31 August 2012

Never a "community organiser" around...

...when you really need one..."As the president preps for his Democratic Party convention coronation, homicides in his hometown the first three months of this year have spiked 60 percent over the same period in 2011, and gangs are preying on citizens in a phenomenon called ‘wilding.’"********** RELATED: It's not that complicatedWith some digging, you learn, to your horror, that the troubled CEO...

29 August 2012

26 August 2012

That evil, lawbreaking Stephen Harp...

...wait a minute... The Liberal riding association in Guelph has been issued a $4,900 penalty by the federal broadcast regulator for sending out unsolicited robo-calls during the 2011 election campaign. The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission announced the finding and penalty...

22 August 2012

McSlippery regime falls back on...

..."more basketball courts" strategy... -- TORONTO -- Ontario is bolstering crime prevention programs with a focus on youth - to the tune of $20 million - in an effort to get guns off the streets by trying to prevent kids from turning to crime in the first place. A plan to expand summer job programs and add more youth outreach workers was announced Tuesday.Wait a minute...Toronto politicians...

21 August 2012

With friends like this...

• TORONTO • Peel police say they know the identity of the woman whose body parts were found in Mississauga and Scarborough. Guang Hua Liu, 41, a mother of two young children and an adult child, has been identified as the victim. She was last seen Aug. 10 "in the company of friends." Liu, a Canadian citizen of Chinese descent, is the registered owner of a spa at Kennedy Rd. and Eglinton Ave....

20 August 2012

As always... the real story is...

...in the comments... ********** UPDATE: Olivia cashes in yet again... ...but that's okay... 'cos she's just a poor widow-woman..."Tell me that it’s just dandy for Chow to directly profit via taxpayers on her dead husband’s propaganda film."I can't wait for Layton brand "Velvet Touch" tissues......

That's so weird... I didn't see a thing...

..about this on the CTV news...Of course, on the 11 o'clock national news, the talking heads were again offering up slobbery images of their pet martyr, Julian Assange, and I quote..."It is not likely British police will assault the (Ecuadorian) embassy."Hmmm... ya think? I guess I just don't get how...

18 August 2012

Sugar & spice and everything...

...that fills ordinary folk with revulsion and horror... First, the little darlings stripped her naked and tossed her outta the car..."McIvor’s body was dragged for about one kilometre before her arm was trapped under the rear passenger wheel, which caused her head to be pulled from her body by the...

17 August 2012

Now that's a darn shame

I was really looking forward to that new ten spot with the flaming vehicle being tossed off that bridge in Caledonia... "The bank immediately ordered the image redrawn, imposing what a spokesman called a 'neutral ethnicity' for the woman scientist who, now stripped of her 'Asian' features, appears on...

I'm beginning to see where all that...

..."crime is down" malarkey is coming from...“We don’t have a cause of death and without a cause of death, we can’t call it a homicide,” Acting Insp. Randy Cowan said.********** UPDATE: Is it murder now?"Two severed hands were found in a Mississauga park Friday as Peel police returned to search for more body parts following the discovery of a foot and hea...

16 August 2012

From the guys who brought you...

..."Romney is gonna put y'all back in chains"...First it was the Department of Homeland Security, then it was the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and now the Social Security Administration is set to purchase 174,000 rounds of hollow point bullets that will be delivered to 41 locations across the country.Ah, wait a minute... that's a secret... The Department of Homeland Security’s...

15 August 2012

Another CBC poll... goes horribly wrong

I'm guessing 60% of respondents supporting minimum sentences & tougher border controls wasn't exactly what the pinko politburo was looking for...********** FROM THE CBC COMMENTS:"Banning the legitimate ownership of handguns to prevent illegitimate use of handguns is equivalent to the idea that...

14 August 2012

The difference between a "historian"...

...and a "community organiser"... is that only one of them is obligated to speak the truth..."Put up, or shut up, dear newspaper of record. Tell us when that "tradition" of 'Iftar Dinners' truly began. Cite those Presidents who held dinners that they considered to be 'Iftar Dinners.' Give us chapter,...

I just read that more people in the USA...

...are beaten to death with fists & feet than are killed with rifles...The Forum Research poll released exclusively to the Toronto Sun found the recent spat of summer gun violence has left its mark on the city as 61% of Torontonians agree there has been more gun violence this year than in previous years and that 34% feel their personal safety is at risk in Toronto.But, hey... screw opinions. ...

13 August 2012

Thank gawd it's over

I've gotta confess... by the second day of the Olympics, I was watching the CTV coverage with the sound turned off. I'm afraid the last straw for me was when one of the networks self-styled experts started prattling on about the "ten event" Decathlon (as opposed to, I suppose, the five event version?) Funny, though... didn't see any coverage of skeet, or any other shooting sport for that matter....

09 August 2012

Just another typical childrens party...

...balloons, face-painting and assorted threats...An 18-year-old has been charged with threatening to harm residents living on Danzig Street prior to a block party shooting last month. Toronto police spokeswoman Wendy Drummond says it’s alleged the man made threats on the street the same day that gunfire erupted July 16 at the neighbourhood party, killing two people and injuring nearly two dozen...

08 August 2012

I can't wait for "Canada's Wonderland"...

...to really start living up to it's name...The prostitute, identified only as G.K., said, “Not everyone would choose to do the job I do, but it’s not right that they can treat me like a second-class citizen.” The motel’s lawyer David Edwards confirmed she is seeking damages, reported in The Australian newspaper Wednesday to be $30,000 Australi...

I have only one question

...was Colin Mochrie simply unavailable... or did he balk at full-frontal nudity... 'Cos I gotta tell ya, friend... nuthin' screams "velvet touch" like a purple turtleneck...********** FROM THE COMMENTS: A classic miscast?"Olivia'll be portrayed by one Sook-Yin Lee who, amongst being a Much video jockey...

06 August 2012

Canada's aboriginal reserves...

...the last bastion of North American communism... But, heck, what's this... somebody is actually willing to step up and give aboriginal Canadians the same sort of rights the rest of us take for granted..."The Conservative government will introduce legislation that would allow first nations members...

04 August 2012

That evil, secretive, controlling...

...George W. Bu...To critics including the former president Jimmy Carter, legal scholars and human rights groups, the strikes are extrajudicial executions that violate nations' sovereignty, stain US moral standing and fuel extremism.Wait a minute...At a time of cutbacks, Barack Obama has set aside around $5bn for Predators and Reapers, signalling their growing importance and ubiquity as a policy instrument....

03 August 2012

The next time somebody tells you...

...if we didn't pay these guys outrageous salaries we wouldn't get quality candidates... -- OTTAWA -- In the past 20 years, Elections Canada hasn't prosecuted one deadbeat candidate for not repaying election debt within the deadline. This despite the fact candidates from the 2004, 2006 and 2008 general elections owed almost $3 million in unpaid bills.You mean like this guy?NHL hockey Hall of...

And anyone, regardless of genitalia...

...wearing lucite stripper heels will be eligible for additional style points... C'mon, show us those infamous "stiff upper lips" matey...Oxford University has rewritten the laws governing its strict academic dress code following concerns that they were unfair towards transgender students. Under the...

02 August 2012

Maybe GTA should stand for...

...Greater Terrified Area... • TORONTO • A man shot in the head in the Jane and Finch area almost two weeks ago has died, Toronto Police said Thursday. Donald Levy, 30, of Brampton, was with his two-year-old child when he was shot at 9 Driftwood Court on July 20 at 9:30 p.m., police said.Just...

01 August 2012

As Canadian as Maple Syrup

Toronto Police have released photos of two suspects wanted for separate gun crimes. Abshir Olow, 23, of Toronto, is wanted in connection to a shooting on Tuesday, May 1, 2012, on Ardwick Boulevard. He's described as 6'2", 180 lbs., brown eyes, and hair possibly worn in corn rows. Police believe he...

Our enlightened Trudeaupian paradise

Oh, c'mon now... don't get on your high horse... this is no different than when all you knuckle-draggin', tea-baggin' neo-cons go down to your local financial institution and tell the manager to shove those outstanding mortgage payments up his pinstriped arse...Failed 2006 Liberal leadership hopefuls won't be off the hook for the campaign debts they racked up even if they're hit with a penalty for...

I'm from the Government... I'm here to...

..."Imagine All The People", er... "Genderless Bipedal Primates"...We welcome the opportunity to work further with you in the development of revised criteria or eliminating sex designation on a birth certificate. Jacquelin Pegg, Inquiry Analyst with the Commission, has been assigned this file. She may be reached at (416) 326-9501. Sincerely, Barbara Hall, B.A., LL.B., Ph.D. (hon.) Chief Commissioner(via...