-- "Fifty-nine shell casings littered the 2700 block of West 27th Street in Little Village as local rapper KTS Dre, whose real name was Londre Sylvester, was left suffering from as many as 64 bullet wounds to his head and other areas of the body." -- “It appears Sylvester was the intended target,” the police report states."Good to know he didn't just wander into a random hail of bullets.
"According to the police report delivered by Lt. Ti Goetz of the Hawthorne Police Department, Indian Red Boy was found slumped over suffering from gunshot wounds and was later pronounced dead on the scene."IT'S A NATION WIDE PHENOMENA:
-- "A 'major gang war' between ruthless Bronx crews that are fearless of cops has left a 13-year-old boy and two other teens dead in just the past five days." --