"A Calgary physician went public last week with allegations that Health Minister Tyler Shandro 'berated him' at his home over a social media post.""Going public" is apparently the new "thoughts & prayers are with you"...
Dr. Mukarram Zaidi says he and his family no longer feel safe after he said Premier Jason Kenney effectively condoned Shandro's behaviour.In Canada, "uttering threats" is a criminal offense. "Berating"... well, not so much.
"I don't play basketball with my children outside. I am staying indoors because I fear for my safety and security," Zaidi said in an interview with CBC News Monday.
"My wife is upset that my activism has come to my house now, and it is not pleasant because it threatens the safety and security of the family."
Did Mukarram Zaidi make a report to the local police, because I haven't heard of any charges being laid. Or did he just jump on the phone to the CBC?
NOTA BENE: Oh yeah, coincidentally I'm sure...
...Dr Zaidi is the CBC's go-to-guy on Islamophobia...

"Dr. Mukarram Zaidi with "Calgarians Against Racism, Violence and Hate" says hiring security guards is a first for Calgary mosques as worshipers worry about extreme right-wing groups and Islamophobia in Alberta turning into something much worse."Try as I might, "Alberta Hitler Youth" and "Calgarians For Racism, Violence and Hate" were unavailable for comment.
Within hours, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appeared with his Muslim Citizenship Minister Ahmed Hussen to validate the yet unsubstantiated story of a Muslim being attacked because of her religion.
Now Khawlah Noman is an 11-year-old, so would not be charged. But what did her mother know?