02 August 2010

Live and don't learn... and die

Help me out here... we spend hundreds of millions of dollars to beef up airline security after 9/11... and then everybody just looks the other way...

pavilions at folkfest
A report from the QMI news agency suggests the video filmed at Trudeau is evidence of a broader-reaching security gap that, partially due to concerns over political correctness, has repeatedly allowed individuals clad in the Muslim niqab to board planes unchecked.
"Partially due"... seriously?

Apparently "suckass political correctness" is even affecting reporting on this thing.


RELATED: Hmmm... timing is everything
Two men were convicted Monday of plotting to blow up jet fuel tanks at John F. Kennedy International Airport, a terror plot that authorities said was meant to outdo the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and avenge perceived U.S. oppression of Muslims around the world.
Good grief... maybe we are too stupid to live.


Why bother asking a Muslim?

No need for that, when you can get the straight skinny from Liberal public safety critic Mark "the Mouth" Holland...
"All Canadian Muslims would agree that showing your face for security is essential."
The Liberal Party of Canada... they'll do the talking for you... and you... and you...

Yup... no problem here, folks... nothing to see... move along now.