identity during a riot or unlawful assembly. Justice Minister Rob Nicholson announced Sunday that the Conservative majority formally supports the legislation, meaning it is all but assured of becoming law. "Destructive and reckless behaviour damages communities...

03 May 2012

02 May 2012

Undermining the law of the land

Try imagine the socialist outrage, or perhaps even insurrection... if Stephen Harper had people collecting names & addresses at all those "safe" injection sites. Call me picky... but why don't firearms owners have, at minimum, the same rights... under current Canadian law... as your average garden...