19 March 2021


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The court hearing for Canadian citizen Michael Spavor, detained by China since late 2018 on suspicion of espionage, ended on Friday after around two hours.
Canada said its consular officials were not given permission to attend the proceedings.
Chinese courts have a conviction rate of over 99 per cent.
IN OTHER "ENEMIES OF THE STATE" NEWS:insert alt text here
Erin Coates told Tucker that her husband James, who was jailed in Canada for not following COVID-19 guidelines, has been mistreated by the Canadian government, for OPERATING A CHURCH during a pandemic.
Coates went on to say "I was born in this country, but I don't recognize it like I did growing up."
It gets better... by which I mean worse...
The father had insisted on referring to his daughter as his “daughter” and used the pronouns “she” and “her."