18 July 2019

Making Flat-Earthers look sane

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The practice of chiropractics is playing a bigger role in health care, but few people know it started with a message from a ghost.

Daniel David Palmer was a spiritualist. He said the idea for chiropractic came to him from the “other world” during a séance where he communicated with the spirit of a doctor, Jim Atkinson, who died 50 years earlier.

SPEAKING OF TRUE BELIEVERS:insert alt text here
In March, the Swedish National Forensic Centre estimated that since 2012, the number of shootings classified as murder or attempted murder has increased by almost 100 percent.

One appreciates that the punctilious Swedes refuse to say anything more about the perpetrators, beyond the fact that they were “born abroad.”

In addition, cars are regularly set on fire. "We do not know yet who the perpetrators are, so I can only speculate, but this type of arson is usually set by young people.