Well, here's the explanation for the 8 hour gap between the airstrike in Kana and the eventual collapse of the building. These guys take corpses of children and stage war crimes. What part of the Koran justifies this? Words fail me. Viewers can judge for themselves. But the accumulating evidence suggests another explanation for what happened at Kana. The scenario would be a setup in which the...
31 July 2006
The United Nations is...
The weak little sister of the looney left."Iran's peaceful nuclear program poses no threat to international peace and security and therefore dealing with this issue in the Security Council is unwarranted and void of any legal basis or practical utility," Zarif told the council.Just look at the bang-up job they did in Rwanda... never mind the 28 years they've been "observing" in Lebanon.That Kofi's...
30 July 2006
Liberal smoke & mirrors...
It's a sad day in this neighbourhood. Last Tuesday, our closest farming neighbour was killed in a machinery accident. I didn't know him except to wave as I drove past, but he was my age and left behind a wife and 2 daughters. He lived next door to his parents, who shared the farm. He was buried today in the small cemetery down the road, very close to his property. I can only imagine what a huge...
Calling in Israeli airstrikes...

It's not who you think.But for some of the Christians who had made it out in this convoy, it was not just privations they wanted to talk about, but their ordeal at the hands of Hezbollah — a contrast to the Shiites, who make up a vast majority of the population in southern Lebanon and broadly support...
29 July 2006
Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf?
Not China, apparently. Go here... for the lay of the land.I've gotta say, Iranian Prez Madman Ahmadinejad scares the bejesus out of me. The really bad news is, it looks like he's got some new best friends. Let's remember that an Israeli naval corvette was put out of action on July 18 by what was reported as an Iranian supplied weapon.In actual fact, the ordnance that smoked this boat was a Chinese...
You say you want a revolution..?
Now that OPP Commissioner Gwen Boniface has left for greener pastures... Caledonia Mayor Marie Trainer said Boniface bears responsibility for what she called the "chaos" in the town. "The native population have been feeling they can do anything, anytime, anywhere to anyone and the police will only watch."Apparenty the natives agree with Trainer here.Native spokesman Janie Jamieson said Boniface "understood...
28 July 2006
If this sort of thing keeps up...
Look for a big smokin' hole that glows in the dark... where Tehran used to be.The munitions in question are Iran's 240mm Fajr3 missile, which has a range of 25 miles, and the 333mm Fajr5, with a range of about 45 miles, carrying a warhead of up to 90kg.Sure, it's fun to light the fuse...Shortly after the attack, IAF jets destroyed the launcher.I've heard it said that fundamentalist Islam would be...
FOR SALE: French military supplies...
Only dropped once.“A military victory will never be possible,” Major General Alain Pellegrini, the commander of UNIFIL, the acronym of the UN peacekeeping force deployed in south Lebanon, told The Times in an interview.He said that only a political solution can resolve the fate of Hezbollah’s military wing, adding that after more than two weeks of heavy fighting, the Lebanese group is “still strong”.Someone...
Boniface bails...

Here is the logical conclusion to the warm, fuzzy reign of OPP Commissioner Gwen Boniface.The embattled commissioner of the Ontario Provincial Police is resigning her post, but not because of recent criticism of how the force has handled the aboriginal standoff in Caledonia, the province's community...
27 July 2006
Some more Liberal nuance over here, please?
Jeffrey Simpson on Canada & the Middle East...You have fallen victim to the false assumption that Canada had much of a reputation for anything in the Middle East. We are bit players there and, since the removal of Canadian blue hats from the area, even more itsy-bitsy than before. It is a regrettable conceit of Canadians that (a) they are influential everywhere, and (b) are so highly regarded...
UPDATE: Kofi just knows...

Question: Why is a U.N. leader meeting with a terrorist leader? Memo to Kofi: Hezbollah ain't a country and doesn't have a U.N. Mission.Brought to you by Debbie SchlusselTechnorati Tags: Kofi Annan, Nasrullah, United Nati...
Game on, says al-Qaida
Al-Qaeda calling for worldwide jihad...In the message broadcast by Al-Jazeera television, Ayman al-Zawahri, second in command to Osama bin Laden, said that al-Qaida now views "all the world as a battlefield open in front of us."The Egyptian-born physician said that the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah and Palestinian militants would not be ended with "cease-fires or agreements.""It is a Jihad...
26 July 2006
UN observers killed: A Knife-Thrower at the Carnival
Another look at it.h/t to SDAUPDATE: Lewis Mackenzie weighs inThe words of a Canadian United Nations observer written just days before he was killed in an Israeli bombing of a UN post in Lebanon are evidence Hezbollah was using the post as a "shield" to fire rockets into Israel, says a former UN commander in Bosnia.Those words, written in an e-mail dated just nine days ago, offer a possible explanation...
Kofi Annan's misdirected ire
Sure, this is a tragedy, but...As recent UNIFIL press releases show, in the last two weeks Hizballah has been firing at Israel from the vicinity of its bases, drawing Israeli fire to the international observers. This is a deliberate ploy to endanger UNIFIL personnel. Israel has fired at Hizballah targets being careful to avoid endangering UN lives. That one shell eventually went astray and killed...
25 July 2006
Hezbollah for Dummies
Here's an interesting read on the situation.So, basically, Hezbollah had become sort of fat, dumb, and happy...well, those who hadn't blown themselves up at any rate. The status quo was treating them good, so why mess with that? Well, to understand what upset the balance you have to follow the money a little bit...h/t to TacitusTechnorati Tags: Lebanon, Hezbollah, polit...
24 July 2006
Pin the tail on the Lebanese government...
Nasrullah is looking to spread the blame around, now that Israel didn't magically cave in to his brilliant pseudo-military strategy."I Told Them [Lebanese Political Leaders] That We Must Resolve the Issue of the Prisoners, and That the Only Way to Resolve it is by Abducting Israeli Soldiers"Interviewer: "Did you inform them that you were about to abduct Israeli soldiers?"Hassan Nasrallah: "I told...
No more Mr. Dithers
When I think of the previous Liberal reign, I always conjure up my favourite Far Side cartoon, where a hapless dog is leaning out the window of a car proudly announcing to his pals, "I'm going to the vet to get tutored."How refreshing is it to hear a Canadian politician take a stand on ANYTHING, never mind a logical, principled, (politically incorrect is just ice cream) position? When asked why Canada...
23 July 2006
A Canadian success story within a tragedy
He said he had difficulty reconciling the notion of describing the weeks-long push as successful until it came to him last night that Cpls. Gomez and Warren "would want us, would want me, to talk about this operation for the sake of their comrades and to put into context what they were doing," and that he was confident "that's the context in which they would like their sacrifice to be remembered....
22 July 2006
It ain't all rubber chicken & handshakes...
TORONTO - The RCMP is investigating how the suspected Canadian front organization for the Tamil Tigers terrorist group managed to obtain Elections Canada voter lists used in the last federal campaign.The voter lists, along with manuals on missile-guidance systems, books encouraging suicide bombing and paperwork that police say is evidence of terrorist fundraising, were seized from the World Tamil...
Lebanon: Political correctness may not be the answer
The president must be Christian, the prime minister a Sunni Muslim and the speaker of parliament a Shia Muslim. Parliamentary seats are equally divided between Muslims and Christians.And how's that working out for you so far?It is not the first time the country has been mired in violence. Between 1975 and the early 1990s a civil war killed as many as 100,000 and left much of Lebanon and its economy...
21 July 2006
Opiate of the Elites
Once again the “international community” is clamoring for the United Nations to fix things in the Middle East. It’s reminiscent of an episode of The Simpsons in which Homer is in dire straits. In a panic, he yells heavenward, “I’m not normally a praying man, but if you’re up there, please save me, Superman!”Jonah Goldberg reviews The Future of the United Nations by Joshua Muravchik..Technorati Tags:...
Hey fellas, can't you take a joke?
Who's terrorised now?Mr Bakri had praised the September 11 attackers and called for Britain to become an Islamist state, and is regarded as the spiritual leader of Al-Ghurabaa, the organisation responsible for February's Danish embassy protests against cartoons of Mohammed.The big, bad Britons forced Omar Bakri to change his address, but his biggest worry is that the Syrian secret police will peel...
Thank you for saving my ass... no wait, actually you suck
Here it is in a nutshell at Rempeliaprime.Technorati Tags: Canada, Lebanon, political correctn...
Convenient Canadians
What in heaven's name are 50,000 Canadians doing in Lebanon?Surely they can't all be there for a wedding, or a family reunion, or an academic conference, or even as tourists? Most are dual-citizenship Canadians who've chosen to return to the motherland to live as Lebanese -- until trouble strikes and then they want the Canadian government to rescue them, not the Lebanese government.Technorati Tags:...
19 July 2006
When I hear the word refugee...
I'm thinking... starving, huddled, masses yearning to be free.You know the picture... thin gruel, barbed wire, rumours of mass graves. It seems the big heads at Immigration Canada are on another wavelength entirely. Apparently contemporary refugees start the process from their Palm Pilots. As they used to say in that internet banking commercial with Candice Bergen... just two clicks & you're...
18 July 2006
PM visits Vimy Ridge Memorial
Harper's tour of the deeply moving site marks the closing leg of his week-long diplomatic mission.Troops from all four Canadian divisions fought together for the first time at Vimy, and scored the first decisive Allied victory of the war there in 1917. The Vimy Memorial, which took more than a decade to build, is currently in the midst of a major restoration, exactly 70 years after its dedication...
The difference between a Liberal & a Conservative
"Daryn was given a drink with a drug in it and rendered unable to move," she said, halting often to compose herself. "He was then driven out to the woods. He had his clothes ripped off of him, he was bent over a tree, he was raped and then his head smashed in with a hammer.A Liberal would enjoy seeing Clifford Olsen being interviewed on Oprah.A Conservative would only tune in to see him being executed.Technorati...
Hezbollah started Operation Promise Fulfilled to free...
...child murderer Samir Kuntar.This man is a hero to Hezbollah. He's got his own fansite. I think he should rot in jail forever."As police began to arrive, the terrorists took Danny and Einat down to the beach. There, according to eyewitnesses, one of them shot Danny in front of Einat so that his death would be the last sight she would ever see." "Then he smashed my little girl's skull in against...
17 July 2006
We, the sheeple...
1 in 5 Voters in Ontario not confirmed citizensAcross the province, one in five people on an early voters' list for November's municipal election are not confirmed citizens.In Toronto, for example, that means there are more than 300,000 people on the list who may — or may not — be legally allowed to vote.That sounds like a problem. Who's in charge of these lists anyway?The Municipal Property Assessment...
It's not all bad news out there...

It was the first shuttle landing at Kennedy in nearly four years. Columbia never made it back in February, 2003 – breaking up over Texas – and Discovery had to take a weather detour to California last summ...
From the "sometimes a cigar...
...is just a cigar" department.This article breathlessly tells us, "Bush uses expletive to express frustration". It could more accurately be retitled, "Bush sums up Mideast politics in 25 words or less.""See the irony is that what they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit and it's over," Mr. Bush told Mr. Blair as he chewed on a buttered roll.You don't need a Georgetown...
16 July 2006
Nobody does it better...

Than Mark Steyn.The forces at play in the Middle East are beyond the Geopolitical Friars' Club. The median age in Gaza is 15.8 years old. How likely is it that any of those bespoke Palestinian "moderates" who've been permanent fixtures on CNN and BBC Middle East discussion panels for 30 years have...
"Complete strength and power?"

Maybe someone told Sheik Nasrallah this was a picture of Haifa.BEIRUT, Lebanon — Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah made his first appearance since the start of clashes with Israel, saying Sunday that his group had “complete strength and power” and would act without limits in future attacks.Unfortunately...
Update: RCMP shooting

LATEST NEWS: Dagenais surrenders to RCMPPOSTED AT 6:45 PM EDT ON 18/07/06The suspect in the killing of two Saskatchewan Mounties has turned himself in. Regina RCMP held a news conference to say that on Tuesday Mr. Dagenais surrendered without incident to authorities in Spiritwood, the site of the...
15 July 2006
Revisiting Rex...
No fan of the CBC, but I'll take wisdom where I find it As Kyoto is globally, the gun registry is for us nationally, a perfect parable of yoking wishfulness to vast expenditure to appease wistful public sentiment. Whatever that sentiment, it urges politicians to just do something. In both cases, they did. Kyoto eight years on is a hollow piety, and the gun registry is a compound of excess, uselessness,...
Yeah, it's gonna be a party...

And Iran, as usual, has to bring the creme de crazy.Iranian troops helped Hezbollah attack warship:Israeli intelligence... JERUSALEM — A missile fired by Hezbollah, not an unmanned drone laden with explosives, damaged an Israeli warship off Lebanon, the army said Saturday. Elite Iranian troops helped...
14 July 2006
New world record...
For how far someone's head can go up their own ass.TORONTO — An RCMP informant's decision to go public with how he infiltrated a group accused of plotting terror attacks on Canadian soil has infuriated the lawyer of one of the accused, who says the group was set up.Mubin Shaikh's apparent involvement in a police operation that resulted in 17 men and youth charged last month “shows there is no terrorism...
Who says the OPP can't get the job done...

(cartoon from citizensofcaledonia.ca)Kate from SDA has the scoop.If You Can't Close Down An Illegal Barricade Then close down the critics.Update... Caledoniawakeupcall.com back upOPP Enforces Two Tier Justice SystemAs you watch the video below notice two things:1st - All the police are facing the Residents...
Murder, she wrote...
Maybe it's the tit for tat bloodshed in the Middle East, or maybe just the four homicides in the GTA (that's the Greater Toronto area for the rest of the bootless & unhorsed) last night, but my thoughts are turning to murder.Homicide statistics for Canada can be found at the Statistics Canada website The nation-wide average for 2003 was 1.73 homicides per 100,000. Ranking all of the Provinces...
Cross my heart and hope to...
Sheikh Nasrallah is crowing about promises & honour while parts of Lebanon are being battered into applesauce. Well heck, a promise is a promise. Operation Promise FulfilledHizbullah's spiritual leader, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, lauded the Hizbullah for the attack in which seven IDF soldiers were killed and two others kidnapped. Speaking at a press conference on Wednesday afternoon, he warned...
The law of the land...
Here's a novel idea we haven't seen in oh, about 13 years... let's try applying the law of the land to all citizens equally, regardless of race."We are not supportive of a racially segregated fishery"Indian Affairs Minister Jim Prentice told a gathering of native chiefs that his government will not support a "racially segregated" commercial fishery in spite of warnings that using such language will...
13 July 2006
On a less fratricidal note...

This is without a doubt the most unique & interesting beer I have encountered in a lifetime of uh, sampling... the various ales & lagers available in this country. It is only one of the peerless progeny of the Church Key microbrewery in Campbellford, Ontario.While my wife objects to the incredibly...
Who could've guessed?
Who could have guessed the Israelis were so touchy about anyone kidnapping any of their soldiers? Apparently not the mad mullahs in Lebanon. No big worry though, Hezbollah's gonna call the U.N. to straighten it all out. No, c'mon... seriously, it could happenIsrael blockades Lebanese portsGiving the rationale to Israel Radio today, Israeli Agriculture Minister Shalom Simchon said: "The government...
12 July 2006
Those wacky guys at Hezbollah...
Is it just me, or does kidnapping more Israeli soldiers at this particular juncture in time seem a little ill advised? Is there some sort of half-mad, muslim Groucho Marx pulling levers behind the curtain, or are these guys just so insane with rage they can't see the obvious consequences here.Technorati Tags: Hezbollah, Murder, Terror...
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