Remember, these are the cream of the Liberal Party, the folks who said they were most qualified to keep Canada's financial books...As of Tuesday -- that is, nearly seven years after the leadership race in which Liberals picked Stephane Dion to lead them -- four candidates still owed money.
Dion owed the least, at $7,500, while Ken Dryden still owed a hefty $225,000. Hedy Fry had $69,000 in outstanding...
31 July 2013
30 July 2013
Religion of Piece
“Rather than the Quran, the book that is requested most by the high-value detainees is Fifty Shades of Grey. They’ve read the entire series in English, but we were willing to translate i...
Well, it's the multi-culti CBC...

...of course they're gonna cherrypick their images... but that doesn't mean you have to settle for Mr Rogers neighbourhood...
Oh yeah... that smaller picture inset is a little hard to see... let's fix that.
RELATED: As bloggers pull at the threads...
...MSM begins to pull away from Beaver...
From the folks who brought you...

...the phrase "White Hispanic"...
Chalian is perhaps best known for the controversial remarks he made back in August 2012 while still working at Yahoo News. While covering the Republican National Convention in Tampa, he disparaged GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney and the Republican Party.
29 July 2013
Ask a Journo-Canadian
Insiders tell me the CBC is gonna play this one a little differently than the folks over at Macleans magazine.
You know... something along the lines of "Knuckle-dragging Harper dictatorship forces Canadians to live in penury and squalor."OTTAWA – The Mounties intend to widen their probe into inappropriate expense claims filed by Liberal Senator Mac Harb, who claimed an “uninhabitable’’ home as his...
28 July 2013
BREAKING NEWS: Canadian media goes...

... apeshit as Prime Minister Harper proposes legalising concealed pistol permits in order to keep illegal, unregistered firearms out of the hands of inner-city youth... oh, wait a minute...
RELATED: Maybe he's too high to rememberAt last year's Liberal party convention Trudeau told ProjectRedDot...
27 July 2013
Fourth estate remains shellshocked, wary... national broadcaster capriciously alters longstanding policy of linking Toronto homicides to Mayor's alleged drug use...
Left-o-spheric editorial spin reverts back to pointing fingers at "police death squads."
UPDATE: Looks like the CBC...
...and their crack reporters may have overlooked...
26 July 2013
Is there an app for that?

So, how do you get the word out to folks who are too poor/illiterate/isolated to even know what a porcelain pony is?"Apart from establishing World Toilet Day, the text also urged Member States and the United Nations system to encourage behavioural change, to introduce policies that would increase sanitation...
I'm beginning to understand all that...
..."crime is falling" stuff I read about in the dead tree media..."I can’t help feeling there’s something missing here. I think it’s where the punching should go. Along with the outrage, the protest, the alerting of other passengers and the summoning of police."**********
BEST COMMENT EVER:If only there were some kind of...tool, or device, that people could carry on their persons to help equalize...
25 July 2013
If you're actually looking for answers...

...don't bother asking the unelected Premier of Ontario..."You know, I’m not going to comment on situations that the police really have authority to dictate. I’m not going to wade in to that."McSlippery II.
RELATED: Sorry, Premier... can't fob this off on the coppers... because,...
23 July 2013
No word yet from CNN, on whether...

...anyone involved was a "White Hispanic"...
Pursuing the McSlippery legacy...
...bankrupting Ontario in pursuit of the liberal dream...The Drummond report also notes that while student enrollment has declined by 6% since 2003, there are 24,000 more teachers and non-teaching staff in Ontario’s publicly funded schools.
If the number of teachers and non-teaching staff had declined at the same rate as enrollment, there would be 35,000 fewer education staff today.
But as Ms. Wynne...
22 July 2013
Brave New World Order
President Obama has had a poor record of job creation, but at least one small economic sector is doing well: community organizing. It seems as if some Obama supporters have found a new way to fill the void left by the bankruptcy of ACORN, the notorious left-wing voter-registration group that saw dozens of its employees in multiple states convicted of fraud.
At least the pay will be better. Early...
18 July 2013
There must be consequences

It's not some silly little misstep... like a career politician confusing a sleazy Chinatown whorehouse for a government licenced physiotherapy clinic...
“I can’t get into details except to say that we are taking appropriate action,” Nantel said, adding, “It’s unfortunate because he’s a very intelligent...
17 July 2013
Never a Community Organiser around...

...when you really, really need one...
"I'm sorry, but our media outrage capacity has been exceeded this news cycle. Please do call back when you experience another round of child murders."**********
RELATED: Triple homicide in Toronto
Who cares? It's not a super special tragedy like Obama's pseudo-son.It’s...
Anybody asked Sophie Grégoire Trudeau... she feels about Sharia law? 'Cos I'm thinking she may not be quite ready to burka up.“I’m at that awkward stage between jail bait and cougar.”Speaking of awkward...Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau was the guest at an Islamic Society of North America event. The organization and its Canadian branch...
16 July 2013
Hope, Change... pitchforks & torches

Dear Reverend Sharpton...
Will murdering George Zimmerman's immediate family satisfy the raging "community" bloodlust, or do you think cousins & inlaws will have to go too?
Could we maybe draw the line at neighbours and casual acquaintances?"Under the circumstances, we have not been able to talk...
15 July 2013
Lost in Translation

It's not about "doing the right thing", it's about, well... you wouldn't understand anyway..."As a former prosecutor, I never would have brought the Zimmerman case to court. There was a high burden of proof giving way to reasonable doubt."
"That said, as an African-American, I know it was a victory...
Tip of the, er... Bergen-Belsenberg

Seriously... where's a Human Rights Commissioner when you really, really need one?
Broadcasting live From Ryerson University..."Us Indians have to do something really extreme to get the world’s attention, like forming a Taliban."Wait, wait... it gets better... or worse... or something...“I fucking...
So much for Double Jeopardy

If the Whitehouse wants your ass... they're just gonna keep on coming...WASHINGTON — The Justice Department said Sunday that it was restarting its investigation into the 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin to consider possible separate hate crime charges against George Zimmerman.Looks like the Panderer-in-Chief...
14 July 2013
I'd say the Community-Organiser-in-Chief...

...owes George Zimmerman an apology...
"The case was so weak that the local Sanford District Attorney refused to bring charges against Zimmerman. That is why, on the orders of the governor, an outside District Attorney, Angela Corey, had to be brought in to handle it."
"Sanford Police Chief Bill...
12 July 2013
They say you can tell a lot about people... the company they keep. Just ask the shiny new Premier of Ontario...
Whatever else you might say about him, ol' Benny had all the proper progressive credentials...Levin, currently a tenured professor at U of T’s Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, was a former deputy minister of education...
11 July 2013
Why even bother with a trial?

The race-hustling media had his pelt nailed to the wall from the get-go...
Apparently justice isn't simply blind... it's in a vegetative coma...On March 8, 2012, the Associated Press wrote, “The neighborhood watch leader is white.” When it came out that he was not, media outlets including CNN began...
09 July 2013
Divine Right of Kings returns
In other "we don' need no steenkin' constitution" news...Democrats too may acquiesce in Mr. Obama's action, as they have his other aggressive assertions of executive power. Yet what will they say when a Republican president decides that the tax rate on capital gains is a drag on economic growth and instructs the IRS not to enforce it?
And what of immigration reform? Why bother debating the details...
The myth of the hotblooded Latino
From our voluminous "stereotypes come from somewhere" files...SAO PAULO — Police say enraged spectators invaded a football field, stoned the referee to death and quartered his body after he stabbed a player to death.
Local news media say the spectators also decapitated Silva and stuck his head on a stake in the middle of the field.Yike...
08 July 2013
If Obama had a son, he'd look like...
...he was pretty guilty...On Monday afternoon, two Sanford police investigators -- Chris Serino and Doris Singleton -- gave a possible boost to the defense by testifying that Martin’s father, Tracy Martin, told them the voice was not his son’s. “There’s no doubt” about what Tracy Martin concluded after officers played the tape for him, Singleton testified. “He was crying. He was sad.”I sure hope the...
07 July 2013
If you build it they will come... and come...

...and come...
"Under the original arrangement, would-be Mi’kmaq needed only to dig up some census or church records to prove one of their ancestors had lived in a pre-1949 Newfoundland Mi’kmaq community."Hmmm, there's obviously something wrong here. Don't you worry though, the government has laid...
06 July 2013
A little unclear on the concept...

...of democracy, that is...At least 35 people died and more than 1,000 were wounded in violence on Friday and Saturday, with the army struggling to maintain order in Cairo, Alexandria and other cities and towns, where pro- and anti-Mursi demonstrators fought street battles.
The most deadly clashes...
05 July 2013
C'mon baby... who you gonna believe... or yo' damn lyin' eyes?"
On Thursday night, CBS News obtained a photo of Kerry on his boat and sent it to the State Department, asking whether they still stand by their denial that Kerry was on a boat.
The response: "Yes."Hey, you marry the Heinz ketchup heiress, I guess you do as you darn well...
From the smallest acorn... springs a mighty oak...Dear Kaitlin,
I really believe that Toronto has been quite miserly in its recognition of those good people who have worked in the shadows, avoiding well-deserved recognition of their contributions to those who have been marginalized by our often heartless society.
For example, the late Jack Layton, concerned about the rampant unemployment experienced...
04 July 2013
The Tawana-fication of America

Somehow, "gaffing the wheel" just doesn't quite cover it...
RELATED: Witness, what witness?Lost in what Weigel described as Cutcher’s “media tour” was the recognition of what Cutcher originally told the 911 operator on the night of the shooting, namely that there was “a black guy standing...
03 July 2013
Ask a Journo-Canadian
The ceaseless hunt for murderous drug lord Pablo Escobar, er... Mayor Rob Ford continues..."Peter Jacobsen, a lawyer hired by CBC News, the Globe and Mail, Sun Media and a number of other news outlets notes there is no certainty that the warrants contain any evidence implicating the mayor in any wrongdoing; but he insists seeing the warrants may be the only way to clear the air."Hmmm... how much investigative...
02 July 2013
Compassionate, intellectual Quebec...
...decides maybe Mike Harris wasn't such a meanie after all...“These people may be in danger of being evicted from their apartments because they aren't able to pay the rent,” said François Saillant, the coordinator of housing rights group FRAPRU.Uh, François... not to quibble here... but isn't it the government (aka the wage-earning, tax paying citizens) of Quebec who are actually paying the freight...
Kilted crime wave has city quaking
Notorious Glasgow-born gun thug Angus McTartan has struck yet again, this time on the Canada Day weekend... TORONTO -- Police say the man, believed to be in his 30s, was shot after an altercation on Wishford Drive, in the Morningside and McLevin avenues area.
The severity of his injuries was not immediately known.**********
UPDATE: Late-braking correction...Police are looking for a black male...
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