01 May 2020

Canada's Sanctimonious Lying Prime Minstrel

The wisdom of a former snowboard instructor...

"Nobody needs an AR15 to hunt deer."

How about, "These guns belong on a battlefield."toronto's most wanted
And here's the crowning glory of his ignorance...

"They shape our identity, they stain our conscience."
No, you dumbass, they don't. Yet all of this melodramatic misdirection and outright lies are being touted as "accepted wisdom."

Let's pull apart Justin's little dog & pony show.

No one in Canada hunts deer with an AR15.

The AR15 is classified as a "Restricted Rifle" which requires a separate "license" and can only be taken to a "Restricted Rifle Range." It cannot be used for hunting... whether it's deer, song sparrows or snapping turtles.

Also, for many years now, these (semi-automatic) firearms have been restricted further to using only 5 round magazines.

No one uses an AR15 on the battlefield.

The C7 and C8 variants of this rifle used by Canadian military is a fully automatic select-fire weapon capable of using 30 round magazines. Neither the rifle or the magazines are available to the public.

"All Canadians must be in compliance with the law."

You mean like Gamil Gharbi, Gabriel Wortman, Faisal Hussain, Kimveer Gill and Michael Zehaf-Bibeau... or the Five Point Generals and the Driftwood Crips?

This is another Liberal Party publicity stunt. It will do nothing to reduce crime or criminals.

Here's a sampling of the folks Justin won't be pursuing with his Royal Proclamations.

THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ORWELL:insert alt text hereFrom the comments...
"Is this even legal? If it is, why is it necessary to have a parliament."

• "I 'identify as a Native', so I don’t need to comply."

• "5 years in and Trudeau is taking guns away from citizens and people are standing in line at the grocery store."

• "You have to admire his basic dictatorship."

• "I think a protest is in order. I suggest blocking the rail lines."