06 May 2010

One car bomb? That's nothing.

Try imagine the total havoc these guys could actually wreak among us... if they'd simply stop killing each other...
In an interview with the AP, the director-general of Sipah-e-Sahaba, Hamid Hussain Dehlo, denied working with other militant organizations, insisting his group's only agenda “is to fight against Shiite Muslims who are the worst kafirs in the whole universe,” referring to Shiites by the Arab word for “nonbeliever.”
Let's face it... intramural Islamic violence is a huge part of the reason Israel is able to keep so many balls in the air. Gaza... totally apart from anything Israel might do... is a war zone. The Pals spend at least as much time slicing & dicing their fellow Muslims as they do actually fighting the Jews.

Even Osama himself couldn't pull all the "holy warriors" onto one side of the fence.

Perhaps though, a day is coming when all the krazy-kampers decide to stop shitting in their own tent. That, my friends, will be the day you'll really get to feel the fear.

Unless, of course we deal with these maniacs before then.

Wake up & smell the jihad.