17 May 2019

Setting a bright, shining example...

...for the rest of the world...insert alt text here
The elections were referred to as "the most rigged ever" by Francis Johnson-Morris, a modern head of the country's National Elections Commission, and also made it into the Guinness Book of Records as the most fraudulent election ever reported in history, as despite there being fewer than 15,000 registered voters, King received around 243,000 votes, compared to 9,000 for Faulkner

"Free at last, free at last... thank gawd, I'm free at last!"

RELATED: Some places in the world...

...are more civilised than others...insert alt text here
More than 500 people have tested positive for HIV in southern Pakistan in an outbreak that local officials have blamed on Dr Muzaffar Ghangharo, a rogue paediatrician.

He is accused of infecting his patients through repeated use of a single, contaminated syringe and remains in custody since the outbreak was first reported in late April.

There were concerns that about 600,000 unqualified doctors are unlawfully operating in Pakistan, 270,000 of them in Sindh province where Larkana is located.