08 March 2021


What could possibly go wrong?insert alt text here
Announcing the move, Minister of Justice Vincent Van Quickenborne revealed that in some areas of the Belgian metropolis, almost 80 percent of women do not go out for fear of being harassed or attacked.
Undercover officers will carry out regular patrols in “so-called hotspots.”
"Hotspots," huh... that's what we're calling it?

TIME TRAVEL WITH ME:   I'm sure it's a coincidence...
A day after the triple blasts that killed some 30 people and left around 250 injured, in an operation claimed by the Islamic State jihadist group, RTBF television said police had identified two suicide attackers as Khalid and Ibrahim El Bakraoui.
Three Americans, eight French citizens, two Britons, two Colombians and an Ecuadorian are among the injured.
LAST WORD: What's the deal with Turkey?
"A 92-year-old woman was raped and murdered in Aydın, another woman was killed in Denizli and one was heavily beaten on the street in Samsun within just two days in Turkey."
How about a cosmic balancing of scales?