08 May 2010

Profiling the Wanna-Bomber

He's not an exception. He's the rule.

The Pantybomber is a wealthy Nigerian who lived in a London flat worth 2 million pounds.

Kafeel Ahmed, who died driving a flaming SUV into the concourse of Glasgow Airport, was president of the Islamic Society of Queen's University, Belfast.

Omar Sheikh, the man who beheaded Daniel Pearl, was a graduate of the London School of Economics.

Mohammed Atta was a Hamburg University engineering student.

Osama bin Laden went to summer school at Oxford.
(via ffof)


RELATED: Yeah, sure... let's negotiate
"If you should want to stand up against this religious system you would be standing up against the religion of God, and if you should want to confront our religion we will endanger your entire world."
Thanks, Ahmad... nice to know.