One reason she may not have wanted to talk about guns is because the National Rifle Association has a higher approval rating than Congress.
“Well, in addition to that, it’s the silencers, it’s the, uh, conceal and carry,” Pelosi said, repeating what the reporter just said, “and it’s also, uh, uh,” she continued, before suffering a brain freeze for several awkward moments, before blurting out, “pier—...
30 September 2017
29 September 2017
Take a knee...

...gets knocked on it's ass..."Well, as it turns out, most Packers fans didn’t want to have a 'conversation,' weren’t interested in 'growing together,' and certainly had no desire to be made 'a little bit uncomfortable.'
Instead, the activity most Packers fans elected to participate in when it came...
Another one bites the dust...

...Liberal promises, that is...In their 2015 platform on open and transparent government, Trudeau’s Liberals stated that transparent government is good government, the report notes. “It’s a sentiment shared by just about every opposition party that seeks power, but often falls out of favour once power...
28 September 2017

••• "At what point will Canadians wake up and realize that their future is in real jeopardy?"•••I've been wondering that since Bill C-68 passed.Here's the answer: They will wake up when the jeopardy finally becomes the reality. When they go to the store one day, and find that overnight the price of...
Read 'em and weep

In 2015, violent crime rose by nearly 4 percent and estimated homicides by nearly 11 percent. The last time violence rose two years in a row was 2005–06. The reason for the current increase is what I have called the Ferguson Effect.Ergo...
27 September 2017
Terminally stupid... or just a troll? be the judge...What do you think is more likely (i) that cops were alerted by the firemen to a suspicious substance that they just happened to find due to a faulty fire alarm, and when cops were investigating the mysterious suspicious substance they just happened to find all those guns, or (ii) that cops knew they could not get a warrant and so they played the dog and pony show with their friends...
Because it's 2017

They keep telling us that early Islamic scholars were mathematical geniuses... but I'm just not seeing it...“Would you give a man with half an intellect a driving licence?” Sheikh Saad al-Hajari, head of the Saudi government’s religious edict authority in the southern province of Assir, alleged at a...
Folks, here's how this works...

...any two year old who sees a gun and doesn't pick it up... oughta be tested for autism...
On Monday, relatives who gathered on Darrion Noble’s front porch described him as a devoted father of three. They didn’t want to talk about how the shooting happened.
He had the gun for protection, said Travis...
26 September 2017
I'm more than a little surprised...
... no one is making the obvious comparison...The disgraced ex-congressman broke down crying as he was sentenced to 21 months in prison Monday for convincing a high school student to undress and touch herself via Skype in 2016.
In addition to his prison stint, Weiner was also sentenced to pay a $10,000 fine for his crime, participate in sex offender outpatient treatment program and spend three years...
25 September 2017
Gave proof through the night...

..."that our flag was still there"...A spokesman for the NFL's online store, confirmed to ESPN that, over the past 24 hours, more Villanueva gear, including jerseys and name and number T-shirts, has been ordered than that of any other NFL player.**********
UPDATE: Seems no one could predict...
Toronto Star does the unthinkable...
...calls out former DeGrassi child actor for repeatedly ignoring police requests...Some cited the lyrics in his song 'No Tellin' as a possible explanation. “Yeah, police comin’ round lookin’ for some help on a case they gotta solve, we never help ’em.”
Soares, who was 33, had a rap sheet with three gun possession convictions.Who, exactly, are Drake's gangbanger pals?This year, a senior Toronto police...
24 September 2017
Those darned Trump lovin', KKK...

...Nazi-worshippin' white suprem... now... wait a freakin' minute..."Suspect Emanuel Kidega Samson, 25, opened fire at Burnette Chapel Church of Christ at 11:15 a.m. Sunday, officials said."FWIW, Mr Samson is apparently a bodybuilder who immigrated to the United States from Sudan.
But, it gets better....
Visualise World Peace

There actually is a simple, one-step solution...**********
FROM THE COMMENTS:"As they say, 'Dogs have owners; cats have staff...
23 September 2017
A billion here, a billion there...

...pretty soon it adds up to real money...Ontario auditors going over the numbers said the cancellations cost taxpayers up to and possibly more than $1 billion.
“We got nothing for that,” said Antony Niro, of yourbillion....
Hmmm... an arsenal in his basement...

... but CBC doesn't want you to know his name...Officers, aided by the provincial police clandestine lab team, located an unidentified substance along with 33 guns and other prohibited devices, such as overcapacity magazines.
A 33-year-old Oshawa man faces charges that include careless storage of...
22 September 2017
Where stereotypes come from...

Hamzeh Serhan, 20, of Ottawa was sipping on a Slushie in the outdoor courtyard between Ottawa Community Housing units on Caldwell Avenue when he was swarmed by a group of armed youths and gunned down in broad daylight Wednesday.
After he was shot at close range, the victim stood up and turned as if...
Some animals...
...are more equal than others...The question is, why do we seriously embrace the idea of gender neutral shoes and clothing for the vast numbers of straight children, but at the same time encourage transgender children to run wholeheartedly toward clothing stereotypes for their chosen gend...
21 September 2017
"Where did Justin Trudeau's family fortune come from?? From his grandfather's chain of filling stations. And today, he's shutting down our pipeline...
From the folks who brought you...

...the "rub & tug" medical clinic...Manitoba NDP Leader Wab Kinew attended sweat lodges "to purify himself" and participated in a sun dance event, during which he fasted for four days and pulled buffalo skulls by piercings cut into his body.
"Suffice it to say, it shows a significant degree of...
20 September 2017
No more metal cutlery...
...for you, or you, or...Just when you think school officials have banned everything, they target cartwheels.
A school in the northern Ontario town of Callander, not far from North Bay, has issued a draft handbook of playground rules for the 2017-18 school year – and among the prohibited activities is the common feet-to-hands-to-feet flip.
No reported injuries prompted the ban, said Todd Gribbon,...

...but it's a dry heat...
RELATED: The Jennifer Lawrence of "Politics"Theresa May suffered an embarrassing moment today as she delivered a speech to a mostly empty room at the United Nations. The Prime Minister's attack on Donald Trump was heard by a handful of diplomats - with vacant...
19 September 2017
Just two little words...
...honour... killing...VIENNA – Police in Austria say a 14-year-old girl from Afghanistan has been stabbed to death and that her 18-year-old brother has confessed to the slaying. The victim's brother allegedly followed her as she made her way to school on Monday, trapping her in a courtyard and stabbed her repeatedly.**********
The terrorists are winning... in France, anyway.
The all new "What's My Line?"

A Toronto media outlet attempts to turn a terrorist bombing into a harmless game show..."UK police quiz 2 ex-foster children..."**********
RELATED: Gotta have priorities, right?Scarborough’s Islamic Foundation of Toronto is getting $78,000 in federal funds for security cameras, lights and access control...
18 September 2017
Who wants to be...

...a "post-national state" millionaire... wait, this isn't Canada..."Witnesses described seeing Yahyah Faroukh being arrested outside Aladdins Fried Chicken in Hounslow at midnight on Saturday. He was tackled to the ground before undercover officers took his phone and a forensic team wrapped plastic...
17 September 2017
That stupid "Mexican Wall" thing... never gonna... sweet baby jebus..."Hungary has slashed illegal immigration by over 99 per cent after rolling out a series of powerful border fences in response to the European migrant crisis, possibly providing a lesson as to the potential impact of constructing President Trump’s much-discussed southern wall in the U.S."Say don't the Israelis have a border wall? I wonder how that's workin...
16 September 2017
Bomber bagged
Police hunting the London tube bomber have arrested an 18-year-old man in Dover and raided an address in Surrey as investigators raced to thwart a second attack.
Investigators believe the suspect may have been in the port area of Dover to try to board a ferry to leave Britain.
UPDATE: Trump right... cops had himThe suspected Parsons Green bomber was a 'problematic foster child' who...
The New Entrepreneurs
He dressed like a lawyer, talked like a lawyer and worked as a lawyer, but in reality, 34-year-old Inayat Kassam was a smooth-talking fraudster with a law degree that wasn't worth the paper it was printed on.
The official-looking degrees were enough to impress Dennis Yang, who hired him to manage new business for his Toronto law office.But enough about fraud, let's get to today's thuggery...Police...
15 September 2017
And Winston Churchill wept

Once again, the capricious and unknowable will of, well... THAT GUY...A huge counter-terrorism investigation is under way after a bucket bomb was detonated on a packed London Underground train at Parsons Green. Witnesses described scenes of terror and panic after the blast sent a "fireball" and a "wall...
Secret Service overtime skyrockets
TV foodie Anthony Bourdain told paparazzi outside an airport that if he was asked to cater a dinner for President Donald Trump, he would poison the food.**********
FROM THE COMMENTS:"Remember when all those conservative celebrities threatened Obama?"
"Yeah me neithe...
Erwin... I've got Photoshop too...

...I'd have thrown in a Doctorate... and saved you $8000 to boot...In reality, Kings Lake University is little more than a website, run by the Pakistan-based fake degree mill Axact. The investigation found more than 100 Axact-linked schools and accreditation bodies, such as Harvey, Barkley and Nixon...
14 September 2017
As early as 2016...

"...the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI warned state and local officials that antifa had become increasingly confrontational and were engaging in "domestic terrorist violence."**********
RELATED: Fighting fire with fire
As Cersei Lannister so famously said to the Sparrows... "I choose...
13 September 2017
Sunny Ways indeed

OTTAWA — Representatives from the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, the Ontario Provincial Police and the Saskatoon Police Service say there is zero chance they will be ready to enforce new laws for legalized pot by next summer.
If the government doesn’t postpone the start date and allow police...
12 September 2017
That ol' Religion of Peace

A teenager from a Christian family has been beaten to death by Muslim classmates at the MC Model Boys Government High School in Pakistan, allegedly for drinking from the same water cooler as them.
The teacher present at the time of the attack turned a blind eye as Sharoon was pummelled to death, although...
11 September 2017
“Embrace ancestry, genetic code...”
...and melanin..."There was a time when embracing ancestry, genetic code and melanin was a popular political program. But the Nazis lost World War II."**********
RELATED: In other diversity news..."It appeared at least the younger Roberts may have felt Grandzol wasn’t moving fast enough. 'The 16-year-old just stepped up to Mr. Grandzol and shot him twice in the head,' Homicide Capt. John Ryan...
I'd still prefer to have...

...a family physician...The Freedom of Information request revealing, essentially, that Ontario’s Liberal government doesn’t have a hope in hell of hitting its own target for electric vehicle purchases ••• let alone getting the public to buy them. The Liberals will spend up to $277 million by 2020...
10 September 2017
California... it's time.. pay for your sins...
09 September 2017
With friends like this...
"Fresh evidence submitted in a major 9/11 lawsuit moving forward against the Saudi Arabian government reveals its embassy in Washington may have funded a 'dry run' for the hijackings carried out by two Saudi employees, further reinforcing the claim employees and agents of the kingdom directed and aided the 9/11 hijackers and plotter...
All you dirty, smelly hippies...
...listen up...A new study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute makes painfully clear, as a treatment for cancer, alternative medicine does not cure; it kills.**********
RELATED: It's about getting attention...One study conducted by the Center of Expertise on Gender Dysphoria at VU University Medical Center, a famous gender clinic in Amsterdam, found that around two-thirds of...
08 September 2017
Centre of the Universe...

...chalks up another violent death...• TORONTO • A man who was stabbed in Scarborough over the weekend and was later pronounced dead in hospital has been identified as 33-year-old Cuhapiryan Mahendrarajah. Police were first called to the area of Danforth Road and Eglinton Avenue at around 2:10 a.m....
In PM Selfie's "post national" state...

...government supplied dope is a necessity... independence, not so much..."Imagine my surprise when I received a call from the Ministry of Children and Family Development (the Canadian equivalent of America’s Child Protective Services)."**********
UPDATE: Justin's other mom steps up...
So, any entreprenuerial...
07 September 2017
CNN goes "full retard"
Cockroach milk... official drink of the Antifa...Chock full of protein, the insect milk may someday be transformed into a food supplement worthy of human consumption, new research indicates.
Scientists have found that the Pacific Beetle Cockroach feeds its bug babies a formula which is remarkably rich in protein, fat and sugar.**********
RELATED: And speaking of...Two masked robbers entered the...
But where are the customers?
The Washington Post in 2015 reported that China used more cement in just two years — 2011 to 2013 — than the U.S. used in all of the 20th century. Let that sink in for a moment. Meanwhile, China now produces five times as much steel as all of Europe each month.
But where are the customers? China built cities without people, malls without customers, and roads without cars, in anticipation that all...
06 September 2017

...improving women's lives, one slice at a time..."In the undated ‘Muslims in Calgary’ article entitled Female Circumcision in Islam, author Asiff Hussein claims both that FGM is 'an Islamic practice' and that it 'brings untold benefits to women'.”
Hussein makes a case for the supposed health benefits,...
If you build it...

...they will come and come and..."The most recent figures from the National Board of Medicine show that over 83 percent of so-called single-born refugee children who are age-tested are actually adults."It seems western civilisation is in full, unfettered retreat..."A 21 year old law student at Edinburgh...
04 September 2017
Gonna go out on a limb here...
...and guess that he was crazier than the proverbial shithouse mouse..."A man who caught on fire when he ran straight into the towering inferno at Burning Man died from his injuries on Sunday. The unidentified party-goer was chased by firefighters as he entered the bonfire. It was not clear why the man had jumped into the conflagratio...
03 September 2017
Forget about global warming...

Apparently, it's raining bullets yet again in the storied "northwest end" of the city...Toronto’s latest murder — in Rexdale — comes just a day removed from a similar wild shooting homicide at a west-end mall not all that far away. Police have identified the victim of Toronto’s 36th homicide of 2017...
02 September 2017
Social Justice, huh?
"They smashed cameras and sometimes the faces of reporters, chased down old people, executed beat downs on isolated protestors, mauled passersby, in one case threatened a man in a wheelchair, and in general stormed the streets like a wolf pack after a long hunger and a really bad hair day. Anti-fascism is hard thuggish work."**********
RELATED: On the flip side..."Now, it’s not exactly clear why...
01 September 2017
Dear Hogtown... perhaps frantically renaming...

...those patriarchal, genocidal Sir John A. gradeschools is not your most pressing issue after all...A young man is dead following a daylight shooting inside North York’s Sheridan Mall at Jane St. and Wilson Ave. area shortly after 5 p.m. on Thursday. The man was chased into the mall following an altercation...
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