31 October 2014

From kangaroo to actual court?

This is a good thing. The court of public opinion was not an appropriate place to deal with this matter...Two women have come forward to Toronto Police with allegations against Jian Ghomeshi, a police spokesperson said Friday night.If Jian Ghomeshi is to be put on trial, let it be in a court of law, not the court of Jerry Springer...There are no safeguards in that court, no testing of the evidence,...

Not just a Chief... apparently he's...

...a "National Treasure"...Now, before anyone gets too excited about these numbers, just know there's a perfectly reasonable explanation...“To be … the leader of a nation, and we’re not just a band, we are a nation, and to lead it for 34 years, is something totally unheard of, I don’t care in what political...

Spontaneous Human Combustion, eh?

John Tory faced with scientific conundrum during first days in Mayor's office...TORONTO - A burned body was discovered under a bridge late Wednesday evening. “At this time, there’s nothing to indicate that there’s foul play involved in this death,” Const. Victor Kwong added.CSI Toron...

29 October 2014

Ask an RCMP Commissioner

What is this "homeless" nonsense you speak of? “The investigation is focusing on whether these interactions could have contributed or facilitated, in any way, the terrorist attack subsequently committed by Zehaf-Bibeau.”Of course, not everyone is in agreement...OTTAWA — NDP Leader Tom Mulcair said the latest information about Zehaf Bibeau indicates that he should not be defined as a terrorist.C'mon...

Meet the Penis Police...

...or as I like to think of them, the Toronto Red Star Chamber... I understand that the conventional wisdom is that most victims of sex assault don’t report, but surely to God, when they do, it should not be to a newspaper.********** RELATED: Eye of the beholderGhomeshi's public Facebook page has...

28 October 2014

Ask a Professional Journalist

Even as we bury Corporal Nathan Cirillo in Hamilton today, the mainstream media is busy commiserating with THE REAL VICTIMS of this horrendous crime. I'm speechless. The way Canadian media covers firearms related incidents in this country is spectacularly bereft of logic or reason. We know, from the constant panic-laden coverage that firearms ownership, taken largely for granted in our once mostly...

26 October 2014

Thing is, Kathleen... I'm pretty sure...

...no one from my rural, largely agricultural community, would ever consider even badmouthing Canadian soldiers, never mind try to murder them. So what is Premiere Wynne really saying?"In Ontario we are already engaged with many communities, right from my own riding ... that has one of the largest Muslim populations in the country, and there are many, many people who are engaged with us."I'm not...

Time for Ontarians to boycott Ford

The Ford Motor Company has been given almost 300 million dollars in taxpayer monies over the last decade... TORONTO - The Ford Motor Co. is saying adios to plans for a new Windsor-built global engine, opting to take the investment and jobs to Mexico, the autoworkers’ union says. The automaker apparently sought an unprecedented amount of government support to build the new global engine in Windsor.No...

25 October 2014

Maybe it's an ESL thing...

Dear Imam Hashmi... I don't think the words freedom and safety mean what you think they mean..."I hope we are not going to change too much as far as our safety is concerned and as far as our freedom is concerned, but our safety was affected," said imam Sikander Hashmi from the Kanata Muslim Association on CBC Radio’s Ottawa Morning.There are two people who have lost their lives to terrorist acts here...

24 October 2014

23 October 2014

We don' need no steenkin facts

Just something to consider the next time Ferguson, Missouri goes up in flames...Criminology professor David Klinger told KMOX’s Charlie Brennan that he conducted a thorough, decade-long study that showed there were 1,265 murders over that time, with 90 percent of the victims being black. And 90 percent of those black victims were killed by other blacks. “While I understand the people are concerned...

22 October 2014

You may not support the right...

...to own firearms. That is your choice. You may not believe in God. That is also your prerogative. Funny, though... the first thing you progressives all do when the shit hits the fan... is call 911 to summon armed guardians. The second is you pray that they get there on time. ********** UPDATE: Slain Hamilton Reservist Id'd"The Ottawa shooting victim is Nathan Cirillo, 24, a reservist serving...

Now that a second Canadian soldier...

...has been murdered on Canadian soil this past week... will Justin Trudeau be stepping up his perpetual Easter Egg hunt for "root causes"? Liberals and Dippers will no doubt be protesting, "Who could have seen this coming?" Well, fellas... that'd be the Conservative Party of Canada.Just last month,...

Ask a "PROFESSIONAL" journalist

CBC reports... "There's so much we don't know about who may be behind this."CBC now reporting there may be a myriad of reasons for this latest incident. Despite a billion dollar yearly government subsidy they are actually advising people to keep an eye on Twitter. Me, I'm thinking it's another Amish uprising. More nuggets from Canada's national broadcaster... "I'm hearing all kinds of sounds, but...

20 October 2014

Not really such a bold move...

...for a man who'll have an armed detail of bodyguards for the rest of his life...U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services plans to seek a vendor to produce as many as 34 million blank work permits and 'green cards' – the paperwork that authorizes illegal immigrants to live in the United States – as the White House prepares to issue an executive order AFTER the Nov. 4 midterm elections.********** THE...

18 October 2014

Burying the lede

It's what "professional" journalists do best..."The officials briefed on the case said the forensic evidence gathered in the car lent credence to Officer Wilson’s version of events."Get ready to watch Ferguson go up in flames. RELATED: Just the facts, Ma'amFERGUSON, Mo. (KMOX) – A report by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch this morning shows the official autopsy supports Ferguson officer Darren Wilson’s...

16 October 2014

It's past time Canadians dealt with...

...the enduring shame of horse-o-phobia...The Danish law currently states that humans can have sex with animals as long as the animal doesn’t suffer, which begs the question: how would one know if an animal enjoyed human sex?Surely, now... if the small-minded Conservative haters are opposed to inter-species love... Justin must immediately launch a new diversity initiative. Yet another Liberal policy......

14 October 2014

Canadian Euthanasia Initiative...

...slowly but surely upping success rate...Yeah, let's blame the inanimate powder... not the people who bought it, prepared it and injected it onto their veins. 'Cos we all know that pencils write poetry. Like all government programs, this one continues to grow... and grow...“One time a girl came...

11 October 2014

Uh, honey... where's that shopping list?

...right, I'm gonna be needing gold bars, beans and bullets... and not necessarily in that order...Regulators from the United States and the United Kingdom will get together in a war room next week to see if they can cope with any possible fall-out WHEN the next big bank topples over, the two countries said on Friday.Anybody else notice they weren't using the word "I...

Justin Trudeau rejiggers Catholicism

And don't get him started about voting your conscience...Women’s reproductive rights trump the freedom of Liberal members of parliament to "vote their conscience" on abortion, Justin Trudeau said. Trudeau has said that any Liberal MP, regardless of their personal beliefs, would have to vote against any proposed legislation that could limit a woman’s right to an abortion.Justin Trudeau claims to...

10 October 2014

Carte Blanche or, uh...

...something like that...The teacher’s union, with 76,000 members, has a posting on its website looking for presenters for a workshop called “Re-thinking White Privilege,” but without any definition for the term. It asks only that candidates understand “white privilege and systemic issues,” and have...

Rules are for "little people"

The Secret Service gave information to the White House suggesting that an Obama aide had a prostitute in his hotel room in Colombia. This led to the firing or punishment of nearly two dozen Secret Service agents and U.S. soldiers, but not the aide.Oh yeah, the aide in question was the son of a lobbyist who had, coincidentally, made a rather significant contribution to Obama's campaign fund. Hope...

09 October 2014

08 October 2014

Now, c'mon Justin... aren't you gonna feel...

...even the tiniest morsel of regret when Mrs Tiddleywink gets decapitated over by the Shoppers Drug Mart? BREAKING: As federal officials touted national agencies’ success in stopping terrorist acts at an Ottawa committee hearing, NBC News published a report saying that U.S. intelligence officials are tracking ISIS imitators in Canada targetting the U.S. embassy in Ottawa and an unspecified shopping...

Not to worry... there's always golf

Nasty right-wing naysayers trashing poor Hopey Dreamy... wait a minute...Talk about taking "eating your own young" to a whole new level. ********** THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK:A former spokesman for President Barack Obama, Bill Burton, is upset about some of the things Panetta wrote in his memoir, which...

07 October 2014

Homicide squad, yet again, rounding up local...

...farmers, hunters & skeet shooters... wait a minute...Toronto police ... continue to search for at least three other suspects, a day after two male students died during a brazen daytime shooting in Etobicoke. The double shooting happened outside of the Toronto District School Board's School of Experiential Education... at approximately 12:30 p.m. on Monday.That's gotta be as experiential as...

06 October 2014

Homicide squad rounding up local...

...farmers, hunters & skeet shooters... wait a minute...TORONTO - A man is dead after being shot multiple times during what appears to be an early morning robbery outside an unlicensed after-hours club in the city’s west end.Bright lights, big city. ********** MORE: Latest murder victim id'd ********** EVEN MORE: Oops, spoke too soonTORONTO - One man has been shot dead in the downtown core...

03 October 2014

In lieu of cozying up to dictators...

...taking funeral procession selfies and swappin' spit with newly minted brides... perhaps Justin Trudeau could do a little bit of research on the War Measures Act. ********** RELATED: An "unserious" mindActually, I'm more worried about Justins apparently unlimited supply of magic fairy du...

01 October 2014