09 March 2021

More sanctimonious claptrap from the guy...

...who sent 16 tonnes of Canadian protective medical equipment to China and, get this... threw out 26,000 palettes of emergency medical equipment in 2019...insert alt text here
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau declared in a press release on Monday that March 11 will be observed as 'National Day of Observance for COVID-19'. "We all have a role to play in ending this pandemic, and the crisis is not over yet."
Today – one year after the first known death of a Canadian to the disease – we now mourn the tragic loss of more than 22,000 parents, siblings, friends, and loved ones," Trudeau's statement reads.
"Oh, wait... 'full support' actually means standing up during question period and assembling weaselly words into thinly disguised attacks on Stephen Harper."