"There isn’t enough money on the planet that could make me confess to being beaten up by Liza Minnell...
22 October 2013
I'm so confused
Didn't Toronto's last Mayor say he was gonna stop all the violence by closing down all the shooting ranges?"The victim, believed to be 19 years old, was shot in the back while in the Lawrence Avenue East and Galloway Road area, a spokesperson with Toronto EMS says."Galloway, Galloway... that sounds so famili...
No wonder Dalton picked up and ran away...
...to the United States..."At the end of August, physiotherapy services provided to frail elderly in retirement and long-term care homes and in the community — simply to keep them mobile and active — were delisted from OHIP to save $67 million a year."And this is where Premier Wynne thinks she should start chopping?
I thought the Liberals were supposed to be the "healthcare" par...
21 October 2013
"Where does it say in the Constitution that the government can steal from me and give it to somebody else? It doesn’t, which mean MY rights are now being trampled."AND..."This is a bit more 'compassionate' than my position. If they can’t work, help them. If they won’t work, f&ck them."(via S...
19 October 2013
Taking a page from the...

...First Nations playbook..."When organizers thanked the OPP for their understanding and patience at their act of civil disobedience, the crowd responded with warm applause."Is taking advantage of the erosion of lawful civil authority a good thing?
It'll be interesting to see where this sort of thing...
16 October 2013
Talking in code is so tiring

C'mon, go ahead & say it... St Jamestown.
Police say the victim was found with three gunshot wounds outside a highrise apartment building (at Wellesley and Parliament Street) around 10 p.m.Geez, I thought Mayor Moonbeam had solved that problem before he moved on to greener pastures..."Nobody can...
"By the time the campaign rolls around she'll be swearing she flew one of the helicopter...
15 October 2013
Ask a Journo-Canadian

It's just like OJ Simpson told us. Somebody simply has to be brave enough to get out there... and chase down the real murderer...
13 October 2013
A breath of fresh air. Less cheerleading...
...more actual reporting..."In this case, the [Canadian] government – one that Mr. Greyson and Mr. Loubani viscerally despise – applied the heat at the highest level. Foreign Minister John Baird even met with his Egyptian counterpart. These two should kiss Mr. Baird’s feet. But I wouldn’t hold my breath."Here's a newsflash for John Greyson.
Come the new Caliphate, I can simply grow my beard...
12 October 2013
Rules are for the little people
It seems David Suzuki has expensive tastes for someone who wants to shut down the carbon economy within a generation. His primary residence is valued at around $8,200,000.00.
Suzuki owns four properties in some very exclusive areas. One of his properties includes part of an island he shares with an oil company, among others.And yet Suzuki still manages to present himself as a humble little eco-David...
11 October 2013
I blame Mike Harris
Yet again, wasteful, eco-terrorist neocon greedheads... wait a minute...
Miller’s annual report also slammed the Liberals for gutting the ministry through budget cuts and regulatory changes that weaken important safeguards for provincial parks, species at risk and hunting.
Cuts to regulations, staff...
10 October 2013
Well, I'm betting somebody got rich
Robbing banks is for dimbulb, troglodyte thugs... meet the American cousin of Canada's "Long Gun Registry."
Remember, there's gold in them thar hills.
UPDATE: Hope, change and... OMG!!!On Oct. 4, the debt held by the public — not including Social Security and Medicare — had risen 89.3 percent since Mr. Obama took office, according to FactCheck.org, a nonprofit project of the Annenberg...
09 October 2013
Dalton McGuinty will be remembered as...

...the Green premier... you know, the guy who gave all that taxpayer green to his friends.
Why all the sad faces?
The good news here is that somebody walks away with a billion dollar windfall."When Mr. McGuinty pulled the plug on the Oakville plant in the fall of 2010, Auditor-General Bonnie Lysyk...
08 October 2013
Where, oh where would we be...
...without "community organisers" and "society columnists"..."Lobbying for the release of extremist activists may be noble. It may even be just. But it’s not reporting. It’s cheerleading."
"And 99% of Canada’s media did that. And they told the one guy who wasn’t to fuck off."Go Ezra.
RELATED: Wisdom of the EastNot sure what particular scientific discipline the Kuwaitis will be pursuing,...
Students will, instead, be issued a...

...daily allotment of medical marijuana and encouraged to assemble in small, easily managed groups to embroider flowery handkerchiefs and sing heartwarming show tunes.
RELATED: And Winston Churchill wept
We will fight them on the, uh... beachwear...
Click on picture above for the story.
07 October 2013
As McSlippery as the last guy
In Liberal-run Ontario... everybody is a "Wynner"...The large salaries and bonuses drawn down by 2015 Pan Am Games executives were necessary to win the major sporting event, Premier Kathleen Wynne says.How large, you ask?Games CEO Ian Troop pulls a $390,000 base salary but could see that figure topped by a $780,000 bonus if he completes his term and meets budget and timeline targets.Yes, that's right......
If you looked in Justin Trudeau's closet...

...how many Che Guevara t-shirts you think you'd find...
FROM THE COMMENTS:"Brings to mind the Occupy idiocy where all those basement-dwellers were running around wearing Guy Fawkes masks. Guy Fawkes... The loser who couldn't carry out his assignment and ended up offing himself before he...
05 October 2013
Idiots, explosives and falling anvils
"The clip would be hilarious if it wasn’t a tragic reflection of how dumbed down and ignorant of basic facts Americans have become in the modern era. Given that a substantial percentage of them don’t even know that Obama is a Democrat, how could they possibly hope to understand things like Obamacare or the government shut down?"The scary, scary truth about the great unwash...
I dunno... maybe something in the water?

Canada's national broadcaster nails it yet again... just what exactly is it about compassionate, intellectual Toron... wait a minute...
"Prosecutor Matt Miazga said George was shot five times in ten seconds with a .22 calibre Smith and Wesson handgun. He managed to make it across the street before collapsing....
04 October 2013
Once again, not surprisingly ...
...the real story is in the comments...Charles Schumer, "We must do more to keep these violent CARS out of the hands of criminals."**********
RELATED: MSM to the rescue...
...if only we had listened to the President..."Washington Post columnist Petula Dvorak uses her piece today to implicitly make the case that Obamacare and gun control might have been able to prevent yesterday's police shooting...
02 October 2013
The Pablo Escobar of broken promises

From the folks who brought you... "Never let a crisis go to waste"...
"Honor Flights, which bring WWII veterans to the nation’s memorials, are planned a year in advance and cost anywhere between $80,000 to $100,000."
"How low can you get with playing politics over our nation’s veterans?"(via SDA)
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