11 September 2008

"The repercussions of the attack...

"...swiftly spread across the nation." 

"Hey, Osama... f@ck you... and the jihad you rode in on."  

LAST WORD: Lest We, uh... Remember

"The Canadian blogs really intrigued me. Those of us on the right: Shaidle, Dust My Broom, Blazing Cat Fur, Small Dead Animals and more all had tributes to those who died that day." "The blogs of the left: Scott Tribe, Canadian Cynic, Dr. Dawg and Warren Kinsella all write entirely about the Canadian election and why Stephen Harper is eeeevil." "Kinsella even adds a very important post about his band’s party tonight - September 11th."
And, of course, there's this. (via shaidle)