31 January 2018

Torches... Pitchforks...

Remember, back, you were a kid... folks being hunted down by packs of predators... Yeah... me neither... UPDATE: Toronto's 5th murder victim id'd It's always the guys with the bangin' neck tattoos...********** THE ORIGINAL AMBIGUOUS STORY:"TORONTO — A man who was stabbed after being chased by several...

SOTU Roundup in eight little words...

FROM THE COMMENTS:"I wouldn’t want to be Hillary’s liver tonight."********** RELATED: We might've dodged the bullet... ...if it wasn't for the media..."The color of his skin was like magic, invisible armor. The response to very criticism of him • policy, associates, whatever • was 'RACISM!!...

"The Union makes us Strong"

Sadly...During the investigation, Brig. Gen. Bruce Oliveira said the employee, who had worked at the agency for 10 years, had a history of confusing drills and real-world events. At least two prior incidents had occurred, after which corrections were made and the employee was counselled. After the...

30 January 2018

I just peed myself a little bit

Another story you won't see on CBC..."If the affidavits floating around really are about a guy who likes “themed socks” there is an inferno about to break loose."Of course, you won't see this in your local community broadsheet either...“We’ve had an indication from the Prime Minister’s mouth and from...

Like a Fish...

...needs a Bicycle..."Forty years ago, before 'let’s chill' egg freezing parties were in vogue, before 'The Bachelorette’s' Kaitlyn Bristowe and other celebrities were tweeting about 'taking control' of their future, young working women were already being warned about their waning fertility."********** RELATED:...

29 January 2018

From the folks who "ALMOST"...

...brought you a new, improved electoral system..."The Trudeau government is cherry picking certain Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples recommendations without consulting Indigenous Peoples, such as dissolving the Department of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada." "Therefore these two historical...

Dear MSM... whatever happened to...

..."if it only saves one life"...The meeting heard compelling — in some cases heart-breaking — accounts from children snatched away from their families, then shunted between as many as 20 foster home and group homes before “aging out” of the system at age 18.Not that I have a quarrel with Canada’s minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs...Look, not my business, folks... but you...

28 January 2018

Diversity is our streng...

...oh, oh... get out the chequebook..."A group of Asian protesters converged on Queen’s Park Sunday to demand an apology from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for his handling of the hijab hoax. The protesters say they feel insulted that a girl lied that she was assaulted by an Asian man and say Trudeau...

I want my socialised medicine...

...and I'm putting my foot down..."Zytner said his request for the drugs was denied. “They said our case wasn’t severe enough to get the medication.” Health Canada has put ivermectin and albendazole on its Special Access Programme, meaning that they can only be obtained by federal approval on a case-by-case...

Icing that "legacy" cake

"In a moment of woeful irony in the Obama-administration documentary “The Final Year,” UN Ambassador Samantha Power travels to Cameroon to offer photo-op comfort to families terrorized by Boko Haram — only to have her motorcade kill a 7-year-old boy."********** RELATED: The unravelling continues...At the time, Obama was a state senator, and according to Dershowitz, had he known Obama had posed with...

27 January 2018

Think about it... they'll do this...

...to their own people... imagine what they'll do to your infidel arse...KABUL, Afghanistan — At least 95 people were killed and more than 150 were wounded on Saturday when an ambulance packed with explosives was detonated in central Kabul. “Most of the victims are civilians,” Basir Mujahid, a spokesman...

26 January 2018

The first thing we do is...

...hang all the lawyers...A British Columbia man accused of threatening to join the so-called Islamic State and behead Canadians has fended off the RCMP’s attempts to subject him to a terrorism peace bond. Two former roommates contacted police in 2016 and reported that Ibrahim “wanted to kill Canadian...

Well, to be perfectly clear...

...Patrick Brown is a dastardly Conservative... not a social-justice seeking lefty...A woman who came forward last year with allegations of misconduct against Calgary Skyview MP Darshan Kang stemming from his time as an MLA says the provincial Liberal party never contacted her, despite its promises of an internal investigation. Liberal Leader David Khan said he would not discuss the investigation,...

Airbrushing the Politburo

But, but, but... this is America...Muhammad said a “staff member” for the Congressional Black Caucus contacted him “sort of in a panic” after he took the photo at a caucus meeting in 2005. Asked whether he thought the photo’s release would have affected Obama’s presidential campaign, Muhammad said, “It absolutely would have made a difference. Askia Muhammad said that he “gave the picture up at the...

25 January 2018

Of course, the real question is...

...who disappeared them in the first place?"Inspector General Michael Horowitz wrote in the letter to Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) that his office will provide copies of the recovered texts to the Justice Department."********** UPDATE: Unfuckingbelievable! ********** LAST WORD: Finding Mohamed Atta? Where's the fun in that?Two senior FBI officials who texted each other...

CBC asks... "What Hijab hoax?"

Just give me more gossip about Patrick Brown's penis..."The PCs then enjoyed a wide lead over Wynne's Liberals in nearly all opinion polls throughout 2016 and 2017, while his party out-fundraised the Liberals and the Ontario NDP combined. With Brown's face splashed on the cover of the platform, and the election campaign due to begin in early May, the party will be scrambling to get back on track." "CBC...

24 January 2018

It's not like it's fluoridation...

...or anything really serious...KCRA-TV reported that the body of Tory Robert Mayes, 34 was recovered Tuesday from a reservoir pipeline supplying drinking water to several Northern California communities, though authorities say the water quality was not affected. The water is heavily treated before it flows to customers, said El Dorado Irrigation District spokesman Jesse Saich.Imagine my relief,...

Fairy Tales from "The Hood"

I guess, even the unrepentant SJWs at CTV realised they had gone a Teletubbie too far..."The last time I saw him we were in church,” Pearl Clarke told CTV News Toronto about a week after her son's death. “He came and sat beside me and gave me a big hug and he kissed me on my forehead and said, 'Mommy,...

23 January 2018

The Usual Felons

"A 20-year-old Brampton man is accused of five random shootings on a total of seven victims ranging in age from four to 47 in Toronto this month. Adam Abdi was arrested Monday and faces 48 charges including 7 counts of Attempt Murder."And...A suspect wanted in relation to the November killing of Zakaria Iqbal has surrendered. City police say Rhyan Alexander Moore, 27, turned himself in Monday afternoon...

No wonder the FBI "LOST"...

...five months of text messages...The thousands of texts @TGowdySC and I reviewed today revealed manifest bias among top FBI officials against @realDonaldTrump. The texts between Strzok and Page referenced a "secret society."********** UPDATE: Pres Hopey-Changey in the crosshairs...“If you don’t think the unmasking has something to do with the weaponization of our Department of Justice and our...

22 January 2018

Gonna wash those Jews...

...right outta my hair...Amena Khan announced her decision to step down from the campaign in a Twitter post on Monday, where she also claimed to have deleted the controversial posts about Israel. Breitbart Tech reported on Khan’s anti-Israel tweets on Friday, including her comments that Israel is...

21 January 2018

20 January 2018

No good deed...

...goes un-akbarred...Gunmen have shot and killed a mother and her daughter who were immunising children against polio in Pakistan’s south-western city of Quetta. Sakina Bibi, 50, and her 20-year-old daughter, Alizah, were providing polio immunisation drops to children when two gunmen riding on a motorcycle...

19 January 2018

Toronto cops bag gay serial killer

“We also believe he is responsible for the deaths of men we have not yet identified,” Det.-Sgt. Hank Idsinga said. “At this stage we are most concerned with identifying other victims of Mr. McArthur.” “I’m telling you that he has killed at least two people and there are more victims.” Idsinga identified the suspect as Bruce McArthur, 66.Apparently, there are folks in the "community" who think racist...

Not sure why he didn't stick with...

..."It's just part and parcel of living in a big city"..."Before his election, Mr. Khan claimed police stop and search tactics unfairly targeted minority ethnic groups and promised to "do everything in my power" to cut the practice, before reversing his stance as crime surged over the summer."Well, with London off the vacation list, you can always head to sunny Jamai... sweet baby jebus..."Canadian...

18 January 2018


Why settle for facts, when you can have the myth...The plain fact is that not just King’s saintlike image, but practically his entire life, is a lie. King was awarded a PhD in systematic theology in 1955 but it was discovered in 1991 that King plagiarized entire sections of his thesis. [Boston U. Panel...

Speaking Truth to Poopoo

Sorry, Princess... Trump was right...Three weeks after college, I flew to Senegal, West Africa, to run a community center in a rural town. Life was placid, with no danger, except to your health. That danger was considerable, because it was, in the words of the Peace Corps doctor, "a fecalized environment."********** RELATED: CNN goes full "Booke...

17 January 2018

Diversity is our streng...

Remember, back... you were a kid... innocent teenagers getting caught in gangbanger crossfire... Yeah... me neither..."Vancouver police have assigned more than 50 officers to the investigation of a brazen gunfight that killed a 15-year-old boy after he was struck by a bullet while passing in a vehicle...

I remember when you didn't get...

...to bring your babysitter to school with you..."A professor at the University of Guelph in Ontario has been put on a leave of absence following allegations he referred to a student's aid worker as his 'handler' who 'needed to control' the student in a class Monday night."********** UPDATE: Professor officially underbussed ********** RELATED: Fight the Patriarchy!Judith Taylor, an associate...

16 January 2018

Apparently, you can fool...

...all of the politicians, all of the time..."According to Amir Taheri, the Iranian-born author and expert on Islamic issues, 'This fake Islamic hijab is nothing but a political prop, a weapon of visual terrorism. It is the symbol of a totalitarian ideology inspired more by Nazism and Communism than...

15 January 2018

That's funny... this phony hate crime...

...isn't drawing nearly as much media attention as the original false report...The alleged, er... totally fabricated incident captured national attention after it was reported Friday and drew public condemnation from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne.THREE CHEERS FOR UNINTENTIONAL...

Obviously the #metoo movement...

...dodged a patriarchy-lubricated bullet, too..."Hillary Clinton put on a rigid front amid allegations of her husband’s infidelity, often working relentlessly to discredit the women who came forward."********** RELATED: Shoulda seen it coming...“It was white,” she said. “I didn’t get to choose and...

14 January 2018

Diversity is our streng...

..."Holy Den of Criminals, Batman!!!"MARKHAM, Ont. -- A U.S. government report says a Toronto-area mall is among the most notorious sources of pirated and counterfeit goods in the world. Pacific Mall, a predominantly Chinese-Canadian shopping centre in Markham, Ont., is one of 18 brick-and-mortar locations and 25 online retailers named by the U.S. Office of the Trade Representative in its annual...

13 January 2018

12 January 2018

With apologies to Willie Nelson...

"...Mama, don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys, er... 'gangstas'...""Tarek Dakhil, 23, known to friends as 'T-Rex' was shot multiple times around 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in the courtyard of a co-operative housing complex at 3339 Paul Anka Dr.""Known to friends as 'T-Rex'”... is pretty much a guarantee...

My kind of neutrality

A new civil rights act has come into force in Switzerland that prevents residents who have been on welfare in the past three years from becoming citizens unless they pay back the money they received to the state.********** RELATED: Who knew Sweden was racist?Another part of this official narrative is that Sweden is filled with racists. Oddly enough, a lot of migrants seem to want to come to Sweden...

11 January 2018

CBC blesses Aboriginal Weed Industry

Canada's national broadcaster rebrands marijuana as "Mohawk Medicine"..."First Nations entrepreneurs 'asserting sovereignty'"...Over, you know... the law of the land. Remember... we don' need no steenkin' science...VANCOUVER -- A disinterested pharmaceutical industry and the conundrum of finding a...

Where stereotypes come from...

...nowhere sensitive and civilised, I assure you..." - TORONTO - Both are charged with numerous offences including trafficking a person for financial benefit, procuring and exercising control, forcible confinement and assault, uttering threats, and advertising another person’s sexual services."********** RELATED:...

10 January 2018

Think your kids aren't being co-opted?

Think again..."The Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario called for the removal of Macdonald's name from elementary schools in the province, referring to him as the 'architect of genocide against Indigenous Peoples.'"********** RELATED: Monty Python said it best...Reg: All right, but apart from...

09 January 2018

Diversity is our streng...

...sweet baby jebus...This disturbing sight at a Chinatown fish market in Manhattan is turning stomachs. Video posted on Facebook shows an employee of the Hung Kee Food Market on Canal Street wearing winter boots as he stands on top of a rack of fresh fish and attempts to fix a circuit breaker. Since its posting Wednesday, the video has racked up nearly 3 million vie...

08 January 2018

Here we go again...

Just noticed traffic from a Blogger URL presenting itself using my email address. This url consists entirely of pornographic images and exhortations to smoke dope. I have notified Blogger and expect that they will shut this nonsense down shortly. This infantile attempt to derail free speech is typical of the lunatic left. Unable to actually debate, they always seem to resort to these type of measures....

CBC's never-ending search for "victims"

You say TO-MAY-TOE... I say good riddance...The only thing these two are victims of... is a lifetime of selfish criminal stupidity. ********** RELATED: Remember, magic is all about misdirection... Some guy, somewhere, got shot... details at, well... never...Officers are investigating after a 16-year-old...

07 January 2018

Hiccups in Hollyweird

So why do Polanski, Cosby, Spacey, Hoffman, Ratner, Affleck, Toback et al get a pass..."But by acting so swiftly, a mere nine days after the New York Times first reported allegations of sexual assault against movie producer Harvey Weinstein, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences now finds...

Is Donald Trump Winning Bigly?

Let's ask Dilbert..."The least persuasive thing a person can do to fight such attacks, according to Adams, is to protest that he's not crazy and stupid -- because the only words people will remember are 'crazy and stupid.'"Via SDA ********** RELATED: Meanwhile, the left keeps throwing mud...After...

06 January 2018

Professional Journalism 101

They say a picture is worth a thous... oh, c'mon now... Apparently, the CTV News photo archive has no shortage of pictures of the "oppressive white patriarchy."For what it's worth, the Canadian media always seems to have plenty of pictures of "thought criminal" Dr. Jordan Peterson to hand. ********** RELATED:...

05 January 2018

How about right after...

...we start observing Nathan Cirillo Day?OTTAWA – One of Canada’s most prominent Muslim groups, the National Council of Canadian Muslims is asking Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to designate the anniversary of the 2017 Quebec City mosque shooting as an official day of remembrance.********** FROM THE...

Still struggling to understand...

...this whole cultural relativity thing..."Prabhu Ramamoorthy is accused of sexually abusing a 22-year-old sitting in a window seat next to him on a Spirit Airlines flight from Las Vegas which landed in Detroit early on Jan. 3, even as his wife was by his side."Not sure I'll ever understand this sort of thing. If I got caught doing something like this, Mrs Neo would likely cut off my dingus and nail...

Scratch a "Progressive"... find a...

...blossoming sexual predator...“And he said, ’Oh, you are being a bad girl. You know what I do to bad girls? I spank them.’” Ayers forcibly pulled her out of a chair and whipped her with a metal ruler. Kennedy stated the episode led her to seek counselling years later. A longtime advocate of progressive policies in a deeply conservative state, Ayers has written articles for publications including...

Ask Premier Kathleen Wynndfarm

How do you follow up on decimating Ontario's manufacturing sector by having the highest electricity rates in North America?That's simple... go after the low end services industries...TORONTO – The premier of Ontario is accusing the children of Tim Hortons’ billionaire co-founders of bullying their employees...

04 January 2018

Gonna party like it's 1683

Turkey’s religious affairs state agency came under heavy criticism on Thursday from the main opposition party after it reportedly said girls as young as nine could marry under Islamic law. In 2016, the government was forced to throw out a bill that could have pardoned men convicted of child-sex assault...

Censorship.... the new normal

Edler said he first realized there would be problems when he was at the station working on the final touches of the piece just before Christmas and saw TTC officials type the word "f--k" on the control panel and take cellphone photographs of the words on the screens. He said shortly after that he received an email from the TTC brass saying they weren't opening the installation to the public.FWIW,...

03 January 2018

U.S. State Department just collectively...

...shat their jodhpurs...********** UPDATE: Rocket Man just blinked"North Korea reopened a border hotline with South Korea on Wednesday, restoring a channel of direct dialogue and signaling a possible thaw in relations between the two Koreas after years of hair-trigger tension...

Justin and his infamous pals

OTTAWA -- A lawyer for a Canadian man recently freed with his wife and children after years of being held hostage in Afghanistan says his client has been arrested and faces at least a dozen charges. Eric Granger says Joshua Boyle faces charges including sexual assault, assault and forcible confinement. Ottawa...

02 January 2018

Liberté, égalité, fraterni...

...sweet baby jebus...Shocking video footage has emerged of a policewoman and her captain being brutally stomped by a gang of thugs in a Paris suburb. The assailants ran away into a nearby housing estate after leaving the patrol car in ruins. Across France 510 people were arrested overnight on Sunday...

01 January 2018