31 August 2006

Happy birthday, Sheikh Nasrullah

Let's hear it for the celebrated military tactician and proud father of... Operation Punch myself in the Face.Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah refused to emerge from his bunker on Thursday to celebrate his 46th birthday.Nasrallah said that he preferred to celebrate with his "warriors" when security...

Won't... or can't?

This announcement appears to be face-saving OPP-speak for, "the natives still won't let us anywhere near this property."Ontario Provincial Police said they will not investigate a small fire that broke out last night at the site occupied by native protesters in Caledonia. An OPP spokesperson said no...

Twenty million dollar lacrosse field

Fixing Caledonia.Jane Stewart, the person making $1300 per day, is going from house to house on Braemar Ave & Thistlemoor in Caledonia.She is meeting with residents and telling them the following:1) The Natives do not have any Legal Claim to this Land.2) What do you think if the Government was to build a Lacrosse Field and Information Booth on the DCE land?UPDATE: 1 SEP 2006 Henco alone gets...

More than weenies roasted...

...in Caledonia. Never mind the fire last night.**********UPDATE: Fire was a torch job. Just another example of native solidarity. A fire was set in one of the homes, allegedly by someone who was staying in the home, after they were asked to leave so that the house could be worked on. The person that...

30 August 2006

Facilitating death.

I'm betting Stephen Harper is gonna be filing this leftwing lunacy under "Not on my watch." Susie Ruttan, who runs a group called From Grief to Action, told a news conference that families across the country are struggling with the shame of having drug-addicted children who can't get the help they need....

How's your Member?

Of Parliament. What'd you think I meant?Sure you were rooting for them way back when, but do you ever wonder if your MP has been cheating on you?Have you ever wondered how your member of parliament has been voting? We've made it easy for you to find out! Contained herein are many of the pivotal votes in the House of Commons, complete with voting history, dissention, attendance and speaking habits.We...

Tories batting better than .500

Interesting article in The Hill Times.The Conservative government has addressed or achieved more than half of its election campaign promises since taking power, according to an analysis by The Hill Times.In 234 promises in 58 different categories of their campaign platform, the Conservatives have delivered...

More scary, hidden agenda

The Harper government is cracking down on the disadvantaged... just as the Libs & Dippers warned us that they would.OSHAWA, Ont. — The federal government plans to unveil legislation that would make it more difficult, if not impossible, for those facing gun-related charges to be released on bail.So what exactly is being proposed here?Among the Conservative's reforms were plans to introduce mandatory...

The only reason...

...this guy isn't rotting in a cell somewhere, is that he snitched out his terrorist buddies.Mr. Khadr, who is a Canadian citizen, was captured in Afghanistan in 2001 and was held for months as an “enemy combatant” by U.S. forces at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. He was released in 2003, but only after he agreed to spy for the United States.Khadr has demonstrated his complete lack of loyalty to anything or...

29 August 2006

Why not reclaim Queens Park?

It's not like Dalton McGuinty's gonna stop them.Toronto — Hopes for a quick end to the ongoing aboriginal standoff in Caledonia, Ont., faded even more Tuesday as Six Nations protesters asked for donations of food and building supplies to help maintain their occupation through the winter.In fact, it sounds like he's paying them to do this thing.People have quit their jobs and dedicated the last six...

28 August 2006

Frum on Ignatieff

Who is Michael Ignatieff?According to himself...(via Valpy@theglobe)Then the next words come out in a rush: "I think there are people who would say I've been very ruthless in my life. I am someone who has worried greatly about the price my ruthlessness has inflicted on others."I don't want to litter the slopes with bodies. There may be people who I've left behind who feel that I was ruthless, and...

Speaking of killing...

Apparently it's not just the OPP who are thinking about killing someone.Ever wanted a My Heroes Have Always Killed Cowboys T-Shirt?Forget whether or not you'd file this one under humour. Instead, try to imagine the media meltdown if the citizens of Caledonia tried to sell My Heroes Have Always Killed...

Hezbollah leaders "regret"

In an interview with Lebanese television last night, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah said: “We did not think, even 1 per cent, that the capture would lead to a war at this time and of this magnitude. You ask me, if I had known on July 11 . . . that the operation would lead to such a war, would I do it? I say no, absolutely not.” Sheikh Nasrullah has just realised his name is indelibly inscribed on the Israeli...

27 August 2006

Little Bighorn once again.

Except I kind of doubt it.MOHAWK NATION NEWS- Aug. 23, 2006... Six Nations Mohawk people are being targeted for speaking out against Canada’s theft of and encroachment on our land.The Ontario government and the cops are organizing the “brown shirts” (Heil Hitler!).Say what!?!?!Ontario’s evil plan is to send these gangs into our communities to beat us up, smash our cars, burn down our houses, kill...

Pay me now, or pay me later.

Lemme see... Islamofascist state acquires a plutonium producing heavy water plant AND the next day, announces it has a concealable mobile launch capability.A day after Ahmadinejad inaugurated a heavy-water plant that could be used to produce plutonium, Iran test-fired a sub-to-surface missile in the...

25 August 2006

Naked in Brattleboro, Vermont

Not sure if I can get my head around the rationale here.“We have a nuclear power plant a few miles away and a ridiculous war in the Middle East,” said Ian Bigelow, 23, who had gathered with some of his friends outside a book store. “So why is it such a big problem if we get nude?”Well, for one thing, it's probably gonna give somebody's granny a cardiac arrest. I wouldn't want that on my conscience.Technorati...

The propaganda machine

The Canadian Tamil Congress thinks they are being unfairly treated in the media."In the strongest of terms possible, we categorically condemn this isolated incident," Kavitha Pathinathar, a spokeswoman with the CTC, said during a news conference in Toronto."They are not members of our organization....

Illegal to use race based statistics?

Unless your thesis is that the Metropolitan Toronto Police Force is actually a racist death squad.A report commissioned by the African Canadian Legal Clinic that claims a black person is 37 times more likely to be shot and killed by police in Toronto was condemned by the head of the city's police union...

Trust me, I'm from the government.

The mainstream media goes for the sensational.“This actually turns my blood to ice,” Ms. Williams wrote last week. “I am calling my MP right now.”Steve Janke cuts to the heart of it.But remember what this is about. This isn't about putting women into the kitchen, or taking away their right to vote, or making it legal for men to abuse women. This is about whether women's interests are best served by...

24 August 2006

A nuanced final solution

Keeping the peace, Liberal style.Under the historic agreement, Hezbollah agreed to moderate its goal of destroying all Israel and instead will seek to wipe only half the nation off the map.I can smell "Argh Billy Graham" all over this."Israel wanted safe and secure borders, while Hezbollah wished the...

23 August 2006

What's not to love?

We all seen politicians, who, when you ask them a simple yes or no question, proceed to dance around the answer like Rudolph Nureyev on tainted crack. A refreshing exception is the Anti-Dithers, Prime Minister Stephen Harper. He just comes right at you.OTTAWA - Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Tuesday it's not unfair to liken Hezbollah to the Nazis, who once ruled Germany, because both stand for...

22 August 2006

Forget counting chromosomes

NEWSFLASH for GuysFor just today, forget politics, forget the Islamic bomb, forget the real world runs on a sea of grease.If you don't love bulldozers, you'd better drop what you're doing and go straight to the nearest sex-change clinic... because you ARE officially a woman.I just spent three exhilarating...

Three less Liberal voters

*******************UPDATE: 5:33 AM EDT ON 23/08/06 False Alarm - Tamils were looking for strippers, not missiles. Well, that explains the $900,000.00 they had with them.*******************There have been numerous articles in the mainstream media about how the Liberal Party has been shamelessly courting Tamil organisations in Toronto, despite their knowledge of close ties to the Tamil Tigers.In the...

21 August 2006

What do Liberals & New Democrats...

...have against Israel?Liberal Borys Wrzesnewskyj said Israel has wrought "utter devastation'' on Lebanon in response to two Israeli soldiers being kidnapped by Hezbollah militants. Well, it might not be that simple, Borys my friend. Even if the Liberal Party considers kidnapping a deductible offence (and in my book, it's not), how about firing rockets across the border at a sovereign nation?Mark...

LIBS, DIPPERS, officially insane.

The Lebanese-based militant group Hezbollah should be removed from Canada's list of banned terrorist organizations, two Canadian MPs say.Liberal Boris Wrzesnewskyj and NDP'er Peggy Nash made the comments Sunday during a fact-finding mission to southern LebanonSo where are Bill Graham & Jack Layton on this one?MEANWHILE: Conservatives hold the line. “I can't think of anything more damaging for...

20 August 2006

No more whining...

I often wonder what my wife's grandfather (who spent a couple of years fighting in a muddy, rat infested hole in the ground in France) would think about all the public angst over having Canadian troops in combat in the Middle East.I think the next person who starts whining about Canadian casualties...

Stephen Lewis fired?

Stephen Lewis let ‘er rip at Aids-a-palooza in Toronto and this is his reward.The AIDS situation in Africa isn’t about junkies or self-indulgent, meth-amped party boys deciding to have sex without condoms (because they can take a retroviral cocktail and stave off imminent death).It’s about hundreds of thousands of men, women and children caught in a death spiral of ignorance and leftwing lunacy. In...

19 August 2006


Sure, traditional treatments... such as going to the local witch doctor. Canada's Stephen Lewis sums it up succinctly.Up to 800 people a day die of Aids in South Africa, Mr Lewis said. South Africa's Aids policy is "more worthy of a lunatic fringe than of a concerned and compassionate state," he...

18 August 2006

Caledonia Appeal struck down?

As a result of posting to Caledoniawakeupcall.com, I went on their mailing list & received a message today at 1:34 pm, stating...Email sent to Mayor Marie Trainer was also sent to us and it states, "About 90 minutes ago, Judge Marshall, the Attorney General and a group of lawyers had a conference call. It was decided, based on secret meetings yesterday, that the Liberal Government does not have...

Would you like jobs with that?

Apparently not.WE'LL JUST HAVE A POTLATCH: Tofino, B.C. — A Vancouver Island native community has been forced to close its band office and lay off most of its staff because of a $60,000 dinner it hosted last month. “We've had to shut down our office and lay off the staff to try to deal with the problems...

17 August 2006

Disarming the fascists

Cops must put away the guns... because criminals have feelings too. A left-leaning judge has shocked Toronto Police with an order that uniformed cops could not testify in his court if they wear their guns.Ontario Court Justice Melvyn Green told a flabbergasted cop witness in a routine impaired driving...

14 August 2006

The James Bay Treaty - Treaty No. 9

It occurs to me that the Spokeswarriors at Caledonia never actually refer to any specific legal event or instance when they talk about how they've been ripped off by the government. It's always "two hundred years ago this", and "clan mothers that". It would be pretty interesting to look at some of...

Drop in & curse ISRAEL

Hey bloggers, make way for the big guy. Noted Holocaust denier & Iranian Prez Madman Ahmadinejad has joined the blogosphere and much like Keith Richards or David Hasselhof he's perfectly willing, even a little anxious, to share his beauty secrets with all his fans.During the era that nobility was...

Six Nations? More like Sixty.

So, what is the unifying idealogical principle behind the siege at Caledonia? Turns out the occupation has all the philosophical coherence of an unsupervised nursery school recess.Hardly surprising, given that the natives apparently take their cues from such stalwart proponents of democracy as (a)...

13 August 2006

OK, I take it back.

Unlike the unruly mob in Toronto yesterday with the matching Hezbollian songs, flags & tees... (spitting on Canadian law by supporting an acknowledged terrorist group while police stood by watching a la Caledonia), this woman DOES have the right to make a statement about Canadian soldiers deaths in Afghanistan."Their hearts have been deadened, their minds and thoughts twisted, their vision clouded...

12 August 2006

Same planet, different worlds.

Another Canadian soldier has been murdered by an Islamofascist suicide bomber.So before you head out to the local Hezbollah "Kill All the Jews" Protest & Peace Rally, remember that you're dealing with people who think it's ok to strap bombs to their own children. Turn on the TV and you can see the Hezbollites dancing around celebrating when their murderous offspring blow other human beings to...

11 August 2006

Hezbollah High

In Dearbornistan, Michigan, in the good old United States of America.So now the local football players wanna play terrorist? What's next... heavily armed, thirty-something soccer moms duking it out with the SWAT team?What happened to raggedy assed, truly oppressed third-world freedom fighters?Heard...

Been frisched lately?

Steve Janke catches Creepy Deb Frisch at it again... and this time she's playing with fire. As Steve tells us..."I would never bait a Navy SEAL that way. Actually, I would never bait a Navy SEAL in any way".Anybody else think Deb's crossed the the line from mean & stupid to 'shithouse mouse' crazy? I'm guessing Jeff and his lawyer both vote yes.Technorati Tags: Deb Frisch, Steve Janke, Navy...

Death wish for a terrorist attack

UPDATE: No "broad strata" of society in Brit threat.A leading terrorism expert says Canada's Liberal open-door immigration policy is a "death wish" for a terrorist attack here.Harris said the problem of homegrown terrorists also stems from flawed immigration policies, since Canada is building "colonies...

10 August 2006

That's funny, the Brits don't cave.

Deputy Commissioner Paul Stephenson of the Metropolitan Police said in a briefing today: "We are confident that we have disrupted a plan by terrorists to cause untold death and destruction and, quite frankly, to commit mass murder.I'm guessing John Ibbitson wouldn't approve.Technorati Tags: Heathrow,...

Caving in on Caledonia

UPDATE 11/08/06: The Globe gets a second opinion from Jacob Ziegel - Professor Emeritus of Law at the University of Toronto.So, the question remains: Why should the Six Nations protesters be treated differently? Certainly, the threat of violence is no excuse; in fact, it compounds the contempt of court.NOTE: To his credit Mr. Ibbitson did reply to my email regarding my conjecture about public response...

09 August 2006

David Peterson clear things up.

File this one under "Idiots, Explosives & Falling Anvils".“It's been a very volatile and tender situation,” Mr. Peterson said. “My biggest concern is that . . . some strange accident could happen.”Umm, yeah... like somebody accidentally putting a 30 calibre bullet in a deer rifle and firing it in the direction of someone else? I guess tender is one word. The always helpful former Liberal Premier,...

Pay no attention...

...to the man behind the curtain. This morning the Globe & Mail made 5 separate references to the Federal Government in this article regarding Justice Marshall's ruling.The judgment threatens to derail behind-the-scenes negotiations between natives and the federal and provincial governments."Barricades...

08 August 2006


Looks like things are starting to go sideways.UPDATE: Just In: 11:30 pm - Natives have a water cannon and using it against Residents. Residents are trying to steal Native Flags. One Resident did steal a flag and was immediately jumped on by OPP and kicked while he was on the ground. Residents demanded...

The Way Out Games?

A parade of topless porn stars down Queen St has been approved by Auckland City Council staff without telling councillors who want to stop it. Erotica Expo organiser Steve Crow has permission for the lunchtime parade on August 23 featuring up to 30 porn stars in cars or on the back of motorcycles from Karangahape Rd to the bottom of Queen St. The expo opens at the ASB Showgrounds in Greenlane two...

Caledonia: No more negotiating...

...until the terrorism stops.CAYUGA, Ont. (CP) — A judge is ordering an end to negotiations between the province and aboriginal protesters over a contentious tract of land until the occupiers move off the property.Apparently not everyone in the political & legal systems has been neutered.”It is...

Natives targetted 89 y/o man

Funny, none of the previous mainstream media reports mentioned this...Haldimand County Mayor Marie Trainer, who was present when the rocks were being thrown, said the altercation erupted after aboriginals sparked a fire.But Trainer said residents were already angry as aboriginals had thrown rocks earlier at the home of an 89-year-old man whose house borders the occupied land."They started throwing...

Hezbollywood revealed

Have reefer truck, will travel.It ain't all dead children & photo ops, ya know. Well, actually, I guess it is."Mr. Shadi was standing in front of a refrigeration truck that was packed with 20 bodies, days after he helped bury 74 bodies in a mass grave. When he opened the door to show the black...

07 August 2006

Try to imagine

What would happen without the 600 cops? Hey, it must be Caribana time again.By the time most of Toronto wakes up, , they'll never know about the hundreds of liquor bottles, marijuana roaches and pepper spray-packing cops that only hours ago blanketed every corner of Yonge St. between Shuter and College Sts. They'll never know about the estimated 17,000 people taking over the street.The good news...