28 February 2021

TORONTO: Homicide #14/2021

A 28-year-old man, Leahain Malcolm of Toronto, has been charged in connection with the death of 38-year-old Rupert Brown in Scarborough Saturday morning.MEANWHILE AROUND THE GTA:Police confirmed that 30-year-old Simon “Tommy” Hoang died in hospital after sustaining critical injuries in a stabbing in Hamilton on the night of Feb. 10.ALSO HAMILTON:A British Columbia man, 39-year-old Tyler Pratt, was...


THE FIRST MURDER/DISMEMBERMENT IS DEDUCTABLE:Washington (CNN)White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Sunday defended the Biden administration's decision to not directly sanction Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for the brutal death of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, saying there are "more effective ways"...

Anybody know what Hunter Biden's...

...split will be? The White House will reportedly begin charging reporters $170 for coronavirus tests upon entry into "The People’s House." News organizations will now be required to foot the bill each time a reporter enters the White House.TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH:"I don't know, I think a liberal wish...

From the folks who brought you...

...melamine in baby formula...The new year display included New Zealand Han Chinese dancers, dressing up in the cultural dress of Uyghur Muslims, and performing a Uyghur dance. It's also noteworthy that Uyghur people only celebrate Chinese New Year under duress. As reported by global media, Uyghur Muslim minority people in Xinjiang (also known as East Turkestan) are being subjected to mass detention,...

27 February 2021

UPDATE: Homicide #13/2021

A public park... in broad daylight...TORONTO - "Police identified the woman as 69-year-old Kathleen Hatcher, of Toronto."UPDATE:  Cops arrest her son, Colin Hatcher, 37RELATED: The hits keep on coming...Toronto police are looking for a suspect after a 9:30 a.m. stabbing left a man with serious...

First they came for "Horton"...

...and I did nothing...Celebrated American children’s author Dr. Seuss is now considered too controversial for one of Virginia's largest school districts, a new report reveals. Learning for Justice cited a study by St. Catherine University that claimed Dr. Seuss’s books are covered with 'orientalism,...

Trudeau Liberals go that extra step...

...to squash the Canadian economy...As the head of a construction company which operates primarily in the U.S., Ron Rousse of Belle River, Ont., has had no issues crossing the Windsor-Detroit border for work, even during the pandemic. But that changed Tuesday when he was fined $3,755 for failing to...

No wonder China is so happy...

...to see President Grandad in the Whitehouse..."How can a man who can’t even control his own speech from one second to the next be in command of the world’s most powerful office?"TALK ABOUT SENDING A MESSAGE:"It’s being reported that Biden’s State Department diplomats literally had to bend over so...

A Gigantic, Out of Control...

...Milgram Experiment..."Grieving families last night said deaths had been wrongly certified as Covid-19. Demanding an inquiry, top medical experts and MPs also insisted they were ‘certain’ that too many fatalities were being blamed on the virus." "One funeral director said it was ‘a national scandal’."THE PUNCH LINE:"The rules surrounding certifying a death 'have been relaxed' during the pandemic."THE...

CPAC Myth Buster

What is truth, anyway?Police use deadly force under 1,000 times out of 30 million violent felony criminal contacts per year. That’s a 0.0004 percent chance of being shot by the police. In America, “you are more likely to be struck by lightning than to be shot by police.”THE MISDIRECTION NEVER ENDS:CDC...

Maybe it's simply a metaphor...

...for the whole Biden Administration..."Secretary of State Antony Blinken left some Mexicans baffled on Friday after displaying the Mexican flag upside down during a virtual meeting with Mexican Foreign Secretary Marcelo Ebrard.""The State Department didn't immediately return a request for comment on the upside-down flag."IF YOU ELECT HIM THEY WILL COME:"Customs and Border Protection is deploying...


...was apparently unavailable for comment..."NIGERIA -- Gunmen abducted 317 girls from a boarding school in northern Nigeria on Friday, police said, the latest in a series of mass kidnappings of students in the West African naapparently tion."IN OTHER RELIGION OF PEACE NEWS:"But the Biden administration stopped short of directly penalizing Prince Mohammed, sometimes known by his initials MB...

26 February 2021

TORONTO: Homicide #12/2021

Burn in hell, Gedi Ali Gedi...The family has been told by police that they believe the human remains located are that of thirty-two year-old Amanda Killeen. “She was brutally murdered in an inhumane way."NB - NOT HER FIRST RODEO:“The father of her two youngest children was gunned dow...


"Knife crime in Britain has doubled in the previous six years, rising above 50,000 incidents in a one-year period in England and Wales for the first time in the recorded history."MEANWHILE BACK AT THE RANCH:"May be armed? Don’t they know? Can't they check on his permits?"RELATED: Toronto the Not So...


The solution was simplicity itself...Having no mask handy, the resourceful renegade objects before pausing - presumably the moment a lightbulb went off in her head. “Happy?” she asks sarcastically. An astonished onlooker can also be heard uttering “good lord” from behind the the came...


It's a "no tickee... no laundry" world...“I give Biden ample credit [for] expanding diversity,” she said. “At the same time, the exclusion of an Asian-American in the core 15 executive departments is something that proves to be a disappointment and a missed opportunity.”In all fairness, there are no cabinet ministers from Papua-New Guinea either. SPECIAL RULES FOR SPECIAL PEOPLE:In the continuing...


...FOR THEE..."The Canadian Security Intelligence Service used a quote from ‘A Perfect Spy’, a novel about a double-agent who betrayed his country, in a Twitter recruitment ad, raising questions about its own ‘intelligence’."CPP CEO FEELS LET DOWN BY CANUCKS:“This trip was intended to be very private...

Those poor, unfortunate homeless...

...sweet baby jebus... bring back the lash..."Callender characterized the couple as 'transients' and were squatting in the abandoned home that dates to the turn of the last century." "However, cops have stopped short of calling the child’s death a murder — for now."Hamilton, Hamilton... that sounds so famili...


To a land where Orange Man Bad roamed freely...And who was it that said..."Also what is the legal authority for strikes? Assad is a brutal dictator. But Syria is a sovereign country."RELATED: Rules are for little peoplePresident Biden on Thursday ignored a question about the timing of stimulus checks,...

25 February 2021


Remember back... you were a kid... and a crazy-ass firefight could break out at any random moment?  YEAH... ME NEITHER.BRAMPTON - It’s another wild west shootout that not just landed a man in hospital fighting for his life but terrifying residents in the Mayfield Rd. and Van Kirk Dr. area. “The number of illegal guns on our streets is appalling,” tweeted Peel Regional Police Deputy Chief Marc...


...and maybe that's as it should be...Mr. Potato Head, the classic Hasbro toy who presumably lived the first 68 years of his life as a male tuber, will soon be rebranded with the gender-neutral "Potato Head" moniker. "As part of the rebranding, Hasbro will release a new Potato Head playset that will...


And it's time to start fighting back...In his commentary, the popular Fox News host took aim at CNN and MSNBC in particular for peddling fake news about police shootings, pointing out how such disinformation “is an offense against this country, an attack on America and, more critically, on something...

I guess he just knew Joe Biden...

...would be the right man for the job...Former President Barack Obama blamed "the politics of White resistance and resentment" as the reason why he didn't push financial reparations for Black Americans during his presidency. Obama appears to have changed his position on reparations over the years. He...

See... here's the deal, Brutus

Dear Political Hack... Stop lying to me. In my sixties and I haven't even been able to find a family doctor for the better part of a decade..."New Eastern Ontario service to streamline, simplify access to mental health, addictions care."Why should I believe a single word that comes out of your slimey, twisted mouth? HERE'S THE REAL QUESTION: Why do mentally ill, self-harming junkies trump...

24 February 2021


You've gotta have priorities, right?No wonder the cops are losing the T-dot's Tow Truck Wars...TORONTO - Police have yet to confirm if the fires are related, or identify suspects.UPDATE: There's a reason it's a slow go..."Fourth OPP officer charged in ongoing tow truck investigation."Good luck finding...

Canadian Tire Goon Squad

TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE: Even for Burnaby, BC  I have, over the years, like so many Canadians, spent thousands of dollars in their ubiquitous stores.   I confess, I was there yesterday.  But handcuffs, chokeholds... I will never set foot in Canadian Tire again..All that's...


...or maybe it's a nightmare...A Democratic lawmaker in Chicago, Marcus Evans Jr., is pushing to ban the sale of all violent video games, claiming the graphic ‘Grand Theft Auto’ series – which debuted more than 20 years ago – is to blame for a wave of carjackings around the city. My fave quote from...

Starlink is real and more importantly...

...for people in non-urban locales... it works..But above all, it aims to create an infrastructure that can be used anywhere in the world, simply by offering it through a web page, without the need for too much development of corporate infrastructure in each market.MY EXPERIENCE: Unbox it. Five...

If it's really a life altering emergency...

...why aren't people screaming for Justin Trudeau's head?  What exactly are his priorities? The Brits are now vaccinating as many as 400,000 people per day. The Americans are sticking as many arms every single day as Canada has done this entire pandemic. So, in all of Canada, the amount of people...

The "Show Me" state steps up

The law adds: “Any and all federal agents trying to enforce the regulations listed in Section (1) shall be subject to arrest by the Sheriff’s department.”IN OTHER GREAT RESET NEWS:From the comments... "Joe goes to the border cages occasionally to let the children rub the hair on his leg...

President Grandad's...

..."Great Reset" continues... Rep. Deb Haaland (D-NM) said on Tuesday at her confirmation hearing to be secretary of the Department of the Interior (DOI) that she had to “acknowledge” that Capitol Hill, which includes the U.S. Capitol and House and Senate office buildings belongs to to Native Americans. “I...

23 February 2021

Once Upon A Time

“Media bias doesn’t begin to describe what is in this book. Media giants have weaponized fake news to the benefit of the left, the globalists, and the multi-national corporations that control so much of our lives,” Marlow said. “From the cronyism to the China ties, to the unending web of lies and half-truths,...

Obviously, all Canadians are racist

Here's a headline you won't see in Canada... COPS BLOW AWAY MURDERER...Ontario’s police watchdog says it is investigating the fatal shooting downtown of a man by Toronto Police at a Toronto Community Housing apartment building early Tuesday. Emergency Task Force officers “engaged with a man,” and a...

More bad news for Minnie Mouse

Remember... President Grandad's letting this guy have nuclear weapons..."Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei recently issued a new fatwa declaring that women in cartoons and animated films must wear the hijab, according to a recent report by the semi-official Tasnim news agency." “Although wearing hijab in such a hypothetical situation is not required per se, observing hijab in animation is required...


The City of Toronto has asked the owner of an Etobicoke barbecue restaurant to pay the $187,000 in costs that it incurred while attempting to enforce public health restrictions at his business.So governments are gonna start billing miscreants, huh?"If he'd set up on a railway crossing and identified...

Guess Pierre-Lite is still a BIG fan...

...of their basic dictatorship...Foreign Affairs Minister Marc Garneau registered a formal abstention on behalf of the government, drawing audible jeers over the video feed. The Conservative motion passed by a 266-0 margin, amid the cabinet abstentions in the 338-seat Commons.Maybe Justin feels the...

22 February 2021

When the lefties start screaming...

...warnings about a Democratic President... it's officially time to worry..."America is becoming a 'totalitarian state before our eyes' under President Biden's leadership, feminist author and former Democratic adviser Naomi Wolf told 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' Monday." "That is not a partisan thing. ...

People freaking out about Starlink...

 ...hitting 130mbs. Elon Musk says you ain't seen nuthin' yet... "Speed will double to ~300Mb/s latency will drop to ~20ms later this year."There's also a Starlink Canada subreddit. BIG WEEK FOR SCIENCE NERDS:Martian rover sends back ‘overwhelming’ video, audio from the Red Plan...

POP QUIZ: The Racism Chronicles

DRUM ROLL PLEASE:Was it Herbert Fischbach, Veronica Billot or Joshua Jamal Williams?MEANWHILE BACK IN OBAMA COUNTRY:"At least 18 people were shot, two fatally, over the weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) Chicago."Murder is their business... and business is good.LAST WORD:   The Usual, well......

First China... now Iran

How badly does a country have to behave to earn Justin's disapproval? Zarif’s admission provides additional evidence that the regime shot down PS752 and deliberately covered it up. The audio tape also confirms Zarif’s integral role in the regime’s apparatus of terror and repression. Trudeau’s strategy...

So what's next, CBC...

...giving pre-schoolers the vote?"When she started coming out at four years old, she started playing with her auntie's purses and high heels and wanting makeup," said Seeseequasis. "I did teach her about the ribbon skirt. Now she likes to wear ribbon skirts."RELATED: First they came for Authors...Amazon...


#NotOneOfUs TORONTO - What do Santiago Marquez, Diego Caro Osorio, Jeison Torres & Giraldo Angel all have in common?The 35th floor. Help me out. Who does shit like this? Nobody I know, that's who. STABBY MCSTABFACE:Two men were injured in separate stabbings overnight that possibly occurred...

Your taxpayer dollars... his friends

And, watch out... he's got a lot of friends... The cost of building an offshore science vessel at Seaspan shipyards in Vancouver for the federal government,, originally set at $108 million, has jumped to almost $1 billion.Wait a sec...South Africa is constructing a similar oceanographic vessel with...

21 February 2021

"Firearms group to face censure"...

...you know... instead of the usual celebratory applause..."The reference to guillotines, Liberal MP Pam Damoff said in an interview Friday from her Ontario riding of Oakville North — Burlington, is impossible to ignore."  "To have people joking like this, it’s frightening.”The NFA is fighting...

No Deer... Not a Single AR15

TORONTO: Homicide #11/2021Paul Dunkley, a 28-year-old man who was shot in head in the parking lot of an Etobicoke commercial plaza on the night of Feb. 12 has died of his injuries in hospital.Black Lives Matter Toronto was apparently unavailable for comment.But wait... there's more...A man has been seriously injured in a shooting in downtown Toronto’s CityPlace neighbourhood near Fort York Boulevard...


"And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute.  History has stopped.""Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right." George Orwell, '1984'MEANWHILE BACK AT FEMINAZI CENTRAL:"You have an axe to grind with 5yr old boys, maybe you shouldn't teach kindergarte...

I'm guessing Prime Minister Care Bear...

...and President Grandad are on the same page..."The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today launched the process to select the next justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, who will fill the vacancy created by the upcoming retirement of Justice Rosalie Silberman Abella."BONUS PRESIDENT GRANDAD:White House...


Now math is racist... how does that add up?I'm with Thomas Sowell..."If you cannot achieve equality of performance among people born to the same parents and raised under the same roof, how realistic is it to expect to achieve it across broader and deeper social divisions?"WHERE DOES IT ALL STOP?"The...

20 February 2021

I'm asking MP Ahmed Hussen to...

...show me these purported mass killer assault rifles.TRUDEAU MOUTHPIECE STRAIGHTOUT LIES TO CONSTITUENTS:"You’ve seen the recent proposed legislation to ban assault rifles, guns that have no place in our streets, guns that have no place in our community, guns that have been designed to do one thing...

If your corporate Code of Conduct...

...has to actually state, "Don't be Evil"... maybe something is inherently off...On Friday, researcher Margaret Mitchell said she had been fired from the company’s AI lab, Google Brain, where she previously co-led a group working on ethical approaches to artificial intelligence. Her former co-leader of that group, Timnit Gebru, departed Google in December. More than 2,600 Google employees signed...

Come For The Bonhomie...

...stay for the savage blindside attack...TORONTO -- Toronto police have released surveillance camera footage showing a male cyclist doubling back on Beverley Street to strike a 75-year-old female jogger "with such force her body was thrown into the street.” The cyclist struck the woman, causng...

So, in very much the same way that...

...seven year-old me was "an Astronaut"..."President Biden on Friday told a virtual summit of world leaders that he was a “Professor” — touting a role that previously drew controversy because he was paid nearly $1 million from the University of Pennsylvania for nine reported visits to campus."That's not a job, that's a payoff! TRUTH OR SATIRE?The Bible tells us to work smarter, not harder. That's...


"The City of Toronto is asking a court to order a local man, Khaleel Seivwright, to stop building small wooden shelters for the homeless."Why, those smallminded, heartless bureaucrats... I can't imag... sweet baby jebus!"A fire at a homeless encampment in downtown Toronto Wednesday morning left a man dead, officials said." ...

19 February 2021

TORONTO: Homicide #10/2021

Despite extensive inquiries, officers have been unable to locate Nathaniel Brettell, 57. Officers are now treating this missing person investigation as a homicide.THERE HAS TO BE A BETTER WAY:Tyree Moorehead, a convicted murderer-turned-community activist in Baltimore has a radical approach to combating the city’s stunning murder rate: Pay criminals not to ki...

I nominate Chrystia Freeland

No word yet on who exactly will be sitting down at the negotiating table with the Driftwood Crips...Trudeau says his government will move forward with the gun buyback in the coming months. He stated his legislation will result in safer cities and communities by "getting them out of the hands of criminals."You...

Brand New Day

Spoken like a newly-crowned Burmese dictator...Acting U.S. Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman recently called for the fencing around the Capitol to remain permanently.I guess Yogananda broke that glass ceiling the wokies are always yammering about.LET THE HEALING BEGIN:"The legislation, titled “No...


Ottawa Police Service received over 200 reports of stolen Lexus or Toyota vehicles in 2020.  There have already been 35 reports filed this year. Police aren't identifying any suspects, but Const. Doug Belanger said it's likely the work of "very sophisticated groups" able to use technology to not only steal the vehicles but avoid being tracked.Well, here's a clue...It's suspected...

The fiscal disaster will balance itself

Calls for a course correction come as the Trudeau government has sought to frame its massive spending plans as temporary measures that can eventually be wound down, thereby minimizing any long-term fiscal effects. Combined government debts will reach 95 per cent of GDP shortly after the pandemic The warnings come as the federal government prepares to post a $385-billion deficit in 2021.You ever get...

Gotta keep that Great Reset going

After targetting legal owners of registered firearms... PM Care Bear throws another bone to core constituency...Liberal Attorney General David Lametti has Bill C-22 in the House of Commons to repeal mandatory minimum penalties for certain drug offences — penalties the Liberals say have disproportionately...

18 February 2021

Uh... because he's a dangerous thug?

SMELL THE PROFESSIONAL JOURNALISM:"It’s not yet clear why anyone in the apartment had a gun."Two words, dumbass... JANE... FINCH..."A 17-year-old Toronto boy is now facing a list of charges, including unauthorized possession of a firearm, possession of a firearm knowing it is unauthorized,...

He who controls information...

...controls the world.Facebook gets its 1984 on...CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — In a surprise retaliatory move Thursday, Facebook blocked Australians from sharing news stories, escalating a fight with the government over whether powerful tech companies should have to pay news organizations for content.YOU...

One of these things is not...

...like the other...Justin Trudeau said Canada committed genocide.  Why won’t he say the same of China? Trudeau said it was an "extremely loaded" term, and that it needs more investigation to be sure that “it is clearly and properly justified.”And it looks like President Grandad is on board.TAKE...

Bill C-7: Court imposed deadline...

...pushing the agenda?Senators overwhelmingly approved Bill C-7 Wednesday to expand access to medical assistance in dying — with amendments that would relax access even more than the government has proposed. One amendment would allow people who fear losing mental capacity to make advance requests for assisted death. Another would impose an 18-month time limit on the bill's proposed blanket ban on...

Woke, Socialist France...

...becomes the western world's voice of law & order..."Lawmakers overwhelmingly approved on Tuesday a bill that would strengthen oversight of mosques, schools and sports clubs to safeguard France from radical Islamists and ensure respect for French values." "The legislation breezed through a chamber...