31 December 2020


And Winston Churchill wept...In the video posted on social media, the woman is heard saying: “Where’s the second wave? Where’re all the people dying from the second wave?” as she wanders through the largely deserted corridors of the hospital. “We’ve just been locked down in Gloucestershire into Tier...

In Justin's "Post-National" Canada...

...diversity is the new religion...Canada’s immigration minister is trying to accept U.S.-based illegal migrants who are going to be sent back to their home countries, according to the Washington Post. Canada has dramatically raised immigration numbers in recent years, amid cheerleading by progressives,...

The Racist Shithole where I live

Your post-national broadcaster is all over the systemic, well... you know...Yet again, the CBC Mothership slams it into Warp 11...A young Black man in Ottawa says a recent encounter with police has left him traumatized. "Our lives flashed before our eyes," said Chris Simba, a 19-year-old music producer...

Sacrificing in St Barts...

...so the rest of us don't have to...After initially refusing to reveal the location of the Ontario Finance Minister, his office came clean on Tuesday night and admitted he was vacationing in St. Barts. Rod Phillips joined billionaires, rock stars, Hollywood heavyweights and Russian oligarchs in the longtime winter playground of the rich and fabulous.UPDATE: The People 1 • Oligarchy ...

30 December 2020

Another mega-failure of intelligence...

...from the folks who didn't care Saudi student pilots weren't interested in learning takeoffs or landings..."Nashville police were warned in 2019 that Anthony Warner was making a bomb inside his RV — but nothing was done to stop him." "City cops passed the tip off to the FBI and ATF."Apparently the...


Another absolute, indisputable victory for "Big Vagina"...A study published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Communications concluding that working with female mentors might hurt young women’s careers in the sciences has been retracted after fierce criticism from “group email threads” and on social...

29 December 2020

If you only had a choice

How's the "Great Reset" working out for you so far, Mr Scarecrow?The most cynical expression of unions’ lack of concern for students came earlier this year in Los Angeles. The 35,000-member United Teachers of Los Angeles demanded, among other things, that local officials defund the police; pushed for a “moratorium” on charter schools; and insisted policymakers enact Medicare for All, provide more...


If it only saves one pecker..."For everyone who may have said, “what’s the harm in continuing to use azithromycin to treat SARS-CoV2 infections,” well here’s a 'super' response."MEANWHILE BACK AT THE RANCH: Ah, Scarborough... don't ever change... A man has been seriously injured after being shot outside a building in the area of Kingston and Galloway roads, south of Lawrence Avenue East around...

28 December 2020


..one Boeing 737 Max at a time...If the KungFlu is such a ruthless killer, maybe PM Kardashian should suck a little less corporate dick.RULES ARE FOR THE LITTLE PEOPLE:His boss, Ontario Premier Doug Ford, recently let loose with harsh words for travellers and threatened to implement mandatory testing...

They say that adversity brings out...

...the best in us. I have my doubts..."Cheryl Costigan, who also teaches high school math in Thornhill, said her students are “cheating a lot more than they ever have in the past. It’s just a free-for-all. Everybody’s cheating all the time."“The very first test that we had, you could hear the cameras clicking.”The silver lining of online education is that kids quickly discover the way the world...

27 December 2020

If it only saves one life

FROM THE COMMENTS:Don’t you worry. Some faceless government apparatchik who is sitting at home, working on the laptop with full salary and benefits, will just add all the cancer deaths caused from these lockdowns to the Covid ledger. And presto.MEANWHILE ON A PLANET, FAR, FAR AWAYThe far-right religious...

26 December 2020

A holiday message from Justin's...

...second most admired dictatorship...  If it's good enough for Mr Whiskers..."A broadcast from a Cuban government outlet urged its citizens to eat rodent meat ahead of the Christmas holiday, claiming that the rodent meat is more sustainable and nutritious than other options."REMEMBER JUSTY WENT INTO MOURNING?"Sure, Castro was a torturer and murderer but look at what he did for cheap Canadian...

25 December 2020

24 December 2020

Don't Worry Canada... some folks are...

...still making money hand over fist...The federal government has launched an $850,000 digital-based ad campaign warning Canadians about the perils of travelling abroad during the COVID-19 pandemic, which could include grounded flights or lax health rules at their destination...

Let the "Great Reset" commence

You kiss your Granny with that mouth?National Public Radio (NPR), which is subsidized by American taxpayers, listed Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion’s raunchy hit song “WAP” (“Wet Ass Pussy”) as one of the “best” songs of 2020, including it in part of its “silver linings playlist” released this month.FROM THE COMMENTS:Her mama should have WAPped her upside the head more often!Civil War 2.0... it's...

Brave New "New York" World

The Big Apple’s staggering surge in shootings amid the COVID-19 pandemic has led nearly 9,000 terrified New Yorkers to apply for gun permits — but the NYPD has signed off on fewer than 1,100. The approval rate since March 22 is less than 14%, compared to nearly 70% last year. "The politicians are generally against giving licenses, to begin with, so it’s not a priority," an NYPD source said.A SECOND...


Remember back... you were a kid... and wild-eyed men with swords & staves would roam the streets? YEAH... ME NEITHER. It seems "Geography is Destiny"...BRAMPTON, ON • Twelve men have been arrested after two men walking in Brampton were attacked by a group armed with swords and bats earlier this...

23 December 2020

Never a Social Worker around...

...when you really need one...PARIS • Three French police officers were shot dead by a man when they arrived at a home in a hamlet in the commune of Saint-Just about 500 km southeast of Paris to respond to a domestic violence call. After the shootings, police commanders sent in a rapid-response unit,...

UPDATE: Mountain Of Pork

President Trump appeared to threaten to veto the COVID-19 stimulus package that Congress passed almost 24 hours earlier, telling lawmakers to boost checks for Americans to $2,000 as well as "get rid of wasteful and unnecessary items" in the spending bill. "It really is a disgrace," he added. The President...

The Usual, well... you know

Brantford police have charged three men in connection with a shooting at the Comfort Inn on King George Road last month that detectives allege is tied to a Toronto shooting that killed 12-year-old Dante Sebastian Andreatta later that same day. Jahwayne Genisis Smart, 25, of Toronto, Rashawn Chambers,...

22 December 2020

Irredeemably Broken: Mountain of Pork

"Despite her vocal concern, New York Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was among the majority of House lawmakers who voted to pass the nearly 6,000-page bill without reading the entirety of the text. It passed in the House 359-53 and in the Senate 92-6."Two hours notice to read 6,000 pages. But they...


...and low expectations...We have now had nearly nine months of being treated like utter imbeciles. A once great country with a once free people has been reduced to the level of being governed by pathetic, childish slogans. “Stay Alert. Control the Virus. Save Lives” Are we supposed to be on our...

Your Money... His Friends...

...His Family..."The Canadian government has released a database of businesses which have received the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) with WE Charity being listed among the beneficiaries of the program." The organization had over the years paid members of the Trudeau family, including Justin...

Hey, Jamaal... I bet that's not what...

...they're saying, or even thinking in Liberia...Congressman-elect Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., said in an interview published Monday that he believes capitalism is a form of slavery. "I believe our current system of capitalism is slavery by another name," said Bowman, a new member of the progressive "Squad."Pump...

21 December 2020


"Leaders across the nation have been urging Americans to avoid nonessential travel as the holidays near, but Americans appear to be proceeding with their plans. Over over one million people passed through U.S. airport checkpoints the weekend before Christmas."SO HOW IS CANADA DOING?“Why they’re ignoring us on this is beyond me. We have 64,000 people that went through Toronto’s Pearson Airport last...

Ontario's Damnable Granny Killers

My favourite part of Premier Doug Ford's KungFlu Press Konference was when he said he wants to "nip this thing in the butt."THE GREAT RESET CONTINUES APACE: It's back to the bomb shelters for another month in Ontario. It's just ice cream that it also kills the most significant shopping week in...


PRESIDENT HIP DEEP IN MUCK:“In the emails that have come out as well, Hunter Biden is quite explicit. In one particular communication with his daughter, he’s basically complaining that he pays half of the entire family’s bills.""Joe Biden is a beneficiary, a direct beneficiary, of these foreign dea...

20 December 2020

As Canadian as Mohamed Atta

What do you suppose would happen if somebody defaced a police memorial in, say... Karachi, Pakistan? I'm guessing there would be way more asses beaten than kissed...They wanted it to look like blood splattered against the Peel Police shrine for fallen officers. Balloons filled with red paint were...

You ever stop and wonder why...

...you're not tripping over bodies in the streets?"If that is the case with this one, everything we’ve done over the months • the mask wearing, the grasshopper dance not to be next to people, the canceling of everything, the wild paranoia and premodern confusions • has been a calamitous and destructive...

19 December 2020

Toronto Homicide #70/2020

No gun... no problem...On Friday, December 18, 2020, at approximately 5:30 p.m., police responded to reports of a pedestrian being struck at 234 Eglinton Avenue East. He has been identified as Scott Andrew Rosen, 52, of Toronto.But who would want to... wait a minute...A Toronto lawyer killed in a hit-and-run...

Gotta sew those "Vaccination Stars"...

...onto my lapel...RESISTANCE IS FUTILE IN JUSTIN'S CANADA"Speaking at a news conference on Friday, Calgary police Supt. Ryan Ayliffe said bylaw officers requested assistance from police after skaters were not maintaining physical distancing...

That's just the way the...

...inflatable  lady bounces...OTTAWA COUNTY — A Grand Haven couple must pay their 42-year-old son back after destroying the son’s extensive pornography and sex toy collection, according to a federal judge. Paul and Beth Werking, of Grand Haven, were sued by their son David Werking after they destroyed his collection of DVDs, VHS tapes and other pornographic materials in 20...

18 December 2020

"If it only saves one life"

Which... obviously it isn't...Millions of people missed out on potentially life-saving scans when non-Covid-19 NHS services almost ground to a halt this year, analysis shows. In England, at least 4.4 million fewer scans were performed between April and September this year compared to the same period in 2019.AND IT'S NOT JUST BRITAIN:"The disruption to daily life due to the COVID-19 pandemic has hit...

ANTIFA/BLM need to reclaim Hollywood

As usual, the actual gold is in the comments..."If Keanu Reeves can’t actually dodge bullets, then too bad for him... I guess he wasn’t The One.""No more war movies unless all the actors are veterans, no more crime drama unless real criminals are shot, no more police dramas unless all are actually police."...

"Unbreak my heart... say you'll..."

..."love me again"... ♫"Eighty inmates have tested positive for COVID-19 at a prison in Kingston, Ont., the federal government said Thursday, hours after announcing it had suspended visits to Ontario's correctional facilities."FROM THE COMMENTS:"I am not anti-vaccine. However, I am anti thrust-a-vaccine-down-your-throat...

Making heroes out of criminals...

...is just part of the "Great Reset"..."It seems that Breonna Taylor was knee-deep in the criminal enterprise of her sometime-boyfriend, Jamarcus Glover, who was running a massive drug operation, selling crack cocaine and fentanyl to the citizens of Louisville....

It's the right call

Republican Senator Rand Paul reiterated his call for President Trump to pardon Edward Snowden, the whistleblower and former National Security Agency contractor who leaked information about classified government surveillance programs in 2013.If Trump really wanted to upset the applecart, he could pardon Saint Teddy Kennedy for Chappaquidi...

17 December 2020

Apparently... Biden's team has to...

...keep telling him that Ted Kennedy is not available...President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team has deleted an ad from earlier this year hammering Pete Buttigieg's lack of experience after Biden chose the former mayor to serve as transportation secretary. The ad mocked Buttigieg for having handled only small-scale projects like minor infrastructure repairs and pet-chip scanne...

Again, thanks for insulin...

...but, am I making travel plans based on where Charles Banting lived?The link at "dystopian novel" goes to a Wikipedia entry for Canadian sexual-dystopian writer Margaret Atwood, who wrote the Karen Science Fiction book The Handmaid's Tale. Which is really just 50 Shades of Gray for feminist Karens who get off on sexual domination. The link there goes to Canada's "best LGBTQ neighborhood parades,"...

Better late than never

Justice? Put him in a jail cell and toss in a frag...The United States plans to unseal charges soon against Abu Agila Mohammad Masud, a Libyan man suspected of assembling the bomb that blew up a US airliner over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988. Monday is the 32nd anniversary of the bombing which killed a total of 270 people, including 190 Americans and 11 people on the ground.MORE FORGIVING THAN THE...

Toronto the Not So Good

Toronto police say they've made the largest single-day seizure in their history last month after recovering 181 kilograms of drugs worth over $18 million in street value, along with 65 firearms. All of the items seized are from a single apartment in Etobicoke. Police announced at a news conference Wednesday they have arrested 45-year-old Daniel Dubajic who lives in the unit.HIS NAME? YOU DON'T...

You remember... back in the day...

...all your teenage buddies were getting arrested for murder?  YEAH, ME NEITHER.Toronto police say a 16-year-old boy is facing charges of first-degree murder and attempted murder in the shooting death of 23-year-old Hashim Kinani in Rexdale last May. About a week after the killing, two teenage boys, aged 15 and 17, surrendered to police and were charged with first-degree murder and attempted...

16 December 2020

Justin Trudeau's 80 billion dollar deficit

Your money... their friends...Two of the largest long-term care providers in the Toronto area have received more than $157 million in federal and provincial COVID-19 relief while also paying out tens of millions of dollars in dividends to their shareholders. Extendicare Inc. and Sienna Senior Living...

You truly do get the government...

...that you deserve..."President-elect Joe Biden is still refusing to discuss the ethical cloud swirling around his family, particularly his youngest son, Hunter. The revelations of the dual DOJ investigations into Hunter Biden have spurred Congressional Republicans to call for the appointment of a special prosecutor."THE FAMILY THAT PREYS TOGETHER:Biden’s younger brother James isn't passing the...

15 December 2020

In other "People of Choler" news

So, Justin... no deer... and not a single AR15...KITCHENER • A youth who shot up a Subway shop in Waterloo • and a month later fled from police with a loaded handgun in his jacket should be sentenced as an adult, the Crown says.  The shooter, 17 at the time, was part of a group of four people that fired 35 bullets at the restaurant near Wilfrid Laurier University, on Good Friday, April 19, 2019. The...

C'mon, when has Big Government and...

...the Mainstream Media EVER steered you wrong?NEED A LITTLE MORE CONVINCING?"Well, what do those 'deplorables' at Johns Hopkins know anyway?"PUPPETS ON A STRING:Think it isn't happening here in Canada? THINK AGAIN.IF IT ONLY SAVES ONE LIFE:"The number of people seeking to end their lives in Canada’s...

So... they've at least ruled out...

...the baby didn't commit seppuku? Blood pattern analysis & 3D laser scans? You take the bullet that killed the baby and microscopically compare the striations to the rifled barrels of weapons seized at the scene...Two and a half weeks since a police standoff with a young father that ended with a baby boy dead, the SIU says it is still trying to determine the source of the bullet that killed...

It's easier than chasing down...

...Hogtown's ever-increasingly violent gangbanger demographic..."Toronto Mayor John Tory says that he wants the two people accused of operating a bar in violation of lockdown orders over the weekend to be named and shamed if at all possible."CHECK OUT TORONTO'S MOST WANTED:We'll just call them... "People...

Have a Merry Christmas, Canada!

Will the Trudeau family be sending back any of the half million dollars they took from WE Charity?The Canada Revenue Agency says it has sent out 441,000 "education letters" warning individuals that they may not be eligible for the Canada Emergency Response Benefits they received. That means nearly 5 per cent of applicants have received letters saying they may not be eligible and could be forced to...

14 December 2020

I'd expect no less from the...

..."Lyin' Bitch of Benghazi"...Former Trump challenger Hillary Clinton called to “abolish the Electoral College” on Monday after she, an elector , cast a vote for Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA).WHAT HAPPENED TO MLK'S DREAM?As electors gathered in Michigan today to cast their ballots, the Michigan State Senate played two national anthems — one for black people, and one for white people.Can...


If an endangered tree falls in the disappearing forests... and everybody's at hot yoga classes...Throughout the Obama-Biden reign and especially as it came to a close, Obama administration officials flooded into Silicon Valley, taking top jobs at Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and other Big Tech...

It's an upside down Biden World

In any other election, fleets of investigative reporters would have been unleashed to verify the claims in the report. Instead, in the ultimate expression of Trump Derangement Syndrome, a major media company set out to personally destroy the man they thought put the report together. But hey, at least...

Yeah... I'm fine just like this

But don't let me stop you, buddy...“Pfizer and Moderna simply announced their success in a press release. In my career as a physician, I’ve never seen anything like this before.You have to realize there is still no trace of scientific publication. We’re walking on our heads” Professor Caumes would...

13 December 2020

Come for the spicy, exotic cuisine...

...stay for the softly sucking chest wound. Three people were injured, one seriously, after the occupants of a car were shot and later struck a pole in the parking lot of Scarborough’s Cedarbrae Mall on Saturday night. Two suspects in a blue Kia Forte opened fire on another car striking two occupants....

I'm so old, I remember when...

...King Joffrey Trudeau promised a "Proportional Representation" electoral system...Trudeau announced on Friday his government will raise the carbon tax from the current level of $30 a tonne to $170 a tonne by 2030 with increases each and every year. Depending on whose price calculations you believe,...