30 August 2013


"Just think, this kind of 'leadership' is coming our way when Shiny Pony becomes Prime Minister of this country. There'll be some international crisis brewing, and Pony will be busy tweeting pictures of himself high-fiving Justin Bieber to his throngs of adoring fans and swooning women." "Makes you...

Dateline 2038

"CFN, the Celebrity Funeral Network, is reported to have won the bidding rights to the Obama funeral, and plans are underway to hold a three day funeral, to be broadcast from the spot where Chicago once stood. And corporate sponsors have already lined up to cover ad buys for the flowers, vehicles for...

29 August 2013

In other "dope makes you smarter" news...

...Justin plays the Mandingo card...At an event this week, Trudeau used the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I Have A Dream” speech to lambaste the Charter of Quebec Values, suggesting a link with segregation. “Oh, my god,” said Bernard Drainville, the PQ government minister responsible for the charter, when asked for a reaction Thursday. “I think he should make a little bit of an effort...

28 August 2013

Did he pull out his penis before or after...

...he started waving that knife around? The point is, I don't think cops were dealing with a man who was gonna respond to "pretty, pretty please"... Alok Mukherjee, chair of the Toronto Police Services Board, took a similar view. “I always worry about the possibility that if we give more hardware,...

That hateful, racist George W...

...wait a minute...The West Wing has thus far brushed off suggestions Obama make a symbolic trip to the predominantly black, bankrupt city of Detroit — because “there’s not a goddam we can do right now to help them,” according to one Obama hand.Just another story you won't see on the CBC. ********** COMPARE & CONTRAST:Bob Dylan's "Blowin' in the Wind," written in 1962, hit No. 2 on the Billboard...

27 August 2013

Justice in Junkieville

Of course, a society that resorts to vigilante tactics, however successful, is a society in decline..."The incident prompted Vancouver police to caution residents against taking matters into their own hands, even though Ms. Smith’s bike might have been lost if not for her sleuthing."The police can't...

In other "crime is down" news

Saturday afternoon, one of the busiest intersections in the city, just down the street from the largest police station in the city...Toronto Police are searching for video footage to help identify a suspect in the brazen daylight attack of a woman whose nose was severed. The 76-year-old woman was transferring from the streetcar to the subway at Dundas station on her way home shortly before 2 p.m....

Senator Mac Harb... unlike Duffy or Wallin...

...he's the scumbag you don't see every night on the CBC...Liberal Senator Mac Harb could no longer realistically count on keeping his generous pension if he was charged and convicted of any wrongdoing related to the Senate expense scandal. So he quit and that means even if he is found guilty in a court of law his pension is safe.Mr Harb also wrote a letter of resignation to the Governor General......

26 August 2013

C'mon Gene, negative, uh... stuff?

Is that what we're calling it now?“Let’s make something positive with all the negative stuff, because there are a lot of positive things,” TCHC president and CEO Gene Jones said at the barbecue at the Swansea Mews housing complex, located in the Windermere Avenue and The Queensway area, Sunday afternoon. Sunday afternoon’s barbecue comes just hours after a double shooting in the community.Swansea...

That hateful, warmongering George W...

...wait a minute..."Military sources suggested the early hours of the 2011 campaign against Col Muammar Gaddafi could form a template for any operation. The Libya campaign began with a blitz of Tomahawk cruise missiles from US warships and from a British Trafalgar Class submarine."Oh... it's St Barack of Chicago whose finger is on the button? Well, carry on, my frie...

23 August 2013

Bright lights, big city...

...Toronto media downcast, disappointed as double homicide reveals absolutely no police involvement...Two teens are dead after a shooting near Jane and Finch on Friday afternoon. Emergency services were called to an apartment building at 287 Grandravine Dr. at 1:30 p.m. where one teen, identified by...

Heck, as long as the Ontario Liberals...

...have all that extra healthcare cash lyin' around... wait a minute..."Their work permits expired Dec. 15, 2012, but they didn't return to Jamaica. In November 2012, they applied to stay here on visitor's permits."Both were receiving workers' compensation benefits from the Workplace Safety and Insurance...


Anybody got a better idea?PLAN Z is a three-part plan that reeks of simplicity and facts. It will also infuriate bedwetters, people who love Jesus, and those who make decisions based on being “compassionate.”********** FROM THE COMMENTS: Time for a paradigm shift Business as usual...1. Homeless People; A. Ignore them and let them run amock 2. Violent Criminals; B. House/clothe/feed/educate them 3....

22 August 2013

In other "9 meals from anarchy" news...

If things went to shit, just how long would it be before your neighbours were munching on a broiled haunch of, well... YOU... "You can only assume that these glitches are going to continue into the future," says Todd Schoenberger, managing director of the BlackBay Group in New York. "This is a huge,...

21 August 2013

You can't use Tasers...

...you MUST use Tasers... I wish the lunatic left would make up its uber-elastic hive mind...It’s pretty clear that there are many who want a piece of poor Sammy Yatim now that he’s dead and can be made into a cause or useful instrument.Worse, the only justice they have anything to do with is the sort...

19 August 2013

Sure, it's easy to ignore Fox news...

...but when one of Obama's biggest media cheerleaders stops sippin' the kool-ade...Think about three recent presidential declarations. A few weeks back, the president appeared on CBS to claim that the secret FISA court is “transparent.” He then appeared on NBC to claim that “We don’t have a domestic...

17 August 2013

No Whore like a Politician

Friday: Legalise dope... Saturday: Pretend to be a Muslim... "I have the extraordinary privilege of representing the community of Montreal, the riding of Papineau, that is one of the two most lucky ridings of Quebec, because we have the highest number of Muslim Canadians living in the riding."So,...

16 August 2013

Ask a Journo-Canadian

When police shoot a knife-wielding 18 year-old lunatic on public transit... it's a national tragedy worthy of parades & protests and allegations of police death squads. When yet another 15 year-old is gunned down in Toronto's vibrant ethnic northwest paradise, it's just business as usual...A 15-year-old boy who was shot at a shopping plaza in north Toronto last month has died in hospital, police...

15 August 2013

WKILL is calling for further fratricide...

...interspersed with intermittent bouts of grievous bodily harm..."The death toll, which stood at 525, according to the latest Health Ministry figures. Health Ministry spokesman Khaled el-Khateeb put the number of the injured on Wednesday at 3,717."That's some Religion of Peace. ********** RELATED: Walk softly, and carry... ...a hopey-changy magic wand...Hagel’s tepid response falls in line with...

In her master's McSlippery footprints

Another Wynne-ing strategy by Ontario's Liberal overlords..."On April 18, the government announced its plan to eliminate OHIP-funded physiotherapy, a cost-cutting move that will greatly reduce the amount of physiotherapy care available for thousands of seniors in long-term care homes, or house-bound in retirement homes."Say... is OHIP still on the hook for the Liberal Party's "dicks for chicks" p...

Monica Lewinsky... an insignificant hiccup

Your own "non-profit" foundation... now that's forever...The nexus between Clinton Foundation donors, foreign governments, and corporate interests has long been a concern to government watchdog groups. As of 2008, the Clinton Foundation raised at least $46 million from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Brunei, Oman, and other foreign governments — the very governments Secretary of State Hillary Clinton...

13 August 2013

Never a Community Organiser around...

...when you really, really need one... "At 6:12, police reported that a 23-year-old man was shot and critically wounded. At 6:15 a 21-year-old man and a 53-year-old woman were shot in the same incident. Then at 6:20 a young man, 17, shot himself in the groin by accident. Next a 13-year-old boy was shot...

Ask a Journo-Canadian

WTF!!!? You're saying it's a "glass half full" thing? Of course, it's more than a little unfortunate it's half full of blood, brain matter and broken teeth... Let's ask a "COMMUNITY" advocate...“We can say that we are becoming more tolerant. And thankfully that’s because of people like Dwayne who...

12 August 2013

Notorious local thug, Angus McTartan...

...charged, once again, with... wait a minute... Mohamed Salim, 28, of Toronto, faces nine charges including attempted murder, discharging a firearm endangering life and unauthorized possession of a firearm. Abdiweli Abdi, 25, of Toronto, is charged with assault with a weapon and weapons dangerous.********** RELATED:...

11 August 2013

Our Mother, who art in...

...sweet steamin' pile of holy crap..."I, in turn, have become desperately proud of her pride. I’m so in love with her big poos that I can’t bear the idea of them stopping."Yes, indeedy... it's an Andrea Dworkin world. ********** FROM THE COMMENTS:"I hope this little girl isn't too damaged by her upbringing and will be able to tell her mother to f*** o** when she leaves the house at 18, hopefully...

10 August 2013

09 August 2013

07 August 2013

One People... One Law...

...yet another antiquated Canadian conceit...TORONTO - Toronto Police officers are investigating allegations of hate speech after a speaker at a controversial anti-Israel rally said Jews must vacate that country OR BE SHOT DEAD. The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA), the group claiming to have complained to police, identified the speaker as Elias Hazineh. The speech was made last Saturday...

Orwell was right

If mandatory Obamacare is such a good deal, why did Members of Congress & Congressional Hill staffers demand to be exempted?Last week, when President Barack Obama came to the Hill to meet with Senate Democrats, he informed them that he would personally get involved to sort out the confusion, and the White House said that OPM would issue guidelines this week. The guidelines, released Wednesday,...

06 August 2013

03 August 2013

Bodycount 2013

In other "rose by any other name" news...The event was billed by one promoter as a “sexy...not skanky affair” and a “classy” event telling women to wear shorts and “chic” swimwear.Just another story you won't see on "The National." ********** RELATED: Remember... it's not Caribana... ...'cos, if you don't pay, you don't play...According to Alexander, the Caribana Arts Group has asked for $250,000...