31 March 2018

Poor little Sheikh al-Doofus...

...I so feel your pain...
The revocation exposes them to “rendition and torture,” Elsheikh said. “When you have these two guys who don’t even have any citizenship …if we just disappear one day, where is my mom going to go and say where is my son.”

RELATED: A little closer to home...
London's murder rate has overtaken New York City's for the first time ever as the twelfth person has been killed in just 19 days. New York City's murder statistics have decreased by 87 per cent since the 1990s, while London's rate has grown by nearly 40 per cent in just three years, not including deaths caused by terrorist attacks.

LAST WORD: Diversity is our streng...

...sweet baby jebus...
Needles were "not consistently changed between clients" during the free tests at the March 25 health fair in Toronto organized by the Vision Infinite Foundation, a Bangladeshi-Canadian community group.
And there's this...
Starting Tuesday, all lead caretakers at the York Region District School Board (YRDSB) will spend one day learning how to be more diverse and inclusive when they clean their schools.

30 March 2018

"The 'justice' will balance itself"

pm socks
“Because of the result of a single case, the Liberals are turning their backs on 200 or 300 years of criminal justice,” said prominent Toronto defence lawyer John Struthers. They are going in exactly the wrong direction at breakneck speed.”

RELATED: Climate Barbie swings for the fence
“What do you mean you have no time? You’ve gotta have time. Your job is to have time for folks who care about this issue and want to understand.”

LAST WORD: Wrong is wrong
This is not McKay’s first clash with his party since Justin Trudeau became leader. In 2014, after Trudeau stated that new Liberal MPs must be pro-choice, McKay was caught on tape musing that the edict may have been a “bozo eruption” and hadn’t been fully thought through.

"Be Careful What You Wish For"

guy martin 2010I'm saying this as someone who has violently parted company with a motorcycle at speed and racked up more than a few rupees worth of "dental remediation" expenses...
"On the Facebook page of the Sikh Motorcycle Club of Edmonton, Gurpreet Pandher described Thursday as a 'milestone and memorable day' in Alberta’s history."
I'd certainly be interested in knowing what not wearing a helmet does to your vehicle and health insurance. Not that that's gonna matter a whole lot to the comatose, quadraplegic rutabaga in the chronic care facility.


"Where do you buy a turban?"

29 March 2018

Diversity is our streng...

...sweet baby jebus...
TORONTO - Mauro “Cruz” Granados-Arana, sent a chilling text to his girlfriend Lori Crook the night before Fawell was brutally beaten and butchered by either a meat cleaver or axe: “Bring George. I’m gonna mincemeat him.
Mayor John Tory “promised” Nnamdi Ogba’s mother the authorities would not rest until they brought her son’s killers to justice.

Police have arrested two Toronto men — Trevaughan Miller, 19, and Abdullahi Mohamed, 22 — who both face first-degree murder charges.
Abderrahmane Bettahar, wanted in the death of 22-year-old Nadia El-Dib, was shot and killed Thursday in a traffic stop following what Mounties described as a pursuit on a stretch of Highway 16 west of Edmonton.
And finally... this is just too sad for words.

Green Eggs & Ham

Forget that boring old cancer research... it's drippy dick disease time... again...surprise!
A man in the UK has caught the world's "worst-ever" case of super-gonorrhoea. The main antibiotic treatment - a combination of azithromycin and ceftriaxone - has failed to treat the disease.

He had a regular partner in the UK, but picked up the superbug after a sexual encounter with a woman in South East Asia.
No such thing as shame anymore I guess.


RELATED: Defeating the Patriarchy
Expressed as a ratio of cheating spouses, Ernst & Young said wives topped husbands, 1:13 to 1.

28 March 2018

Jagmeet Singh... fails first test...

...as NDP poobah and Liberal flower girl...big bang
“Nobody knows procedure and rules better than Hamilton MP David Christopherson. He is a fearsome force for good when it comes to respect for parliamentary rules and this is essential when you’re the opposition.”

RELATED: His Master's Voice
"If you want to know how the Liberals managed to turn a 20-point lead in the polls into a five-point deficit in little more than a year, a good place to start is their apparently sincere belief that they could blackmail the country’s churches into dropping their opposition to abortion."

"No big deal, you understand: you can continue to hold whatever beliefs you like about abortion, the government told faith groups. You just have to sign a document pretending you don’t.

LAST WORD: Your NDP... it's all about the details

I guess irony "ain't no thang"...

...way down in the land of cotton...
Reverend Al Sharpton's half brother, Kenneth Glasgow, 52, was arrested and charged with capital murder after a 23-year-old woman was shot dead in Alabama in a dispute over a car, authorities said Monday.

Breunia Jennings' shooting came just a day after Glasgow's homeless and community ministry, Ordinary People Society, participated in the nationwide March For Our Lives.

RELATED: Make America Funny Again

27 March 2018

You know... like cooking & eating...

...your enemy's heart to acquire his valour...
The ministers stressed that “Quebec recognizes Aboriginal traditional knowledge” and invited Picard to meet to discuss collaboration on “new ways of doing things.”
What... you think I'm kidding?

Think again.


RELATED: In other "Carnivore" news...
Vegan protesters were shocked after a #Toronto chef responded to their protest by carving up an animal right in front of them.

Criminals? What criminals?

toronto's most wanted
The “173 deaths since 2007” number is also highly misleading out of context. Roughly four times that number died by gunfire in Chicago in a single year.

Saying you want an end to gun violence is not a plan. If people insist on seeing guns as some sort of self-animating weapon, casting people who own them as murderers, no solution to violence is at hand.

RELATED: Why no "Thuggery" protests?insert alt text here
He’s going for the gun!” Officer Blane Salamoni can be heard saying loudly before firing three rounds into Sterling’s chest.

A loaded .38 caliber handgun was later found in Alton Sterling's right front pocket.
nb - Mr Sterling was a felon... thus disqualified from owning firearms. It didn't stop "the community" from going batshit after his unfortunate demise. I won't bore you with dozens of similar narratives.

Guns don't kill people... criminals kill people.


LAST WORD: The usual suspects...
"Police have released surveillance camera images of a total of seven suspects after a male victim was swarmed and robbed outside a store in the College and Spadina area last month."
Or how about... these fine young men?

26 March 2018

Cigarette smoke... EVIL...

...Marijuana smoke... MEDICAL MIRACLE...liar, liar
"Matthew Springer, a biologist and professor in the division of cardiology at the University of California-San Francisco, demonstrated that, at least in rats, the same physiological effect occurs after inhaling secondhand smoke from marijuana."

"And, the arteries take 90 minutes to recover compared with the 30 minutes with cigarette smoke."

RELATED: Better living through chemistry...
"Liberals removing barriers to prescription heroin in response to opioid epidemic."


Toronto "Red" Star unearths yet another alleged societal pogrom...kkk
Marie Critchlow, who owns Just Incredible Hair and Beauty Products, believes there’s "A DELIBERATE EFFORT FROM THOSE IN POWER" to push out Little Jamaica’s businesses. There’s little direct evidence for the charge, but the sentiment is echoed by others in the neighbourhood.

“The concept of the community, Little Jamaica, is no longer going to be in existence.”
Note that the $5.3-billion transit line is being paid for and built by the provincial government. Which begs the question... "What does Kathleen Wynne have against black people?"

Or is the Toronto Star straying into UFO territory again?


RELATED: In other Transit/Black People news...
Where is the Star now?

25 March 2018

It's only murder...

...when white guys do it...not again
One-hundred-fifty-four years ago and I still feel their spirit. I still hear those songs. I still speak their language.”

On Monday, Trudeau will absolve the Tsilhqot’in of guilt “in any way, shape or form” related to the killing of 14 construction workers in 1864...
Can absolution for the Iroquois be far behind?

Not to be a part-pooper... but didn't Confederation occur in 1867?


"I suppose we have to wait for Monday to discover how much tax money he'll be paying the descendants of the Tsilhqot'in to compensate them for their ancestors having to kill the 14 construction workers."
"Is he going to apologize for Spain's treatment of the Basques?"
So, following PM Socks logic here, if the families of Leslie Mahaffy and Kristen French were to travel to Quebec and kill Karla Homolka... Justin would be prepared to offer them legal amnesty?

Good to know.


COURTESY OF A READER: The Chilcotin Uprising of 1864
"The massacres on the Homathko, the attack on the pack train, and the killing of William Manning had now revealed the main pattern of the Chilcotin Uprising."

24 March 2018

Be careful what you wish for

"People sometimes forget that liberty and chaos are cousins, and that sometimes the two get together. The results can be wonderful. Sometimes they’re tragic."
And there's always, at least two sides to a story...
While there are doubtless more incidents than that in a nation this big, still it is important to note how small that number is next to the hundreds of thousands of defensive uses of firearms annually.

RELATED: Diversity is our strength
Seven different officers assigned to mentor and evaluate Diafwila had concerns about improper search techniques, lack of geographic awareness and poor investigative and interviewing skills, according to the decision.

“Dismissal is harsh but it’s the only viable option,” wrote retired superintendent Robert J. Fitches.

23 March 2018

I wonder if Anderson Cooper...

...would like to get off his "not a shithole" high horse...
The men said they were subjected to forced anal examination by security personnel and a public hospital in Kenya's coastal city of Mombasa to determine if they had engaged in anal sex and were homosexual.

"The violating examinations, which include being made to lie with legs up in a humiliating position and having instruments forced into your rectum, are widely accepted to have no medical merit."

RELATED: The Eco-left and feelin' groovy...
"Wash away my troubles...
wash away my pain...
With the rain in Shambala
Wash away my sorrow...
wash away my shame...
With the rain in Shambala

Christians and Jews...

...the other white meat... 3 dead, 16 injured...insert alt text here
"The man, Redouane Lakdim, entered the shop screaming "Allahu Akbar, I'll kill you all." He then shot a store worker in the head.
Here's a shocker...
"Moroccan national... flagged as a potential extremist and known to the authorities."
So much for springtime in Paris.


UPDATE: CBC out on a limb... "likely" terrorist actinsert alt text hereFrom the folks who condemn "hurtful words"...
"One police officer was shot in the shoulder, but the injury was not serious."
Nothing to do with Islam, of course...
"Petty criminal and small-time drug dealer."

RELATED: Meanwhile, a short hop across the Channel...

...the "community" is restless...
"An 18-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder and grievous bodily harm as police said two killings and an assault in north London were being treated as linked and provided more details of the incidents."
Say goodbye to Abdikarim Hassan, 17 & Sadiq Aadam Mohamed, 20.

Time to, uh... "bite the bullet"...

...and embrace full-blown high school nudity...
Students at the high school—where 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz allegedly killed 17 people last month—will now be required to wear clear backpacks, a step administrators hope will ward off the threat of firearms and illegal weapons on campus.
"Ward off"... you mean like garlic necklaces for vampires?

Better yet... let's go proactive...yabbadabbado
"The superintendent of Blue Mountain School District testified to a state committee in Harrisburg last week that each classroom in the school has been equipped with a five-gallon bucket of river stone, according to WNEP."


Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale declined repeated requests for an interview...
The government will not say why Al-Yamani is still in Canada. The Immigration and Refugee Board ordered his deportation in 2005 for having been a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

The decision was upheld by the court and a 2014 Canada Border Services Agency report alleged he was a “danger to the security of Canada” who formerly led a terrorist cell that conducted a bombing.

But he’s still here.

22 March 2018

Call me a meanie, I just assumed...

...sending parcel bombs in the mail was implicitly "a bad thing"...
Chief Manley said Conditt did not mention terrorism or hate, but described the recording as an "outcry of a very challenged young man."
Well, then... the two dead and four maimed... I blame Donald Trump and the NRA.


RELATED: That horrible "rush to judgement"

So what's next on the forbidden list?

Drinking alcohol, fatty desserts... skydiving, motorcycles...
YouTube is entering the gun control debate with a new ban on videos which demo firearms or link to websites selling firearms or firearm accessories.

RELATED: I'm from the Trudeau-sphere...

...I'm here to save you...liar, liar
"The measures we announced today will help keep assault weapons and illegal handguns off our streets – making all of us safer.
Wait a minute... Canadian firearms outlets were selling illegal handguns?

Well, apparently, ONLY TO FOLKS who couldn't produce a federally mandated acquisition/possession license.

Good thing Pierre-lite closed that loophole.


LAST WORD: I heard that all you have to say is:
"Give me a gun,
Give me a gun,
Give me a gun."

And then spit.

And they have to give you a gun.

That's what my Liberal voting neighbour told me anyway.

21 March 2018

Rest In Pieces...

...you dumb millennial shit...insert alt text here
"The suspect is deceased and has significant injuries from a blast that occurred from detonating a bomb inside his vehicle."

RELATED: A little background...
Four bombs had exploded in Austin since March 2, killing two men and injuring four people. A fifth bomb exploded early Tuesday at a FedEx sorting facility in Schertz, about 60 miles southwest of Austin. A package containing what was believed to be an unexploded bomb was found Tuesday at a FedEx distribution center.

A spokes-people for...

justice for justine..."Diminutive Middle Aged Caucasian Life Coaches Matter" Minneapolis... was unavailable for comment...


RELATED: In other Minneapolis news...
"Black students have a 338 percent higher chance than white students to be suspended at Justice Page Middle School in Minneapolis, Minn., according to The New York Times."

A 21-year-old man from Brampton, Paviter Singh Bassi has been pronounced dead after police say he was severely beaten with “some sort of sticks” on Monday afternoon. Bahadur Bains, the victim’s uncle, said, “They stop his car, block his car and then kill him."
Sticks are what you use to support tomato plants... this poor f@cker got clubbed to death by a angry mob. Now try imagine the media outrage if this lynching had happened in, say... Cobourg, Ontario.


UPDATE: Be the KKK, be the KKK...

Karanvir Singh Bassi, a 22-year-old Brampton man was arrested Tuesday and charged with first-degree murder and police are still searching for other suspects in the brutal daylight attack.

20 March 2018

Come for the Spring Rolls...

..stay for the firefight...

toronto's most wanted
Police believed the shooting was part of an ongoing tit-for-tat war between two downtown-based street gangs: Asian Assassinz and Chin Pac.
Which, apparently... local coppers are powerless to stop.
Included in the bloodshed between 2013 and 2015 were two brazen shootings at Yorkdale Mall — one fatal and one not — a non-fatal shooting at Michael's steakhouse downtown, and a fatal shooting on a busy stretch of Yonge St. in North York.

Thanh Ngo was believed to be a member of Chin Pac.

RELATED: Diversity is our... sweet baby jebus
She has been identified as Essozinam Assali, 27, of Toronto. The man found on the balcony was later identified as Onoseta Oribhabor, 30, of Edmonton.

Investigators say no suspect is outstanding. Assali’s death is being treated as Toronto’s tenth homicide of the year.

LAST WORD: More Liberal smoke & mirrors...
“Liberals cannot be trusted when it comes to firearms legislation because they fail to tackle criminals who use guns to commit violent crime; meanwhile, they treat law-abiding firearms owners as criminals,” Conservative House leader Candice Bergen and party public safety critic Pierre Paul-Hus said in a joint statement.

19 March 2018

I blame the NRA

Remember, magic is all about misdirection. Some guy, somewhere, got shot... details at, well... never...

insert alt text here
"A 31-year-old man has been taken to hospital with serious injuries after a shooting downtown on Charles Street, between Yonge and Balmutto streets at around 4:30 a.m."
Toronto Homicide Squad rounding up farmers, deer hunters and sport shooters as we speak.


RELATED: In other "Not a Racist" news...
A DC lawmaker, Council member Trayon White Sr., blamed a late-winter snowfall on the Rothschilds, a family of Jewish bankers — accusing them of controlling the climate and orchestrating natural disasters.

"Y’all better pay attention to this climate control, man, this climate manipulation," White can be heard saying in the video. "And that’s a model based off the Rothschilds controlling the climate to create natural disasters they can pay for to own the cities, man. Be careful."

LAST WORD: Always read the comments...
"This explains why, when I paint myself brown, I can fly."

Because it's 2018

insert alt text here
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s “gender equity” budget is as shallow and ideologically-driven as he is, professor Jordan B. Peterson says. “It’s almost impossible to overstate how shallow that comment is and how not only shallow, but it’s also casually malevolent in an unconscious sense because he had a job to do which is to evaluate his MPs thoroughly and skeptically and pick the best people – period – but that isn’t what he did,” he said.

“Here we are, now we have a budget that’s equity focused. Good luck with that.”

BREAKING: It's not just Peterson...
"The popularity of Canadian Liberal Party Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is on a steady decline as his approval ratings have fallen below U.S. President Trump in polls as right-wing parties surge across the country."

18 March 2018

17 March 2018

Ambushed... backshot...

...that sounds so familiar...
"26-year-old Nnamdi Ogba, was shot to death on Friday night on a street in the Scarlettwood Court housing complex in Toronto's west end. Both suspects are described as black men with thin builds."

UPDATE: Come for the bowling...

...stay for the firefight...
"Toronto detective Rob Choe has identified the victims as Thanh Tien Ngo, 32 & Ruma Amar, 29. Police believe Ngo was targeted while Amar was an innocent bystander."
Ngo pronounced at the scene. Ms. Amar was taken to hospital in life-threatening condition, where she died.

nb. Don't confuse the dead guy with Ton Quoc Hoang Ngo. Different Toronto murder entirely.


RELATED: Racism, my ass!
"It isn't us, it's the media. The media has distorted our image to make us look bad ... Please ... When I go to the money machine at night, I'm not looking over my shoulder for the media. I'm looking for *******." -- from 'Rock This!' by Chris Rock

LAST WORD: Secrets... they can kill you...
Kareema would soon learn from police, she wrote in court documents, that her husband was "living a double-life and having numerous extra-marital affairs with men unbeknownst to me."
That Dr Phil is never around when you really, really need him.

And that's a death sentence...

...for you and you and you...
The managing director of the Institute for Research and Development on Inclusion and Society, which advocates for people with disabilities, calls the case “profoundly disturbing.”

“I think it reflects concerns that a number of ethicists and legal experts across the country have been expressing about the lack of safeguards in the system. This is the problem: medical assistance in dying is come to be seen as another health care intervention when that was never the vision for this.”
Of course, not everybody agrees... I mean, just ask a Justice Minister...
In a statement to CTV News, federal Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould said the assisted dying legislation “protects our most vulnerable, while also providing for safe and consistent access to medical assistance in dying for Canadians across Canada.”

“We intend to defend the legislation, which is a fair and reasonable law that respects Charter rights.”

16 March 2018

A couple of years at...

..."Re-education Camp" and he'll be good as new...commie campI'm so old, I remember when we had free speech...
It is unwise to ask difficult questions, comrade.

RELATED: Hey, Toronto... wanna save kids lives?

toronto's most wantedBulldoze Flemingdon Park...
"A 15-year-old boy is in hospital after being shot multiple times in an underground parking garage on Rochefort Drive, near Don Mills Road and Eglinton Avenue, shortly after 11 p.m. Thursday."
Not to mention parts of the city's notorious "northwest" combat zone...
"Det. Sgt. Mike Carbone says the shooting took place on Saturday in a crowded townhouse complex in the city's northwest end. He alleges a man entered the complex, explored for several minutes, and shot 31-year-old Dwayne Vidal in the back as he walked from a parking lot to his home."
Maybe clean up "Steel City" while we're at it...
Two men wanted in connection to a shooting in Hamilton earlier this month have been arrested in Toronto.

Donovan Hines, 19, and Akua Page, 18, are facing several charges after they were tracked down by Toronto police.


big bang
OTTAWA – NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh declared Thursday that he accepts the findings of the Canadian inquiry into the Air India bombing and condemns all that were behind the horror that killed more than 300 people off the coast of Scotland in 1985.

Wait a minute... is Jaggi just covering his meat?insert alt text hereFunny how Global News only got half the story.  

RELATED: It's a legal system, not a justice system

Canada... where you can murder 300 people, perjure yourself to free your co-accused... and still not get a life sentence.

15 March 2018

A very special invisible friend

During his hypothetical account of what happened that night, Simpson claims he and Charlie confronted Nicole and Goldman. After Goldman allegedly became aggressive, Charlie followed him into the house.

“At that time, I think Charlie had followed this guy in, to make sure there was no problem, and he brought in the knife,” Simpson said.

“I took the knife from Charlie, and to be honest, after that, I don’t remember, except I’m standing there and there’s all kinda stuff around. Blood and stuff.

RELATED: Bring back the noose

No wonder they can't ever...

...win a war...
French authorities have fined a bread baker €3,000 ($3,700) for keeping his bakery open seven days a week, when the laws stipulate a mandatory day off.

Cédric Vaivre, who plies his trade as a baker in the small town of Lusigny-sur-Barse in north-central France, was found to have kept his bakery open every day during the summer of 2017 and now must pay a substantial penalty for having been overly industrious.
And... they should round them up and ship them to special camps...
The protests were led by Franck Viano, who organises cooking competitions and has set up a Facebook group called “Cuisine Niçoise Collective” to defend local specialities against “non-purist influences”.

RELATED: Speaking of laws...
The Justice Department under Barack Obama directed the FBI to drop more than 500,000 names of fugitives with outstanding arrest warrants from the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, acting FBI deputy director David Bowdich testified Wednesday.

Next up... scary escalator challenge

The further trials and tribulations of... Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit...insert alt text here**********

"She's only there to re-build the temple of Doom. A few more blood sacrifices and she'll be back on top again."

RELATED: Remember, she's better than you
[Clinton’s remarks] articulate what is becoming the central myth of the liberal elite: We are beautiful and successful because we’re morally superior

LAST WORD: Stairs, bathtub... what's next?

14 March 2018

OTOH, I'm sure Justin's gonna set up...

...a Burglars Insurance Fund...JUST DESSERTS
"A 20-year-old man has been cleared of murdering a trespasser in his home by stabbing him with half a garden shears. It was the first murder case defended under the Defence and the Dwelling Act, a law that gave latitude to homeowners protecting their property."
♫ "Gypsies, tramps and thieves..." ♫


Barrington Macpherson was the innocent victim of a drive by shooting in January 2017 and this past weekend, one of their neighbours was shot to death, just a few hundred metres from their back door of their home near Kipling and Finch Ave.

We’re not in a third world country. To be living like this, we’re at siege, we can’t go outside.”
You're wrong, Barrington... parts of Toronto are exactly that.most wanted**********

LAST WORD: She thought they had come to her rescue.

13 March 2018

Fighting fire with, uh...

...sweet baby jebus...insert alt text here
"A long-time Toronto psychiatrist, Dr. Melvyn Iscove, who believes homosexuality is a “sexual disorder” that can be "overcome"... engaged in mutual masturbation and oral sex with two male patients on different occasions during therapy sessions, and once had anal intercourse with one of them in his office."
Overcome, huh? At least the Doc used plenty of snake oil.


"Maybe he got sucked into it."

12 March 2018

A real timesaver...

...pull it out, dust it off... hit enter...sadCall it "white privilege", but most of the guys I know wanna die of a surfeit of cognac, female company and fine cigars.
Police say 31-year-old Dwayne Anthony Vidal was shot in the area of Mount Olive Drive and Kipling Avenue shortly before 6 p.m. on Saturday.
FWIW, Toronto’s 11th murder of 2018.


RELATED: In other "cultural relativity" news...
Dannta Holmes, 39, killed Saturday in West Baltimore’s Penrose neighborhood was driving in a funeral procession when he was shot in his car, Baltimore police confirmed Monday. Baltimore police also identified on Monday two other men killed a day apart in the same neighborhood late last week.

The 342 homicides in 2017 marked a per-capita record in Baltimore.


♫ "Blinded by the light
Revved up like a deuce
Another runner...
in the night" ♫
fun, fun, fun
“Don’t do this. Also, I want to be clear that a flamethrower is a super terrible idea. Definitely don’t buy one."

"Unless you like fun.
Or perhaps, you're a fan of the more classical iteration...
"a bag of insane flaming onslaught"...not a flamethrower
"Rest assured, there were only two reactions possible, and they were either A) excited gibberish, or B) stunned, open-mouthed silence."

You think, maybe... you'd want to...

...save a little something for "date night"...good grief
It opens on Narcissister — nude, save a black garter belt, stockings and heels. Splotches of white paint mark her body; red pigtails and a signature Barbie doll mask obscure her face. As she fights her way through the birth canal, a chorus of angelic voices crescendos to the heavens. Then, she exits the vast vagina and plops onto the stage.
Oh, it gets better... by which I mean worse...
For the final transformation she is completely nude, and proceeds to remove grey braids and a wrinkled mask from her merkin-covered vagina — pulling objects out of bodily orifices is a common theme in her work — placing them on her person.
Sweet baby jebus... they just let this wo-person walk the streets?yikersWell... funny you should ask...
Recently Narcissister invited roughly thirty women—friends of friends—to don her signature mask and exercise their right to roam the streets of New York with bare breasts.
I'm thinkin' there's a "Weird Al" song in here, somewhere.


RELATED: To be honest, I'm more of a...

...hands-on guy.

11 March 2018

More Rainbows & Unicorn farts

♫ "Let's go up to the lab...
and see what's on the slab
" ♫
junkie haven
"Decriminalizing harder drugs is not a step that Canada is looking at taking at this point," Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said at a town hall meeting in Edmonton last month.
Yeah... tell that to Vancouver...
With overdose deaths once again on the rise in Vancouver, the city is calling on the federal government to immediately decriminalize the personal possession of ALL drugs.
Because, you know... making the acquisition and possession of drugs less onerous will result in an immediate drop in consumption.


COMPARE AND CONTRAST: Keep your city...

... out of our country...insert alt text here
"A man in rural Alberta who was charged by police after shots were fired during a confrontation on his property was met with applause from about 150 supporters after he made a court appearance Friday."
It's starting, folks.

Dave's really not here, man

"Wash away my troubles...
wash away my pain...
With the rain in Shambala
Wash away my sorrow...
wash away my shame...
With the rain in Shambala
What to do with that Masters Degree...
in LGBTQWERTY studies
.sunny daze**********

RELATED: You, too, can be a Climate Barbie
Catherine McKenna, the 47-year-old Trudeau appointee from Canada’s Liberal Party, called on followers to “consider the gendered impacts of climate change on women, girls and children.”
Say what?

10 March 2018

Magic is all about misdirection

Some guy, somewhere, got shot... details at, well... never...propaganda**********

RELATED: Don't be black, don't be black...



RELATED2: No need to worry...

...it's just another "succumbing"...
On Saturday, March 10, 2018, at 5:44 p.m., officers responded to a call for a shooting in the 19 Mount Olive Drive area and discovered a man with apparent gunshot wounds.

He was rushed to hospital and later succumbed to his injuries and was pronounced.

LAST WORD: If only the Toronto Star...

...was similarly enthusiatic about publishing names, descriptions and photos of Toronto's ubiquitous urban firearms enthusiasts.

You know... like these guys...most wanted

09 March 2018

08 March 2018

Brave New World

♫ "The world that we
used to know... people tell me
it don't turn no more
" ♫

upside down world
When a gunman started shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, two Miramar SWAT team members did what comes naturally: They went to help.

Now they’ve been suspended for it.

RELATED: Ask Jordan Peterson...
"I think that in the United States the probability that gun legislation would stop the school shootings is basically zero."

Winning... Five Minutes At A Time

Part of the explanation consists of simple history and mission, PragerU was founded by Dennis Prager in 2009, long before Trump appeared on the political landscape in any meaningful way. They didn’t do any “I hate Obama, he’s the Devil” videos throughout the Obama presidency, either, so why would they do pro- or anti-Trump videos now?

RELATED: The Chimp-O-Sphere fights back...
Thank heavens, the university’s Levana Gender Advocacy Centre and the Education on Queer Issues Project were quick to offer their own “chill-in” in response. “There will be colouring pages, music, food and discussion,” its statement said. “People are free to come and talk/vent, eat, colour or even just sit and do work.”

That division seems just about right: Adults in the Great Hall, precious at the colouring tables and the new freedom fighters outside.

Dating tips for a "Post-National" Canada

...#47 • A Middle-Eastern Dick Waving Contest isn't always as much fun it sounds...killers
"After 24-year-old Christina Voelzing was fatally shot on Easter Sunday 2016, Hassan Khalid dragged her body to the living room of her Bells Corners house and hid his gun. Behnam Yaali fled town, on the run for her homicide."
It gets better... by which I mean worse...
"Voelzing, at the time of her death was in her last semester at Algonquin College studying victimology, with friends saying she hoped to work with youth victims and offenders."
The irony absolutely abounds.


RELATED: Toronto the Good posts a double...
"The Toronto police homicide unit is investigating after two people were found dead in a residential area in North York. Police say officers responded to a call for a medical complaint at 18 Graydon Hall Dr. on Tuesday."
A male victim is suffering from serious injuries after a stabbing took place in the city’s east end on Wednesday evening. The incident took place in the area of Secord Avenue and Dawes Road at around 5 p.m.
And finally... there's Tivon.


LAST WORD: Another Day, another Ahkbar...
A police statement said a man, 67, woman, 56, and their teenage daughter, 17, were stabbed on Praterstrasse at around 19:45. The attacker then “fled towards Praterstern” police said. In a second incident at around 20:15, a 20-year-old man was stabbed at nearby Praterstern transport hub.

A police spokesman told Associated Press that the family attacked in the earlier incident all had "heavy to life-threatening injuries".

07 March 2018

PM "Once Upon A Time" does it again

pants on fire
“Our Minister for Science, Kirsty Duncan, is a Nobel Prize-winning scientist,” said Trudeau on Tuesday, while touting the role women who come from scientific fields have in his caucus.
Except, of course... that she isn't.
It’s not the first time members of the Trudeau cabinet have run into issues with how their credentials are described.
pants on fire

No, Mr President... you are wrong...

South Africa is so much more than a mere stoneage shithole...slice and dice
"On Sunday night Julius Malema, founder of the Economic Freedom Fighters, a South African political party, called on his followers to go after the white man and cut the throat of whiteness."
nb... Julius Sello Malema previously served as President of the African National Congress Youth League from 2008 to 2012.

RELATED:   Why is everyone so surprised?
"The opera's narrative includes Ms. Mandela's controversial endorsement of the practice of necklacing — filling car tires with gasoline, putting them around the necks of police informers and setting them alight — but stops in 1986 before the death of Stompie Moeketsi, a supposed informer."
An "endorsement" of the "practice"... seriously?

LAST WORD:   Free at last, free at last...

...thank gawd, I'm free at... sweet baby jebus...
"The clinical director at the Teddy Bear Clinic, Dr Shaheda Omar, said more education was needed to dispel the myth that raping children or having sex with a virgin was a cure for HIV.
According to statistics provided by Solidarity Helping Hand Women in Action, a woman is raped every 17 seconds in South Africa."
Don't get me started on what these folks do to albinos.

06 March 2018


burn baby burn
"A bit different from when I attended college, when we held a peaceful and silent vigil following the decision of The Heidelberg to eliminate 'Dollar Pitcher Thursdays.'

Sadly, it didn't work.

But we were able to save the fifty cent rail shots, so... 'Power to the people!'"

*Raises clenched fist*