(cartoon from citizensofcaledonia.ca)
Kate from SDA has the scoop.
If You Can't Close Down An Illegal Barricade
Then close down the critics.
Caledoniawakeupcall.com back up
OPP Enforces Two Tier Justice System
As you watch the video below notice two things:
1st - All the police are facing the Residents who appear to be breaking no laws.
2nd - The Natives in the background are committing criminal acts - unless it is now okay to destroy hydro lines, steal line towers and block roads with them. Also notice just how little attention these criminal acts are getting from the OPP.
File this one under, oops... I knew I forgot something.
One thing I could not find on the OPP website is the goal or idea of upholding the laws of this Country. I read Commissioner Boniface's 5 points in 'COMMISSIONER’S DIRECTIONAL STATEMENT' which are the following:
1) Responsible Fiscal Management
2) Relationship Building with Aboriginal Communities
3) Meeting the Needs of Diverse Communities
4) Supporting Marginalized Persons
5) Professionalism
I don't know about you, but it appears that enforcing the law didn't make it into her top 5 priorities. In fact you will not find the words Law & Order, Crime, Justice or upholding the Rule of Law anywhere in this statement.