09 March 2021

It's funny because it's true

You have to laugh... or you'd cry...insert alt text here
“Sure we sold them 3 billion dollars worth of military hardware in 2019 alone,” said Trudeau on NBC’s Meet The Press.
But the relationship isn’t that serious.”
“We’re just acquaintances. Or work friends."
"At most we’re 'Fucking Over Yemen Buddies'.”
HOW TRUE IS IT?   Hells bells... let's take a look
The Biden administration has now frozen arms sales to the Saudis, but Justin Trudeau’s government seems happy to step into the breach as their gunrunner of choice.
"During Trudeau’s time as Prime Minister, Canada has exported more weapons abroad than at any point in its history."
LET'S TALK HAITI:   Again, PM Care bear looks away
"Canadian officials have barely criticized any of Moïse’s authoritarian measures. On the contrary, Ottawa has backed him at nearly every turn.
Canada continues to finance, train and legitimize a Haitian police force that violently maintains Moïse in power."